This is not how I wanted this to end up being...


"Yes Iida?"

"Do we even know what the people we're looking for look like?"

Midoriya Izuku and Iida Tenya both stopped in their tracks as they realized the vital information they were missing in this "locate and secure"-esque quest given by Principle Nedzu. While they had been given some permission to use their quirks should the situation arise, the task of actually locating all twenty seven third year middle school students proved to be incredibly challenging, bordering on maddening.

First of all, they had seen neither hair nor shadow of any of them. With the full-lock down protocol Yuuei employed to keep the students and stand in and everyone else out the total search area was reduced within school grounds. Even then however, no one could find any trace of the kids.

Even with Sero three-dimensional mobility, Iida's speed, and Kouda's animal scouts scouring Yuuei's grounds, everything came up to nothing. It was almost like they vanished into thin air (which one of them could with their quirk but that's not the same thing) if it weren't for the fact the motion sensors kept on detecting movements which were always in the opposite area class 1-A's students were searching.


Bakugou's scream and corresponding explosion mirrored everyone's moral at the current rate the previous plan of centralized searching for class 3-E's students. However to be not be deterred, the class had changed tactics. Instead of searching as one cohesive unit, they were now split into small interchangeable teams of three and splitting Yuuei's large campus into quadrants in order to maximize search efficiency.

Two searchers per one sensor was their party formation. Following this, it was Iida and Midoriya with Kouda. The quiet boy using a small army of squirrels and an armada of birds to scour the area. Even with the drafted army Kouda brought about, and the extremely effective mobility quirks that Midoriya and Iida had, nothing still came up.

You guys find anything yet?

Nope. Jirou has one ear on the ground and one ear in the air, and still nothing.

Midoriya sighed at Urakaka's text. She was with Asui and Jirou, and even with their combined quirks, were unable to find the middle school students, as they were told. Another explosion and another loud scream that made several of Kouda's birds, and Kouda himself, shake in fright.

Midoriya was about to call out to calm Kouda down, before he felt intent from behind him. A dark chill ran down his spine before he activated his full cowl and leapt upwards. A small updraft of dust sprouting from where he leapt, and served to mask the figure moving through it. A flash of dark green was what Midoriya saw before it disappeared through the trees once more.

"Midoriya! We've located one of them!" Iida saluted with gusto before breaking into a sprint after the figure. Midoriya followed him in hot pursuit, with several of Kouda's birds and squirrels close behind the two. Kouda himself did his best to follow the trails his animals made.

They were going deep into one of Yuuei's botanical gardens, somewhere near the second year's buildings. It's large oak and pine trees nearly obscuring the light, and what limited light that was let through, fed a dense undergrowth of bushes and natural growth. Vines and lines of ivy ran along the trees and ground, with gnarled roots making footing more than difficult for Iida.

Iida and Midoriya stopped when they realized they had lost sight of the figure they presumed to be one of the twenty seven students they were trying to find. With the low light and disorienting terrain, the figure seemed to disappear before their eyes.

"We know that one of them is here," Midoriya noted to Iida. The other student understood and took out his phone. Already he was sending texts to those who's zones were closest to their current positions; namely the Ashido-Sero-Satou team and the Aoyama-Mineta-Shouji team. Both were nearest to them, but not close enough to be in immediate aid.

"Midoriya, I have messaged the-" Iida didn't get to speak no further as something seemed to wrap around his leg and drag him back. There was a split second of shock and horror on his face before he was dragged into the depths of the forest. "MIIIIDORIIIIYAAA!" Iida scream grew faint as he pulled further and further away. His hands grabbing the earth, creating marks where his fingers were dragged through the dirt.

Midoriya would have leapt to his friend's aid the moment he saw the binding around Iida's ankles, had a some sort of ivy-rope material not wrapped around his own leg and pulled him off his feet and upwards. He saw the ground get further for a second before his instincts kicked in and he used Full-Cowl to break the thin binding and landed on his feet. There was no sign of Iida, his scream ceased once Midoriya had landed back on his feet.

"Iida!" No response. Midoriya bit his lip and tried again, this time he had less confidence however. "I-Iida?"

The forest grew more eerie than before, the ambiance... Unsettling towards the young hero. Normally Midoriya would not be called a coward; he had faced off against more professional villains than most pro-heroes, had come face to face with the leader of the Villain Alliance a number of times, and had been in the presence of All-For-One. He had faced them with a rational head and full courage, knowing full well that he could die but still preserving beyond that fear.

But now, in this forest inside Yuuei's grounds, something unaccountable slithered in and around the shadows. Dark images flashed in the corners of his eyes and just out of his periphery.

