There was a rip in the fabric of the universe. A literal rip, like reality was paper and someone sneezed while holding it. Which wasn't completely wrong in how this happened.

A person by the name of… Well, let's call them Whoopps, for soon to be obvious reasons. Whoop's quirk was to make "small" rips in the fabric of reality. It was certainly an interesting quirk, no doubt a powerful one, that was if they decided to be a hero, or even a villain.

Tear was neither of those. While they admired heroes, and knew that they had little incentive to go into a life of petty or serious crime, they bare to do either. He instead wanted to be a book store owner, using their quirk to store all the books they've collected and bringing them out whenver their customers needed them. They

They opened up their shop near the famed UA Hero academy with the implication that those prospecting students would see their shop and see their wide assortment of books. From reference texts, to fictional stories, to guides and howtoes.

Then while they was tearing open a hole in reality, a common thing they did in the confines of either their shop or their home, to find their own personal collection, thhey sneezed and made it six times as wide as the tears were normally.

Their holes were around the same size as a book, fit enough for varying size, but at the most eight inches in diameter. They've never tried to rip bigger, nor wanted too. Too many thoughts of, "oh my, what would happen if I..." and "What if something came out?" filled their head at night for a good portion of their life. Today however, they would see what would happen if they ripped bigger.

When they ripped this big hole… Things connected in strange ways, and things were brought into this world that were not entirely books. They were right about one thing, something would come out. It wasn't books, and it wasn't monsters... Well, not technically.


Nagisa felt a dull throbbing headache come on. Groaning, he tried to remember the reason for why such a thing would be affecting him.

He had shown up to class, everyone was already there. Korosensei had arrived as per usual, this time with an ice cream from San Francisco in America. He called roll, easily avoiding a half hearted attempt at assination by Karma, who rigged several firecrackers under his chair to release chaff of anti-sensei material. Karasuma sensei showed up to say something with Irina, and then…

"Nagisa, get off of me please…" He looked down and let out a shout of shock as he found himself straddling a dizzy Kayano. He quickly scrambled off of her and helped her sit up. She seemed to be dazed as she began to mumble incoherantly and lean on him for support.

"Jeez, what hit me?"

"I haven't felt this bad since Korosensei flew me to Africa."

It seemed everyone in 3-E was feeling the same pain as Nagisa felt, though in varying degrees. Coughing from the billowing smoke and dust filling his lungs, he tried to swipe it away. Standing with Kayano in tow, he knelt her against a large rock before going to try and clear rumble and rocks off students who had yet to wake up. He saw Karma help an unconscious Terasaka, taking a large rock off his midsection. He helped up a groping Okajima, who had came dangerously close to groping the front of Nakarmu's chest, but she was luckily pulled away by Yada, who had asked her to help find where Ritsu was.

Eventually the students of 3-E found each of their members, with surprisingly minimal injuries. There was still a search for Korosensi, Karasuma, and Irina even as the smoke above began to thin out. In fact, it thinned enough that Nagisa noticed dark silhouettes behind the thin veneer of the smoke.

"Hey? Anyone alive in there?" A voice called out. Nagisa wiped his eyes before noticing a hand stick out through the dust.

How are people already here? He thought before accepting the hand. It must be some of Karasuna-sensei's colleagues…

Nagisa didn't think much farther as he pulled up and out of the smoke and greeted his savior. Or would have, if the sight that greeted him didn't make his blood run cold.

A giant lizard like thing stood in front of him. Long snout and scaly skin glistening in the sun as he held Nagisa up.

"Hey kid, don't you know its rude to scream at your saviors?" The rather civilized response the lizardman gave Nagisa didn't seem to dissuade him screaming as he tried to thrash and pull himself from the lizardman's grip. "H-Hey kid! I'm g-gonna drop you if—"

He was cut short when Nagisa, on instinct, kicked him in the throat and pulled his arm free from the man's grip. Feet planting on the lizard man's shoulders, he vaulted off of him and went back into the smoke.

