Previously on Supernatural...

Mark had been in a car accident...

Mark wasn't going to make it...

"Certain experiments have been done in the past...The percentage rate of recovery is high, comes at a high price...You might risk going against his wishes."

Amy signed her name...

"You chose life over death for him...Handing him over to me. Now, it's only fair that you get to decide what happens next."

"You really are fine?"

"I feel like I could take over the world." The color of his eyes changed from normal to solid black.

"The City of Angels. Otherwise known as the place demons go to fit in."

"Seven car accidents. Seven patients of the same age, height, and build. All taken care of by Drs. Cook, Bates, and Clyde."

"Darkiplier spread his energy to keep the others going..."

"We set it up...He wants something more...I'd already be dead, like the others."

"She promised she could help them..."

Chica noticed that Mark was standing there...she gave a fearful whine then started barking at him.

Chica was the first to know Mark wasn't Mark anymore.

...the Chica Test.

"He was meant to survive...That he had a greater plan."

"His name is Darkiplier. And the lore behind him can get pretty messed up."

There's no use fighting.


And then it'll be forever.

Mark Fischbach was standing there...Even if his eyes hadn't been solid black, Dean could actually feel that Darkiplier had taken over.

"We have finally found his vessel...Only a matter of time before Darkiplier rises and claims this realm as his own."

"Did you ever stop and think about why he needed that hospital?...He needed the hospital and Bates to take care of his body."

...To find Dark on the bed with Amy pinned beneath him...Dean didn't waste time. He just pulled the trigger.

Dark was standing...his side covered in blood...When Dark's eyes turned a solid black, Dean fired again...

"He was going to rape me and I didn't know. I had to watch him get shot then get up like nothing happened."

Mark had let Dark take over...

Dark needed him weakened. Needed Mark to need him.

I no longer need your permission.

Leaving him in complete and total darkness. An unnatural darkness. A work of Darkiplier.

Mark wanted Dean to kill Dark...Dean could imagine the war he was going through right now.

"Go to hell."

"Believe me, I would. But your Hunter buddies won't allow it. Looks like I'm here to stay."

Amy still wasn't sure of what Sam and Dean had planned. They could say they were going to save Mark, but how could she be sure?

Someone was coming and he knew who it was...


"I let him out into the world, after all...Fischbach caught his interest. Little bastard was obsessed."

"Dark went through a hell of a time to get Mark. He'll just come back for more...And it'd be worse next time."

Dark had a body.

And they could trap him there.

Amy looked at her phone when she got a text...Dark was asking her to meet up with him.

"Is Mark in trouble?"

"In a way...That's why I have to see him."

Sam didn't have time...but sent it to his own email, along with other Darkiplier files Dr. Bates had accumulated.

"There's a choice to make...I take Mark with me or I trap him in that body."

"Do it!"

Dark placed his hand on the chest of the body...Dark looked drained, but recovering...A look of surprise coming to his face as Castiel stabbed him...

Then there was nothing but silence.

There was no sign of Dark.

"I was so afraid I'd lose you."

"I'd never let him take me from you. I'm here now."

"Why he came after you?"

"It felt like I had done something to him. He wanted to get back at me."

...Watched as the impala faded from view...As Mark turned to close the door...Dark smiled, his eyes turning a solid black...

"I'm Celine. And I'm afraid you're trapped here. Forever."

Author's Note: This is the sequel to my story City of Angels (and Demons). If you haven't read the first one, I advise you to read that before coming here. If you've read everything so far, would you guys like me to update this more often instead of just on Saturdays or Sundays? If I'm unable to write a lot during the week, the normal Saturday or Sunday update schedule will remain. I'd just like to hear your thoughts. :) I'll have the first chapter of this up sometime this week. Enjoy the story.