Run! Hide! Tiny parts of his mind screamed at this almost primal force that surrounded him. Midoriya was used to facing villains, loud boisterious people who's pride and trust in their abilities made them forgo the ideas of stealth, surprise, and ambush. They always underestimated him and his friends.

He had never once faced trained assassins however…

A hand reached for his shoulder and he turned around and nearly gave Kouda a ten percent punch simply out of fright.

"Oh, Kouda, t-there you are," Midoriya breathed as his voice tittered on the edge between rational thinking and panic. Kouda however seemed to be in a mental state worse than Midoriya, sweating and twitching nervously as he looked around him.

Midoriya tried to not let Kouda's fear infect him. However he couldn't stop all of it from affecting his mind and his heart.


Then everything went still. Kouda, Midoriya, the animals, the trees, everything. Time seem to freeze - No, to slow as a shadow rose up from the ground below Kouda. A figure with a featureless face and an aura of death arose behind Kouda before he collapsed, eyes growing white and face slack as he became a boneless mass.

Midoriya turned to the presence behind him. His heart beating at racehorse speeds as his flight or fight response went full on fight. Full Cowl blasted to his current maximum of seven point five percent, energy and strength accelerating his strength and his mind.

Then a crash flat lined it all. A white hot flash in front of his eyes that muted everything and made everything become devoid of all color. Then a loud piercing noise that rang his ears as his vision grew hazy as his legs buckled underneath. One For All being the only reason Midoriya stayed as awake as he did, and he saw something that would be branded in his mind until the end of days.

A small serene smile.


Bakugou Katsuki was not having a good day. First off, it was a Tuesday. Fuck Tuesdays, they're just second Mondays. Secondly, it was hardly the start of the day before some random blond girl appeared out of nowhere and STANDING ON HIS HEAD. He would've caused a small nuclear melt down to be offended had she not teleported away, WITH HIM ALONG FOR THE RIDE!

Then he found himself in the middle of a group of kids around his age, maybe a year younger. They all stared at him as he was trying to figure out who to blow up first, only for a large yellow tentacle guy to tell the girl, "Nakagami" or something, to take him back. And guess what, another girl latched onto him before they arrived back at the classroom.

Bakugou could keep his temper. Yeah, he was a calm collected hero. He didn't bat an eye when he was abducted, he could keep his head calm in any-

"FUCKING ROCKS DIE!" Another loud explosion was heard as a small cluster of rocks that made him stumble was reduced to smithereens. The two others whom were with him, Kirishima and Tokoyami, gave him the wide berth as the picked up debris of his explosion made fragments fly in all directions.

"Found anything?" Kirishima looked towards the beaked hero as Dark Shadow roamed through the shaded outcrops of rocks. They were in the ruined simulation room, the Unforseen Simulation Joint, after hearing the reports of movements in the area, they sprinted over to investigate.

No word yet has come in about the location of the Midoriya-Iida-Kouda team. The only sign of them ever being there was the gouged earth made by Iida's fingers when he was pulled.

"Nothing. Like shadows in the night." Kirishima gave his classmate a tense smile, that last part a little unnecessary towards their situation, but if it helps him sleep at night. Kirshima crashed through a cement wall, after hearing scuttling, to see only a plastic bag caught on a rebar.

"Die!" Another explosion was heard. Kirishima sighed.

"Man, that guy has a lot of anger."

"Tell me about it. He brings the term short fuse to a whole nother level." He sent a lopsided smile to the person next to him. Her voice washed over him as he felt himself rela-

Kirishima leapt up in surprise. His eyes widening as he stared at the rather buxom girl sitting cross legged next to him. Her hair was done up in a high ponytail as she stared at him with friendly eyes and smile.

"Don't worry. Everything is going to be fine." Kirishima felt himself sway on his feet. Her voice, it was like a melody. One which seemed to lull him to a deep slumber. He struggled to keep his eyes opened, his quirk was being deactivated without his concentration. "Just go to sleep now. Everything is going to be fine."

"KIRISHIMA!" A rush of darkness in front of vision was the precursor to his body being violently pulled back. The sudden change in position snapped his eyes opened as Tokoyami pulled the two back a safe distance away.

"Thanks for the save!" Kirishima grinned before he reactivated his quirk. The girl pouted before standing. "Who are you people!"

"Nobody special," the girl replied with a smirk before falling backwards out of the ruins. The two rushed to peer over the edge, only to find no sign of her.

