A/N: Soooo This is the last chapter of Thank You Officer. I know I know why am I ending it. I just don't know where else I want to go with this story and I have other Ideas for stories. So another story will be up soon I hope you like it.

Three Weeks Later…..

It was the day of Olivia and Fitz's wedding. Olivia had on a white dress with navy blue going down the back. She had her hair natural cause that was Fitz's favorite hairstyle on her. Olivia smiled when she saw herself in the mirror. Her dream was coming true. She was marrying the man of her dreams and she had a family, they also had a baby on the way. Olivia couldn't wait until their baby was born so they could join this wonderful family. Olivia was ready for everything coming her way.

"They are ready for you Liv." Abby said as she peeked her head in the room.

"Okay." Olivia looked herself over one more time then she left the room.

The music started and musiq Love started to play.

Jerry walked out first with the rings. Then Quinn walked out behind him. Abby walked out with Charity in her arms. Charity had on a similar dress as her mom.

Olivia took a deep breath and looked at James. "You ready?" He asked.

"Yeah." Olivia said then took his arm.

When Olivia walked around the corner. Fitz smiled. There she was. His Livvie, his , His girl. As she got closer Olivia realized Fitz was crying. When she saw him cry she started to cry.

After James gave Olivia away. They started the ceremony. As the pastor spoke Fitz and Olivia were lost in each others eyes. She couldn't stop smiling. She kept thinking this man really loves me.

" would you like to say your vows." The pastor said.

Olivia shook her head yes. "Wow ummm….I just want to say that I love you so much and I'm happy that you chose to love me. I glad that I met Jerry and i'm so happy that you gave me that beautiful baby girl. Thank you so much for coming into my life. You are also giving me another baby. Fitzgerald Thomas Grant I am so happy that I am becoming your wife." Olivia said.

Fitz had tears rolling down his face. He wished he could just grab her face and kiss her right now. Fitz wiped his face then started his vows. "Livvie you are my everything. You make me the man I am. I'm happy that Im starting a family with you. I will love you until the day I die. All of my dreams are coming true because you are in my life. I can't wait until our baby is born so he can meet his amazing Mommy. I love you so much. I love you more than anyone ever did." Fitz said.

Now it was Olivia's turn to cry. "You two now can exchange rings."

Fitz got his ring from Jerry and Olivia got her ring from Abby. Olivia put her ring on Fitz and Fitz put his ring on Olivia.

"You may now kiss the bride."

Fitz put both his hands on Olivia's face and kissed her. The kiss was slow. Olivia broke the kiss and looked into his eyes. Fitz smiled and picked her up and spun her around. "I love you ."

"I love you ."

"I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Grant." The pastor said.

After everyone took pictures it was time to party. Everyone met at the building where the reception was happening. Everyone was having fun. Olivia and Fitz danced together. They cut the cake and had a great time. Today was the best day ever for Olivia.

The Next Morning…..

"Okay please call us for anything." Olivia said to Cyrus.

"We got this Liv."

"Abby will come a day out of the week to get them."

"We know, go have fun with your husband." James said.

"Okay. Thank you so much." Olivia said then hugged James and Cyrus.

She kissed Jerry and Charity before she left. Fitz and Olivia surprisingly made it to their flight. They were headed to Hawaii.

Few Hours Later…

The newlyweds arrived at their hotel in Hawaii. As soon as they into their room Olivia laid on the bed. Fitz put their stuff down and took her shoes off. He knew she was tired so he called room service and then laid beside her on the bed.

A few minutes later there was a knock on their door. Fitz got their food and set it up for them, He let Olivia sleep for a little while longer before waking her up. After a few minutes passed he woke her up to eat.

Fitz stared at her while she ate. She was so beautiful and he was glad that he could call her his wife. Olivia saw him staring at her.

"What?" She said with a smile.

"I…I'm just so happy I married you. It feels like just yesterday I met you. Liv you are amazing. You me the person I am. You make me want to keep going everyday. I glad I can call you my wife. You gave me a beautiful baby girl and now another on the way." He said then touched her belly. "And you are so fantastic with Jerry. I'm just so glad I married and loved you before someone else had the chance. Livvie I love you so much." Fitz said.

Olivia smiled then put both her hands on his face. She was close to crying. "I love you too Fitz." She said then kissed him. The kiss was slow. They had all the time in the world for each other. Olivia broke from the kiss. She looked into his eyes and said four little words.

"Make Love To Me"

A/N: I know this was super short. Like I said I don't know where I want to go with this story I'm just gonna end it. But another story will be up. I have so many ideas for ya'll. Hope you liked it.