Chapter 2: Don't hurt Oni chan.


It has been a rough three months after Me and Oni chan were hidden in the woods and already he is pushing himself really hard. I could do nothing, but watch as he pushed himself to the point of sickness every day and I felt so horrible, because he was doing it to try and keep me safe, but as brother and sister we must take care of one another. I got up off the ground that I've been sitting on for about three hours so I decide to go bathe and relax for a while. I was on my way to the watering hole when a massive explosion rang out and shook the forest.

I run hoping my Oni chan wasn't hurt, thankfully it was just the effects of him training. I ran back to the watering hole to bathe, as I undressed I got this strange feeling I was being watched. Soon I heard my Oni chan shouting, so I got dressed and ran straight to him, Necro and Undine were getting anxious and so was I when I reached him Ace was on the ground battered beaten and bruised with a gun pointed at his head.

The man in Black with the gun was speaking Spanish and about to blow my brother's head off, I ran to him, but soon a fist collided with my gut.

"Hey! There little bitch!" another man in black said.

I stood still as my brother slightly moved saying something in dragon tongue before passing out, I was scared now and was going to scream. However, I calmed down and asked them a very important question.

"If I go with will you leave him alone?" I asked. One of the men in black spoke.

"We would, but after striking me he's got to pay," The man said pulling out a knife and was going to slide it across oni chan's neck.

"No! PLEASE DON'T HURT ONI CHAN! I'LL DO ANYTHING! Please just let him go?" I cried tears streaming down my face. My cries reached them and they let him go taking me and five hours later they brought Ace as well. I knew that it was only going to get worse if I didn't try to find a way out for us.

One day as I was getting beaten and my clothes being in tatters and blood going down my back I would try to run to Oni chan for protection, but I her Nero's voice say.

"If you want to be less reliant on your brother than fight your way out of here!" I detest fighting with a passion, but since it was my big brother all I could think was they're are messing with the wrong little sister.

The next day I grabbed Ace and ran away with him as far as I could and that's when a man named Testament grabbed us and took us to a safer place.