Kakashi's Wildest Excuses.

And In reality..most of them were true in their own twisted way

Chapter 1: I fell into paradise.

Kakashi lazily opened an eye, feeling the sun shine through the narrow gaps in the curtains. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and there was a nice breeze in the air. All in all, it was a good day to test (Read:Torture) his newest batch of cute little genin.

He felt a vaguely warm presence against his back and turned to face the sleeping form of Mitarashi Anko, lying in bed snuggled up to him like a plushy. It was oddly adorable to see such a normally prickly kunoichi like her looking so vulnerable in the morning

Glancing at his watch, he idly checked the time. He'd told his cute little genin to meet him at Training Ground 7 for their genin test at 7am, but really, his clock seemed to be a tad off. Perhaps a bit slow.

Ah well, he had a hot kunoichi in bed with him. There was something oddly therapeutic about taking out one's frustrations at being assigned yet another genin team in a purely passionate manner, that helped soothe his delicate sensibilities.

Leaning down to casually kiss his partner awake, he felt his uh…morning condition begin to act up again. Seeing the lust he had invoked in Anko, he smirked. He had another three hours to kill, and he might as well take the opportunity. After all, as his sensei's sensei had once said "It was always a good time to enjoy a hot chick," and he was always right in that regard.

His genin team could squirm about a little longer. Some bonding time would be good for them anyway. He'd come for them in a while. As Anko casually stroked his chest with a lean finger, his eye curved up into a smile. Make that a very long while.

Three hours later.

Kakashi casually walked down the street, both hands clutching onto a familiar little orange book as he made his merry way to Training Ground 7. He didn't seem to be in much of a hurry, eye curved into a smile as he strolled towards his destination.

Walking into the training ground, he took in the forms of two of his students-The Pink-Haired Kunoichi Wannabe and the Blonde Bimbo-with utterly disgruntled expressions on their faces, sitting on the floor and muttering something about killing their very late sensei. How cute. The third member of their team was sitting with his back to a tree, determinately ignoring the presence of the other two. Yep, he definitely had him pegged right as the Angsty Avenger.

Hearing his nearing footsteps, the two kunoichi turned to face him, united in their common desire to shriek at their late sensei. "You're late Sensei!"

Ah, the sweet dulcet tones of annoyed kunoichi.

His eye curved upwards into a smile as he readied his newly prepared outrageous excuse. "I was lost on the road of life, and felt into paradise for a while there."

All three members of the not-quite yet Team 7 stared at him in disbelief, before opening their mouths to protest this indignity. He always did love annoying his cute little genin.

A/N: Hi, I'm a bit of a newbie so please review and all. I'd like to hear your thoughts on my writing ~