A/N Hi everyone I know I was MIA forever but am hoping that this new story brings me back to the FF world. Thanks to my GREY LADIES for the constant support and friendship.

BETA. Carol Lopez. Thank you for putting up with my crazy haha

Holding The Baby



I can't believe what am reading on this stick. One mistake on a night in March has led to this. I have always been the smart girl. The girl that is too scared to do anything, the cautious one. That was up until two months ago, when a drunken night out led to a drunken one night stand.

To make matters worse, I am now pregnant by a man I don't even remember, and I'm not just me exaggerating. I can't remember anything about him. I could walk past him everyday and not know it's him.

I honestly don't know if I feel more ashamed or scared. How am I supposed to raise a child not knowing who their father is? What will I do? How am I going to cope? I know I'm getting too far ahead of myself, but my brain is spinning too fast. How the hell am I going to finish college?

"Ana are you finished in here?"

"Kate wait!" I see the look on her face.

"Ana is this a joke?"

"Please, just let me think before you start on me Kate." I plea.

"Sweetie lets get out of here and go into the living room and talk." Kate ushers me out of the bathroom. Talking is the last thing I want to do right now. I know I'm going to have to deal with all this at some point, but now isn't the time.

"I think I just want to go to bed, maybe deal with this tomorrow, once I get my head around things. Thanks Kate, but I just need some time." I look at her with pleading eyes to let this go.

She gives me a hug and says goodnight. Kate usually never lets up. But, I'm glad this one time, she just allows me to walk away to be alone and have some space.

While I am lying awake in bed, I start to think about the night I obviously conceived my baby. Oh fuck, my baby! This is all becoming too real too fast. I decide to grab my phone and go through all the pictures that were taken from that drunken night. As I'm clicking through each picture, nothing is sparking my memory.

I go from looking at pictures to googling pregnancy and babies. According to Google, I will need to go see an OBGYN to get the pregnancy confirmed. Which boosts my spirits in thinking that this could all be a mistake.

Sleep must have finally taken me, as I wake up feeling some what rested. I am ready to begin my day, when I see the pregnancy test on my bed side table.

"Ana are you awake? Can I come in?" I hear Kate ask through the door.

"Yes I'm awake, come in."

"Stupid question, but how did you sleep?"

"Not the best, but today is a new day"

"Now, don't get mad at me. But, I made you an appointment for this afternoon with Dr Grey. She is friends with my mother and is the best OBGYN."

"Thank you. I was thinking about finding a Dr for today. Kate, will you please come with me? I don't want to go alone."

"I was coming whether you asked me or not. I will let you get ready, and we will go out for breakfast before making our way to DR Grey." Kate says with a warm sympathetic smile.

March...A Year Later

It's been a year, and I can't believe I have a three month old baby boy. Christopher is my entire world. I don't think I could ever love anyone more than him.

I took the news of being pregnant so hard, but once I first felt him move everything changed. I became excited and started enjoying being pregnant. I started planning for his arrival. My dad, Ray, was shocked but came around quickly. He even gave me my inheritance from my grandparents early. So, I wouldn't have any worries once Christopher arrived.

Everything has been ok, up until now. I no longer have any childcare on Wednesdays, which is the day I have my longest class. I am taking an extra business class to gain more credits, which will enable me to graduate earlier than planned. My dad and Kate are both busy on Wednesdays, and I don't feel comfortable leaving Chris with anyone else. I decide to be honest with my professor and explain the situation. Hopefully, I can bring Chris to class with me.

So, here I am sitting in class with Chris in his baby carrier. Kate bought it for me. I never planned on using it, but here I am. My usual professor tells the class that for the next few weeks we are going to have a CEO from a company, called GEH, be a guest lecturer. At this point, Chris starts to get fussy. I am too busy concentrating on calming him down, that I fail to notice the sex god standing right in front of me. I am mesmerized by the color of his eyes and copper hair. They are the spitting image of Chris.

"Excuse me Miss..." He asks in a deep rich voice.

"Steele, Anastasia Steele, Sir" I say in a breathy voice . Has it gotten hot in here or is it just me?

"Miss Steele, do you always bring a baby to class or is this just some kind of new guy initiation?" He jokingly inquires.

"I'm sorry, Mr...uhm,.. I didn't get your name. I have an understanding with the professor, as well as every student in this class. They are ok with me having my baby here, just as long as he doesn't cause disruption. This is not an initiation." I nervously reply.

"Fine Miss Steele, but just keep up and don't cause any hassle for me or the class, and we will get along just fine. My name is Christian Grey it's nice to meet you." He tells me in a firm friendly tone.

As the weeks went by, Mr Grey decided to stay on longer as our professor got really ill. So instead of hiring a temp, the college board decided to ask Mr Grey to fill in. He is a very accomplished man, and he knows what he's talking about.

