"Stop! I said get away!" Sarah screamed as the guy pinned her down on the ground. "My boyfriend is going to kill you!"

"He's gotta stop me first!" He laughed as he ripped her clothes off leaving her in her underwear and bra.

"No please don't!" Sarah cried not knowing that Jordan was looking for her inside the building she was currently in. "Help! Please! Jordan!" She screamed and then the door was kicked open by her boyfriend. The guy was suddenly yanked off of her and thrown out into the hallway where he was knocked unconscious. Jordan was about to place his gun away when another guy jumped out and held a gun to Sarah's head. The guy smiled and delivered a hit to the back of her head, making Sarah collapse on the ground.

"Do exactly what I say or else she-" the guy was cut off by Jordan as he fired two shots into the guys chest. Jordan put his gun back in the holster before racing to Sarah's side.

"Sarah, sweetheart, everything is going to be okay." Jordan whispered.

"Jordan," she mumbled as her eyes opened to reveal her hazel eyes.

"Thank god," Jordan sighed as he pulled her into his arms.

"Jordan? Can you take me home?" Sarah asked as she buried her face in his chest.

"Absolutely. Let's get you out of here." He picked her up in his arms and carried her out of the building and glanced at the ambulance. He climbed in and set her down on the bed before signaling the paramedics to start driving. Jordan dialed the number for Beacon Hills Memorial hospital. He gave them all the information and hung up so that all his attention was on his 18 year old girlfriend. He realized that now he was going to have to tell the sheriff that he had been dating his newly high school graduated daughter for a year since she was 17. They arrived at the hospital and Sarah was taken in for an examination to make sure that she was okay. Jordan dialed the sheriff's number and waited for him to pick up.

"Parrish, have you found anything yet?"

"Yeah Sheriff. I found her in a warehouse about to be assaulted."

"Where is she now?" The sheriff asked as he grabbed his keys and went to go and start up his car.

"They're examining her to make sure there's no internal damage."

"I'm on my way Parrish."

"I'll stay with her."

"You better stay with her since you're her boyfriend."


"C'mon Parrish. I may be uneasy about you dating her but you keep her safe and make her happy so I can't complain. Watch over her deputy." He said before hanging up.

"Always Sheriff, always." Jordan murmured to himself.