Warnings: This is an anti-vampire, anti-imprint fic which includes a fair bit of bad language and general unhappiness throughout (Renesmee fans, look away now). Parts 1 and 2 are rated T, while Part 3 is rated M.

Expectations: I have a decent amount of this already drafted. Let's start the first half with a promise of at least two updates a week. I can't be trusted with setting chapter limits or lengths, so I won't.

Thanks: My top banana mate a soul of thunder, who was willing to indulge me in this after I threw myself at her Skype doorstep and who only asked for Jacob-related angst as payment.

Disclaimer(s): There are some direct line lifts from Breaking Dawn, which help for reflective moments and prologues, but lifts and verbatim will not be marked because that's a waste of time. I have no rights to the Twilight Saga or the novels. I've not read this type of scenario written for this pairing before, but I am probably not the first to tackle it and I make no claims of originality.

now and then

part 1: leah clearwater

you know, leah, you might want to think a little bit about the future, about what you really want to do. my head is not going to be the happiest place on earth. and you'll have to suffer right along with me.

jacob black, "breaking dawn"


She's scuffing her new boots by marking obscene patterns into the gravel driveway when a black car jerks to a stop beside her. Its tinted windows are half-down, and through them a familiar earthy scent drifts as Jacob leans across and throws the passenger door wide.


If Embry was still around, she might have had a running bet with him on how long it was going to take for this to happen — for Jacob to well and truly snap. But despite this new type anger in his eyes, Leah can't help but feel relieved that finally she has something to look at besides pure agony. Finally Jacob is getting himself out.

"Where are we going?"

"Does it matter?"

Leah blinks, unfazed by his tone, and says, "No."

Because it doesn't. Where he goes, she follows. It is the promise she made when she joined his Pack, and then again when she became his Second.

Jacob is like-minded. His loyalty to his Pack — to her — is what keeps him waiting just long enough for her to sink into the leather passenger seat before he slams his foot back onto the gas and makes for the highway.