But, for some strange reason he feels somewhat familiar to me. He doesn't necessarily rub me the wrong way. But, the nagging feeling annoys me. I'm thankful that Chris has behaved so well lately, and there's been minimal disruption to the class.

Well the minimal disruption didn't last. Last week, Chris was really unwell so I took the week off to stay at home with him. I am heading to class with him today. The DR gave him the all clear, so I can get back to class, and we can get back into our normal routine.

Mr Grey has only been lecturing for half an hour, when Chris becomes more fussy than usual. I can't get him to stop crying. I am about to pack up to leave when Mr Grey stands right in front of me. I am waiting for him to have something smart to say or to kick me out, but what he does...actually surprises me.

"Anastasia, why don't you unclip the carrier and allow me to carry Chris? The constant walking up and down I do might be soothing to him" He explains sympathetically.

I realize that If I want to make the grade and pass my final exam, I am going to have to take him up on his offer. I stand up and unclip the carrier and hold Chris out towards Mr Grey, so he can clip him to himself.

Once Chris is safe, and Mr Grey feels comfortable...class resumes. I can't help but feel a pang of guilt knowing I can never be able to provide my child with a father. Watching my baby being held so close to Mr Grey and to hear him cooing at Chris makes me melt. I weirdly begin to feel hot for teacher, at the same time, but ultimately it pains me.

I'm glad when Mr Grey dismisses the class for the day. I just want my baby back in my arms, more than anything. Mr Grey has Chris giggling, and he seems to much calmer than he was earlier.

"Anastasia, I know I was bit harsh in the beginning about you bringing a baby into this class, but seeing you over the last few weeks has made me realise how dedicated to your studies you are. I know it's not an ideal situation. But, how about when Chris comes to class, I will have him attached to me, while you are able to get your work done?" He asks as he's bouncing Chris and making him giggle. My heart swells.

"Wow, I actually don't know what to say. I appreciate the offer, but I don't know if I would be ok with this happening on a regular basis. I mean, I don't really know you that well." I stammer out. I'm just so surprised and shocked by his offer.

"Anastasia, I promise you I am not a bad man. I am just trying to help you. Please think about it. This is not my first time being around a baby. My mother is an OBGYN and has delivered hundreds of babies. She taught my siblings and I a lot about babies." He says proudly.

"Wait a minute. Your surname is Grey. A Grace Grey was my OBGYN, and she delivered Chris."

"Yes, that would be my mother. She is amazing isn't she" The love and pride for his mother so evident in his voice.

"I did promise to keep in contact, but life as you can clearly see has been hectic."

"I'm heading to my parents home now, if you would like to come with Chris for dinner. I mean, if you have all you would need for him." He tells me with hope in his eyes,

I really want to say yes, but I should I go? What are you doing Ana? Think with your brain, not your lady parts.

I politely decline the offer, as Chris and I have a standing Wednesday night date with Kate. Mr Grey seems disheartened, but I promise that I would love to go for dinner another time.

As the weeks go on, Mr Grey is still teaching my class. I can't help but to sit and fantasize, while seeing this man interact with my baby boy. The more time Chris spends around Mr Grey, the more Mr Grey has softened up to him. Which is not hard because my baby is not hard to love. He even bought him a cute onesie that says "Teacher's Pet" with stacked books and an apple on top, along with white socks with pencils on them. It's so cute! Mr Grey has even stopped using the carrier, and now just carries Chris in his arms. I think Chris is very comfortable with him, but it pains me. As I see all that he is missing out on in life, as he has no daddy.

I think because they both have the same hair and eye colour that my brain is starting to play happy family.

As my class ends, I always stay back after everyone leaves so it's less crowded, while I get myself and Chris ready to leave.

"Miss Steele..." Mr Grey stars talking to me, while helping me put Chris into his pram. But, I interrupt him.

"Mr Grey, I am sure you can call me Anastasia or Ana. I think by now, my baby prefers to be with you than me." I giggle, but I'm starting to believe that it's true.

"OK Anastasia, but my fave little dude here, could never love anyone more than his mommy." I am a puddle of mush on the floor, as he looks at me with an adorable smile on his handsome face, as he speaks. Why does this man have such an affect on me?

"I was thinking Anastasia,...I'm heading to my parents house this evening. I told my mother that I was filling in for your professor, and that you were a former patient of hers. She remembered you, and has been dying to see you and Chris. She keeps pestering the life out of me to get you to come to dinner. So, what do you say dinner tonight." He looks at me with his beautiful gray eyes, and there's so much hope in them.

