A/N: I'm sorry I was MIA for so long, but here is finally chapter 4. Unfortunately, I went through a period of writer's block and then dropped out of the fanfiction writing community completely for a while. I tried to start other stories, but then would hit the exact same dead end of how I want my story to continue. This chapter was the victim of frequent re-writes to get their dialogues right. I hope it was okay. I was almost on the verge of quitting writing completely, but then when I read other stories I was hit with nostalgia and wanted to come back. Here is my re(?)debut?
Sometimes, Sasuke still sees his parents in dreams.
They were always together, in the way how people in love were always together. He often dreamt of them just standing there in the distance, his father strong and unwavering, and his mother's tenderness softening the hard edges to his character. His dad would wrap an arm around his wife securely with a reassuring squeeze which would cause his mother to break out in a smile. His father never did smile much, but his eyes sparked with something unique just for her.
Sasuke wondered if that was in the cards for him; a special connection so consuming that it seemed like a trick of the light, but a fleeting spark he definitely witnessed with his own eyes.
The box in his hand suddenly felt heavier.
He walked into the tailor shop situated in the quiet side of uptown Konoha and put the wooden box on the counter. It didn't take long before his presence was met by a stern old woman in her sixties with a head full of white hair.
"Tanaka-san." Sasuke greeted pleasantly.
"Sasuke." The old woman responded. "How many times must I remind you to call me Mitsuyo."
"Always one too many." He bantered calmly. "How have you been?"
"I surprise myself by still waking up in the mornings." Mitsuyo sighed, cleaning up fabric pieces. "There are days where I look forward to closing this business down myself."
Sasuke's lips lifted fractionally. "The business will let you go when it decides it's time."
"My late-husband's business, you mean?" She glared fondly at the portrait of a man on the wall. "Dying must feel so blissful compared to waking up early to finish last-minute orders, the heartless bastard."
"My condolences." Uchiha gazed at the portrait. "You and your husband had a special relationship. I apologize for not being there to send him off."
"You had your own demons, my child." Mitsuyo waved off his apology. "And it's been years. We've all got to move on some time."
"Hn." The hairs on the back of Sasuke's neck prickled in response to the intimate turn in conversation topics, and briskly gestured to the box on the counter. "I have something for you."
Mitsuyo plucked the tiny spectacles resting on her bosom and balanced them on her sharp nose. "If it's your repulsive mission gear, young man, I suggest you clean it first before-"
She held the lid in one hand, struck momentarily speechless as she stared at the kimono within it. The rich silk felt like water as Mitsuyo ran her hands across it, and the morning sun rays lit up the threads with a glossy sheen. The collar was laced with intricate stitching of pearls and silver flowers, with a twin pair of phoenixes dancing in the foreground. The slight musty odor did little to dampen the sheer beauty of the robes, and Mitsuyo was suddenly overwhelmed with a heavy taste of nostalgia.
"My mother's wedding kimono." Sasuke explained. "As I recall, this was you and your husband's most beloved work."
"I never thought I'd see this again." Mitsuyo's voice was tender as she lifted the outer robe out of the box. "Thank you for bringing it back to me."
"Before you get too attached," Uchiha interrupted politely. "I'd like to have it altered for Hinata-san."
Tanaka Mitsuyo stared at the young man in front of her, her gaze knowing and her lips stretched into a smile. "I think someone is being extremely sentimental today." She teased, dancing the kimono in front of Sasuke with her fingers.
"My mother was a loyal patron of your business." The young man argued. "It's only right to continue the tradition. It has nothing to do with sentimentality."
"Oh? Well then, you've done an excellent job preserving your mother's wedding kimono with so much care…for the sake of tradition." Mitsuyo smirked, noting the neat folds in the fabric and pressed edges of the collar.
Sasuke narrowed his eyes and cleared his throat with a hint of embarrassment. "I think this conversation has run its course." He stated with finality.
The woman huffed, carefully folding the kimono back into the box. "Fine. I will have it ready within the month if you bring your betrothed around some time. Speaking of Hyuuga-san, how are you two handling this? Are you nervous at all?"
"It is what it is. There's nothing to be nervous about."
Mitsuyo rolled her eyes. "Do me a favor, and don't repeat those words in front of that poor girl, ever."
"Hinata-sama, here are the fabric samples sent from the tailor. She's expecting a reply within a week."
"Please spread them out by the bed."
"Hinata-sama, these are the floral arrangement samples from the florist."
"Pastel colors only. These samples are much too bright."
"Hinata-sama, the council elders asked me to give you these invitation samples. They want a final decision in three days."
"Hinata-sama, please finalize the guest list."
"Hinata-sama, gold or silver linings on the tablecloths?"
Hinata's head spun as she tried to keep on top of all the demands and ridiculous deadlines that were threatening to drown her. The wedding may be two months away, but there were still so many decisions to be made. Neji was still on bedrest, and Hanabi had conveniently made herself scarce. Even Sasuke had slyly stayed away from the craziness! Traitor, traitor, all traitors. Hinata thought irritably as she dismissed the samples of red roses. The bluenette didn't know why she was blaming her bed-ridden cousin, but her mood was being tested and it felt good lashing out at the wrong people…even if it was only in her head.
"Hinata-sama, Uchiha-sama is waiting in the front room."
Thank the gods. The bluenette thought with relief, and then felt very self-conscious for being relieved that he's here. But she wasn't one to look a gift-horse in the mouth, and all but ran from the bedroom to greet the guest.
Hinata slid open the door to the sitting room with much enthusiasm and looked mildly apologetic as the wooden frame harshly collided with the threshold. "Sorry." She apologized meekly and took a seat across from her fiancé.
"You look agitated. I assume the wedding preparations are not going well." Sasuke commented lightly, noting the few stray strands that dared to disobey the poker straight hairstyle that was Hinata's signature look.
