Chapter 7
Daring Raid
Well guys, it's been a while since I've updated this doc. But I'm back now. On to the reviews!
Gamelover41592: Glad you enjoyed it.
Twelfth Loud: All will be revealed in this chapter.
The Dudes Tude: What can I say. I liked that game as a kid.
aNobodyFangirl: Thank you so much for that.
And now, my friends... Let's kick it up!
It was about eight thirty, in the Loud house. Most of the family living in the house were sitting at the dinner table. Suddenly, the mother of the children, Rita Loud noticed that soething was a miss.
"Has anybody seen Lincoln?" Rita asked as the four of the five Loud sisters and their father, Lynn sr began to look around.
"He informed me that he would be working on a personal project." Lisa quickly came up with a cover.
"He's been out late a lot lately. What kind of project is he working on?" Rita asked as Lisa began to think o something.
"He prefurs not to disclose the nature of his endevors." Lisa said with a half truth. "I'll call him and see when will be returning." She said before going upstairs in to her room before calling Lincoln.
(With Spidey)
The young hero swung and wall ran through the city searching high and low for any sign of the Apocalypse gang while having Karen moniter the police scanners for any mention of them.
"Incoming call from Lisa Loud." Karen informed as Spiderman landed with a roll on a roof top.
"Patch her through." Spidey said before leaning on a water tower. "Hey, Lis. What's up?" He asked.
"You missed dinner for one thing." Lisa said from her end.
"Dang it. Sorry. I've been tailing a killer all day." Spidey said.
"A killer? What happened." Lisa asked, concerned for her brother.
"Botched robbery I had eyes on the cars that were at the scene but the other one that actually had the killer got away." Spidey explained.
"You should come home. Get some rest and pick the search in the morning." Lisa suggested as Lincoln shook his head.
"No. I can't risk someone else getting hurt." Spiderman argued.
"You will get hurt if you don't keep your striength up with regular food and rest." Lisa argued back.
"Fine. Just give me another hour to search then I'll grab a bite and go crash on Luna's couch." He conceeded.
"Promise me that's what you'll do that." Lisa said, knowing Lincoln would never break a promise to her.
"I promise." He said with a slight chuckle, knowing that Lisa would have made sure that Karen would tell her if he didn't.
"Alright. Call me when you get to Luna's." Lisa said before the two of them both hung up before Spidey got back to swinging though the city.
Spiderman spent the next hour checking every possible place for the Apacolypse gang, coming up with nothing every time. Eventually, he came to the conclusion that the gang was lying low until things died down.
"No luck. Guess I'm just gonna have to pick things up tomorrow." Spidey said as he began making a way towards Luna's apartment. Howevery, on his way to the area, he landed on top of a roof, running over a skylight and by pure coincodence found the car he had been looking for.
"Karen, we got a photo mode in this suit?" Spidey asked.
"That capibility was installed. It will also allow telescopic vision." Karen confirmed.
"Alright, start zooming in so I can take some pictures to send take some pics to send to... What?" Spiderman looked down to see Luna talking to members of the Apacalypse. "Karen, do not take any pictures and start tracking Luna's phone." He ordered before webbing to a higher rooftop.
Spiderman sat there for fifteen minutes and waited as Luna talked with the gang members before being handed a wad of bills before she walked out of the building. He then began tailing her for several blocks until she began to cut through an alley. At that point he let down two webs from each shooter and pulled Luna up to the roodtop he was on.
"Spiderman." Luna said in shock and quite a bit of fear as Spiderman took off his mask to reveal the face of her brother. "Lincoln?" She asked in pure shock.
"Give me your gun. Now." Lincoln commanded as Luna mutly pulled out her pistol and handed it to him. "Thirty cal. Thank god." He said before crushing the gun in his hand and focusing back on Luna. "What the actual hell is wrong with you?" He shouted, breaking Luna out of her shock.
"Me?" Luna asked before gesturing to what her brother was wearing. "You're the one swinging around fighting bad guys!" She shouted.
"Oh nonono!" Lincoln said with a finger up. "We are not on me right now! We are on you running with a group of murderers!" He shouted before taking a a deep breath. "Just... Just tell me what's going on." He said in concern for his sister.
Luna let out a sigh before she and Lincoln sat against a nearby water tower.
"It happened a little while back. Me and Sam hadn't had a gig in months and we were strapped for cash. In walks a a 'music lover' who lends me some money to stay afloat." Luna explained.
"Let me guess. The Apocalypse gang?" Lincoln rhetorically asked as Luna nodded.
"After that, they had me on the hook. Made me their driver until I could pay off the loan." Luna said with regret in her voice at being pulled in to this situation.
"Why didn't you go to Lori or Mom and Dad?" Lincoln asked.
"Pride. Plain, simple, stupid pride." Luna said while looking down.
Lincoln just continued to sit there with Luna for a few more seconds before letting out a sigh. "Okay, here's what we do. Tomorrow, you and I are going to a Lawer makes Matt Murdock, we're gonna find out about getting you a plea deal or something, then we're calling my contact in the NYPD." He layed out the plan.
"Wait. How long have you been Spiderman?" She asked when he mentioned having a contact on the force.
"About a week fully in the field." He answered, gaining a laugh from Luna.
"You never halfass anything. Do ya, baby bro?" She asked, giving Lincoln a push in the shoulder as they both laughed.
