Author's Note: Thank you all for waiting patiently I hope you like this chapter. I am going to update a chapter for all of my stories one by one. So please be…more patient with me


Fleet Corner Trimmer 2415 L.S: I'm not too much concerned with the book version of game of thrones so to answer you question. Yes the natives are an offshoot of the Ibbenese, same island everything.

Dimi – I will make it so Gobber doesn't go all "Your grace" I understand. It felt weird writing it to be honest. I will add other Viking "Houses" such as the Viggo and Dagur. Drago (maybe)

Eragon and Saphira don't perform magic. Though the village elders of Dragon's Edge perform…enchantments if you will.

theomnimercurial: Zuri is a descendant of Nettles the Dragon Seed

Guest – Bran will not be cripple.

Haldon's ship sailed through the waters of the Shivering Sea, The Scauldrons pulled the ship for most of two days without rest, it was only when Haldon called to them that they stop. The boat stopped moving everyone on board looked to the bow of the ship and saw Haldon standing looking out to the horizon. The Captain, Maegon called to Haldon.

"Is everything alright my prince?" Maegon asked. Haldon turned to him.

"Everything is fine, just letting the Scauldrons rest for a bit." Haldon replied. The sea dragons popped their heads out of the water, Haldon stretched out his hands and rubbed their noses. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out some blue oleander flowers. He fed them to the two gracious sea dragons, who took their treat and dove back into the water.

"We're almost near Westeros your grace, we shoul—"

"I know Captain don't you worry, we'll get back on track within the hour, for now just relax." Haldon said as he kept looking beyond the sea. The captain nodded his head and went back to his cabin. He had passed Zuri who had just come from below deck. She walked to the bow and stood next to her husband. She too looked into the distance.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Haldon whispered.

"What do you see?" She asked. Haldon wrapped his arms her and sighed.

"Water and sky." He replied. Zuri lightly smacked his hand.

"No. What do you see?"

Haldon looked back to the distance. Strange images started to form in his mind.

"I see snow, ice and…fire. Fire engulfing the land and dark shadows in the sky."

"It seems your dreams predict the future." She chuckled.

"I didn't ask for this Zuri."

"And yet you are the perfect person for the job. Wherever this journey leads us, you have been chosen, there is no turning back, not now. You are a true dragon." Zuri pulled Haldon's arms around her tightly feeling his warmth.

"Let's hope they feel the same way." Haldon replied as he kissed his wife. "For their sake."


Three Rangers ride through a tunnel, leaving the Wall, and going into the woods. As they ride one Ranger splits off and finds a campsite full of mutilated bodies, including a child hanging from a tree branch. The ranger takes a closer look and sees that the bodies are arranged in a shield-like pattern.

The Ranger rides back to tell the other two.

"What'd you expect? They're savages. One lot steals a goat from another lot and before you know it, they're ripping each other to pieces." Waymar Royce replied to Will, the ranger that found the bodies. Royce was a proud man, a bit arrogant but he was loyal to his brethren.

"I've never seen wildlings do a thing like this. I've never seen a thing like this, not ever in my life." Will said fearfully.

"How close did you get?" Royce asked.

"Close as any man would." Will replied. The third ranger Gared stepped forward.

"We should head back to the wall." He said. Gared was a bit older than the two young rangers. He had more experience and was a capable soldier, but he was now under the command of Royce.

"Do the dead frighten you?" Royce jeered. Gared growled. "Our orders were to track the wildlings. We tracked them. They won't trouble us no more."

"You don't think he'll ask us how they died? Get back on your horse." Royce ordered. Gared grumbled but he complied.

"Whatever did it to them could do it to us. They even killed the children." Will added. In his mind going back was too dangerous.

"It's a good thing we're not children. You want to run away south, run away. Of course, they will behead you as a deserter … If I don't catch you first. Get back on your horse. I won't say it again." Royce said sternly. Will glares at the pompous Royce, but he obeys, and they ride out.

Sometime later, the three Rangers return to the campsite, and they find it completely cleared. It was as if nothing was there.

"Your dead men seem to have moved camp." Royce says looking around.

"They were here." Will said as they all dismounted.

"See where they went." Gared said. The three of them look around, swords drawn. They hear the wind and eerie calls. Gared finds a red cloth in the snow and picks it up

"What is it?" Royce asked.

