In Johto, there was a beautiful city called Alto Mare. This city was different than any other city, because it was a city full of canals and the main transport in that city was by gondolas. There is also a very famous legend in Alto Mare. The legend is that a long time ago, Alto Mare was attacked by an evil dark force. But two pokemon protected Alto Mare from the dark force. These pokemon were known as Latios and Latias, two dragon type legendary pokemon. Latios and Latias called fourth over Latios and Latias and together with their power, they saved Alto Mare from the evil force. Another part of the legend was that the power of Latios and Latias was from a very special round jewel called the soul dew. And after the Latios and Latias defeated the evil force, they left the soul dew with the people of Alto Mare and continued to visit Alto Mare often.

Ever since that day Alto Mare had always been at peace, but now the peace wasn't going to last long. There were two thieves lurking about in Alto Mare. The two thieves were sisters called Annie and Oakley; Annie was the eldest and Oakley was the youngest. Their goal was to locate the soul dew and Latios and Latias to use them for their own evil goods. "I can't wait to gain that pretty soul dew" said Annie. Annie loved jewellery and other pretty things. "I can't wait to find those legendary pokemon" said Oakley. Oakley loved anything to do with legendary pokemon and their incredible power. "Alto Mare is sure peaceful, but it won't be for long" said Oakley. The two sisters smirked.

In Alto Mare, a water chariot race, called the tour de Alto Mare was taking place. The tour de Alto Mare was a traditional race held annually in Alto Mare, and what competitors did was race through the canals of Alto Mare, riding on floating platforms that would be pulled by their own water pokemon. And the winner would receive a special medal made out of glass, Our heroes were all in Alto Mare because Ash,Lillie, Misty, Tomo and Peter wanted to enter the race to win the medal. Ash was using Croconaw, Tomo was using Blastoise, Lillie with Mystic, Peter with Feraligatr and Misty was using Corsola. Pikachu was with Ash on his shoulder and Brock was taking care of Greninja, Litty, Snowy, Togepi, Amber and Molly.

Soon the race had started and the competitor's water pokemon were swimming through the canals like crazy. The people, who were watching the race cheered for the competitors like crazy. Ash,Lillie,Peter, Tomo and Misty were doing very well and they were all eager to win first place. Another competitor who had a Wailmer, a whale type pokemon, was going neck and neck with the five trainers.

During the race, everyone was being watched by two mysterious, invisible shadows. The shadows were interested in the race and were following the competitors down the canals.

After going through many twists and turns during the race, Ash, Lillie,Peter, Misty, Tomo and the Wailmer trainer were getting near to the finish line. Ash, Misty, Lillie, Peter, Tomo and the Wailmer trainer were neck and neck to the finish line, hoping to cross the finish line first. Suddenly one of the invisible shadows took hold of the rope that Croconaw was pulling Ash's floating platform with, and then pulled him fast to the finish line. Ash and Pikachu noticed the invisible shadow pulling them along and they both wanted to know what it was. But before he could try to find out, he and Croconaw crossed over the finish line first and the shadow disappeared with the other shadow. "What in the world was that?" said Ash. Pikachu and Croconaw had no idea what it was either. Ash was happy to have won the race, but was puzzled about what had helped him win the race.

Ash got congratulated by Misty,Lillie, Peter, Tomo and the Wailmer trainer and was presented the glass medal as his prize. The medal was a beautiful clear glass medal, with a green tint and green figures that looked like pokemon and a green circle in the middle. A ribbon came with it as well. Ash decided to have his medallion sent home at once; that way it would be safe at home and not end up broken on his travels.

When the race was over, the Wailmer trainer, whose name was Ross, offered to give the gang a tour around the city in his gondola. The gang agreed and Ross got his gondola ready for the tour. Soon the gang were riding Ross's gondola and admiring Alto Mare. When they were at the entrance of Alto Mare, where the canals reached the sea, the passed by two big and tall pillars that held a statue each. "Hey those statues are the same figures on my glass medallion" said Ash. Ross explained that the statues were of the two legendary pokemon Latios and Latias. "The legend is that they protect Alto Mare from danger". Lillie took out her legendary pokemon book from Ash's back pack and flipped through the pages, until she found the pages of Latios and Latias. Latios was a blue and white dragon type pokemon, and Latias was a red and white dragon type pokemon. "It says here that Latios and Latias are legendary pokemon that you find in the Hoenn region" said Lillie.

"Really?" asked Misty

"then Alto Mare must be very special to have legendary pokemon from Hoenn to guard it". Said Molly. Her papa told her about the two dragons before.

"Your right about that sis" said Peter. Entei told him that a Latias and Latios do live in Alto Mare.

"Do you think that we will be able to meet Latios and Latias while we are here Big Brother?" asked Amber.

"I don't know,but I have a feeling inside of me telling me that we might see Latios and Latias. The question is when" Ash answered her.

"Ahh let's not worry about it, for now let's just enjoy sightseeing Alto Mare". Said Brock. The others agreed with that plan.

Meanwhile Annie and Oakley were lurking about Alto Mare and they were searching for any signs of Latias or Latios. Oakley had some sort of spy cam, with legs and propellers, searching around the town for them. Apparently Oakley was very computer skilled and she was skilled with making gadgets which were useful for her and her sister's stealing attempts. "So how shall we find Latias and Latios?" asked Annie.

"The book said that Latios and Latias have the ability to shapeshift into any human being they want to,and my scanner will be able to spot one of them, if they are in a human form, because they have lower body temperatures than real humans"

Suddenly the scanner showed Annie and Oakley a human with a low body temperature. "Bingo we found one,time for us to get moving" said Oakley.

"I agree" said Annie. Annie and Oakley were in a speed boat and started to drive it down the canals at once.

At that time Jessie, James and Meowth, who came to Alto Mare for a holiday and were eating ice creams, saw Annie and Oakley in their boat. James explained that Annie and Oakley were the most famous thieves in the world. "If they are that good, I'm surprised that they are not part of Team Rocket" said Jessie.

"Well that's because they don't like the boss too well since he did try to force them to work for him" said James.

"I remember Cassidy and Butch talking about that" said Meowth.

"Should we Follow?" asked Jessie.