"Wow! It's like a stand!" Another voice, more hyper than the last, was heard and the two stood in the gaze of two other kids. One had a pair of thick rimmed glasses on his face and some sort of weird contraption, a coiled spring with several sticks within it. The other was a girl who looked at Tokoyami with wide eyes.

"It's like we're in a manga!"

"Nope, not 2-D enough." The glasses boy remarked before he threw the coiled spring and sticks on the ground. Tokoyami rushed Dark Shadow to grab it, only for it to explode in a shower of sparks and light. The quirk let out a pained scream while Kirishima and Tokoyami were likewise blinded. When the light subsided, Kirishima was too slow to react to the large boy who tackled both of them off the ruins.

Tokoyami let out a squawk as his back slammed against the hard ground, the wind knocked out of his lungs. Kirishima's hardened skin made some of the impact staved a little, while the boy on top of them rolled away. A rope was looped around Tokoyami's ankle before he was pulled away. Another would have gone around Bakugou had he not kicked it away, and threw the large boy off of him.

"What are you made of?" The boy growled as he stood. Kirishima sent him a devilsh smirk.

"The fires of manliness!"

"Oh yeah? Let's see if it can put them out!" The two charged headfirst into each other. Their noggins knocking against each other without either flinching. Arms were wrapped around each other's shoulders as a show of strength was made, using brute force alone to gauge their other's strength and throw them off.

Kirishima made for a knee to the stomach, only for the boy's foot kick his leg back. With only one foot to balance, the other boy turned them both and threw Kirishima. However Kirishima's hold was hard as he dragged the boy with him.

Both broke through a cement slab before the boy had his arms wrapped around Kirishima's throat in a vice like anaconda. Normally such things weren't possible, his skin able to repel most attacks. However this boy's strength broke through his quirk's defense, making him let out a choked gasp. In a last difch effort, he tried to slam his fists in the boy's side. He got a pained growl for his efforts.

"Tentacles moving at mach speeds hurt worse," the boy grinned before squeezing even. Kirishima's vision grew dark. His body and lips feeling numb before his fluttering eyes shut.

"Alright. Five down. T-"

"Die!" A large explosion sent Terasaka flying off to the side. He let out a shout of pain when his back crashed through two walls. He tumbled several times before being stopped by another wall, his body cresting a mold in it. He didn't think about how he survived, but more on the fact that what hit him, hit like a truck.

He peeled himself off the concrete as a hand grabbed his face.

"Finally grabbed one you fucks!" Bakugou growled. Terasaka sneered at him from the grip he had on face. "What? Cat got your tongue?"

"No!" Terasaka sneered before he ripped open his jacket and his hands wrapped around two cylinders. Strapped to his chest was what could only be identified as flash bang grenades. Bakugou's eyes widened before Terasaka pulled the pin.

"Fucking sh-" He got no further as the canister exploded in a flash of blinding light. Tersaka let out his own roar as the light seared his eyes, and Bakugous blindly made an explosion in a vain attempt to minimize its effect. However the impact was enough to disorient him.

"Get him!"

"Grab him!"

"Use the stun gun!"

Bakugou's ears flicked towards the sound of voices, intent on attack when he felt a presence get close. Then his mind connected that last comment.

Wait, stun gu-Uwahdhwkdhf!

Bakugou let out a pain filled shout as he felt volts of electricity arch into his system. It felt like Kaminari's shock, however while his was in an area, he felt the shock originate at his back and spark everywhere in his body.

Smoke came from his body before he felt himself get tied up. From his hazy vision, Bakugou saw only hazy images seemingly blending in with the surrounding urban ruins. He made a vague recollection how fast everything occurred.

These guys weren't standard people. Even pro heroes would have issues trying to catch these guys down, at the very least Bakugou thought he injured one of them enough.

With that satisfying thought in mind, Bakugou used the last of his strength into raising his two fingers and looking up at his captors with unrelenting eyes.

"Fuck you."

"Oh aren't you a darling," Nakamura smiled before Bakugou's eyes closed. "Yo Terasaka, you alright?" She turned to look at the large boy lay on his back while breathing deeply.

"Yeah. Just, real tired. Puah..." The front of his uniform was a mess of blasted off cloth, despite the flak it was meant to be. Half of his black shirt was singed off to reveal a bruised torso that seemed to begin to already rapidally fade despite the extensive damage.

"No rest for the wicked Terasaka," Hazama smirked before she nudged him eith her boot. The youth growled as he rolled onto his feet, growling when he moved to fast for his body to handle.

"Don't you think this was a little too much?" Isogai asked as he saw how tied up and bound Bakugou was. There were ropes, vines, a gag, and even some sort of metal hand buffs binding his wrists and ankles.