I look at him and it's hard to refuse him. I really want to go to see what Mr Grey is like outside of this classroom, as I have heard plenty of stories and rumours. But, I want to know the real him. I guess I can text Kate and cancel just this once. I am sure she'll understand.

"Ok, Mr Grey, dinner it is then." I amusingly answer. But, I can't quite read the look on his face, but I think he is regretting asking me.

"I think it's time you start calling me Christian. Do you have everything you need for Chris? If not, I'm sure I can send someone out for whatever you need."

"Ok, Christian, it is then. I think I might need to go home just for a few items, then we are pretty set."

"Great, well why don..." I interrupt him.

"Erm...your family won't mind us just turning up without notice will they? I know you said I have been invited, but it is short notice." I ask nervously.

"My mother and family will be happy. You and Chris are very hard not to like. I think Chris is now my best friend." Damn! I don't know what snapped first my heart strings or my panties.

I drove back to my apartment to drop my car off and collect some dinner for Chris. Christian switched the car seat from my car to his faster than I have ever got it in.

We arrive at the Grey's home, and Christian holds Chris in his arms, while walking up to the house. I carry his diaper bag. Damn! He looks so freaking sexy holding a baby. I do have to be honest with myself. While I'm in fantasy land, I didn't notice that the front door opened, and we are greeted by a hunky blonde guy. Who looks like he definitely has a naughty side. Kate would love this guy.

"So bro, you knocked someone up, and this is how you announce it to family?" He says jokingly with mischief in his eyes. I can't help but laugh.

"Elliot, this is Anastasia and this little dude is Chris. Ana I apologize for my brother being so rude." He mutters, while glaring at his brother.

We all walk into the house, which is amazing. Christian grew up in a mansion, basically. This place is huge.

"OMG WTF!" I hear a woman shriek.

"Mia, you will upset Chris. Shut up!" Christian says in a very quiet but stern voice. Chris is just giggling. He always giggles when he hears Christian's voice.

"Ana, this is my sister Mia." He says while shaking his head.

Mia quickly starts chatting away and baby talks to Chris. We all head into to the living room, where I see the woman who helped me through 36 hours of labour. I don't know why, but I start to become emotional all of a sudden. Grace just engulfs me into a big hug.

"Oh, darling girl, don't cry. It's so great to see you and your handsome little guy. I've always wondered about you. I'm glad you two are doing well."

"Thank you so much for being there for me when I needed it the most."

We break our embrace and wipe our tears and join the others.

While I am catching up with Grace, Christian is holding Chris while sitting talking to his brother and the man I'm assuming is his father. I can't help but imagine this is what it would be like, if Chris had a daddy, grandparents, and a crazy uncle and aunt.

I'm finally introduced to Christian's dad, who keeps looking at me and Chris, weirdly. I guess we are not liked very much by him. I can see Mr Grey looking at a picture on the wall, while looking at Christian. Who has not let go of Chris, since I got him out of the car seat. I decide it's time to get my baby back from Christian, who seems only to happy being with him.

While I take Chris out of his arms, I walk over to the picture that Mr Grey was looking at. I am shocked to see a mini Chris on the wall. I can tell it is Christian. He is a lot older than Chris is now, but the resemblance is really uncanny. I guess it's true what they say everyone has a twin in the world. I guess Chris's twin is Christian.

Grace announces that dinner is being served. I know that Christian gave Chris his bottle, while I was catching up with Grace. That man does like to take control of every situation.

We all head to the dinner table, as I put a very sleepy Chris back into his carrier for him to fall asleep. Until, I can get him home.

"So Ana, I am guessing if you're here with my brother that Chris's dad is not in the picture." He innocently asks.

"Elliot!" They all shout.

"Well Elliot." Oh here we go. I begin my explanation. "The night Chris was conceived, I went to a bar and got drunk. To the point that I have no memory of it. I woke up in the morning with obvious signs that I had lost my virginity. Then two months later, I realised I was pregnant. I know how it all sounds, but Chris is the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I wouldn't change him for anything." I recall shamefully and proudly at the same time.

There is silence around the table. Until, I hear Elliot's chair slide back across the floor making a loud noise. Then, he runs out of the room. Oh fuck! I know it's not the best story to hear, but no one has ran out of a room before.

He comes back seconds later waving his phone, while getting his breath back.

"Christian, look it's Ana! That girl you met that night and couldn't remember. It has to be Ana. We have looked at every angle of this photo, and now you can clearly tell it's her!" He spats excitedly.

I see Christian grab the phone from Elliot, and I see his face fall. I'm about to speak, when I hear Chris start to cry. Before, I can get to him, Christian has already picked him up and is holding him close, while trying to soothe him.

"It's ok baby, Daddy is here." He lovingly utters.

Shit! I slept with my temp professor!