"Nah, let's not be the villains this time" said James.

"Besides were on Holiday." said Meowth as they resumed eating their ice cream.

At that time Ross had dropped the gang off to where the gang could get some ice cream. Just as the gang were heading towards the ice cream shop, Pikachu noticed a water fountain and he wanted a drink from it. But when Pikachu got to the water fountain he saw that there was no one to make the water come out for him. But then someone turned on the water fountain for him. It was a girl with brown hair and wearing a green top and white skirt. "Thanks" pikachu said taking a drink from the fountain. Ash's Lucario who was nearby looked at the girl and he looked at Ash. "Master, Theres a strange presence nearby" said Lucario looking at the girl next to pikachu.

Ash looked at the girl that was near pikachu. Being nice he introduced himself and Lillie to the girl. The girl looked at them strangely before taking off. "That was weird" said Lillie. "Agreed" said Ash before they resumed washing their faces. The girl was now walking down a canal, but trouble was right behind her. Annie and Oakley had found her and were keeping an eye on her. Annie was wearing special gadget glasses. These glasses had a special scanner that could see if people are hiding or are in disguise. Thanks to the glasses, Annie could see that the girl was indeed a pokemon in disguise. "Since this pokemon is in a female disguise, there's no doubt that this is Latias" said Annie. Oakley agreed and drove the boat towards the girl. "Excuse me but you need to change your fashion, Latias" said Annie. The girl was scared to know that Annie and Oakley knew who she really was and started to run away. Annie and Oakley released an Espeon and Ariados from their pokeballs and told the pokemon to go after the girl.

At that time, Pikachu, Greninja, Lucario, Litty and Snowy felt trouble and took off with their trainers following."Where you going guys?" asked Amber going with them. Right now Ariados and Espeon had caught up to the girl. Espeon used psychic to stop the girl in her tracks and Ariados used its web to trap the girl. "There is no pint of trying to run away from us" said Annie. At that moment did Ash and Lillie arrived with their pokemon and were crossed to what they were seeing. "Lucario Aura Sphere!" said Ash.

"Litty Darkest Lariat." said Lillie. Lucario fired an Aura Sphere at Ariados knocking it back as Litty hits Espeon with Darkest Lariat. "I know you two. Your Ash Ketchum and Lillie Cosmos. The only trainers in the world to have Solgaleo and Lunala" said Annie.

"So you know us" said Ash

"You leave this girl alone. She didn't do anything to you" said Lillie. Greninja used Night Slash to cut the webbing off the girl. "Out of our way you pests" said Oakley as Annie ordered her Espeon to use Psybeam, Ash is hit by Psybeam and he was crossed. "Nobody hurts my Man!,Snowy use Moonblast!" said Lillie.

"Right Lillie" said Snowy as she fired her Moonblast attack at espeon knocking it into Annie. "You two are evil i can feel it" said Ash before He, Lillie, Amber and their pokemon lead the girl away from the two women. Pikachu also shocked Annie and Oakley. Before Annie and Oakley can chase them. A Wall of ice stopped them in their tracks.

Ash, Lillie, Amber, their pokemon and the girl ran as fast as they could to get away from the bad pokemon. They ran through many alley ways, twists and turns, over bridges and up and down stairs and the girl helped out too, because she seemed to know exactly where to go. Thankfully they lost the pokemon and Annie and Oakley, and Ash found that they were now back where they started. He wanted to ask the girl what had happened, but she disappeared again. "Guys, something is going on in this city,I can feel it". Said Ash to them. "I know, i can feel it too" said Pikachu, which meant he felt it too. "Who was that girl?" asked Lillie.

"No idea but she felt like she was one of us" said Greninja. Litty agreed with him on that. "Hey lets meet up with the others." said Amber as the three took off with their pokemon unaware that a blue orb and a red orb was watching them. "The chosen ones are here" spoke the blue orb.

"At last, they will free our children at last. Please Yveltal give us more time" spoke the red orb. The orbs followed them.

Ash, Lillie Amber and their pokemon met up with Tomo, Peter, Molly, Misty and Brock again, and Brock told them that they were now going to visit the museum of Alto Mare.

The museum of Alto Mare was where the pillars, with the statues of Latias and Latios, were and it was a very big place. "Wow, this place is more like a palace rather than a museum" said Misty.

"I agree" said Peter. The others nodded as well liking the building. "It says that this place is actually a temple, but it was made into a museum for tourists" said Brock. What they didn't know was that they were being watched by Annie and Oakley's spy cam. As Ash, Amber and Lillie had been with the girl, who was really Latias in disguise, Annie and Oakley decided to keep an eye on them just in case they runs into the girl again.

When the gang went inside the museum, the gang thought it looked more magnificent inside than outside. They saw fossils of an Aerodactyl and a Kabutops. There was also stained glass windows dedicated to the legend of Latias and Latios in Alto Mare. But what caught their most attention was some sort of machine, surrounded by metal pillars, standing at the back of the museum. "What is that thing?" asked Tomo. "I can answer that question" said a voice. The voice belonged to an old man named Lorenzo, who was the curator of the museum. Lorenzo explained that the machine was called the Defense Mechanism of Alto Mare or DMA for short.

"A very long time ago, this temple and the sun tower were built by the ancient people in gratitude for Latios and Latios who protected this city,and the DMA was also built for peace. But of course nobody knows how to use it, but this temple and machine has stood here in Alto Mare ever since". Said Lorenzo. The gang was fascinated by the story.

Lucario noticed the very same girl they saved from those two evil women drawing one of the glass stained windows.. But something felt different with this one." 'Strange, it looks like the same girl we saved earlier', Ash thought

'but something doesn't feel right about that girl'. Thought Lillie. The girl was packing up her easel and other art things and was now leaving the museum. Ash, Lillie and Amber pardoned themselves from the others and they all ran after the girl."Where is Ash going?" asked Tomo. "I don't know" said Misty and Brock together. Molly can feel some powerful was here in the city.

Ash Lillie, Amber and their pokemon followed the girl outside to a bridge and called out to her. "Hey, why did you disappear from me before" he asked. The girl looked at him confusingly. "Excuse me but I don't know you and I don't know what you are talking about" she said. Then the girl continued to walk on.