"Preparations is a generous word." Hinata smiled wryly, patting down her hair. "Pandemonium is more like it."
Ebony eyes held a look of quiet playfulness. "You survived the frontlines of a war. Fabric samples and invitations must be a breeze after that."
"You give me too much credit, but I'm afraid wedding planning is an entirely different beast." Hinata tucked her hair behind her ear, feeling a bit bashful and warm. She was quick to change the subject. "Is there something you need, Sasuke-kun?"
"Yes, I may need to borrow you tomorrow, if you don't mind." He answered and pushed a piece of paper across the small table.
Hinata skimmed the writing quickly, with genuine surprise coloring her features. "You made fitting reservations with the tailor?"
She bit her bottom lip. "What's it for?"
Sasuke's eyes held a look of sincerity. "For something that holds great importance to my family, and I hope you can come to appreciate the importance of it too."
Hinata tucked the note into her sleeve before folding her hands neatly on the table. "If it's important to you, then it is important to me, Sasuke-kun." She smiled. "I will make sure to be on time."
"Since you're here, would you like some tea?"
The bluenette busied herself with the dainty cups in front of her, picking up the small spoon to scoop tea leaves into the small teapot. At one point she looked up, only to find the Uchiha staring at her pensively. "Hm? Is something wrong? You're staring, Sasuke-kun." She asked, placing a cup in front of him.
Sasuke paused, choosing his next words carefully. "Naruto-"
Hinata's hand froze for a fraction of a second, which didn't go unnoticed by the young man.
"-mentioned that you fainted the other day. He wouldn't tell me any more details, but I wanted to see if you are okay."
Images of Naruto and Shikamaru intimately intertwined in the Hokage's office flashed through Hinata's mind, causing the young woman to flush. Sweat broke out from the top of her head as she tried to grasp onto some reassuring words. "I-It was nothing, really. I'm perfectly fine." She stammered unconvincingly.
Sasuke wasn't buying it. "You also left the hospital without discharge papers." He added.
The young heiress waved off the concern with a blushing face. "Shizune-san didn't think it was necessary to keep me there any longer, so I left after I woke up."
The Uchiha heir nodded in understanding. "I see." He said, but Hinata knew this wasn't the end of it. She braced herself for the awkward turn this conversation was about to take. Please don't ask me what I saw, please don't ask me what I saw-
"Hinata-san, as things stand now, I think we owe it to each other to be honest about our expectations."
Oh sweet lord…
"If this arrangement of ours has driven a wedge between you and Naruto, I think it's important for you to tell me now." The young man offered helpfully. "I don't want to be the reason for someone's unhappiness. I've been down that road before…it's not a mistake I would like to repeat."
The bluenette furrowed her eyebrows at the man across from her, something angry bubbling in the pit of her stomach. Maybe it was all the pent-up frustration from the wedding planning that was making her patience wear thin, but Hinata can sense pity all too well when it's directed at her and she was in no mood for it.
"I understand we were never friends, Sasuke-kun." Hinata stated resolutely. "There are a lot of things you don't know about me. But please know this; I agreed to this match because I take my duties to my family and my village very seriously. I don't need to be offered an 'out'."
She sensed persisting doubt in those ebony eyes, and as Sasuke opened his mouth to retort, Hinata pushed forward.
"And there is nothing between me and Naruto-kun but friendship and goodwill, I assure you." The bluenette continued with a smile. "True, I did confess my feelings, but Naruto-kun didn't feel the same way. I respect that, and I hope he finds what he's looking for. I think we can both agree that if anyone deserves his wish to be granted, it's Naruto-kun."
Sasuke nodded, a small smile on his lips at the mention of his best friend. "Indeed." He concurred. "Nevertheless, I'm sorry it didn't work out between you two."
With the last of her emotional energy spent, Hinata mustered a sheepish look on her face. "In all honesty, I don't think I'm quite what Naruto is looking for anyways." She mumbled bashfully. Especially not when it comes to physical attributes…
The young man raised an eyebrow at that, and was about to ask for further clarification when the door slid open to reveal one of the many servants scattered about in the Hyuuga compound.
"Hinata-sama, Neji-sama is insisting on taking a walk and wishes for your company."
"Miyori, I am with a guest." The bluenette lectured gently and turned towards her fiancé with an apologetic look. "My apologies, Sasuke-kun, Miyori here just started working a few days ago. She has much to learn but is very eager to please."
The servant girl blushed, feeling embarrassed. "H-He's really demanding to be let out of his room, Hinata-sama."
"My my, I'm so popular today." Hinata sighed and looked at her fiancé apologetically. "I'm sorry, Sasuke-kun, but it looks like I must go."
"Very well." The Uchiha acquiesced and stood up in one fluid motion. "I have to return home anyhow."
"Allow me to walk you out." Hinata bowed politely and led the way, following the proper etiquette of a clan member.
They walked through the compound in comfortable silence, with Hinata noting the way the Uchiha heir moved with graceful fluidity. It dawned on her in that moment that this was the longest they've ever conversed, and even more surprising was the fact that she found him to be a pleasant conversation partner. The thought encouraged something to blossom in her heart, and Hinata clung onto the hope that silver linings do exist if one knew where to look.
As they reached the double doors of the Hyuuga compound, Sasuke suddenly paused in his footsteps and turned around. He glanced over the bluenette's shoulder, as if mentally wrestling with himself over something. The young woman was about to ask him what was wrong again, when Sasuke suddenly piped up.
"I enjoyed our conversation today, Hinata-san. Perhaps, if we give ourselves the chance, we can get to a point where we can call each other friends too." He voiced sincerely.
Hinata's lips widened into a genuine smile. "I'd like that, Sasuke-kun."
To be continued...