"Nope, he's most dangerous of our pursuers," Takeyabashi remarked as he pushed his glasses up. "I don't know why, but it seems that I have a strong notion that this person is most likely the one who'd defeat us and considering what he did to Terasaka-"

"Still here!"

"All chances for his escape need to be negated," he finished. Terasaka picked Bakugou with some strain while Isogai and Maehara did the same with Kirishima.

"Someone call Nagisa and Karma and tell them we got three more."

"Am I going to be the only one to question how we still have cell phone service?"



There was a girl with lavender hair and wearing some sort of school seifuku. She walked rather stiffly, as if unused to her body. She wore shoes or other sort of footware, and yet seem to be more curious than in pain when she walked over cement fragments.

However despite her oddity, she herself wasn't much different than the others around her. People with scales, other had clawed hands or feet, and some had wings spreading out of their back. Many more had other oddities sprouting or encompassing their body, and those that looked normal didn't seem to mind at all that there were people who looked far from human near them.

It was deeply vexing for her, most people didn't do well when it came to adversity.

"Excuse me miss." She turned to face a police man, his head not human but that of a praying mantis. She blinked, her only sign of looking surprised. "Are you lost by any chance?" She thought for a second, gauging the pros and cons within a single nano second, before she smiled brightly.

"Yes Mister Police Officer, I do not know where I am."

"Well Miss, you're in Mustafa, a city near Tokyo. Did you get off at the wrong station? I could lead you back if you want—"

"No need Mister Officer, I am not lost anymore. Thank you for your concern however!" She sent the insect man's head a beaming smile before going on her way. The policeman smiled, well in this day and age, oddity was the norm. Walking around without any shoes? Well, who knows.

Ritsu knew to keep a low profile, however she couldn't help but marvel at what was presented with her. After Itona had freed her from the confinement of his cell phone, she had plunged headfirst into the largest and freest flowing digital landscape which she could enter, that which is the internet.

She was only vaguely surprised at her ability to enter the internet here, an AI, especially one as advanced as herself, would could easily navigate and find a way through a normally junk laden landscape. And likewise, it became easy for Ritsu to locate and identify where her original containment case.

It has been flown aside from where the original impact crater of class 3-E's entrance into this universe, and landed in an abandoned construction yard. Once she located and secured the sanctity of her original host matrix, she reentered it, and discovered a miraculous change.

From the large cumbersome blackbox built by her Norwegian creators and then modified by Korosensei later, came a more compact and pleasing matrix. Then she learned that while her opitical capabilies had lessened to extend, Ritsu had come to discover that her other senses, touch and hearing, had been enhanced. More so, two more physical senses were added, smell and taste.

Ritsu had a body, very much like her computer generated avatar. When she first opened her eyes after reuploading herself back in, all of her senses awakened at once and she nearly suffered a sensory overload times a thousand. Information couldn't be processed by her fast enough to keep up with constant stream of the five sensory senses; taste and smell completely overpowering her initial AI subroutines and she had to do a soft reboot of each system of her new form, not just of her senses, but every iota of her external, internal, and digital form.

For the first minute, all she could do was wiggle her fingers and toes, and she found herself enraptured by that feeling alone. When she touched her fingers together, she nearly screamed at the sensation of the pads rubbing against each other felt like.

There were no human words to describe the sensation of what she felt, for her outer dermis was not metal as per usual, but a synthetic epidermal layer comparable to human flesh. She had skin, and by the way she moved her arms after thirty minutes, muscles fibers and ligaments running over what could be only described as wiring that roboticists and biomechanics would salivate over. She did not have bones, at least not a calcium based variety, rather her bones were of a synthetic compound very much like a magnesium-silicon alloy. Hard, yet extremely light, like aluminum.

When she analyzed her weight, she was aghast to learn she was around one hundred and ten pounds, or fifty kilograms. At least a fraction of her initial "black box" weight.

When the wind blew by, her mind went in a fray as she felt tremors run up and down her vertebral column, her own spine. She had gotten a cold chill. What's more, her hair, a synthetic weave much like colored wigs, flowed gently along the wind. She marveled at everything the world presented to her, from the feel of dirt under her feet, to the cold tinge with spread from her fingers, to the feeling of having a breathing subroutine, yes breathing was its own subroutine now, that she almost didn't realize she was naked.

Her bare flesh was very much like the young girls in her class; pale, smooth, toned after a year of training to kill a creature who moved at mach speeds. She even had breasts, certainly larger than Kanade's, but smaller than Yada's, certainly putting her in the same range as most of her classmates. Her waist was petite as well, and at her height, she was taller than Nagisa still. More so looking lower, Ritsu knew distinctly that her body was now female in make, but what as that strange heat which pooled on her body, namely on her cheeks and ears. A system overheat?

