Timeline: Happened before Xanxus knew that he was adopted and before Tsuna's flame get sealed by Nono. Also, I'll try to minimize the OOC. I can't come up with a suitable title. Xanxus is 12 years old while Tsuna is 5 years old. (Ya, I alter their age to suit the plot).

Ever since she was old enough to understand the world, Aria has known what fate has in store for her. Just like her mother, Luce, she has resigned herself to the sad fate lies ahead of her. Until one October 10th, her visions that always foresaw her impending doom faded and replaced with another one.

A vision of two sky flames- a pure bright one and a tainted one that burns just as brightly as the pure one. The two sky flames never fused together yet, both of them balanced each other just like ying and yang.

She thought it was just a hallucination or a dream because the vision only appeared once. Until 7 years later. This time, it's October 14th. She doesn't know whether this was a good news or bad news.

Tsuna was playing alone in the park when a bright orange pacifier suddenly appeared and floating in front of him.

He was tempted to touch it but something in his head was telling him that this strange pacifier was as scary as the Chihuahua that always chased him, so he ran away.

To his horror, the pacifier refused to leave him alone and he started to run as fast as his small legs can carry him while at the same time, letting out a wail.

He tripped and bumped onto something, or someone.

Xanxus was scowling. When he agreed to tag along with his father (Timoteo) to Japan, he didn't think that he would be stuck in this small Namimori town for three days.

He admitted the peaceful surrounding was not bad but it was damn boring and plain. There's practically nothing to do here. How does people survived in this s**** town?

As he strolled down the road, something fluffy bumped onto him. Or rather, someone with messy brown fluffy hair.

"Ooi, watch where you're going, brat."

"Hiieee, I'm sorry." Tsuna clasped both his hands together and kept saying sorry between his sobs. He only stopped and took a look at the boy when he heard the boy said something he couldn't understand (Italian).

"What the f***!"

Xanxus was staring at the orange pacifier which stayed afloat in front of him. He couldn't remove his gaze from the said pacifier no matter how much he tried. The weak sky flame that danced around the pacifier was so mesmerizing that he reached a hand to touch it even though he didn't want to.

"NO!" Tsuna yelled, trying to slap the boy's hand away from the pacifier. But, he failed and he ended up touching the pacifier at the same time with Xanxus.

A burst of sky flames erupted suddenly from the pacifier and engulfed them. The force of it was too strong for both of them to handle causing them to pass out.

Checkerface who was aware that the former sky arcobaleno, Luce has passed away a few moments ago, arrived just in time to see the sky pacifier split into two smaller pacifiers and landed on each boy.

"What?!" Checkerface's eyes widen. "This has never happened before. It's impossible. How can the sky pacifier split into half on its own? Why there are two sky pacifier bearers?" It has been a very long time since he was this confused. "They are just children. This shouldn't be happening."

He tried to undo the curse. As much as he wanted to maintain the Trinisette, he was not as cruel as to rob away the childhood of two innocent children. Being a sky arcobaleno was too heavy for a normal adult to shoulder, let alone children. But he failed. The sky pacifier has chosen its owners.

As he stared at the two unconscious boys, a thought came into his mind. Since the pacifier was split into half, it was very likely that the effect of the curse was reduced too. These children might be able to live longer than the previous sky arcobaleno.

He sighed and his gaze softened within the mask he wore. He placed his hands on the boys' forehead and lit up his mist flames.


A/N: October 10th is Xanxus's birthday while October 14th is Tsuna's birthday.

I have 3 stories waiting in line to update and yet my brain comes up with this idea and has been bugging me for a week to write it down. Sometimes, all the stress really does weird wonder on my brain. Or maybe it's because I haven't read about Xanxus being the sky arcobaleno in any of the fanfiction. So, I decided to write one myself although he was not exactly a full sky arcobaleno. I should have been doing my assignment instead of this. *sigh*