"That was weird" said Litty watching the girl walk away.

"Your telling me" said Teddiursa.

"Come on lets get some answers" said Ash. they followed the girl and got lost. "Okay seriously something is up guys," said Ash.

"I agree Master, I sensed something odd about the girl who we saved from those bad women. But from the girl we saw just now; I didn't feel anything odd at all". Said Lucario. The others was just as confused as Ash was. Pikachu then spotted the girl on a bridge. "There she is"

The three humans and their pokemon approached the girl "Okay, why do you keep disappearing?" asked Ash. The girl didn't answer, but she signaled them to follow her and she started to run again. They ran after the girl at once wanting to find out. The girl led them all the way to a vine-covered road and into a dead end. But then she magically walked through a wall.

"What the?" said Pikachu.

"Did she walk though the wall?" asked Lillie.

"Only one way to find out" said Ash as they all walked though the wall. The wall led them through a dark passageway and into a huge garden, with trees, bushes, flowers and grass everywhere. There was also a big pond, a big water fountain, stone statues and statues with wind chimes. There were also pokemon living in the garden; there were Butterfree, Yanma, Oddish, Poliwag and Wooper. "This garden is amazing" said Ash linking his arm over Lillie's shoulder."It's so pretty" said Amber. Their pokemon liked the garden as well. Just then they saw the girl swinging on a swing next to the pond.

Ash was about to go over to her, but then the wind chimes started to move and an invisible shadow burst out of the fountain and started to attack Ash and Lillie."It's the same shadow that helped us out" said Ash. Pikachu, Greninja and Litty attacked the shadow with a flamethrower, Water Shuriken and Thunderbolt. The shadow dodged the attack and charged at them again. Starcloud and Nebby popped out of their pokeballs and stood defensive in front of them. "Whoever you are! Leave our Trainers alone!" roared Starcloud.

The Shadow stopped in its tracks revealing a Latios. Latios was taken aback to see the Beast of the Sun and Moon. "It's a Latios" said Ash. A legendary pokemon found in Hoenn. Latios charged up a purple orb until the girl stood in front of them. Latios stopped its attack looking at the girl. Latios was trying to get the girl to stand aside but the girl refused to. "Why is Latios angry?" asked Ash.

"No idea Ash but if he attacks, We will defend you" said Nebby.

""What's going on here?" asked a voice. The same girl from the museum had turned up into the garden. Ash and them were surprised seeing that the girl in front of them now and the girl, looked the same. "What is going on here!" shouted Pikachu. Why were there two people here that looked alike.

'Maybe there twins" said Greninja.

Ash introduced himself, Lillie and his sister. He explained that they followed the other girl into the garden."Oh really, Get then Latios!" said the girl.

"With pleasure" said Latios with telepathy as he charged up a Luster Purge. Latios was about to attack but then Lorenzo turned said "They meant no harm Bianca and Latios," "you just wanted to play with your new friends right Latias?"

"What, Latias?" asked Ash, Lillie and Amber. They was really puzzled now. The same with the pokemon. The girl glowed, and then revealed herself to be Latias. Ash and them were speechless. "I thought there was something strange about you Latias" said Ash. Latias flew over to Ash and nuzzled him like crazy; apparently she liked Ash very much. "Surprised much?" asked Latias also with Telepathy. Latios floated over to their pokemon. "Sorry" he said. He was just being protective of his sister.

'It's okay" said Pikachu forgiving the dragon. "Lorenzo do you know this girl?" asked Lillie.

"Why yes, Bianca is my granddaughter and we are the protectors of Latias and Latios." said Lorenzo.

""I'm sorry I had Latios attack like that" said Bianca apologizing to the group.

"It's okay, we came here without permission" said noticed Latias was checking up on a dark blue egg with a red triangle. Lorenzo explained that latias has a mate that was on his way back to witness the birth of their child. Ash and Lillie congratulated Latias on becoming a mother.

But I have to ask why did Latias look like you Bianca?" asked Ash. Bianca explained that Latios and Latias had the ability to shape shift into humans. "Since Latias and I are best friends, she transforms into me all the time". She said.

"I take that turning invisible is another ability of Latias and Latios right?" asked Ash.

"That's correct young man" said Lorenzo. Latios then turned into an exact copy of Ash and then back to normal. "Whoa" said Amber and the pokemon.

Latias turned out to be very playful and a little mischievous. She even pinched Ash's hat, and Ash had to chase Latias to get it back. Once he got the hat back, Latios' eyes glowed white and then he dived under the water, and through an underwater tunnel which led to the canal of Alto Mare. Latias' eyes started to glow too and then showed Ash,Lillie, Amber and their pokemon what they were seeing. were shown a projection image of what Latios was looking at while underwater in the canals. Lorenzo explained that this was another ability of Latios and Latias called sight-sharing.

"Sight-sharing?" asked Lillie.

"It's when Latias projects to us to whatever Latios sees" said Bianca.

"It's safe to say that both Latios and Latias really trust you three" said Lorenzo.

After the sight-sharing was over, Lorenzo and Bianca told Ash Lillie and Amber of the legend of Latios and Latias, and Alto Mare. There were stone slabs in front of the big water fountain, and they showed pictures of the legend about Latios and Latias. They noticed a picture of the same DMA that was in the museum. "Our ancestors built that machine to bring out the true power of the soul dew with the help of Latios and his friends to protect the island" said Lorenzo.

He and Bianca showed them the soul dew, which was in a little fountain in front of the stone slabs.

"Ash, Lillie, Amber, I want you to promise that you will keep everything that you saw today a secret, and to never tell anyone where the soul dew or Latios and Latias are," said Lorenzo

"if world of this gets out I fear that someone evil may come after Latios and Latias and the soul dew".said Bianca with worry.

"We understand your worries Lorenzo," said Ash

"and we will keep today's events a secret". Said Lillie. Lorenzo smiled, knowing that Ash Amber and Lillie were trustworthy.

Amber then realised that they had to get back to the others since it was getting late out."please don't go" said Latias sadly. She wanted to play with her new friends. "Well come back tomorrow Latias." said Lillie.

