DISCLAIMER: I DON'T OWN WINX CLUB. If I did, Musa and Riven would still be together. Nabu would be alive and happy with Layla (oh and the princess of Andros would be named Layla instead of Aisha) :(

Note: This is my first story for Winx Club, so I'd appreciate any suggestions/feedback! Thank you :) I wrote this story a long, long time ago but eh. It was published on an interactive app but not on Internet like this. I never finished it so...I'm gonna do it now x_x

Disclaimer #2: The characters in this story will be OOC on plenty of occasions. If you're the type of person who is very stringent on the characterizations based on the show, then this story is probably not for you.

P.S. Did I mention that there won't be any magic in this fic :) ?

With that, I hope you enjoy!

~ Los Angeles, California - 7:30 AM ~

Ahhhh, a Saturday...

So what would anyone do on a Saturday? Probably sleep in or do something of an equivalent of Netflix and chill. What could be more wonderful than waking up to a morning after a long, rested sleep?

Well, for starters, maybe it would've been wonderful if...

Beeepp! Beeeeeepppp! Beeeeeeeeeeeepppp!

"Ugh, let me sleep, you stupid clock!" a blonde angrily groaned as she slammed a fist on her tiny, trusty alarm clock in an attempt to cut it off. Thank God she didn't set an alarm on her phone or she might've thrown it out of a window or something. The twenty-one-year-old rolled over and sleepily opened her eyes. She picked up her little alarm and groaned again. It's only freaking 7:30 in the morning! So, why should she be up? She sighed and buried her head inside the pillow again.

Yawning, the tall blonde sat up in bed a few minutes of lazy rolling later and rubbed her eyes. "I guess there's no use in sleeping now," she yawned again sleepily before she stretched.

Stella Solaria. A twenty-one-year-old who has just finished her undergraduation from Palm Springs University, California. Yup. That's about it.

Dragging herself grumpily out of bed, Stella waltzed to the bathroom, did her daily business, showered, and quickly got dressed. She wore a soft orange, floral dress and tied her hair into a high ponytail. She blew her bangs from her eyes as she smiled at her reflection in the mirror before leaving the room, humming a tune to herself.

"Morning, mom," Stella greeted her mother in the living room.

"Morning, sweetie!" Luna Solaria greeted as she looked up from her morning paper and smiled at her daughter. "You're up early today," she remarked, impressed and a little amused. Her mother was an exact, carbon copied older version of Stella. The former had platinum blonde hair which went way past her waist whereas Stella's honey-blonde hair ended up near her waist. Her mother's eyes were a dark blue whereas Stella's were a golden hazel (clearly from her father).

The blonde flopped on the couch with a sleepy sigh. "That's kinda what happens when you forget to turn off your alarm," Stella murmured with a tint of annoyance.

Her mom laughed, very well aware of her daughter's grumpy yet amusing antics in the early mornings. "Any plans for today?"

Stella unlocked her phone and scrolled through her contacts. "Probably go and see Jason? I haven't seen him since graduation," the blonde blushed with a smile. Graduation was two days ago.

She smiled as the familiar name on the phone came into view. She waved to her mom before leaving the room for some privacy. Jason Sinclair is her boyfriend of three months. Even though it wasn't for long, Stella always felt over the moon in his presence. She's been heavily crushing on him since high school. Hence...five years is a long, long time to be infatuated with someone.

"I wonder if the slooze is still awake," she murmured when she heard the phone ring on the other line.

"HELLO?!" On the other end, a gruff voice was heard.

"Hey, Jason!" Stella blushed as she thought about the tall brunet.

"...Stella?" his sleepy voice now sounded fully awake.

"Duh. Were you expecting someone else? I was wondering if you wanna hang out today? I'm bored to death already," she complained.

"Uh...listen, I gotta tell you something..."

"Okay. I'll come over to your place in 10 minutes," Stella smiled into the phone.

"Well...uh...you know what? Sure." Unbeknownst to Stella, a sinister smile played on the person's lips on the other end of the phone.

"Great." Stella cut the phone and ran to the living room excitedly. She quickly waved to her parents and bolted out the door.

"Stel-!" Luna started.

"Don't bother, Luna. She barely acknowledges us every time that boyfriend of hers is involved," Radius Solaria started grumpily as he watched his only child run out the door like some fangirl.

"Oh come on, Radius! Aren't you happy that she's in love? Jason is her first boyfriend and we need to trust her decision," Luna informed her grumpy husband with a chuckle.

