
"Well my Queen-" Ben started as our limousine pulled away the next morning. "I have a present for you" he advised with a large grin as he took both of my hands and gave them a gentle squeeze. "For us" he quickly added. "And I hope you like it" he said and I could tell that he was starting to get nervous about what he had planned for us both.

"Ben I will love anything you have got for me" I said happily hoping that this would reassure him. "For us" I interjected and I watched as a warm smile spread across his face. "What is it?" I questioned eagerly.

"Wait a little bit longer my love" he said as he dropped my hand and we cuddled together. "I can't wait to see your reaction" he grinned and I snuggled into his chest.

"Ok" I muttered and we both stared lovingly into each other's eyes. I decided that I was going to be patient; Ben had obviously put a lot of planning into it so I didn't want to ruin this for him. I just couldn't wait to have some completely alone time with my Bennybear.

I kept my promise to myself and didn't question him when we arrived at Auradon International Airport; or when we landed in Bald Mountain International Airport. However when our limousine pulled to a stop half an hour later I decided that now was the time that I asked where he had brought me for our honeymoon.

"Ben what are we doing here?" I said as I looked up at him.

"You'll see" he grinned and we then both quickly climbed out of limousine.

"Why are we here Ben?" I said as I slowly looked up at my mother's castle. Me and Ben had visited here a couple of times in the past; but I couldn't see why Ben would want to bring me here for our honeymoon. "It would appear that you have brought me to my mother's castle Ben" I said as I looked up at Ben.

"No Mal-" he started. "I have brought you to our castle" he advised slowly. I threw him a confused look before my eyes widened in realisation.

"What?" I questioned in shock.

"This is ours" he advised as he nodded to my mother's castle. "One of private homes" he stated. "I closed it down for public residence. It does need doing up; but that will be up to you" he advised as he looked up at my mother's castle before he looked back at me and smiled.

"Ben you are giving me my mother's castle?" I asked in disbelief. How would this look to the kingdom? I know that some people didn't like the fact that the castle still existed - so would they accept it being one of mine and Ben's private residences?

"Yes" he advised. "Mal it's meant to be yours anyway; so it is only right that it is returned to you" he continued. "And what better way to do that is as a wedding present" he grinned which caused me to look back at mine and Ben's new home. "What are you thinking?" he questioned and I started to think about what mine and Ben's life would be like here and I couldn't wait to make our own memories here. "Mal" Ben said and I could hear concern hit the tone of voice. "Mal you are worrying me" he admitted and I quickly looked up at him. I could tell that he was concerned in case us being here was too much for me; as I did get overwhelmed the last time we were here.

"I'm just thinking about décor" I advised with a smile.

"Really?" he asked and I watched as concern started to leave his eyes.

"Yes" I confirmed.

"Thank you Benny" I grinned before I ran at him and jumped up into his arms. I felt Ben catch my legs as I wrapped them around him and my arms snaked tightly around his neck. I quickly crushed my lips against his and we started to make out; however when the ache in our lungs returned we broke apart and rested our foreheads against each other's.

"You're welcome" he breathed. "I didn't know whether you would want this" he said as he carefully set me back down onto the floor. "Given that it was your mother's" he advised.

"Yes" I agreed. "But like you said it's ours now; so we will make good memories here" I grinned hoping that this would show him that I really valued what he had done for the pair of us.

"Yes we will my Queen" he smiled fondly. "And if you don't mind-" he started.

"Yes?" I said as I pulled one brow up in confusion at him. Ben winked at me before he quickly crouched down and picked me up in a bridal hold.

"BEN!" I shrieked as he held me against him.

"What?" he asked innocently. "This is tradition" he reminded me and I remembered that he did this last week when we went to bed on our wedding day. "And I am going to take you straight to bed my Queen" he advised.

"If that is what my King wants" I winked at him.

"Yes" he said happily as he started to carry me towards the castle. I didn't know what room we were going to stay in; and I didn't know how much work had already been done on our new castle - but I was very eager to find out.

"Mal" Ben said as we walked over the threshold.

"Yes?" I replied.

"Did I mention that I love you?" he asked lovingly.

"Yes Ben" I smiled. "Did I mention that I love you too?" I returned as I rested my head against his right shoulder. I watched as a large grin spread across my husband's face and I let him take me to our new bedroom. So we could start to enjoy our honeymoon; and the rest of our lives together.

Hey guys, I hope you have enjoyed this story. I know that it has taken a very long time to get this fully completed story to you. So I hope that it has been worth the wait.

Much love,