"Promise?" asked Latias.

"We promise Latias" said Ash earning a coo from the dragon. Lorenzo had a workshop where he built and repaired gondolas and the workshop was another entrance to the secret garden. Lorenzo and Bianca led Ash and them out of the garden through the work shop. "Bianca escort them back to the pokemon center" said Lorenzo. "Okay grandpa" said Bianca.

"Oh wait a minute, there is something we nearly forgot to tell you earlier" said Ash. He told Bianca and Lorenzo about the two bad women who attacked Latias earlier. "If there are bad people here, then we better take precaution if they are willing to catch Latias or Latios, or worse take the soul dew, Bianca come back here as soon as you can after you take Ash Lillie, Amber and their pokemon to the pokemon center" said Lorenzo.

Bianca nodded as Ash and Lillie recalled Starcloud and Nebby to their pokeballs, Bianca understood and then she took our heroes to the pokemon center in a motor boat.

Unfortunately trouble was about to start. Annie and Oakley's spy cam had followed them into the secret garden, so Annie and Oakley now knew where Latias, Latios and the soul dew were. Right now Annie and Oakley were heading their way to the secret garden. The two sisters were very athletic and could easily run across roofs with ease. They made their way to Lorenzo's workshop, and Annie had her Espeon knock out Lorenzo with psychic. Then they uninvitedly made their way into the secret garden.

At that time Latios and Latias were asleep in a tree. But then the wind chimes started making a noise, waking Latios up and alerting him that intruders were in the garden. Latias woke up too and both her and her brother got ready to fight. Annie and Oakley had their pokemon attack Latios and Latias. Latios and Latias made themselves invisible to make it difficult for the pokemon, but Annie and Oakley had their special sunglasses on to figure out where the pokemon were hiding. "Ariados attack Latios with nightshade" said Oakley. "Espeon attack Latias with shadow ball" said Annie. As Latios and Latias were also psychic type pokemon, as well as dragon type, the dark type and ghost type moves hurt the two eon pokemon well. Oakley threw a black ball at Latios. The black ball turned into an electric web style net and Latios was caught and shocked by the net. Latias wanted to help her brother, but Latios told her to run so that she wouldn't get caught too. Latios distracted Annie and Oakley while Latias made an escape through the underwater tunnel.

Annie and Oakley didn't mind that Latias got away; they decided that Latios was just enough for their plans. After their successful capture of Latios, the sisters made their way to the little fountain where the soul dew was. "Wow it's more beautiful than I thought it was" said Annie. Oakley pulled the soul dew out from its stand, taking care not to damage it. "Wow this has got to be the best jewel that we have ever stolen" said Annie, who was holding and staring at it with great admiration. Then Oakley noticed the stone slab, on the ground, about the legend of Alto Mare and saw the info about the DMA in the museum. "What's the writing on the stone slab say about the DMA?" asked Annie. Oakley had a laptop with her and found out what the writing said. "It says that if a person ever used the power of the soul dew for evil, the soul dew would be destroyed along with the city of Alto Mare," Oakley translated "pfft what a lot of gibberish. Come on sister; let's test out the power of the soul dew". "Let's" said Annie. Then Annie and Oakley left the garden for the museum with their pokemon, and with Latios and the soul dew.

As soon as the thieves were gone, Lorenzo and Bianca arrived in the garden. When Bianca came back from dropping Ash off at the pokemon center, she found her grandfather unconscious on the floor in his workshop. After Lorenzo woke up he told Bianca about the Espeon who attacked him. It made them fear if it had something to do with the two women Ash warned them about, so they ran into the garden to check on the soul dew and on Latios and Latias. When they reached the little fountain, they realized that the soul dew was gone. "It's just as I feared" said Lorenzo.

"We better get to the museum at once" said Bianca. Lorenzo agreed and he and Bianca left the garden at once.

At that time Annie and Oakley arrived at the museum and made their way to the DMA at once. Oakley had looked at the instructions of the DMA on her laptop earlier and knew how to start it up. First Ariados placed Latios on this circular platform, where Latios was said to be placed. Then a light shone through the platform and some big rings trapped Latios inside. This meant that the DMA machine was now on and the metal pillars surrounding the DMA disappeared into the floor. "Now we just need to place the soul dew into place" said Oakley. Oakley was excited about this.

At that moment Bianca and Lorenzo turned up. "What do you think you're doing?!" shouted Lorenzo. Annie had Espeon knock out Lorenzo and Bianca so that they wouldn't get in the way. Then Oakley placed the soul dew in a part of the DMA, and then the DMA became fully activated. "It really works!" said Oakley, excitedly.

Meanwhile, Latias who had made herself invisible flew to the pokemon center. She knew Ash Lillie and Amber would help her save her brother. Nebby was flying when she spotted Latias flying. Starcloud was on the roof along with Entei and Suicune. They wanted to stretch their legs when Latias got to the pokemon center. Latias turned visible as Starcloud greeted her. "Latias What is wrong?" asked entei as the eon dragon approached them. "Help!, Two evil women have kidnapped my brother and stole the Soul Dew!" she said.

"WHAT!" roared Starcloud waking up Pikachu in the process. Latias turned into her human form and opened the window. Pikachu, Greninja, Snowy and Litty noticed that Latias was in the room. Pikachu woke up ash. "What's the matter Pikachu?" asked Ash. He noticed the girl and sensed that she was Latias and he asked her what was wrong. Latias ran into Ash's arms and was trembling with fear. Lillie, Amber, Peter, Molly, Misty, Brock and Tomo had woken up too and asked Ash what was wrong. Ash explained that the girl next to him was really Latias. "You can show yourself to them Latias," Ash said to her

"they are friends and you can trust them". Said Lillie. Believing Lillie''s words, Latias transformed back into her real form. Misty, Peter, Misty Togepi, Brock, Tomo and Mimikyu couldn't believe their eyes once they saw what just happened. Ash explained how he Lillie, Amber and their pokemon met Latias and Latios this afternoon and explained about their abilities of transforming into human forms and invisibility. Misty, Peter, Molly, Peter Brock and Tomo were surprised of hearing about this discovery.