"I trust my baby girl. It's that Jason boy I don't trust. I just don't like him," Radius slandered, rubbing his chin with a frown.

~ Jason's House - 8:25 AM ~

"Stella, babyyyyyyy!" a tall, brown-haired man with green eyes greeted the blonde entering his house.

"Jace, don't call me that. It's annoying," Stella pouted. For some reason, she didn't feel at ease when he called her that.

"Mhm...so...what do you want to do?" he whispered with a sly smile. Stella's eyes narrowed when he watched him take a step forward towards her. She unconsciously took a step backwards. He grabbed her shoulders and pressed her to the closed door. There was a change in his tone and it sounded almost...husky.

"Um...what're you doing?" Stella asked with a nervous laugh as she tried to push his arms off of her.

"Stella...I know you want me...," he groaned as he buried herself in his hair. Stella's eyes widened as she let out a surprised gasp before blowing up into a full panic mode when she felt him start to kiss her neck. What the&mdash!? She tried to push him away desperately. He took ahold of her arms and slammed them with his hands on either side of her head. "W-What're you doing?!" she gasped in fear. "Jason, let me go!" But he didn't listen. She started to squirm and twist in his hold. Oh God...I'm going to be raped...And she wasn't going to wait around to test her theory. Stella's eyes watered when he touched her the hem of her shirt. If she didn't get out soon, she'll be...

No...no. Just...NO. She won't let that happen to herself. "NO!" Stella screamed with newly found strength as she pushed him away by a foot. Jason, not clearly expecting this after her presumed defeat, glared at her in anger. Tears gathered in her honey-colored, betrayed eyes. What was he doing...? Stella cried, "What do you think you're doing?! Don't you care about what I&mdash"

He rolled his eyes before barking, "Yeah, yeah. I would've asked you this question in the first week itself...except I didn't think you'd say yes that soon yet."

Stella fell slack on the spot at his response. If this is what he thinks is a relationship...does that mean he never cared for me...? Another tear fell from her eye. She found her insides crumbling. She thought she had found her love. Jason was handsome, charming, and polite, and she really thought he was 'The One'.

"No," she seethed, stepping away from him. "I'm not ready for this. For the record, we're so over!" she screamed in his face before turning on her heel. Before she could make her escape, Jason grabbed her arm and turned her back around.

"Jason, stop it!"

"Now, listen to me, you little bitch, no one, I repeat, no one rejects me. Not now, not ever!" he spat with a hiss.

Stella looked at him in fear. He was a twenty-two-year-old male with a well-built physique. And compared to him, she was a weak, vulnerable female. How can she possibly beat strength?

Still, she refused to surrender. "Well there's always a first time for everything," she hissed before pushing him away suddenly. She quickly freed herself by kicking him in his inner thigh before running out the door. She heard a sharp groan behind her but refused to look back. Tears streamed down her face as she ran to her car and shakily unlocked it with the button. She panicked when she saw him composing himself and running towards her. She quickly got inside the car and locked the vehicle.

She fumbled for the ignition key with a choked sob. Her fingers shook uncontrollably. She let out a startled, scared scream when he banged on her window. She controlled herself and tried to get the key into the ignition. She inserted it and twisted it to the right. The car thankfully started. She ignored her name being called before slamming her foot on the gas.

Stella held back her tears in the car. She was shocked beyond emotions. He was the one of the most popular guys in school and even throughout college, but...he noticed her. And that's what made her fall for him. But him...? He lead her on... All he wanted from her was that. She thought he was different like everyone else but apparently not. Stella tried to control her tears, but they didn't stop. She loved the guy for almost 5 something years and she thought he wasn't like others. Obviously not. He was the same. He wants what every man wants. SCREW THEM. SCREW ALL OF THEM.

~ Stella's House - 9:30 AM ~

With tears in her eyes, Stella quickly made it up the steps and opened the front door. Thankfully, her parents aren't in the living room. She didn't want them to see her like this. In anger, Stella tossed the keys on a nearby table before flopping on the couch.

However, it seems as if luck just wasn't on her side today.

"Honey?! Is that you?!" Luna hollered from the kitchen. At the sound of her mother's warm, welcoming voice, Stella couldn't help but want to cry. She buried her head into her hands and began to sob.

"Stella? Honey, what's wrong?" Radius came out of nowhere and instantly ran to his crying daughter. He sat beside her. Sobbing loudly, she hugged her father. Hearing her cry, even her mother hurriedly entered the living room in concern. Luna's green eyes widened in alarm and she immediately sat on Stella's other side. She looked at Radius with urgent eyes who looked equally hopeless as her. What had happened?