"It's …" As he is about to reply Gared freezes in fear as a creature with glowing blue eyes rises behind Royce. Royce turns around and, the creature strikes.



As Will walks around he hears a man crying out. He turns around, the three horses stampede past him. He turns and sees someone standing very still in the distance. The figure turns – it's the child who had been staked in the tree, now with glowing blue eyes. Will turns and runs. Gared is also fleeing, he hears strange howling and runs faster. Both of the terrified Rangers stop, some distance apart, to catch their breath. Will looks up and before he could act the creature grabbed Gared and beheaded him with a noise. Will sinks to his knees and the Creature tosses Gared's head to him.

Will has made it south of wall. Abandoned the Night's Watch, surely, he would be discovered. He couldn't go back. He wouldn't go back. Not after what he saw. They had returned. After thousands of years, they were here.

In his dazed thought, riders from Winterfell had him surrounded, this was the end of the road for him.


In the courtyard of the castle you Brandon Stark was practicing his archery skills in front of his older brothers, Robb and Jon. He shoots his arrow and misses his target by a lot and hits a barrel. He huffs with frustration; just why couldn't he get it right? His brother Jon pats him on the shoulder.

"Go on. Father's watching." He says they boy look up to the balcony to see their father, Ned Stark, and Bran's mother, Catelyn Stark watching them.

"And your mother." Jon added.

With a nod of encouragement from his parents Bran smiles lightly and draws his arrow to try again.

Elsewhere the girls of Winterfell are practicing needle work in the castle. Septa Mordane inspects Sansa Stark's knitting.

"Fine work, as always Sansa. Well done."

"Thank you." Sansa replies. She looks on.

"I love the detail that you've managed to get in this corner. … Quite beautiful … the stitching …"

As the septa murmurs to Sansa about the embroidery, Arya Stark struggles with her needlework and looks on in jealousy, Sansa was always so prissy and perfect it disgusted Arya. As she turned back to her needle work. The sound of arrows hitting and the male laughter outside catch her attention, she decides to sneak out while the septa isn't looking.


Once again young Bran has missed his target and everyone laughs, even his younger brother Rickon.

Irked by their laughter Lord Ned Stark intervenes.

"And which one of you was a marksman at ten? Keep practicing, Bran. Go on." Ned gestured.

Bran draws his arrow again this time his brothers decide to give him some pointers.

"Don't think too much, Bran." Jon whispered.

"Relax your bow arm." Robb added.

Bran pulls the arrow back and prepares to let loose, suddenly an arrow hits the bullseye, but it wasn't Bran. Everyone looks to the side and are surprised to see Arya, who curtsies after her perfect shot. Robb and Jon laugh as Bran takes out after Arya.

"Quick, Bran!" "Faster!" Robb and Jon called out

On the balcony Rodrick Cassel and Theon Greyjoy approach Ned and Catelyn.

"Lord Stark. My lady. A guardsman just rode in from the hills. They've captured a deserter from the Night's Watch." Cassel reports.

The demeanor on Ned's face turns grim. To desert the Night's Watch was disrespectful to the North and a slap in the face to those that died to protect the realm, to desert the Night's Watch meant death.

"Get the lads to saddle their horses." Ned ordered. Theon immediately departs. Catelyn grabs her husband arm lightly.

"Do you have to?" she asks. Ned turns to her and looks her in the eye with all seriousness.

"He swore an oath, Cat." Ned answered.

"The law is law, my lady." Cassel added. Catelyn shakes her head, to her in was unnecessary.

"Tell Bran he's coming, too." Ned said to Cassel. HE nods his head and departs leaving the lord and lady to discuss.

"Ned. Ten is too young to see such things." Catelyn said firmly.

"He won't be a boy forever. And winter is coming." Ned said finally.

There was nothing she could say, her husband's word was law, the North didn't believe in coddling boys, she knew that very well. As much as she hated to admit it, Ned was right they both had seen terrible things at a young age and the world was just getting more and more dangerous. Their children must know these things and it is their duty as parents to prepare them. Ned departed from the balcony.

In the courtyard, Robb and Jon gather the arrows. Catelyn turns and glares down on Jon. He looks at her and walks away.


Lord Stark and his men have gathered on a rocky hill where a chopping block resided. Some of Starks men arrive with the deserter, Will, and walk him up the hill. As they do so Will begins to mutter to himself.