Back at the museum Bianca and Lorenzo were tied up in Ariados's sticky web. Bianca called out to Latios, who was still unconscious, and told him to open his eyes and show Latias what was happening. Latios woke up and saw that he was trapped in the metal rings, saw Lorenzo and Bianca in the sticky web and saw Annie and Oakley activating the DMA. Latios activated his sight-sharing ability to warn Latias what was happening.

At the pokemon center, Latias' eyes glowed and then suddenly Ash and the gang saw the projection of what Latios was seeing. Lillie explained to Peter, Molly, Misty, Brock and Tomo that this was another ability of Latios and Latias called sight-sharing. "We are now seeing everything through Latios' eyes". She said Everyone saw Lorenzo and Bianca trapped in Ariados's sticky web, the soul dew in the DMA and they saw Oakley seating herself in the control seat of the DMA. Oakley couldn't wait to start using the DMA. "Okay the first thing I will do is bring in some reinforcements" said Oakley. She used the power of the DMA to revive the fossils of Aerodactyl and Kabutops. "Stop it!" shouted Lorenzo "you'll end up destroying the city!" Oakley wouldn't listen to words. "Aerodactyl and Kabutops go and find Latias and bring her to me". The two fossil pokemon left the museum at once. Ash the DMA was draining energy from Latios, Latios started to feel weak and he cut off the connection with Latias. When the sight-sharing finished, Latias became exhausted. "What's going on Ash?" asked Misty. "I think that Alto Mare is in terrible danger" answered , Amber, Misty, Brock, Peter, Molly and Tomo got worried from Ash's words."Everyone, we have to shut down that machine!" said Entei. He was warned by Latios and Latias father that if the machine is used by evil. A Giant wave would completely destroy the city, killing thousands of humans and pokemon.

Oakley was enjoying of taking control of the DMA. "I can control all of Alto Mare from here" she said. To not let anyone get in her way, she used the power of the DMA to make a total lockdown on the city. Alto Mare had metal bars and stone pillars everywhere, so that no one could get out of the buildings or walk and run through the buildings. Only the canals were unlocked.

Back at the pokemon center Ash noticed the metal bars were about to lock up the pokemon center. "Everyone out!" said Ash. Ash, Amber and Lillie and their pokemon were the only ones to get out of the pokemon center. The metal bars locked the pokemon center. "Guys were going to save Latios and stop those crooks" said Lillie.

"Ash, Amber, Lillie Be careful!" said Brock. Bria was beside them. "Entei, Help them out" said Peter. "I will do my best Peter" said entei.

"You as well Suicune, help protect Latias" said Misty.

"Yes Misty" said Suicune. Redwing and Sylvia came out of there pokeballs. "We want to help to Ash" said Redwing. Sylvia nodded with her brother. Latias was taken back that there were two Lugia's owned by Ash and Lillie. There was a gondola nearby and Ash, Lillie and Amber got in the boat. "Latias show us the way to the museum" said Ash. He grabbed the oar and started to row the gondola down the canals. While on the way to the museum Aerodactyl showed up and grabbed onto Latias. "Hey let go of her!" shouted Lillie. Greninja and Pikachu used Water Shuriken and Iron Tail to attack the pokemon. Aerodactyl let go of her as Latias turned invisible. Aerodactyl used Hyper Beam to destroy the Gondola. Ash, Lillie and Amber were tossed off the boat and the waves were making them lose unconscious. Latias turned visible as she dived into the water and saved her friends. "Thanks Latias." said Amber

'No problem" cooed Latias as Aerodactyl prepared to attack again. Redwing and Sylvia flew in to intercept. "Ash, Lillie, well handle Aerodactyl. Get to the Museum!" said Sylvia as Redwing used Aeroblast to cancel out Aerodactyls hyper beam. "Be careful you two" said Ash after He, Amber and Lillie got on a floating platform used by the races with their pokemon. .with latias pulling it did they make haste for the museum.

Back at the pokemon center, Misty, Peter, Molly, Brock and Tomo tried to figure out how to catch up with Ash. Brock tried to stretch the metal bars a side, but they were too strong to bend. "What should we do?" asked Tomo

"I have a bad feeling that there in trouble". Said Molly

"Yeah, and ash didn't take his pokeballs with him besides Starcloud, Pikachu and Greninja" said Misty, who was holding Ash's pokeball belt.

"Then we shall send our pokemon to help Ash, Amber and Lillie" said Brock. He sent out his Crobat. Tomo sent out Octillery, Peter with Feraligatr, and Misty sent out her Corsola and Politoed. "You guys go and find Ash, Lillie and Amber. help them out," said Brock.

"What about you guys?" asked Crobat.

"we'll catch up". Said Peter. The pokemon left at once. "Okay we will have to climb up these bars to get to them" said Brock, and he started to climb.

Ash Lillie, Amber, their pokemon and Latias were making good time by crossing the canals by the floating platform. Latias was pulling the platform. But then trouble appeared again; Kabutops was gaining up on them. Ash and Latias tried to get away from Kabutops but Kabutops was very fast. Kabutops tried to slash them like crazy, but then Crobat, Feraligatr, Octillery, Corsola and Politoed arrived. Politoed fired water gun, Feraligatr used Hydro Pump, Corsola fired bubble beam and Octillery fired bullet seed and Kabutops was defeated in a second. "Thanks all of you," said Lillie.

"come on everyone, we better hurry now". Said Ash. Crobat, Feraligatr, Octillery, Corsola and Politoed stayed put, to wait for their trainers with Entei and Suicune. Bria went with them just in case her healing attacks were needed, while Ash, Lillie, Amber, their pokemon and Latias continued on to the museum.

Meanwhile Latios was being more drained of energy by the DMA and Oakley was becoming a control freak with controlling the DMA. Lorenzo tried to warn her about the soul dew will be damaged because of her evilness and the city will be destroyed as well. Oakley didn't believe in Lorenzo's words and just continued of controlling the DMA. Annie could see that her sister was going nuts. Oakley saw, from the machine, that Latias, Ash, Lillie and Amber were getting close to the museum with their pokemon. "That is as far you meddling brats will go" she said.

The DMA had the power to control water and Oakley started to control the water in the ocean to stop Ash and Latias in their tracks.