She looked around and found a Kunugigaoka's girl's uniform, a spare she normally kept in a storage space in her black box. It was laying on the floor, however only having some dirt on it. She easily brushed it off before putting on, distinctly noting there was no under garments for her to wear to accompany it. The breeze continued to blow, so Ritsu used her hand to keep her skirt down.

So that's how Ritsu found herself walking around Mustafa city, for marveling the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes of this new world. She giggled as she felt the warm asphalt on her feet, and she felt something react as she smelled the aromas of bakeries, restaurants, and cafes.

Then she let her mind connect to the flow of the network, using its wide infrastructure to locate her last known whereabouts, Itona's cellphone. After less than a nanosecond of searching, Ritsu found her destination, Itona was at a place called Yuuei High School, the world's number one hero academy. She found herself glossing over the second part as she made her way towards Yuuei. Easily bypassing the giant monster attack, small scale explosion, and armed robbery which attempted to interject themselves in her path.

After ten minutes of walking, Ritsu found herself at the frontest gates of Yuuei, the frontest gates being the horde of reporters wanting to bypass the school's often overzealous usage of security. Ritsu saw the reporters either get picked up and placed away by large robotic claws, be barred by a large metal gate, or a trap hole would open just as they thought they made it pass which was have them be raised up in another area further away from the gate.

The reporters barely noticed the teenage girl with lavender hair squeeze her way past them. Popping between two rather large cameramen, and ducking under the swinging arm of an overzealous reporter, Ritsu walked forward in a simple straight line.

It was only after the reporters noticed that none of the robot arms, trap doors, or even the large metal gate which appeared from nowhere attempt to stop her did they realize something was inherently wrong with the situation. Then they discarded that notion and thought that if that girl could make it through the traps, they could as well.

This thought was proven false as the robot arms, trap doors, and omniscient descending metal gate came to bare their path. They all cried about injustice and how the "public needed to know" and other half-truths like that.

Ritsu didn't really much care, she was only thankful that the traps only needed her to say please for her to make it through without trouble.

"Excuse me!" She rushed towards a rather hapharzard looking man with dark circles around his eyes. "Can you help me locate my friends?"

Aizawa stared with wide eyes, wondering how the Hell did a stranger make it into Yuuei. Then he recognize the student profile of the AI student that the teacher had given him and recognize the facial features.

"Sure… But first you should probably tell me who you are… And how you got through the school's defense measures..."


Mineta was running, running for dear life. Running like the girl's had found his secret sizes chart and where out for his blood. Running because even at Yuuei, devils lurked under every shadow and behind every corner.

He had been in a group consisting of Shouji and Aoyama, bummed out that none of the girls would party up with him. However after a stiff glare from Jirou, Ashido, and somehow from Hagakure, he had wisely decided to hide behind Shouji as he and Aoyama made their way to a ruined city practice grounds.

It had been less than hour when they had received the first call in regards to the Midoriya-Iida-Kouda team radio silence. No one had heard from them after Kouda had messaged everyone they were in pursuit of the IDT's, or Inter-Dimensional Travelers.

The last they heard was a loud clap from Midoriya's phone before silence. The next foreboding thing occurred was the struggle heard from Tokoyami's cellphone.

After what sounded like the crack of a gun, the sound of Bakugou's explosion, and indiscriminate yelling, they were silenced. It became very apparent that the IDT's weren't the average middle school students. Far from it, when the harried report given by Ojiro as he was being chased through one of Yuuei's main grounds.

What happened was that the three had walked into a mud pit, a shallow one, but it was enough to wedge them up to their knees. Hagakure had been trying to pull herself free before a figure had risen out of the mud itself and pulled her down and away. There had been a collective shock before Ojiro immediately used his tail to create a strong push against the mud, flinging him out of the air with Kaminari in tow.

Both were sent sprawling away just as more figures continued to rise from the mud, their faces obscured from the dirt and grime, and all together a terrifying sight to behold. Kaminari attempted to shock them, however the electrical discharge he fired was diverted onto a metal plate, rigged and disguised to look like a sapling.

His eyes widened before they slowly began to fizz and fade into a look of complete and utter adledness as quirk warped away his thought process. Thumbs up and dopey grin was on his face as Ojiro could only stare in fear as the figures drew closer to them.

He made a grab for Kaminari, only for a smoke bomb to be thrown at Kaminari's feet and exploding in a pink and sweet-smelling cloud. Ojiro quickly covered his mouth and nose before using his tail to fan away the smoke, hoping that it wasn't some form of knockout gas.

