Chapter 25
Endings Are Beginnings Too

Harry looked up and smiled widely, "Oh Luna thank god, how are you; how is your dad?" he said getting up and picking the slender blond up in a huge hug and swinging her around. It was the day before the end of term. A week before Luna had received a message at breakfast and had been rushed off. Her father had fallen ill, more ill than he was before. His mental state deteriorating rapidly, due to a form of Wizarding Alzheimers, It was worse than the Muggle version as it also affected the sufferer's ability to perform magic. This rendered them back to the stage of accidental magic. This was quite dangerous in a full-grown wizard of course, due to the power involved. His already somewhat malfunctioning view of the world was descending into madness. Luna had been called to St Mungo's and Harry and his girls had heard little from her since. His girls all got up and took turns hugging the slender blond as well, whom Harry noted was crying freely. This was NOT a good sign for her father's health.

Once she had done the rounds, she jumped back on to Harry and cried into his shoulder. He rubbed her back and soothed her as much as he could, his other girls looking on in worry. It was just the six of them, sat around chilling out before the departure tomorrow. He had pretty much ordered them to go home and spend time with their families. Despite the fact their training had just entered a rather... intense stage. "What is it my love" Harry said in a soft voice to the crying blonde.

"Oh Harry" Luna sniffed, "I'm so sorry."

"Why on earth are you sorry?" Harry asked.

"I've spent all week getting ready for this. Professor Dumbledore helped, but I didn't let him tell you."

"Tell me what Luna?"

"I've left school, Tested out with my OWL's, and my NEWT's. I'm... oh god, Harry I'm so sorry."

"Shh, Shh, Shh" Harry said holding her close, "You can tell me, its okay."

"Daddy's dying." she sniffed, "In one of his more... lucid moments... He asked me for something, and I ... I could not refuse him, did not want to refuse him. But..."

Harry nodded, and pulled her tightly to him. "Anything you need, you come to me. Any help I can give you, you tell me. Papers, you are going to need them. I will get them for you. Money, you name it. It's yours."

"Oh Harry" Luna said crying all the harder, this time smiling slightly, "Thank you."

Hermione looked a little puzzled, "What's going on" She asked Ginny.

Ginny also looked sad, "If I had to guess..."

"Then there were four." Pansy remarked sadly.

"Oh," Sue said, they all dived on Luna. Sending Luna and Harry both to the floor into a big puppy pile of a hug.

Harry smiled, under a pile of female flesh how could he not, but it was tinged with sadness. He had known it was likely he would loose some of his girls eventually, to various things, ranging from marriage to career choices. He had not realised he would loose two within the first year of training. Not through lack of their ability to finish, but through outside factors, it sucked in a way, but he understood Luna's need to do this.

"One thing" Harry said with a smirk, "You're going to be a fucking dangerous reporter"

Luna laughed, as did his girls. It was true with the sorts of things he had taught them; Luna would be deadly as a reporter. Most of the arrangements had already been made. Even to the point of giving her the Quibbler. Despite the fact it was a business, no one else wanted it. So special dispensation had been given to her; which was one of the many things she had sorted out the week before. All while visiting her father in hospital and taking exams she was two years off taking, and passing. Due to a large part, to the training she had gotten.

She looked down at Harry with large clear eyes, loving shining in their periwinkle blue depths. Harry smiled in reply, his won eyes showing her he loved her back.


A somewhat subdued group went back to Hogwarts. Luna going straight back to her home in Ottery St Catchpole, to begin her new life, somewhat early at 16, nearly 17. Harry had no doubt though that she would succeed. She could not fail, not because of his training this time, but because she was Luna. He was going to miss her like crazy though as he loved the way she looked at the world. Thankfully, they had all agreed to stay in close contact. Of course, Luna also had her apartment in Harry's building. She had tried to give it back, but Harry was having none of that. It was her bolthole, somewhere secret to be. It was also somewhere to hide if the need arose. A reporter's life was not always the safest. Especially since he KNEW, she would poke around where others would not. Thankfully, with his training she had good odds of survival, despite being unable to complete it.

"And we find ourselves at the end of another year at Hogwarts." Dumbledore said smiling softly, and addressing the school at the end of term feast. "It has been an eventful year, with much good happening. We at Hogwarts are proud of our program of education, especially with the changes made this year. These changes WILL stay in place in the next scholastic year," he said. Obviously, he was making a statement to the future generation. "Two of our own have left us earlier than was intended. Both will be a great success I am sure. Miss Greengrass is already enjoying the fruits of her endeavours with the Eye Candy's. Miss Lovegood will shortly be heading up the Quibbler and I am certain that we will see great things there too." he paused to take a drink. "

This year has seen a blurring of the lines between the magical and mundane worlds. This is something we will be continuing next year and during this summer, we of course, have our concert. Tickets for each of you have been acquired free of charge. If you wish tickets for your family or friends, they will be available for sale. The sale of these tickets will be going to a charity set up for two reasons. One, to help orphans of the last two wars we have had with Voldemort. In addition, it will help bring students to Hogwarts that might not have been able to come otherwise. As you know, Hogwarts is a private school. While we do have some government help, it is by the fees paid that we survive. Because of this some families, particularly Muggleborns of less fortunate families are unable to attend, this charity will help end that," he smiled widely.