Ash and his friends were almost at the museum, but then a water twister was heading towards them. This was Oakley's doing as the twister surrounded them. "Nebby Moongeist Beam!" said Lillie as the water was choking them. Nebby fired Moongeist Beam as Starcloud fired Hyper Beam. Latias used her Mist Ball attack as the twister was destroyed. Another Mist Ball came out of nowhere and finished off the twister. Ash, Lillie and Amber saw a Yellow Latias as well as a light blue Latios. "No way!, A shiny Latias and Latios!" said Ash. Rotom took pictures of the shiny dragons.

"Azura!, your Back!" said Latias floating to the shiny eon dragons. The two dragons cooed at the Shiny Latios as they nuzzled each other. ."Latias is this your mate" asked Lillie earning a nod from Latias "Wheres Is your brother love?" asked Shiny Latios before he noticed the humans. His eyes widen when he saw Solgaleo and Lunala. "The Chosen ones" said Shiny Latias as she and her brother bowed to them.

"He's Being used to control the DMA" said Latias after they turned their attention to her. She told them about the two evil humans who kidnapped him and the Soul Dew.

"Come on we better hurry!" said Shiny Latias.

At that time, because Latias fought back, the DMA started to run wild and Oakley became trapped in the control pod and couldn't control the DMA any more. It was like the machine had realized that someone evil was using it and it was trying to fight back. Annie was shocked with what was happening. The gang pushed through the door and the shiny Eon Dragons used Luster Purge and Mist Ball to knock out Annie and Espeon. Bianca and Lorenzo were happy to see the shiny eon dragons. "Azura! Yellow!" said Bianca as Starcloud used Fire Fang to set them free.

"We have to hurry, the machine is going really wild now" said Lorenzo. Lorenzo was right, the machine went really wild and the soul dew was turning a purple color. Annie just watched in shock because she didn't know what to do to help Oakley.

Latias was with her brother Latios. Latios was still being drained of his energy and becoming hurt. "Latios will die at this rate" said Bianca. Ash ordered Pikachu to use thunderbolt on the metal rings, but there was a barrier protecting the rings and Pikachu's thunderbolt just bounced back at Pikachu. "Try Tackling it!" said Ash as he, Lillie, Starcloud, Nebby, Greninja, Azura, Yellow and Bianca tackled the rings. Latias used Safeguad and she jammed the rings. Ash used this chance to set Latios free from the rings and Lorenzo and Bianca helped him. Together they pulled Latios free from the rings and then the DMA stopped working. As Latios was one of the keys of making the DMA work; setting him free from the platform turned it off. Latios was very weak but he was all right.

Annie went to check to see if Oakley was okay. Oakley was shaken up after being tossed around a lot in the DMA control pod. "What happened?" she asked.

"You wen Cookoo and became a lunatic" said Annie. At that moment Tomo, Peter, Molly, Misty and Brock turned up at the museum and they were relieved that everyone was okay. Annie suggested she and her sister just take the soul dew and get out of Alto Mare and Oakley agreed to the idea. By now the soul dew was really black and purple and Annie didn't like the look of it. Just as she was about to grab the jewel Lorenzo told to not touch it, but it was too late.

as soon as Annie touched the soul dew, the soul dew glowed brightly and pushed Annie back into the control pod with her sister. The soul dew shattered into pieces and then the DMA went wild again, trapping both Annie and Oakley in the control pod. Then the pillars came up through the floor and secured the DMA down. "What's happening?" asked Bianca. "Since someone evil has touched and used the soul dew for an evil purpose, the soul dew has been destroyed," said Lorenzo

"And now Alto Mare will be Destroyed" said Latias.

Outside all the water in Alto Mare receded back into the ocean and the ocean receded towards the horizon. Bianca, Lorenzo, the pokemon and the gang noticed that all the water was gone. "Where did the water go?" asked Misty.

"I don't like the look of this" said Brock. Latios, Latias, Azura, and Yellow flew up above the humans to see if they could locate the water. They did see the water, but the water was coming back as a huge tidal wave. Bianca, Lorenzo and the gang saw the tidal wave too. "This city is going to sink" said Lorenzo, worriedly.

Bianca held onto her grandfather in fear, and Amber held onto Ash in fear. "What can we do?" asked Lillie. The wave was closing in towards the city.

Latias looked at Latias, Azura and Yellow and nodded. "Lets Go!" roared Latios as he and the other Eon dragons were covered in a pink light. Nobody dared to move as the four Eon Dragons mega evolved. Latios Mega Form had the blue parts of its body change to purple. Horns grow from the side of his head and run along his jaw. He lost the wings on his back and similar but larger wings attach to his lower arms, normally held in a level position. Triangle shapes now mark the forward point of his wings instead of his chest. Azura instead of being purple was dark green and white. Their eyes were red.

Latias mega form had her red parts also turned to purple. Horns grow from the side of her head and run along her jaw. she lost the wings on her back and similar but larger wings attach to her lower arms, normally held in a level position. Triangle shapes now mark the forward point on her wings instead on her chest. Yellow was a light green color in her mega form. They had yellow eyes instead of red. "They mega evolved?" said Bianca shocked as Rotom took pictures. The four mega pokemon headed towards the wave. "Latias, Latios Be careful!: shouted Bianca, Ash and Lillie. The two nodded as they went to do their duty as protectors of Alto Mare.

As soon as Latias, Latios, Azura and Yellow got near the tidal wave, they used safeguard and tackled through the tidal wave. The huge tidal wave broke apart and the water made its way to Alto Mare calmly. "They did it!" cheered the kids. But a pillar of light formed as a Screech was heard. "What is that?" asked Tomo pointing to a Draconic Bird heading for the Pillar of Light. It was shaped like a Y. "It's Yveltal" gasped Peter. "As in the legendary pokemon who absorbs the lifeforce of everything around it." said Lorenzo looking at the bird as it got to the pillar of light. Starcloud and Nebby can feel that Latios was Dying. As did Suicune Bria, and Entei. Yveltal was the pokemon who guided the dead to the afterlife. He must have sensed that Latios was dying. They had to prepare their trainers for the worst.

