Author's Notes: I give you the epilogue. I'd like to thank everyone that has read this story, placed it on their favorite's lists, and/or has me as a favorite author. You guys are so sweet. Thank you to the following for reviewing: Chibi-Pepsi13, major-rocket-fan, Ashley, and Lina567! You guys are so sweet! Don't forget to review. I'll see you in my next Mai/Joey story J

Disclaimer: I do not own Yugioh.



An Exile's Stone Heart




Neither I nor Sarah really understood how they could act like that in public. It was embarrassing. Every year, we did the same thing. It never failed. Grandma, Dad, Mom, Sarah, and me all packed into our large minivan and headed for the beach house. Seems normal right? Wrong! Mom and Dad did nothing but make out when we went out for dinner, Grandma just laughed, and Sarah looked about as embarrassed as I was. I just didn't understand how I could be cursed with the lamest parents ever! Great, Mom's onstage with dad singing karaoke.

"Every year they do this. Why?"

I asked my older sister Sarah. She rolled her eyes at my question like she always did. I sighed, smirking at my parents childish antics. While I admit that their behavior can border on the embarrassing, I love them both very much. I have never seen two people more in love than they are. My parents have had their ups and downs, but things always worked out for the best. I can never recall a time in which they were truly angry with one another. My mother is a beautiful woman that could get any man she wanted. My dad knows this, but he's cool with it. My mom hardly ever gets angry when the neighborhood women get angry with him.

"You know they always do this on their anniversary J.J."

I frown at the nick name. My full name is Joseph Antonẻ Wheeler II, but everyone calls me JJ and I hate it. I stick my tongue out at her, kicking her under the table. Sarah is a good older sister but she does have that boss around her little brother complex going on. Before she can kick me back under the table, Gram walks up to us and hands us drinks. I love my Gram, she's so cool. Every time my mom and dad go out for dinner, she always lets us stay up late and watch shows.

We watch my parents dance and sing on stage, much to the delight of the restaurant's patrons. Though they are both off key, they sing with a fluidity and grace that could usually be found within people that were in love. Ever since I could remember I have been amazed by their devotion. The other kids in my neighborhood have parents that are either divorced or constantly argue with one another. Sarah says she could barely remember a time without Dad being around. My parents get off the stage after their third round of karaoke. They take a seat next, visibly breathless from their duets.

"You guys rocked!"

I watch them as they stare into one another's eyes. Of course, I am disgusted by any display of affection my parents may give one another, but nevertheless I am glad that both my parents are happy together. Dad says he'll tell me the story of how they got together one day, because he thinks that I am too young to know right now. Gram says it's because there are adult elements in the story. Mom blushes every time that Gram mentions that. I really don't know what's to be embarrassed about, but Sarah says it's just another one of those things that I am too young ot know about.

"One day, we'll tell you. Okay, kiddo?"

Although I want to know now, they are resolved in their decision. I suppose it's a great story. I just wonder when I'll finally be able to hear them tell me it. Looking around the table, I know that I am truly blessed to have a family like mine.