"White Walkers. I saw the White Walkers. White Walkers. The White Walkers, I saw them."

He now stood before Lord Stark, his executioner. But he showed no fear for what was about to happen, Ned took note of this, he was probably mad.

"I know I broke my oath." Will said bringing Ned out of thought.

"And I know I'm a deserter. I should have gone back to the Wall and warned them. But I saw what I saw. I saw the White Walkers. People need to know." Will explained.

Walkers? Ned thought. Impossible. He must be mad.

"If you can get word to my family, tell them I'm no coward. Tell them I'm sorry." Will said sincerely.

Despite everything Will had just said Ned slowly nodded yes. The guards put Will on his knees before the block, a look of relief on his face, like he was at peace with his inevitable death.

Theon presents Ned with a big scabbard made from animal furs. Ned pulls a giant greatsword from it. Will's eyes widen a bit at the sight of it and he begins to pray.

"Forgive me, lord." He whispers. Ned places the sword before himself and bows his head. Bran and Jon look on, not so far away as Ned begins his prayer. [NED bows his head over ICE.]

"In the name of Robert of the House Baratheon, first of his name …

"Don't look away." Jon says to Bran. "Father will know if you do."

"King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and protector of the realm, I, Eddard of the House Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, sentence you to die." Ned swings the sword and beheads Will. Bran shakes slightly but he does not look away.

"You did well." Jon says He walks away leaving Bran to ponder what he'd seen.

The blood from the man's body dripped down from the stone and into the soil, his head was literally detached from the body, his eyes closed. Robb sees his brother frozen, still looking at the scene. He wasn't frozen with fear, just frozen. Robb puts his arm around Bran, turning him away, and they go to their horses together.

After they dispose of the body Ned sees Bran tending to his horse and approaches him.

"You understand why I did it?" Ned asks.

"Jon said he was a deserter." Bran replied.

"But do you understand why I had to kill him?" He asks again.

"Our way is the old way?" Bran said unsure.

"The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword." Ned stated.

The politics of the North were simple, if you commit a crime, you must pay, and the Lord of the land will carry out punishment himself. To them the Lord of the North is Judge, jury and Executioner. He does so to take the burden off his people, to serve his people. Unlike in the South where Lords hired cutthroats to do their bidding, there was no honor.

"Is it true he saw the White Walkers?" Bran asked, Ned seemed unsure how to answer.

"The White Walkers have been gone for thousands of years." Ned replied.

"So, he was lying?"

"A madman sees what he sees." Ned stated and he left his son to tend to his horse. White Walkers? This whole ordeal was strange in some shape or form, Only the Gods could say what's happening.

On their way back to Winterfell the men gather on a bridge and dismount from their horses. They see a ravaged deer before them. Its innards hanging out, maggots crawling all over the carcass.

"What did it?" Jon asked, the wounds on the poor creature were too monstrous.

"Mountain lion?" Theon suggested. I could be possible.

"There are no mountain lions in these woods." Ned states. He looks off the side of the bridge, seeing a trail of blood going down the slope. He draws his sword and follows the trail. His sons and guards follow him.

As they make their way down to the side of the stream Ned finds a dead direwolf with antlers through her throat. Her pups are whimpering around her. They all look surprised at the size of the beast.

"It's a freak." Theon exclaims. In his mind no such creature should exist, but her it is.

"It's a direwolf." Ned rebuffed. Him and Cassel glance at each other. Ned reaches for the antler. "Tough old beast." He grunts as he pulls the antler out.

"There are no direwolves south of the Wall." Robb stated.

"Now there are five." Jon said. He picked up a wolf pup and offers it to Bran. "You want to hold it?"

Bran takes the pups into his arms cuddling it shaking body. "Where will they go?" he asked his father. "Their mother's dead."

"They don't belong down here." Cassel stated. This was true Direwolves have always been north of the Wall, this could bring trouble.

"Better a quick death." Ned suggested. "They won't last without their mother."

"Right." Theon said as he pulled out a knife, he reached for the pup in Bran's arms. "Give it here."

"NO!" Bran yelled horrified.

"Put away your blade." Robb said with disgust.

"I take orders from your father, not you." Theon said. Bran looked to his father who had begun to walk away.

"Please, father!" Bran begged.

"I'm sorry, Bran." Ned said sadly.