Rolling on the ground, he pulled hismefl to his feet as he saw his friends and classmates pick each other up. He saw Karasuna-sensei and Irina carrying a swaying Korosensei and a Terasaka hauling both Hazama and Itona on his shoulders, though he himself looked worse for wear.

"Nagisa? What's wrong?" He turned to see a Sugino approach him.

"G-Gaint Lizards!" He screamed in response. Normally he was more composed than so. However, any sort of person, no matter what age, race, or mental fortidute and capacity to control their emotions, could ever not react on baser insticts at the sight at that many teeth.

Just as he said so, a strong gust of wind blew the dust over their heads, blowing away what was left of the thinning cloud. It reveal they were in a crater, and above them and standing on the what remained of a building of some kind were several interesting characters.

Bipedal animal human hybrids, people with extra appendages, extra animalistic features, people with alien like features, people that had wings, people that were smaller than him, people of every shape, size, and other things that were not meant to be on a human body.

All of class 3-E starred in absolute shock and horror stared.

It's like we found Korosensei's planet! They thought.

All of the sudden, a figure dropped from the sky. She wore an orange and blue spandex which accented her large bosom, and her long blond hair was parted by two large blue horns appearing out of the side of her head. A partial domino mask covered her eyes and she stood in the center of the cleared hole.

She had a calm look as she stood in the center.

"Mt. Lady is here to help!" The woman shouted. All of Class 3-E stared at her in absolute and complete bafflement. One thing screamed in their minds as they stared at this figure.

Who the hell is this lady?!

Korosensi soon got everyone's attention as he coughed. One tentacled arm standing up as he slithered out of Karasuna and Irina's grasp. Standing on his own feet, he faced the blond woman in front of him.

"Hello there, it seems we've been brought your dimension. I do apologize for our intrusion," he coughed. He slumped over after saying so, his body turning into mush from the strain.



"They're… Interdimensional travelers?" Shouto Aizawa stared as Cementoss nodded his head. The large hero looking rather tense as he indicated towards the collection of people that were currently resting in Recovery Girl's infirmary.

Half an hour into the start of his morning, he had been called on his emergency number by Cementoss. He was told the most bizarre and albeit fascination news in his life.

"Aizawa come to school quick! The paramedics dropped off Interdimensional travelers into our infirmary!"

And ten minutes later, the normally energy conserving man was in UA. Snipe meeting him just inside the gate to show him to the special examination room that Recovery Girl had for when patients needed to be observed for medical anomalies.

"And we know this… How?"

"All-Might got the initial idea when the tentacle one there," Cementoss pointed towards the yellow multilimbed person currently on a bed and snoring, "said so. Afterwards, Ectoplasm went through some records and found that the person who owned the building had a quirk. Dimensional rift." Aizawa could already feel a headache overcome his senses as he gripped the bridge of his nose.

"I ran background checks on all of them, and not a single one came back with anything. They just popped into existence." Aizawa could feel the headache intensify. "And even more so, that tentacle guy, he's also from their world. When I asked him about quirks, he looked just as confused as the others when I asked him if they had any."

"So not only are they from a different dimension, their dimension also doesn't have quirks?" Cementoss nodded before Aizawa let out a deep sigh.

"See if you can check in with the other countries. It probably won't go anywhere, but at this point anything can happen." Cementoss nodded. "Also see if they are any records if this sort of thing has happened before." Another nod before he began to walk out of the room. "And see if we can locate the Dimensional ripper!" Cementoss popped his head back in once more before nodding and leaving Aizawa alone.

First the League of Villains were targeting his kids and All-Might, then All-Might beat One-For-All, and now he had to deal with the idea that people from another dimension were here. He liked it better when the Villains were attacking, at least then there were less kids liable to be hurt.

"Hey! Hey! Anyone in their?" Aizawa turned to see a red headed boy with a starling pair of golden eyes knocking on the one-way glass. "Anyone at all?"

"Karma, stop tapping on the class," a blue haired… Person pleaded as they helped a larger bodied girl sit up to drink some water.

"Yeah, yeah, got it Nagisa."