When the mist dissipated, he was left alone in a field of dirt and mud. No sign of the figures, Kaminari, or Hagakure; just him. He found himself with a dry throat as the area around him grew unnaturally quiet.

Then the call went dead as everyone who had heard fell their fear skyrocket.

Now everyone was on high alert, and then, even then, many where dropping like flies. Uraraka had lost sight of Tsuyu after she had hopped onto a roof. Uraraka grew concerned enough to check for her, and she and Jirou found no trace of her on the roof. Then the sound of something collapsing was heard before the call cut off.

Ashido and her team were closests and were meant to check on them, with Mineta's group close behind them, before Mineta saw a hand descend from the branches overhead and snatched Aoyama from their sight. Muffles screaming and a panicked light beam was shot before the twinkling hero's sparkles were no longer visible.

Mineta and Shouji made moves to follow him up the trees before dark and malicious laughter filled the air accompanied by the insertion of red mist. The mist stung their eyes, making Mineta jump away as he tried to rub the irritation out of them. Shouji was less than lucky, his tentacles having several appendages as eyes made the irritation hurt tenfold as his extra eyes were subject to the burning irritation normally felt on two.

Blindly, the two separated in opposite directions of each other, unawares at the time. When the stinging finally subsided, Mineta came face to face with the feral grin of an oni.

"Hello there, don't mind me, I'm just here to pick some grapes."

The ear piercing scream that came from Mineta's mouth could be heard within two miles outside of Yuuei's walls. The demon only laughed as its large hand began to reach towards Mineta's head before he threw his balls. It made the demon's hands get stuck to a tree before he began to sprint away. The demon roared in grotesque fashion at what it would do if it could get its hands on Mineta.

I have to run! I have to get out of here! HELPMEHELPMEHELPME! SOME BODY SAVE ME!

Mineta's legged pumped underneath him as he vaulted over the roots and rocks that threatened his path. He could hear the sound of rustling leaves and branches behind him, and felt the breath of the demon on his neck. He saw a light at the end of the overgrowth, and he felt his speed increase as sanctuary came to him.

Wait a second, do those trees look a little flat? Mineta could only question that for a second before his face hit a tree full on in the face, knocking himself out cold.

"Ah ha! I knew this would work!... Also can someone had me a Band-Aid? I'm starting to get a little light headed…"



A majority of class 3-E currently surrounded what could only be described as a discount Elsa's ice fortress, coined by Karma upon arriving on the seen. Using the ruins of a warehouse, the ice encrusted walls loomed with long shadows and a foreboding aura.

The last three hunters of IDT Class 3-E had now bunkered down after realizing that they were not only outnumbered, but the Junior High school students they were meant to "locate" weren't normal Junior High students and that they were systematically hunting down their hunters.

Todoroki created a large ice wall attempting to cage in both Chiba and Hayami, only for Hayami to grab Chiba and run up the ice wall that was made. When Rikido made an effort to punch it so the two would fall, China pulled a canister from inside his pocket, pulled a pin, and dropped.

When it fell right in front of Rikido, Sero attempted to pull him out of harm's way before the resulting "bang" and bright flash blinded and discombobulated the group. In their stupor, Maehara dropped from a balcony via rope around his waist before grabbing Rikido and using the stun gun on his neck. The resulting electric shock had rendered him unconscious and before any of his teammates could react, Maehara had grabbed him and was yanked back up and over the ice wall.

Todoroki had then made the executive decision to fall back and bunker down, grabbing both Ashido and Sero before high tailing it to a reasonably well together warehouse and freezing it. All of Class 3-E stared as the windows, walls, and holes were glazed over in a thick opaque ice shell.

"Ra-Ah!" Terasaka howled as he slammed his shoulder into the ice wall with no avail. He grounded his teeth as he prodded the joins and bones to make sure he didn't dislocate it. "What kind of bullshit is this!"

"Only Terasaka would try to bash through blue ice…"

"ITONA?!" Everyone turned to see the once disappeared student appear behind them, a look of apathy on his face. "WHERE WERE YOU?" Then their eyes went to the lavendered haired girl whom stood next him in a Kunugigaoka girl school uniform, a wide smile on her face as she waved at them all. "IS THAT RITSU!"

"Yes, hello everyone!" She beamed with Itona next to her, though almost nobody notice the fact that they were hand in hand.