"Lord Stark?" Jon said getting everyone's attention. "There are five pups. One for each of the Stark children. The direwolf is the sigil of your House. They were meant to have them."

Everyone looks at Ned for his final decision, especially Bran. One execution was enough for today. With a heavy sigh Ned gives his answer.

"You will train them yourselves. You will feed them yourselves. And if they die, you will bury them yourselves." He said sternly with a flip of his cloak.

Bran cradles his pup as Jon hands more pups to Robb and Theon. Bran realized there were only five pups.

"What about you?" Bran asked Jon, he too was a child of Ned Stark.

"I'm not a Stark. Get on." He ushers Bran up to the bridge. Suddenly he pauses and hears another whimper coming from the brush.

Robb and the others turn back to see Jon searching for something.

"What is it?" Robb asked. Jon stands up with a white wolf pup in his hand, it was small, and its eyes were red.

"The runt of the litter." Theon laughed. "That one's yours, Snow."

They took the pups and head back to Winterfell.


The bells rang throughout Kings Landing. In front of the Iron Throne, surrounded by druidical looking celebrants, lay the body of Jon Arryn. Up in the balcony, Cersei, the Queen, watches the scene below as her brother Jaime approaches.

"As your brother, I feel it's my duty to warn you: You worry too much. It's starting to show." Jaime said to his sister. She continued to lean on the balcony giving him a glance before looking back to the body.

"And you never worry about anything. When we were seven, you jumped off the cliffs as Casterly Rock. One-hundred-foot drop into the water. And you were never afraid." She recalled.

"There was nothing to be afraid of until you told father." He replied. He then began to mimic their father. "We're Lannisters. Lannisters don't act like fools." He whispered.

"What if Jon Arryn told someone? He started sending ravens more frequently and had secret meetings weeks ago." Cersei explained.

"If so, who would he tell?" Jaime asked.

"My husband." Cersei replied.

"If he told the king, both our heads would be skewered on the city gates by now. Whatever Jon Arryn knew or didn't know, it died with him. And Robert will choose a new Hand of the king, someone to do his job while he's off fucking boars and hunting whores. Or is it the other way around?" he joked; Cersei didn't laugh. "And life will go on." He said to assure her.

Cersei suddenly had an idea and turned to her twin. "You should be the Hand of the king."

"That's an honor I can do without. Their days are too long, their lives are too short." He said nodding his head to Jon Arryn's dead body.


A raven approaches Winterfell. After ten minutes Catelyn crosses a busy courtyard and walks to the godswood to find Ned polishing his sword.

"All these years and I still feel like an outsider when I come here." She stated. Ned Turned to his beautiful wife.

"You have five northern children. You're not an outsider." He said.

"I wonder if the old gods agree." She said looking at the face on the tree.

"It's your gods with all the rules." Ned joked. When he saw she wasn't laughing he looked at her hand and saw a letter, it must be bad news.

"I am so sorry, my love." She said sincerely.

"Tell me." He said.

"There was a raven from Kings Landing. Jon Arryn is dead. A fever took him. I know he was like a father to you." Catelyn said. Ned looked down with sadness, then he turned back.

"Your sister. The boy … "

"They both have their health. Gods be good." She then paused. "The raven brought more news. The king rides for Winterfell. With the queen and all the rest of them." She explained.

"He's coming this far North, there's only one thing he's after."

"You can always say no, Ned" Catelyn begged.


Haldon and the boats arrived at the Bay of Seals. They stayed some ways from the mainland and used row boats to carry necessary cargo to shore. Raegys, Fred and Roulette were already ashore. Haldon, Zuri and Eragon remain. Captain Maegon had come down from the stern.

"Captain Maegon. Thank you for sailing with us on this journey." Haldon said shaking the man's hand.

"The pleasure is all mine your highness. I wish you the best of luck on your mission."

"If the gods allow it, so shall it be. In two to three months' time we will be arriving in King's Land from Winterfell. I'm sure you can meet us there, correct?"

"Certainly, your grace. With the map you have given me we'll have no problem getting there on time."

"Excellent. If you ever run out of supplies, send a rowboat to shore and buy what you need, but be careful, this land is not our own, many dangers lurk here in Westeros, be quick about your business and keep word to yourself."

"Will do your majesty." Maegon bowed and went about his business. Haldon turned to Zuri and Eragon.

