Chapter 9

As always thanks to my girl Carol for dealing with me and being my beta. I had my first FANFIC meet up today was amazing


Well, there it is. I couldn't help but hear what Carrick was saying to Christian. I don't know how I feel right now, while I'm sitting here feeding our son. I'm going to have to put my feelings aside right now and focus on Christian, as this will be devastating to him. As I'm finishing up feeding, Christian walks into Chris' room looking so broken, and I can't stand it. I try to fix myself and put Chris back into his crib, but Christian has other ideas and takes Chris from me to hold him. I can sense that he needs our son near him right now.

"Daddy will always be here for you buddy and I will always love and protect you."

I can hear Christian say as I leave to give him some privacy. Well, I think I'm leaving the room because I honestly don't know what to think or feel right now. What can I possibly say to him after his own dad did so much bad to him

"Baby, why did you leave us?" I hear Christian ask as he comes back into his bedroom.

"I guess I just thought you needed some time alone with Chris and I wanted to give you what I thought you needed."

"I need you."

Before any other words are spoken, he is already on top of me, kissing me. I know that sex doesn't solve anything, but my body can't get enough of him. So, sex now...serious talk later.

Well, not much talking got done as Christian wore me out to the point I was practically in a coma. I managed to drag myself out of the bed to check on Chris, who by the sounds of it is already up and energetic. I figure that Christian must have fed him with one of the bottles I can pre ready for him. I enter the main room to see Miss Jones playing with Chris, while Christian is surrounded by Taylor, Sawyer, and men I haven't seen before he looks so stressed out right now. I am so grateful that I decided to put on appropriate pjs before leaving his bedroom.

I head to my son first who is more than happy to see me. Finally, Christian notices my presence as Chris is giggling so loudly. Christian dismisses the men and comes straight towards us.

"Good morning, baby. I was up early so we men sorted breakfast out, and I thought you would enjoy the extra sleep."

I kiss him and thank him for allowing me to sleep.

"So what was the military style presence about." Yes I want explanations and I want them now.

"Just taking some extra precautions since last night with Carrick admitting to his involvement in all of this."

"I can't begin to imagine how you're feeling right now, but do you think all of this is a bit overkill? I doubt your father would hurt us."

"I can't take that fucking chance! I cant lose my family!" He yells too loudly.

I take a step back from him as I don't want to be so close as he is really angry

"Baby, no. I'm sorry, please don't back away from me. I'm so sorry. I just can't think straight. I just want you and our baby to be safe."

"I just don't know what to do right now, Christian. I want to be mad as hell and go mad like you are but...I can't. If Carrick hadn't done what he did, we wouldn't have the best thing that has ever happened to us, our baby."

I know there is no way of reasoning with Christian right now. I will just have to let him do what he needs to do as long as the three of us are ok. Then, I have to let him deal the way he wants to. I kiss Christian and tell him I'm going to take Chris back to our apartment and I will let him do what he needs to do. He seems so devastated by the idea of us leaving, but I make him aware that it is just for the night.

I thought Chris and I would have some playtime and a nap, so we can be rested for the day, but Chris had other ideas in mind. As soon as we got back to our apartment, he started to kick up a fuss, which continued on. Until, I think , Sawyer must have informed Christian as he came running into the apartment like a mad man. I think Chris is learning how to get what he wants because as soon as daddy was here and the three of us where together, he went straight to sleep. I can see it now, if Christian and I become a couple, I think Chris will be the boss.


Fuck! Could this night get any worse? First, my own father played me and used me in his stupid scheme of lies and deceit. Then, I go and push my family out of my apartment. I'm a dumb fucker. Yes, I can accept that I have not taken the news of what Carrick did well, but would anyone else in my position?

I'm sitting in my son's room upset that him and Ana are not here. We should all be together under one roof, not living separately. I want to call or text her, but I know they'll both be busy.

"Mr Grey, Sir, there's a problem downstairs."

I'm out of the chair and at the door to see what the issue is.

"Sawyer, what is it?"

"Chris is being a real handful right now, er, I don't really know how else to describe it. Sorry Sir, I'm not used to baby terms."

"It's ok, Sawyer. I'll go downstairs to check on my family, that's where I should have been in the first place, with them"

I head downstairs and I can already hear my son. Damn! Sawyer wasn't wrong. I start to inwardly panic, what if he is sick? What if he is hurt? Then, I realise that Ana is an amazing mommy and would know if there was something serious going on. I ring the doorbell and get no answer, and I decide to let myself in with my key. I can't stand here and listen to my son cry like this anymore.

I head straight to his nursery. I see his little eyes spot me, then the apartment goes silent. I think my little man wanted us all together and was determined to get what he wanted. Oh, this kid will own me and Ana. We're screwed. Chris is asleep almost instantly after I arrive. I guess now he has what he wants. There's no point in hanging around with his parents. Ana switches the baby monitor on and we head to the kitchen.

"Ana, baby...I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you leave." I feel like a piece of shit right now.

"Nope, we're not sitting here doing this. It's been a rough morning so far and there are things that need to be dealt with, and until that time, we're going to enjoy this here right now." She moves her hand pointing to her then me and back. I think she means what's going on between us.

"Anything for you baby."

"Anything you say." She gives me a sexy little wink and walks into her bedroom.

Of course, I follow her which leads to two rounds of animalistic sex. Until our son wakes up from his nap, Ana suggests we head out for a walk to get some fresh air. She has seen something she wants to buy. I want to just hide away in here just the three of us, but I can't say no to her.

I'm thinking about taking Ana and Chris to my own hideout in Aspen. I think we could do with a break from home and all what is going on. I want to get away from everything. I have already set things in motion to dealt with and finished by the time I get back. That Kavanagh kid fucked with the wrong man, and at this very moment, he is getting what he deserves. That's right, Carrick Grey isn't the only one who is involved with bad people.

I don't get why people can't see that I can be a bad man. All the money and power I have, you think I got all that by being nice? Don't make me laugh. There is a part of my life that Ana and my son do not need to know about, for them I'm willing to be the good man they both deserve. But sometimes, I will have to take care of things the right way, which is my way.


Ok. I'm shit scared. I'm tied to a chair, and I know I'm not getting out of this alive. All I wanted to do was become a doctor. Yes, ok. I turned to the wrong method of coping with the stress, but am I all that bad? Ana was always a good friend of mine, and I know Chris is the best thing that has ever happened in her life. So in a way, I made that happen for her. I know I am putting a way too positive spin on the situation, as I know I'm going to die. Talk about repenting all life sins.

"What do we have here?"

I hear a very deep voice say. I can feel my heart beating out of my chest, and I think I have pissed myself. I don't want to die. I'm scared.

"Ethan Kavanagh, Christian Grey hopes you are comfortable and enjoying your time with us. Just before I blow your brains out, I just want to let you know something."

I can feel his warm breath by my ear.

"Mr Grey is part of a big crime operation in Seattle and your dealings with his rivals has caused you to be in this mess you are in. Never fuck with Christian Grey or his soon to be wife. Goodnight, fucker."

Gun fire is all you can hear and that's it. Ethan Kananagh is no longer an issue.