In the pillar of light. While the water was returning to Alto Mare, Latios was starting to fade away. He had used so much of his power and energy to save Alto Mare and now he was dying. they have reverted out of their mega forms. "Brother no!" cried Latias as Azura held her. Yellow cooed sadly as Yveltal made his presence known. He flew behind Latios as he waited for Latios to spend the last few minutes of his life with his sister. Latios held his paw out to Latias. "Don't worry Sis, ill always be watching you." said Latios as Latias held it. Yveltal then made to grab Latios when he spotted two orbs of light approaching. "Can it be?" thought the bird as The orbs then began circling around Latios. "Huh?" He said as he felt himself no longer dying. The orbs of light were giving him energy. He felt something he hasn't felt in a long time. The love of a parent. He watched as the blue and red orb became the spirits of their parents. "Mother! Father!" said The two.

"My children, you have made us so proud" spoke Their mother as she held her paw onto their faces. Both dragons cooed seeing their mother. Azura and Yellow stayed quiet not to ruin the family moment.

"But the Soul Dew was destroyed, How can we remake it without a sacrifice" spoke Latios in his mothers paw.

"Only a part of my spirit rested in the Soul Dew son, Your mother and i will merge together to recreate the soul dew." spoke their father. Yveltal nodded after all he helped Latios to make the soul dew the first time.

"We never wanted you two to take our place as protectors of Alto Mare" their mother said.

"We want you kids to go see the world. Go live your dream." said their father.

"But Alto Mare" said Latias worried for Alto Mare.

"New protectors will come to protect it." said their mother as She looked at Yveltal. Yveltal nodded as he used his talons to grab the spirits of his friends. "We love you" spoke their mother as she let them go."We love you too" spoke Latios

"Will we ever see you again?" spoke Latias.

"We will never be apart my children. Keep us in your hearts." spoke their father as Yveltal started his ascension to begin the making of the Soul Dew. The four pokemon were then knocked out by Yveltal and the bright light.

At that time, Jessie, James and Meowth had just woken up from their slumber. They had spent the night in a hotel. "Man I had a good night's sleep" said James.

"Yeah me too,first time for ages actually". Said Jessie

"I had a strange dream last night actually,I dreamt that something bad happened to the city". Said Meowth.

"Really? "what sort of bad thing?" asked James

"I don't know, I forget" said Meowth.

"Well we can't think about Meowth's dream now,we need to get ready to leave this city and get back to work".said Jessie, James and Meowth agreed; their vacation was now over.

While the water was flowing through Alto Mare again, all the metal bars and stone pillars disappeared. Aerodactyl and Kabutops went back to the museum and returned to their fossil forms in the floor. Annie and Oakley were arguing in the control pod. Annie blamed Oakley for being such a control freak, and Oakley was blaming Annie for touching the soul dew. All Espeon and Ariados could do was just listen to their arguing.

Back with our heros, Lorenzo, Bianca and the gang were out on the ocean, in a boat, looking for Latios and Latias. Starcloud and Nebby flew close with Suicune on the water. Entei was on the boat with them. Just then they saw Redwing and Sylvia flew over and they found the four dragons being brough to them by a mantine. Bianca was glad they were okay as the four dragons woke up on their boat. But Latios and Latias looked at the sky where the pillar was. "Whats wrong Latias, Latios?" asked Ash.

"We saw our parents" said Latias. Azura gave his mate a soft nuzzle.

"Your parents." said Lorenzo looking up to the pillar. Both dragons were still sad until both of their eyes glowed. "Its Sight-Sharing" said Bianca. They were seeing what Latias and Latios Parents were seeing. Everyone was shown what the pokemon world looked like while high up in space. "Our planet looks so beautiful" said Misty.

"Yeah" said Ash as he interlocked his hands in Lillies. they enjoyed the sight of their world by Latias and Latios parents. Rotom took pictures as they saw Yveltal wrapped his wings around them as a bright red light came. The light went away and they were now seeing Bianca. Bianca looked to see a brand new Soul Dew in her hands. Latias and Latios parents have become the soul dew once again. Everyone went back into the secret garden and Bianca placed the new soul dew into the small fountain, and the fountain became lively again. "Alto Mare is now safe again, thanks to Latios and Latias" said Lorenzo. "Thank you Latios and Latias " said Bianca " and please continue of watching over us".

The soul dew glowed after hearing that. Latias and Latios looked at Ash before Latios said. "Ash, Can we become a part of your team."

The gang was taken back at what he said. Latias said "our parents wanted us to go live our dream to see the world. Ash is the only human we trust."

"But what about Alto Mare Latias" asked Amber as they all heard the wind chimes make a calm noise. Lorenzo said " i have studied the chimes sounds all my life, and those chimes are now saying that more Latios and Latias will be arriving here soon". "So that means Alto Mare will be having new guardians" said Bianca, feeling happy that more Latias and Latios will be coming to Alto Mare.

Lorenzo then said "Please Ash, It would make Latias and Latios happy to see the world."

Ash nodded and he looked at them. "Are you sure this is what you want?" He asked. Latias and Latios nodded as Azura and Yellow approached Lillie. They asked her if they can join her team. Azura didn't want to be away from Latias especially since their child was about to be born. "Yellow saw you in the contests and she hopes she can enter one" said Azura. Lillie accepted that and Lorenzo handed them four Lure Balls. Ash and Lillie decided to send the eon dragons to the ranch where they will be safe and be able to watch the egg. Lillie and Ash then went to the pokemon center and contacted professor oak. Nurse Joy gave them an incubator for the egg. They quickly told him about Latias, Latios and the egg. "of course, ill be glad to look after the egg and them for you two." said professor oak. "Ill send Jafar to get it"

Jafar appeared as Lillie handed him the egg. "Thanks Jafar" she said as Jafar returned to the ranch with him handing professor oak the egg. Ash and Lillie caught the eon dragons and their pokeballs were teleported to the lab. "I got them" He said releasing the four from their pokeballs. "Well see you soon Professor" said Ash ending the call. Later that day, the gang decided that it was now time to leave Alto Mare. Before they left they said goodbye to Bianca and Lorenzo and left on a boat. The gang spotted two Latios and a Latias making their way to the city. And so Alto Mare was safe and things were okay again. Lorenzo and some workmen fixed and remodeled the DMA machine. Lorenzo also decided to make the DMA human proof, so that the DMA would never be used again. As for Annie and Oakley, well they were released from the control pad but they were arrested and condemned to stay in a highly secured prison for life, after all the bad things they had done. Latias, Latios, Yellow and Azura had a new life at the pokemon ranch and Latias had plenty of new friends play with. Her egg was safe in the lab with the kind humans. They made friends with all of Ash and Lillies pokemon and Latios offered to help Venusaur with being a peacekeeper. And the two new Latios and Latias took their place as the new guardians of the secret garden and Alto Mare.