"I was hanging out of a bathroom window before my grip slipped and Ritsu and someone elsecaught me," Itona explained with his usual indifference. "By the way, we should probably hurry with whatever you're all doing, I have a message to tell everyone else." Itona then went over to examine the large ice wall that Terasaka had foolishly tried to crash through. "This is at least a meter thick, did you think it would break?"

"Buzz off Robocop," Terasaka growled before he stood up. "No one else has any plan to get through this!"


"I used the last of my semtex."

"How and why did you even have that?"

"I planned on lacing it on a bento for Korosensei."

"Takeyabashi, you scare me sometimes…"

"Guys, back at hand. I really don't know how long Yada and Kanzaki can keep an eye on the others…"

"… So are you two single?"

"Really dude, now?"

"Excuse me! Can I hurt him?"

"Go right ahead!"

"Wait? Has anyone seen Nagisa or Karma?"

Meanwhile with the remnants of Class 1-A, they were in quite a pickle. Todoroki was using a less volatile flame in order to keep both Ashido and Sero warm whilst they hunkered down in the icy fortress. They knew that any help from their friends would not come, if the assumption that they were the last ones left where right.

"M-Maybe the teachers will come?" Sero chattered as he felt the chill creep into his bones.

"N-No, I-I tried c-calling All-Might, but he said we were on our own. Th-They have their own troubles to deal with," Ashido shivered as she rubbed her hands on her arms. A brooding look overcame Todoroki's face, a plan attempting to made.

However there were too many variables and too little information to work on. The Junior High students had quirks, but he had no idea what they were all were. More so, he could use his broad area of effect attacks in fear of hitting Ashido or Sero.

He should have saved Rikido, if just to keep one more person to help out. However Todoroki could not get over his failure at not foiling the capture of his classmate, brooding over that even more.

Both Ashido and Sero could see the literal darkened thoughts that plagued his mind, though neither had the energy nor the way to get him out of his stupor. Sero was about to say something before he let out a cough.

"Gah, what's the smell? It burns!" Sero, Ashido, and Todoroki all began to cough and choke as something seemed to burn their eyes, noses, and throats.

"Halfway, what exactly are you now?"

"My greatest dream…"

Todoroki looked to where the sound of voices came from to see two figures holding onto ice stalactites which hung overhead. One of the figures had a pair of goggles and a filtration mask over their nose and mouth, while the other was smiling evily as his body began to slowly to turn into a pale red gas. That same gas was flowing downwards, its weight making it sink and gather around the last remaining students of 1-A.

The gas masked figure leapt down from the stalactite now, landing without any harm despite the large drop. Ashido tried to make a half hearted attempt at attacking him, only for him to easily side step away hit her in the neck, the strike making her drop like a rock onto the ground for the other to grab with one arm and put on his shoulder. It seemed that the gas didn't affect the one who emitted it.

"Ne, Gender, you look really scary with that one. Maybe you should wear that when you go out, yeah?" Karma joked. His friend turned and Karma could envision the glare that was being sent his way and smirked in return. "Just saying, no one couldn't mistake you if your face is hidden."

Some sort of muffled reply came from Nagisa before hauling Sero over onto his shoulder. Then both boys turned to Todoroki who raised a hand up, intent on blasting both with a combination of fire and ice to create a pressure explosion, enough to clear the air but small enough to not seriously injure anyone.

However, before he could, Nagisa rushed towards him, dropping Sero in the process. In a flash, Todoroki found himself paralyzed as his senses went on overdrive and everything burned a thousand-fold because of the gas. His vision grew dark, but his mind was aware of being hauled up and carried away.

Muted voices and movement, that was all that Todoroki's disciplined mind could comprehend. A limbo between consciousness and unconsciousness he was in, unable to act but able to perceive how much of a colossal failure his action was.

His eyes opened to see that they had arrived at one of the less used training fields, a large dome facility that fell into disarray when people found little use for it. He was laid next to Bakugou, noting that while he wasn't bound by any means, Bakugou was tied in his entirety with even his mouth gagged and something written in marker on his forehead.

"Potty Mouth," Todoroki mouthed and repressed a smirk when Bakugou began to let out muffled profanities.

"Ah you're awake." Todoroki turned to see a girl with glasses and braids approach him. She was dressed in much of the same camouflaged fatigues that the two boys who knocked him out where so he was initially cautious. "Don't worry, we didn't mean to harm you like that." Todoroki remained silent and pointed at Bakugou. "Well… He's a special case."

"Understandable," he rumbled before being lead out of the room and into… A hastily erected den of some kind. Refuse forms of furniture had been retrofitted and reconstructed and set up in the room for the many denizens inside to rest on them from both Class 1-A and Class 3-D. No one else was bound, and it seemed instead of being hunters and hunted; they were acting like what they were, kids.

