Guys... I wrote this June 28, 2018... and haven't written a thing since. I'm sorry! :3 This is also why my writing style here sounds weird to both me and myself. However, it'll soon be CHANGED. For the better.
I hope you still enjoy, regardless. Review replies at the bottom because #laziness.
A nice, early Christmas present for everyone.
Chapter 7: Demigods, Part One
The demigods woke up after a rather nice night of sleep. After the war, most demigods had rather unpleasant nightmares every time they closed their eyes. However, they eventually left the horrors of the past behind and decided to look towards the future. It was another reason why they had decided to join this new exchange program.
They made their way down to the Great Hall, where many people were eating breakfast. After sitting down and helping themselves to some food, they observed the wizards and the other school of transfers.
"Wizards use sticks?" Leo asked in surprise, after seeing some of them take out their 'sticks'.
"It's called a wand, Repair Boy," Piper said. "Although, how are they supposed to defend themselves if it breaks during a battle?"
"No idea," Annabeth replied. "Maybe they keep extras?"
After talking about how wizards could possibly defend themselves in the event of a lost wand for a while, the Headmaster Dumbledore came up to their table.
"Hello students from Delphi Institute," he said. "I hope you're enjoying yourselves?"
"Yes, sir," Leo saluted, grinning widely.
"No need to call me 'sir'," Dumbledore said, his eyes twinkling. "Anyway, here are you schedules. You'll be having classes with our fifth years, as it's their exam year. You'll even be having classes with our famous Gryffindor and his friends!"
"Who is this famous Griffin Door?" Percy asked, looking very confused.
"It's the Henry Porter dude, Percy," Leo whispered so loudly all the demigods could hear.
"Oh yeah, the Henry dude!" Percy said, nodding.
"Your skill at remembering names is on par with Mr. D's," Thalia rolled her eyes. "Or worse. His name was Harold Palmer or something."
"It was definitely Hugo Partridge," Nico supplied.
Hazel and Annabeth looked at each other and sighed.
"I think this is because of Mr. D," Hazel said after a while.
"Guys, his name is Harry!" Annabeth yelled at the group of arguing demigods.
They stopped arguing and looked at Annabeth.
"Harry?" Percy asked. "But I was so sure it was Henry..."
"Whatever," Thalia said. "Either way, we have some classes with him," she looked at one of the schedules Dumbledore had given them. "Looks like we are having all our classes with the Liones Academy students. We have Potions with Snape first, then Divination with Trelawney, and then we have Defense Against the Dark Arts with Lupin!"
"Lupin? Like, wolf?" Jason asked. It was very handy to have Latin or Greek drilled into your brain, as it helped immensely when it came to derivatives.
"I guess we could ask him," Hazel said. "But he can't be that bad, if Dumbledore hired him."
"But Defense Against the Dark Arts?" Nico asked. "That's definitely another term for 'Defense Against Nico di Angelo."
"Except easier," Percy said. "Because Nico here is creepy. Like, creepy creepy. You know, like creepy creepy creepy. It's kind of like..."
"We got it already, Percy," Frank looked around for a clock. "I think it's almost time for our first class."
"Where are the dungeons anyway?" Leo asked. "Is there a map of Hog's Warts that I can use?"
"I think the dungeons would be located downstairs, as they're called the dungeons," one smart demigod said.
"Okay. Let's go then!"
December 22, 2019
I said I'd reply but, um... here's a more condensed version without too many names mentioned.
To the people who said they wanted more: here's more. More later. Yep.
Make longer chapters: Uh, it depends on me and my brain... my longest chapters are about 3000 words and that's not even for this fic. Sorry.
Some language saying "Meliodas" and "demon: i'm not sure what this is saying, someone, please translate because Google Translate doesn't work.
This look interesting: I'm glad but don't get your hopes up :3
2019, huh?: er, yeah? *confusion* But it is 2019!
I'M FALLING IN LOVE!: OK. Glad you enjoy. :D
One Guest (GuacamoleBatman) who suggested stuff:I will incorporate lots of things, thanks for the suggestions! And yes, definitely will be included because that is just 100% 7DS stuff. I name you: Most Helpful Reviewer. Congrats.
Dropped?: No, as you can see, I wrote this chapter a whole year and a half ago. Oops... It'd probably be dropped if I forgot it existed.
I wonder what will happen next: Me too, me too... *but aren't you the writer* yeah?
She... is the Merlin: Of course. Imagine when they find out. (unfortunately for me I watched the TV show Merlin sometime between then and now, so I'm getting ultra confused. Ultra Confusion.)
My gosh there were so many reviews o_o it must be because I didn't update soon enough.