Karma and Nagisa… Odd names. Aizawa thought.

"Oi! Let us out of here!" His eyes flicked to another boy, large in body though it seemed to be mainly muscle mass. His bicolored hair shined with sweat as he pushed on the door out of the infirmary.

"Terasaka! Stop that!"

"Hell no! I don't know where we are, or why were in here! I want some damn answers!" The boy yelled as he pushed on the door. Then his body glowed before a red aura seemed to surround his body before he pushed once more. Aizawa stared with comically large eyes as the door broke down from the boy's strength.

That was double fitted titanium alloy door with five layer brass and steel hinges. A normal person shouldn't be able to… Oh great. This kid has a quirk. Deciding that doing nothing would only serve to make more things break, Aizawa stood up and quickly pushed a button which lowered the one way glass mirror.

Every one of the Dimensional travelers stared as Aizawa stepped over the low wall which now separated them with the observational room.

"No doubt all of you have questions, as do I, however," he sat cross legged in front of them now. Pulling his hair back so his eyes were exposed. "Let's start with introductions. I'm Shouto Aizawa, I'm a hero and also a teacher for heroes."

"… Like a superheros?" A boy with a shaved head asked. A girl with short hair and gymnast body elbowed him in the gut.

"I'm Karasuma Tadaomi," the serious looking man in what was once a pressed suit introduced himself. "You're speaking Japanese?"

"This is Japan," was Aizawa's immediate reply. A look of relief seemed to cross all of the traveler's faces.

They must also have a Japan… This makes things simpler then.

"I'm Irina Jelavic," the buxom blond woman breathed as she leaned on the arm of the man. Karasuna seemed to twitch in annoyance before resigning himself to this fate.

I'm getting an odd sense of deja vu…

"I'm Korosensei," the yellow tentacled man said jovially as he woke up from his nap.

More déjà vu…

"Students, it's rude to not to introduce yourselves. For expediency, introduce yourselves in class order."

So they're also a class… Of some kind.

"Karma Akabane." The red headed one from before greeted with an oddly unsettling smile.

"Yuma Isogai." A boy with a cowlick stated.

"Taiga Okajima," the shaven head boy stated.

Soon all of the kids gave out their names. Some added tidbits, like their age or what they liked.

For middle school students, they seem exceptionally mature… And adaptable.

"Right, to answer the previously stated question; yes, Superheroes. All though, I don't think there are any other heroes aside from those. My turn to ask my own question; what are you all doing here?"

"I can state that we have no idea how or why we got here," Korosensei spoke up. "My students and I were conducting classes like usual before something faster than what most could see opened up in the middle of the classroom. Even my eyes could barely make it out, something like a giant lightning bolt. However, in an effort to protect my students and colleagues from potentially harmful effects it might cause, I gathered everyone in a tight group before covering them with my body." Everyone stared at Korosensei. The damage in which the dimensional travel caused would have killed them were it not for his act.

"Now, answer my question; do you know the cause of why we're here?" Aizawa continued as he filed that fact away for later consideration.

"Yes. Though this is only my preliminary theory. Someone from our dimension tore a hole in the dimensions, bridging the two worlds briefly. However, in that briefest rip, it was able to bring you all into this dimension," Aizawa stated.

"Wait, that can happen?" Sugaya shouted in surprise.

"Like I said, it is only my preliminary theory. We, ourselves, don't know how or why this happened." Aizawa cleared his throat before looking at Terasaka, the boy who broke the door down earlier. "Tell me, do people in your world naturally have… Powers?"

All of the students shook their head.

"Powers are normally the result of experimentation and the resulting hubris of man trying to meddle in things which he himself has no experience in…" Itona muttered darkly.

He and Tokoyami would make great conversational partners…

"Am I to assume that means it's no?" Another group nod from them cemented Aizawa's understanding.

"Good. Then that means that Tersaka-san shouldn't have been able to open a deadbolted titanium alloy and five layered brass and steel hinged door," Aizawa stated seriously as he pointed to the hanging door.

"Holy shit Terasaka!"