Todoroki was beyond confused.



Iida and Midoriya came running towards him now, a sense of relief washed over him as he saw that they weren't harmed. They both rushed him into a hug, where Okumura very quietly excused herself and walked away.

"I'm glad to see that you two are alright," Todoroki said when they got off of him. "After we heard the clap—"

"Ah, sorry that was my bad." Todoroki turned after he felt a presence seemingly materialize behind him. He turned on his heel to see Nagisa, now without his air filter over his face, standing behind him with a smile. "It's one of my techniques, and it's mostly painless."

"Ah… Is that what you did to me as well?" Todoroki asked, to which Nagisa smiled and nodded. "It was a… Very effective technique, uh…"

"Nagisa, Nagisa Shiota."

"Todoroki Shouto."

"And I'm Karma!" A third voice sang before the light smell of peppered air wafted in the air. Pairs of eyes turned towards Karma walking towards them, his sleeve still billowing that red smoke as he smirked. "Nice to meetcha halfie."

"Likewise…" Todoroki replied without even a glare. Karma only grinned ferally before being pulled away by Okuda.

"Don't mind Karma…" Nagisa sighed as Todoroki turned his gaze back towards him. "He's like that with… Well, everyone."

"I see…" Todoroki didn't really, but he hypothesized it was sort of like Bakugou's inability to not be vulgar and shout. "I must ask though, why exactly are we not…"

"Tied up and bound?" He nodded. "Well, initially, we were trying to find a way out of this place, but we weren't very successful at that. Then we tried to find a missing classmate, but then we were approached by some tired looking man to, uh, capture you." Todoroki's eyes quirked in confusion, and Nagisa chuckled. "Yeah, we had the same expression. He said that he didn't take our friend, but that your, uh, Principle said to put you guys through an exercise against unwinnable odds."

"It was a logical ruse!" Todoroki, and the entirely of Class 1-A, turned to Aizawa descend from the ceiling in his sleeping bag.


"You know, that sounds a lot more respectable than Trashbag-san."

"Karma, really?"

Aizawa pretended to not hear that, and instead focused on his students. He noted that it took four of the Junior High students to drag Bakugou out of where he was and plop him down between Kaminari and Iida.

"Right, well, thank you students from another world for complying with the wishes of our fickle Principle," Aizawa commented looking towards the Class 3-E students, a bow from the neck and above. Then he turned back to his students. "This was a stress test set forth by Principle Nedzu in regards to the handling of extreme situations and insurmountable odds. I and the rest of the faculty of Yueei had some inklings towards their ability, however we were… Unsuspecting of how one sided this exercise would be."

"This was a test?" Iida and Yaoyorozu asked with trepidation. A nod from Aizawa made both turn slightly pale.

"Yes, though failure was expected from the start. And as much as this was a test set forth by Priciple Nedzu, this was also an excersize of powers for the Junior High students, once we got in touch with your teacher, one Korosensensei."

"Is Korosensei alright?" Aizawa looked to see that the green hared girl, Kanade, had spoken.

"Yes, by his account, most of his previous energy has been revitalized. However there is a… Surprise, waiting for you when you see him once more." He noted the room get quickly tense upon his announcement and quickly moved to placate any rising fears. "There's nothing fatal or dangerous about this surpsise, rather he said it was purely "aesthetical" in regard to how he's changed." Regardless of his reasonings, they all still looked dubious.

"It's alright class." All of the Junior High students turned to see another figure appear out of the shadoes. While Class 1-A students where rather confused as to why a suited serious faced man with a rather aggressive set of spiky black hair seemed to make these Junior High students relax, Aizawa was thankful that Karasuma appeared as he did.

There's a reason why he's a high school teacher, albeit one for Heroes, and not a Middle School teacher.

"Are you alright Karasuma-sensei?"

"Where did you go?"

"Is Bitch-sensei alright?"

The older man waved them all down, urging them to sit before he turned to Class 1-A. Before they could think their opinions, he bowed deeply, reaching a sharp ninety degrees before speaking.

"I deeply apologize for any excess of injuries and trauma my students might have done to you all." They were all speechless before he righted back up.

"He's really handsome…" Mina whispered to Hagakure, who despite being invisible, was nodding her head.

"Right." Aizawa then pulled himself out of the sleeping bag and stood slouching next to Karasuma. "Now that this little test concocted by Principle Nedzu and Korosensei is over, we are to go back. There is news for all parties involved, both Class 1-A of Yuuei and the Class 3-E of Kunugigoaka Junior High School."