(The next day)
After spending the night at Luna's and going through school the next morning, Lincoln met up with Luna outside a small law office in Hell's Kitchen.
"Welcome to Nelson and Murdock." A blonde woman said as the two siblings walked in.
"Uh. Yeah Johnny Storm and Ben Grimm said this firm helped 'guys like me.'" Lincoln said.
"Yes we do." A brown haired man wearing a grey suit and red sunglasses. Said as he walked to Lincoln and shook his hand before leading the Louds in to his office before Lincoln explained the situation to him.
"So what are our options here, mr. Murdock?" Lincoln asked.
"Please. Call me Matt." The lawyer said. "As for your options, since she was acting under duress and never actually participated in any of th illegal activities of Apocalypse gang, we should be able to get her off with a short probation if she's willing to give the police the names of the gang's members." He said as Lincoln let out a sigh of relief.
"I can do you one better. I know where a good chunk of the lieutenants of the Apocalypse gang are meeting tonight." Luna said, gaining a smile from both Lincoln and Matt.
"Good. You'll also be needing this." Matt said as he opened his desk drawer to pull out a blue and and white hand gun before putting a clip in it as a meter lit up behind the grip. "This is an Icer. It's a non lethal firearm that fires a specially designed knockout toxin." He explained as Luna picked up the Icer before placing it in the back of her pants.
"Thanks for this." Lincoln said as he shook Matt's hand.
"You can thank me by getting those gang members off the streets." Matt said, gaining a nod from Lincoln before he and Luna left the office. "Okay, you just go about business as usual we'll meet up tonight." Lincoln said before going in to an alley and Spiderman swung away. At this Luna smirked with the purest pride.
(NYPD precinct)
Williams was At his desk searching through every possible file he could find on the Apocalypse Gang, desperately trying find out where they could be when suddenly, his phone range and the caller ID showed only a picture of a Spider.
"Tell me you have something." Williams said as he answers the phone.
"Or 'hello' as people used to say." Spiderman quipped. "But anyway, I've found out where the Apocalypse Gang will be tonight. I'm sending you the details now. Get a S.W.A.T team ready." He instructed.
"I'll have them ready in a half hour." Williams confirmed.
"Good. Then there's only one more thing that I need you to do." Spiderman said.
(An hour later)
Spiderman arrived across the street from the location that Luna had sent to him.
'Okay. If all goes as planned. The streets and Luna will be a lot safer.' Spidey thought. Just then, he heard something behind him.
(Inside the warehouse)
Luna drove in to the meeting spot as the two lieutenants that she had been driving got out and had begun speaking with their peers.
"Okay, we're in prime position to start moving in on the Dragon Tails areas. Then we can start moving west." One of the lieutenants said.
"Taking out those Karate freaks is one thing. But if we move east. Will have to worry about the Waste Tribe. Those wacko hobos are no joke." A second lieutenant said.
"That's why AC went to the H-Bombers." A third lieutenant said, gaining a nod from the first.
"They agreed to front us some hardware as long as they keep their territory and we give them some man power now and then." The first lieutenant said.
"Well then, let's get word to..." The third lieutenant tried to say before one of the doors busted open as a S.W.A.T team came running in as several grunts tried to pull their guns only to be shot with rubber rounds which knocked them down in pain.
"Luna quickly took cover and pulled her Icer as she began shooting at the gang members, the officers being ordered not to fire on her by Williams beforehand.
Up above two of the grunts got in to sniper positions and prepared to take aim when suddenly the skylight shattered and one of the would be snipers were taken out one by a web and the other by a red stick before Spiderman landed back to back with a man in a black suit with red eyes, gloves, and boots, a red belt, and two Ds written in red above the left side of his chest.
"Woah. When did he meet freaking Daredevil?" Luna whispered as two of the gang members rushed the heroes before they jumped over them and kicked them in to each other. Daredevil then quickly used his billy club to trip up one of the thugs before knocking two out with quick hits and throwing it to bounce and knock three more out while Spiderman swung from the ceiling, kicking six thugs in the face before jumping off the web and taser webbing two of the lieutenants, leaving the third one to try and run only to get a headshot from Luna's Icer.
"Okay. The people are unconscious." Spidey called.
"Alright! Get cuffs on them before they wake up!" Williams said as all the officers began cuffing the gang members as Spiderman and Daredevil left.
'Okay. Time to face the music.' Luna though as she stood up.
"Ms. Loud." Williams said as he approached Luna. "A... mutual friend explained what you were doing here." He said, making it clear he was referring to Spiderman before shaking her hand, and palming something in to it. "For the record, undercover work should be done by cops. Not bounty hunters." He said as he moved his hand away and Luna looked down to see a bounty hunter's license.
"I'll keep that in mind for the future." Luna said.
"Be sure you do." Williams said before he began walking away. "Oh and all the bounties will be mailed to you tomorrow." He said.
'Very clever, baby bro.' Luna thought as she pocketed the license and walked out while Spiderman watched from up above.
'Bus load of crooks going to jail, taking a cut of those bounties, I am now being payed to be Spiderman, and most importantly, Luna is safe. Ya done good, Spidey.' The young hero thought before swinging off, thoroughly satisfied in a hard day's work.
Well, there you go, guys. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Well, I have nothing else to add so until next time and as always... Keep on keeping on.