"Well we made it. We're finally in Westeros." Eragon said looking ashore.

"Where to next, my love?" Zuri asked.

"We have to make our way to the Last Hearth and buy horses, then we travel along the Kingsroad to Winterfell. It's about weeks journey."

"A week!? We've been on this boat for two already." Eragon exclaimed.

"We could've been on this boat for four weeks to get to the Dreadfort to get closer to Winterfell, but I'd much rather us avoid the Boltons." Haldon stated.

"Boltons?" Eragon asked.

"They are the 'rivals' of House Stark and not the friendliest to travelers. We might not have had any issues if we went there, but I'd rather avoid them altogether." Haldon explained.

"What wrong with them?" Zuri asked curiously.

"They have an old tradition of skinning people alive and chaining them to crosses." Haldon added with distaste. Eragon paled and Zuri felt like she was going to hurl.

"Ugh! Forget I asked." Zuri said with disgust.

"So, who's at the, Last Hearth, was it?" Eragon asked.

"House Umber. They're loyal to my uncle Ned, so we won't have any issues. They're similar to our people and they respect strength. We'll be right at home." Haldon smiled.

"I like the sound of that." Eragon said with relief.

They all got on the rowboat and made it ashore. With the few horses they had Haldon, Eragon, Fred and Raegys rode to the Last Heath castle with Haldon's family banner waving. As they approached the gates, guards came out blocking them.

"Halt! State your business" one of the guards ordered.

Haldon rode forward and cleared his throat.

"My name is Haldon Haddock, the Third of my name, son of Stoic the Vast and Prince of the Barbaric Archipelago. I wish to speak with Lord Umber." Haldon said with authority. The guards quickly bowed their heads and opened the gate for them to enter.

They tied up their horses in the yard and were escorted to the Grand Hall. A table was set for them and cups of ale and wine were given to them.

"Lord Umber will be with you shortly." A servant girl said, bowing before she left.

"This is a nice place." Raegys said sipping his wine. "You've been here before Hal?"

"No, but my father did in his time after Robert's Rebellion. He told me he beat Lord Umber in an arm-wrestling match."

"I'd be impressed but this is King Stoic we're talking about. No one could beat him in arm- wrestling." Fred added.

"I beg to differ!" a voice boomed. Haldon and the others looked up and saw a giant seven-foot-tall man with black hair walk into the room with a black bear skin cloak draped over his shoulder. This man reminded them of Stoic himself.

"Lord Umber it's a pleasure to meet you." Haldon said holding out his hand. Lord Umber stood before Haldon and looked him up and down.

"You're the son of Stoic the Vast?" Lord Umber asked. Haldon nodded. Suddenly Lord Umber boomed with laughter, Raegys, Fred and Eragon looked at each other confused. Haldon stood there a bit irked, wanting to know what was so funny.

"Is this a joke there's no way you came from Stoic's balls. You look like a Tully girl!" Lord Umber said laughed.

"My father married Valerie Tully, my mother, who died when I was young!" Haldon said sternly. Lord Umber stopped laughing.

"I'm sorry to hear that lad, I meant no offense. It's just Stoic's so …."

"Big." Haldon deadpanned.

"And you're so…." Lord Umber drifted.

"not big?" Haldon finished.

"Yeah" Lord Umber shrugged.

"I'll admit I'm not as vast as my father, but I'm just as good with a sword and arm-wrestling." Haldon smirked.

"I bet you are"

"By all means let's have a little match, you and me." Haldon challenged. Lord Umber raised a brow to his challenge.

"Careful boy, I've a mind to throw you out if you weren't your father's son." A hint of anger in his voice.

"Aw is the big and mighty Greatjon Umber afraid of a wittle prince?" Haldon said in a baby voice.

"Alright boy you got it! You and me right here!" Lord Umber said taking off his bear cloak

"I thought you never asked." Haldon smiled. Lord Umber smacked the drinks off the table and grabbed a chair. Haldon also grabbed a chair and sat across from him.

Haldon put his right arm on the table. Umber put his right arm as well and they both gripped each other's hand tightly, ready to topple the other's.

"Are you ready boy!"

"That's prince to you and by all means ladies first!" Haldon mocked.