"Heh, I knew he was all brawn no brain…"

"What was that Karma!"

Aizawa stared as Terasaka went to grab Karma. He would have grabbed him, had the red haired boy not seemed to turn into black mist at the slightest touch, only to reform a ways away with a look of absolute shock evident on his face.

Oh no… No no no no… Aizawa thought as he stared at 3-E. Please. No.

"Hayami-chan!" Nakaoaka screamed as she pointed to said quiet girl. "You're standing on a wall!"

"Huh?" The pig tailed girl looked confused before looking down and realizing that she was parallel with the floor.

"Why is everything so close up?"

"What the—Why am I polka dotted?!"

"Why is everything being converted into words?"

"Hey? Where did Hazama go?"

"Yo check it out, I can make my phone float."

"Did Itona always have... A metal arm?!"

"This… This a problem…" Aizawa muttered in horror at the sights before him.

"I know. These kids are gonna use these powers to kill me," Korosensei stated as he sat next to Aizawa. The hero looked to the side with wide eyes. "Assassins and super powers are an absolutely terrifying combinations."

"Your students are what, trying to what you?!"

"… Oops, I wasn't supposed to say that…"

These kids are assassins! They're trying to KILL him! What else?!

"That's enough!" A large and commanding shout erupted from Karasuna. And like the commanding power he had, the very nature of gravity listened to him as everyone felt a force like a gravity chamber on a certain shounen anime. Upon realizing what was happening, Karasuna froze up in surprise and then did the gravity levels return.

"… I'm supposed to be a teacher…."


Midoriya was currently having a normal day. Today had been the first week after all of Class 1-A had moved into the student dorms on campus. The first few days were strange. Many of them weren't used to sharring such a grand space with others that were not family. For obvious reasons, Yaoyorozu was used to sharing such space with strangers. However, Iida seemed rather controlling over the way in which dishes were cleaned when they ate, something about how it was the most efficient method.

It was the general consensus that Kirishima, Hagakure, and Uraraka be in charge of cooking. No one dared try to mess with Midoriya's room. Depth preception was impossible in Tokoyami's room. And that Bakugou could only be woken up by Kirishima or Iida, as they were the least likely ones to be hit by an explosion he "accidentally" let loose when waking up.

Yes, it was an average day. A filling breakfast by the cooking trio, a pleasant stroll to morning classes. Everyone sat in their seats waiting for Aizawa-sensei to either pop up from the ground or fall in from the ceiling tiles in his trademark sleeping bag.

Iida was already commenting towards the fact that Bakugou had his feet on the desk. Tokoyami was leaning on the wall with a brooding expression. Satou however had baked cookies the ealier night and were sharing them with the girls.

Izuku was talking to Kirishima, Uraraka, and Tsuyu about quirks and general things. Yes, it was an average day. Until it was not.

"-ook! I'm teleporting!" A loud voice cheered. The girl who shouted had long blond hair and wore a school uniform of some kind, a gray skirt and a yellow cardigan. The thing however that was surprising to everyone though was that stood atop of Bakugou's head, who surprisingly, didn't blow her up yet!

"... Whoops." And just as quick as she had come, she was gone. The only thing? She had taken Bakugou with her. Everyone stared in absolute shock before Bakugou and the girl had popped back once more. This time however another person was brought instead, a girl with short orange hair and an athletic build.

"Hi! I'm Hinano Kurahashi! We're sorry for taking your classmate and we're returning him!" The girl with orange hair said. The blond leaned over and whispered in her ear, while Bakugou still looked catatonic and wide eyes. "Also Aizawa-sensei says he'll be here in ten minutes with a full explanation later!"

And like that the two popped away once more, this time leaving Bakugou. Everyone in 1-A stared as the normally rancorous teen was rendered silent.

"Hey Bakugou, what... What was that about?" Kirishima asked, trying to feign some sort of normalcy in his voice. It wasn't convincing to anyone.

Bakugou turned his head and faced Kirishima.

"I'm gonna need some fucking asprin…" He said before looking with a far away look.