"To that end, I would like to announce the creation of a New House," he said twinkling madly.

The school was silent, it was unheard of, impossible and a host of other shocked reactions floated through them. Harry just smirked; it took a Founder to make the school bigger, what luck they had one knocking around. Dumbledore's eyes floated to Harry, "We have yet to pick a name," he said. He had wanted to call it either the Potter, or Black house. Harry had directly refused. This was a cause of disagreement between them somewhat.

"The new towers and associated facilities will be raised shortly. We are just finalising a few details. Professor Vector has agreed to be the head of this new house. The sorting hat will be sorting the new students next year and including the new house then. Obviously, it will be a little empty to begin with. So, next year if anyone is... interested in doing so, we will allow you to be resorted."

Another shocked moment and then a round of applause. Many felt they did not quite fit in with their house. Some more ardently than others, Harry's eyes drifted down the table to where Molly was grinning at him. He winked at the young girl and nodded. She was pretty much a dead cert for the new house if the personality traits he was suggesting about would be followed.

Of course, not one of his fellow students, including his girls, knew he had anything to do with the new house. Nevertheless, Molly had a way of knowing things she should not. However, Harry had a heart attack about Vector being the head of the new house. He could say little about it. She was stern, gave horrendous amounts of homework but she was fair and loyal, bright and cunning and brave. All traits they were persuading the hat to take into account. It was pretty much a mix of all the houses. Those that did not really fit the stronger personality typing would probably end up in the new house, once Harry had talked the castle into expanding herself in such a large respect.

Dumbledore then went on to award the house and Quidditch cups and for the first time since Harry had been in Hogwarts Gryffindor lost the Quidditch cup. Snape smiled as his house gotthat cup and Ravenclaw got the House cup. They had been raking in the points that year without the usual brave exploits of Gryffindor to bump up their points. Namely Harry had not gotten into any trouble and pulled the schools fat out of the fire, well nothing they knew about at least.

Hermione was also awarded a special services award. She had eventually created the Ward suppression bracelet that Harry had bluffed with and he had made damn sure Hermione got all the credit she was due. Thanks to her invention, Muggles would be able to get in the school for teaching; this meant next year's curriculum should be even more interesting.

Then finally dinner was done, everyone went to their dorms and waited for the morning and the Hogwarts Express to arrive. 7 Weeks of summer loomed in their minds and there was the usual buzz and pranks that happened at the end of the year. When things had settled, Harry snuck up to his private tower. He sat and watched over the castle for about an hour until he was disturbed.

The trap door hatch opened behind him causing him to jump up and spin around. He had been lost in his thoughts somewhat, as he had not noticed anyone getting that far up the ladder. A head of shining hair arrived with a raven's wing head of hair following it.

"Faith, Willow," Harry said in surprise.

"Hey Sexy," Faith said, flopping down beside him, "Nice view."

Willow began to sit, but Harry had his coat off and flicked it, creating a chair much as before. This one big enough for two, "You two should be sitting on the floor." he said.

Willow glanced down at her skirt, "I'd have thought this one was short enough for you to get a nice look. Without using your usual tricky methods," she said with a smile.

Harry's eyes flicked over her and he smiled, "Indeed. I like It." he said, "But there are no tricks to this one. For shame, Faith isn't wearing a skirt."

Faith smirked at him, "I may have nasty legs."

Harry smirked at her, "Not what I've heard."

Faith half frowned at him but laughed it off, she and he had become close over the months they had been there. He and Willow as well, despite the distance he kept between them. Nevertheless, of the people he had expected to find him, well it had not been those two. "So is it the view or me you want?" Harry asked, sitting on the edge of the tower. Leaning so he had a sheer drop on one side, but could see Willow and Faith sat on the double seat.

"It's you actually," Willow said.

"Ohh a threesome, happy day" Harry said with a sexy smile.

"That's not what I was planning" Willow said with a sexy smile of her own, "We've actually come to ask a bit of a favour."


"Yeah" Faith began slowly, Willow picked up the slack.

"We and I mean Faith and I, would like to rent an apartment off you. You see, and the council is behind us with this, Professor Dumbledore has asked us both to teach. Faith with a more practical DADA, and me with an alternative Magic class. Obviously, we will not be doing much teaching. They are going to be voluntary classes. Of course, nothing until next school year either. However, we need somewhere to stay. We both love the castle, but with the other stuff there's not going to be room so..." she trailed off hopefully.

Harry looked grave, "I won't rent you an apartment."

"Oh," Faith said looking crestfallen for a flash in time, "Okay, no worries..."