At this Umber grew angry and tried to put Haldon's hand down. To his surprise Haldon's arm wouldn't budge. He tried again and the same happened, his arm wouldn't budge. Haldon smiled and started pushing Umber's arm back. Umber resisted and pushed back, yelling as he did so. Haldon did the same. Their arms were dead set in the middle it was anyone's game. The others were watching with suspense. Some of Lord Umber's men came in to watch, soon a whole crowd had formed, some cheering for their lord, others cheering for Haldon, it was exciting.

Sweat dripped from Umber's brow as he looked and saw Haldon was not giving up, in fact Haldon was pushing Umber's arm back, little by little. Umber tried to push back but it was too much, where was this boy getting this strength from? he wondered. Haldon kept pushing and pushing, Lord Umber's hand was almost touching the table, one final push was needed. With a might roar Haldon slammed lord Umber's hand into the table, cheers and applause erupted in the hall. Raegys, Fred and Eragon raised their drinks and toasted to their friend's victory. They even made bets and were collecting their winnings.

"How's the arm Lord Umber?" Haldon asked with a smile. Lord Umber held his aching arm and smiled.

"It's had better days. Aye you are Stoic's son, maybe you got giant's blood in ya after all." Umber said, finally acknowledging Haldon.

"Thank you, lord Umber, but before I take my leave could I ask a favor of you?"

"Anything Prince. Name it and you will have it." Umber nodded.

"I need 20 horses for my journey to Winterfell." Haldon stated.

"Winterfell? What business you have there?" Lord Umber asked.

"I'm visiting my uncle, Ned Stark, and aunt Catelyn Tully."

"Aye, but 20 horses?"

"Don't worry I have gold to pay for them." Haldon pulled out a bag filled with gold and tossed it to Lord Umber. "Will that do, Lord Umber?"

"Aye that'll do. Why don't you stay for the night and have dinner, with us?"

"I'd really love to Lord Umber, but it's important I get to Winterfell as soon as possible."

"Oh alright, no worries. The horses will be outside waiting for ya. In the meantime, eat drink be merry!"

"Thank you, lord Umber." Haldon smiled.

After an hour of drink and eating and partying. Haldon and his friends left the Last Hearth with the horses they bought and made it to the shore where Zuri, Roulette and the crew were waiting. After some nagging from Zuri and Roulette about them drinking and such, they assembled the carriages that carried their cargo and saddled the new horses and they were on their way to the Kingsroad.


Haldon's royal procession has been travelling for three days they had just passed the Long Lake and were more than halfway near Winterfell. They could reach Winterfell by tomorrow. Haldon was sleeping in one of the cargo wagons when Zuri found him. She took her canteen and poured cold water on his face. He quickly got up and hit his head on a box.

"Fucking Hel!" he yelled holding his head. Zuri was giggling at his reaction. Haldon looked up and saw her.

"What was that for?" He said rubbing his head.

"We need to stop and make camp; the horses are tired and need to be fed."

"We're making such good time. We could get to Winterfell by tonight."

"By then our horses that we just bought will faint from exhaustion. Is that what you really want?" Zuri asked crossing her arms. Haldon knew better than to ignore a woman who wants attention.

"Fine." Haldon grumbled as he got up from his makeshift bed. He poked his head and yelled.


Some of his men echoed the order and they all looked to Haldon.

"We make camp here! Feed and water the horses and yourselves. We leave at dawn tomorrow!" Haldon ordered. The men complied and dismounted and set up tents. Haldon looked to Zuri.

"Are you happy now?"

"Indeed I am. Come let's go exploring." She said pulling his arm. Haldon pulled back.

"Or…We could stay here and do other things" Haldon said kissing her cheek then her neck.

"Hal we've been on horseback for too long. Let's go outside."

"But we are outside." Haldon said gesturing to the open road. Zuri looked at him unamused

"You know what I meant." She deadpanned.

"Ugh!" Haldon replied, rolling his eyes and groaning. Zuri tapped him to get his attention and pointed out in the field.

"See look at a Raegys and Eragon, they're sparring, exercising. Even Fred and Roulette are out walking. Come on love, please?" she pleaded while giving him a puppy look.

"Alright, alright, let's go before I change my mind." Haldon relented. Zuri hugged him and pulled him to follow her. They both got on a horse and road into the woods.

They rode and found a small clearing with a watering hole. Zuri got off the horse and began to strip naked.