End of johto movie 3.

Okay writing the whole part with Latias and Latios made me tear up. I decied to not kill Latios and instead have the spirits of their parents replace him to make the new soul dew. I had lillie catch her own latias and Latios in this movie as well. Next chapter is the larvitar arc.

Ash's pokemon- Greninja(male),Pikachu(male), Lugia(male),Dragonite(male), Starcloud-Solgaleo(male),Metang(genderless), Rockruff(male), Quilava(Male), Bayleaf(female), Lanturn (male)Croconaw (male), Phanpy(male), Pupitar (male)

Lillie's Pokemon-Litty-Incineoar(male),Snowy-ninetales(female), Ember-Typhlosion(female),Nebby-Lunala(female), Midday-Rockruff(female) Celebi-Egg, Arachne-Ariados(female), Sylph-Kirlia(female), Aqua-Marill(female)Berg-Alolan Sandshrew(male)

Tomos pokemon- Bulbasaur(male), Kangeskhan(female),Blastoise(clone), Slugma(male), Donphan(male)

Amber's pokemon-Teddiursa(female), Gardevoir(female),Elekid(female), Cubone(female), Goomy (male), Cyndaquil(female)

Misty's pokemon-Greninja(male), Togepi(female), Croconaw(male), Suicune(male) Staryu (Genderless),Corsola(female)

Brocks pokemon-Steelix (male), Pupitar(male), Crobat(male), Midnight Lycanroc(male) Celebi(female), Rhyhorn(female)

Peters pokemon-Entei(male), Feraligatr(male),Tyranitar(male), Rockruff(male), Donphan(female), Dragonite(male)

mollys pokemon-Mimikyu(female), Beldum(Female), Rockruff(female), Teddiursa(female)Ninetales(female),Corsola(female)

at the ranch-Ash's pokemon- Kingler(male), Haunter(male),Sandslash(male, Butterfree(Male), Pinky-Butterfree(female), Scizor(male) Rapidash(male), Gyaradoes(Female)Muk(Genderless),Magneton(Genderless),Magmar(male),Electabuzz,(male),Onix(male) ,Umbreon(male) Rhydon(Male),Kabutops(male), Omaster(Male),Aerodactyl(male)Mewtwo(male),Mew(female, Nidoking(Male),Aegislash (male), Venasaur(male), Blastoise(male), Pidgeot(female), Primeape(male), Lapras(male)Snorlax(male)Lucario(male), Miltank(female), Hitmonlee(male), Beedrill(male)Charizard (male)Flareon(male),Vaporeon (female),Jolteon (male), 3 Eevees (two female,one male), Fearow(male), Heracross(male), Noctowl(male), Murkrow(Female),Houndoom(male)Latias,Latios

Lillies Pokemon Fable-clefable (female),Mystic-Milotic(female),Queen-Nidoqueen-Female, Star-Staryu(genderless),Gem-Starmie(genderless), Ebon-flareon(male),Eva-sylveon(female), Eve-Eevee(Female) Vines-Weepenbell(Female) Midday-Rockruff(Female), ,Sora-dewgong(female), Mama Lapras, Peeka-Pikachu(female),-Gira-Girafarig(female), Flower-Venasaur(female),Mara-Ampharos(female),Charma(Shiny Charizard, Female),Azura(Shiny Latios male), Yellow(Shiny Latias-female), Egg

Ambers pokemon-Pikachu(female), Vilplume (female),Azurill(female), Sunkern(female),Bulbasaur (male),Poliwag (female),growlithe (female) Abra (female),Wooper(male)

At the cerulean gym. Tentacruel(Male) Seaking(male), Lapras(male), Cloyster (male), Blastoise (male), Blastoise(Female), Wartortle(Female), Two Squirtles,(Male, Tentacool(Male), Golduck (male), ,Vaporeon(Female,), Krabby(male),Krabby(female), Kingler(Male), Slowpokes(Two male,one Female)Primarina(female), Venasaur(clone), Starmie(Genderless), Horsea(Male), Kingdra(male) Slowking(male),Wooper(male), Wooper(female), Marill(Female), Azurmarill(female), Articuno(male) Octillery(male), Chinchou(female) Dratini, five Remoraid, Lanturn(male) four Chinchou(three females, One male), Mantine(Male) and Three Mantyke(Two Female,One Male), Two Mareanies(Male,Female), Bruxfish(Female), Toxapex(Male), Rockruff(male), Two Poliwags(male,Female), Three Poliwhirls(Two male and one Female), Poliwrath(male).

At the Pewter gym. Sandslash(female),Magneton(Genderless),Diglett(Female), Diglett(Male),Rhyperior(male), Ninetales(male), Onix(female), Golem(male), Miltank(female),Kabutops(male),Omastar(Male),Omanyte(Male),Kabuto(male)Charizard(Clone), Rhyhorn(female) Charizard(clone), Pineco(male), Chansey(female), Magcargo(male)Tyranitar(male, Eight Shuckle. four male and four Females)Midday Lycanroc(Male), Midnight Lycanroc(Male, Nine Rockruff's(four Male and five Females) Geodude(male)

With Jenny-Rhyhorn(Female), Scyther(male), Pikachu(male), Venonat(male), Electabuzz(Male), Eevee(female), Magby(male), Houndour(male, Shuckle(male)

At elms lab- Peter- Houndour(male), Skorupi(male,), Tentacruel(male), Pichu(male)

Molly-Kingdra(male), Sunkern(male), Unown(A), Horsea(Female)