Harry held up a hand to cut her off. "I'll give you one." he paused, smirked and then laughed, "I will rephrase that. I will let you both have an apartment each. It will be yours, no rent, no mortgages or anything like that. I hope you do not think me... sexist, or anything. Nevertheless, I have come to think of you both as one of my girls. To that end, I got these made," he said digging in his trouser pocket. Again, it was a cover since the items were in his bracer. He fished out two mostly identical sets of keys. Except one had a Wicca symbol of protection as a key fob, and the other a pair of crossed stakes over a shield. He tossed them their keys and smirked. "I was trying to think of a way to bring it up actually. Figured I'd do it when I urh... make the adjustments tomorrow when everyone is gone." he smiled, "Thankfully you gave me a way of bringing it up."

Faith looked at the keys in her hand. The only other person that had cared enough to give her an apartment had been, oddly enough Richard Wilkins. As evil as the son of a bitch had been she had loved the person. She was damn fond of Harry too. Thankfully, she did not think he was an evil man. Nor did he want anything from her. Not that it would stop her giving him ... something if she got half a chance.

Willow looked at her keys a smile on her face, "Thank you Harry. I think I can speak for Faith when I say we are honoured to be thought of like that. We have both seen how you look after your 'ladies'. On the other hand, as they are known to staff and pupils alike around here. 'Harry's Girls'"

"Yeah, yeah I suppose I am honoured." Faith said slowly, a rare an unguarded smile on her face. Once again it knocked years off her and made her somewhat awe inspiringly lovely.

"I've not really been... possessive of my friends." Willow said leading somewhere Harry did not find out because Faith snorted.

"What?" Willow asked.

"Oh, I was just thinking back... Can I say…? Xander."

Willow glared, "You slept with my Xander, that's different."

"See, possessive." Faith said pointing with a smirk.

Harry watched them like a tennis match for a moment as they back and forth'd. "You know ladies. I am not sure if it is UST, or you just like to argue. However, I notice there is no nastiness. Just arguing... Therefore, unless it is that you like it. Two friends should not argue so much. It's bad for a relationship." Harry inserted.

That brought the two up short. They glared at him, making Harry smirk in reply. "Just saying," he noted wryly. Then his smirk got deeper, "Personally I hope its UST, and I'm there to see it when it goes bang"

Faith smirked at him, "Uh huh" she said, and then looked at Willow, her eyelid flicking. Willow looked a little worried. Then Faith pulled her in for an intense kiss, not coming up for air for a full minute later. "Not bad red," she commented and then looked at a smiling Harry. "Man, nothing puts a dent in you does it," she said with a sigh. Meanwhile Willow was blinking back some serious lust.

Harry smirked, "As incredibly erotic as I just found that, and BELIEVE me when I say I did. That is not the first time I have seen two hot women kiss. I could join you over there right now and I'd not be doing something new as such."

Faith smiled sultrily at him, "Oh, you would." Then she gasped as Willow grabbed her and planted one on the slayer, much to her surprise.

A moment later, Willow came up for air with a smirk on her face, "Not bad Faith, need to work on your tongue action though."

Harry nearly fell off the tower laughing at Faith's expression.


Harry walked into his apartment the next day. He had just helped the castle reform itself somewhat. The students were in for a shock in the coming year. The founders had not built Hogwarts. They had created a sort of energy matrix that was then - grown, for the want of a better word. Meaning that the school, with help from a founder could add to itself and reconfigure its walls, the moving staircases were just a side effect of that. It had taken all day after everyone else had left though. Therefore, as soon as his girls had departed for their homes, and obviously after he had said goodbye. He had started work.

Come the concert the students would see some small changes, and some dramatic changes, Not the least of which the new Lya House - Named for Harry's first wife. Although no one knew that other than Carla, which meant that Harry was also pranking the school. Still, it was a pretty name, and he hoped she would approve. However, the personality traits may not match her views exactly but they would approach it. She had been brave, loyal, clever and kind. She just was not that cunning.

Either way, the new house was the same size as the others, and created a new forth wing. In which there would be some new class rooms set aside and a host of other goodies.

Harry flung off his jacket, looking around the silent apartment. It did not feel right, not right at all. Since Carla was not bed bound, she had moved out, just before having her baby in fact. She and Jack now on the bottom floor. His girls were visiting Family. He had Bel out on a mission. Willow and Faith were out shopping and his apartment felt... empty.

He sighed and walked into his lounge, stopping dead when a raven-haired head appeared over the top of his couch.

"Pans?" Harry asked, looking at the crying girl. "What's the matter," he said while hoping he was not about to loose another one of his girls.

"It's my mother and father," she said, tears running down her face. Harry jumped over the couch and pulled her into a hug. "They've joined Purity. Apparently, I am not pure... I am... Less, they do not want me any more. Have in fact legally disowned me." she sniffed, "I'm on my own."

"No" Harry said firmly, pulling her up to meet his eyes with a finger on her chin. "You'll never be alone. You have me. You have us. Now I am sure they will come to their senses. In the meantime, you are our family and we will never disown you."

Pansy smiled radiantly at him and jumped on him hugging him half to death. "So I can stay in my apartment here?"

"Of course," Harry said. "You're one of my girls Pansy. You'll always have a home here."

"Thank you Harry" she said, sniffling and snuggling into him.

Harry smiled; suddenly his apartment did not seem so empty any more.

The End.