"What are you doing?" Haldon asked, but before he knew it, she jumped in the water. She immediately came up for air gasping.

"OH! It's so cold!" she shivered with a smile. Haldon laughed as he dismounted.

"You know you're crazy, right?"

"I beg your pardon, but you have done more crazy things than anyone I've ever known." Zuri said in a matter-of-fact way.

"Oh come on." He said indifferently. "Name one."

"You've literally jumped off the back of a dragon in midair." Zuri recalled.

"Aw the good times." He recalled.

"Then that time you were testing your flight suit off the edge of a cliff. That time you made me shoot an arrow at you so you could catch it." She listed.

"Both of which were successful I might add." Haldon smirked. Zuri in her unamused state splashed water on Haldon.

"Alright, alright I see your point. I didn't know you didn't like those things."

"Who said I didn't like those things?" Zuri said smirked. They looked at each other and Haldon smirked.

"You crafty little vixen." He began undressing his armor and clothes, he jumped into the water after Zuri.

She tried to get away, but Haldon grabbed and pulled her close. They began to kiss each other passionately in the middle of the woods. While they were busy, there was a snap of a twig in the woods, their horse became agitated and paced in place. Haldon and Zuri froze in place and made sure not to alert their would-be attacker.

"On the count of three I'll grab my sword and strike." Haldon whispered to Zuri. She slowly nodded her head. Haldon counted to three in his head and quickly moved. He grabbed his sword and threw it, a painful cry soon followed.

A man in tattered black clothes and a mask laid on the ground behind their horse a sword sticking out his leg. Haldon had quickly put on his trousers and slowly stepped closer to the man.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Haldon asked the man. The man was seething in pain to answer. Suddenly there was another snap in the forest and two archers stood on both sides of Haldon, bows drawn and ready to fire.

"Step back from him!" the archer on his left ordered. Haldon obliged. Zuri had already grabbed her dress to cover herself and secretly pulled out one of her throwing knives and waited for Haldon signal.

"You lot don't know what you're doing or who I am." Haldon said sternly. There was a dark look in his eye, the archers ignored the chill down their spines and laughed.

"We don't give a rat's ass who you are! You're just some noble lord who decided to camp on the Kingsroad." The archers chuckled.

"Now we'll be taking the horse, your armor, and that pretty girl you have behind you."

"Touch her and you're dead, fools!" Haldon warned. The archer on his left stepped closer and pointed the arrow right at Haldon's head.

"We'll see about that…my lord." The archer said menacingly. He nodded to his other comrade to get Zuri. The man went to grab Zuri from the water, as soon as he was within reach Zuri pulled him into the water and repeatedly stabbed him in the neck. The other archer pointed his arrow at Zuri, but Haldon was quickly upon him and started to beat the man senseless with his fist, and then a rock, bashing his skull in.

The two archers were dead, all that remained was the man with the sword in his leg. Haldon looked up and saw the man was gone and the trail of blood heading back into the forest. Haldon huffed and quickly gathered his things as well as Zuri and they rode off.

The masked man was limping through the forest as fast as he could with a bloody sword in his hand. He had ripped his shirt and tied it around his wounded leg to stop the bleeding before he left his comrades to die and now soon, he would be next. He could hear the sound of a horse running from behind. This was it, this was the end.


The man stopped in his tracks, he felt a white-hot sensation on his chest and looked down to see an arrowhead sticking out. His vision became blurry, he reached out his hand and slowly collapsed to the ground.

Author's Note Just to clarify. Jon Arryn sent the letter to Dragon's Edge a week or two before his actual death.

Snow1: A child born to a wife is a gift from the gods. A child born to a mistress or an obedient servant girl is a bastard, unworthy of its father's last name.

So instead they call the children after the land where they were born: "Flowers" in the Reach and "Hill" in the Westerlands, "Stone" in the Vale and "Storm" in the Stormlands, "Rivers" in the Riverlands and "Waters" in the Crownlands, "Pyke" in the Iron Islands, "Snow" in The North, and in Dorne "Sand".

By these names, everyone can recognize a bastard, even if his own father won't. Though sometimes a father with too much gold and daughters will ask the king to legitimize a bastard son and give him his family name. If his wife objects, the next one does not. But sometimes the gods play their jokes and later his wife will give him a trueborn son of their own. When this happens, well, children die all the time, so do fathers. -