"Honey, what's wrong? Weren't you visiting Jason today?" Luna patted her daughter's hair.

Stella cried while shaking her head. "A little change of plans. We're gonna break up instead," she retorted bitterly, sniffling.

"Why? I thought you really liked that boy?" Radius tried his best to conceal his clear dislike for that Sinclair. He was thrilled to hear about the breakup but seeing the tear streaks on the blonde's face, he kept mum.

"He...he didn't want a relationship," Stella whispered, sniffled. "...He wanted something else and I didn't give it," the blonde bitterly said.

Their eyes widened. Radius and Luna looked at each other. Stella's father looked absolutely livid. It didn't take a genius to figure out what Jason wanted.

Wiping her tears away, the blonde stood up. "I'm sorry, guys. I just need some time alone..."

With that, the folks watched as their daughter walked tiredly out of the room.

"I knew I didn't trust him for a reason! I'm going to give that bastard a piece of my mind!" Radius immediately roared before moving to teach that boy a lesson he'll never forget.

"No, you're not," Luna shook her head firmly.

Radius huffed in incredulity. "He broke my little girl's heart. There's no way that I'm letting this go any time soon."

"Radius, we don't want Stella to have any problems with Jason. This is something that she has to overcome on her own." Luna stood up and continued, "We're gonna need to talk to her. Come on." They both at once made their way inside Stella's room. Radius sighed when he saw her crying on the bed while Luna looked on sadly with concern.

"Stella?" Luna asked tentatively. She sat beside her daughter and placed a hand on her shoulder. The blonde didn't bother raising her head and simply continued crying into her hands. A few minutes later, the intense sobs were reduced to small sniffles.

"I can't believe I trusted him, Mom..." Stella sniffled.

"Honey, believe me. As any parent would feel, I want to knock some sense into him."

"No, it's fine. Mom, he's not worth it."

Radius sat on the other side of her. He placed his hand on her back. "Remember, you're a gorgeous girl, and we'll always be proud of you."

Stella smiled through her tears. "Well, I have good parents."

"Now, that you do."

"Thanks, Dad," she laughed through her tears. She wiped away her tears. She looked at both of them again and looked momentarily stunned at what they're wearing. She hadn't noticed their attire earlier due to the whole Jason-almost-tried-to-rape-me fiasco.

"Wait a sec...why're you two dressed up?" the blonde asked curiously, pointing to their formal outfits.

Luna nervously smiled. "Oh. Uh...remember the conference?" she sheepishly reminded.

Stella's eyes widened. Oh my god, duh. Her parents had told her a week ago that they were going to New York for some international conference she could care less about.

Radius Solaria and Luna Solaria were the CEO and Vice President of Radar Industries, one of the largest conglomerates specializing in technology and solar energy. It only made sense that their one and only daughter also pursued her passion and made a name for herself in college by graduating in the top 5% of her class.

"Oh my god, that's tomorrow, isn't it?" Stella asked them with surprised eyes. Time flew by faster than she thought.

Her father shook his head. "Actually, no. We're gonna cancel our trip. We're not going with you like this."

"No, no, no, you're not. I'll be fine. Really. You two should just go," she stated stubbornly. She turned to her mom. "Mom, I'll be fine. I know it's important that you guys attend. So, please don't cancel on my behalf."

"You sure? It's a month long, sweetie," Luna gently smiled.

Stella nodded. Yeah, they told her that last week.

"And...it could get long, considering how those ambassadors are never on time nor do they get any work done. Pompous brats."

Stella laughed. It always amused her when her mother abused businessmen constantly despite being a busy woman herself.

Stella pushed them both off the bed. "Well then! Get going. Last time I checked, New York isn't next door." She sighed when she saw the unsure faces of her parents. "Get going. I love you both. Stay safe." She smiled with so much effort even though it was fake.

~ 9:30 PM ~

Stella sat in her room, sighing as she looked out her window. Her parents had left in the morning, leaving her all alone. The house was eerily silent. It was almost deafening, but she didn't seem to care. She looked out the window into the starry sky. The city was full of lights, yet the light in her heart seemed to go out. A tear slipped past her eye. A man she loved for over five years betrayed her in the worst way possible. She truly loved him, yet he only developed an interest in the pleasure she could offer.

"Jason..." she sadly might as well drive a stake through her heart.

She'll never get over this pain. She'll never forget this torment.

Little did she know that this is just the beginning of a new chapter in her life...

Thanks for reading :)