Few weeks later.

Ocean and Chase were pretty excited about their new pup named Cruz. "Mommy!" Ocean looks over at the Gerberian Shepsky. "Yes Cruz?" "Aunt Crystal wants to give me a check up but I don't want it!"

Crystal comes in and Cruz hides behind Ocean. "It's just a check up no shots this time." Cruz lets a whine out and Crystal picks him and takes him to Katie. "Ocean? Do you think the pups would like to go to the dance?" Ryder scratches behind her ear making Ocean's tail wag.

"I think they would Ryder. It would be a nice break from all the missions we've have been on." Ryder nods and walks away. "Ocean have you seen Crystal?" Ocean smiles at Rocky. "She took Cruz down to Katie's for a check up." Rocky nods and sits next to Ocean.

"Rocky? I'm so thankful for you being there for my little sister." Ocean gives him a friendly nuzzle. "Paw Patrol to the lookout!" We jump up and look at each other. "Ryder needs us!" We all get in the elevator and change into our pup packs.

""Paw Patrol, ready for action, Ryder Sir!" "Well pups we've been on tons of missions lately and tonight there will be a party. Would you all like to go?" Everyone nods in agreement and Ryder nods. "Well everyone should go get baths and dresses or suits." Ocean and Rocky let a groan out and the pups laugh.

Down at Katie's.

Ocean and Rocky were being washed down by Katie much to their disapproval. "There you two go!" Chase and Crystal give their mates a kiss and head out to look for outfits. "Am I going to get to come!" Cruz jumps in Chase's back.

"I have to ask Ryder Cruz." Cruz nods and everyone head back. Crystal was wearing a light blue dress and Ocean was wearing a dark blue dress. Skye was wearing a pink dress. Rocky was wearing a suit with a green bow tie. Chase had a blue bow tie. Marshall had a red one. Rubble had a yellow one and Zuma had a orange one.

"Aww you all look so cute and handsome!" Katie smiles and take Ryder's hand. "Let's head to the dance pups!" Farmer Yumi was going to take care of Riku, Target, Blaze and Cruz for the night.

The Beach.

The beach is having a special party tonight. And everyone is invited. Ryder and the paw patrol are there, the guy pups dressed in tux and the girls dressed in a lovely dress. Katie is there, dressed in a lovely black. Even Cali is there, dressed in a grey dress.

But not everyone is present. Cat, Marshall and Heaven older brother is called on a mission yesterday and couldn't make it. Marshall and Heaven are deeply sad but know that he will be back soon.

"Wow, the mayor really went all out." said Rocky in awe.

Everyone took a seat around a table. It is full with foods and drinks (non alcoholic). Marshall, Rubble and Everest already started to eat.

"Marshall, save some for later." said Skye.

"Hehehe, sorry Skye but you know how I love food." said Marshall with a smile and face cover in gravy.

Skye rolled her eyes and took a napkin and started to clean her mate. Skye smile when Marshall is fully clean and kiss him. Marshall blushed darkly and tried to get another kiss but Skye raised her right paw. Blocking the kiss.

"teehee, you'll get more of that later." said Skye with a smirk.

"I really like your dress Katie." said Ryder with a blush.

"teehee, thanks Ryder. And you look great in your tux." said Katie.

The mayor appear, dressed in a sparklingly blue dress and high heel shoes. The mayor smile at everyone.

"Welcome to tonight party. This party is in honor of the Paw Patrol. They have save this city and everyone in it for over 3 years now. This city is in they dept. Let's hear it for the Paw Patrol!" said mayor Goodway.

"Hooray for the Paw Patrol!" shouted everyone.

All members of the Paw Patrol blush and cry. They didn't expect this.

"Now let's party!" said mayor Goodway.

A DJ played some dancing music. All the girls grab their boys and rush to the dance floor. Everyone is enjoying themselves. Mr. Porter is dressed in a white tux. He walk up to mayor Goodway. Mayor Goodway smile at him, which cause the older man to blush.

"Hello Porter. How are you this evening?" asked mayor Goodway.

"I'm doing fine Goodway. I wanted to ask you if you'll have this dance with me?" asked a blushing Mr. Porter.

The mayor giggle at her friend and nod her head. The two walk onto the dance floor and got their boogie on. After 7 hype music, the DJ slow it down. All the girls/women sigh in comfort as they held on to their special someone.

As the night ticks away, Mr. Porter decided now is a good time. Mr. Porter gave a thumbs up to the DJ, who smirk and cut off the music.

"Aww, bring back the music." said Crystal.

The spotlights when in the direction of Goodway and Porter. Alex handed his grandfather a microphone. Mr. Porter clear his throat and look at the mayor, who look at his in confusion.

"Goodway, I'm not one with words and I hate to steal the pups thunder, but I have to do this." said Mr. Porter.

Katie, Skye and Heaven all gasped. They watch too much romance story and knew exactly what's going to happen.

"Lucky." said all three.

"Goodway, you is the most beautiful, kindness and overall wonderful woman I have ever know. We've been friends for over 20 years and I truly cherish those time. We even when out on a few "secret" dates." said Mr. Porter.

The mayor blush and she's thankful of her skin color, which make it hard to see unless you're up close (like Mr. Porter).

"Aww." said all the women and girls.

Many of the guys and men fake gag, which let their dates and other half hit him.

"I just can't imagine my life without you. And I want us to be together forever. So." said Mr. Porter.

The mayor gasped and cover her mouth with both hands. Mr. Porter kneel down on one knee and pull out a black box. He open the box to reveal a diamond ring. The mayor has tears running down her face.

"Goodway, will you married me and be Ms. Porter?" asked Mr. Porter.

"Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!" screamed mayor Goodway.

The two hug and kissed each others. All parents and older adult made sure to cover the younger ones eyes. When the kiss is over, everyone cheer and congratulate the two new engaged couples.

"What a great night. This is the best night ever." said Skye.

Marshall smile and nuzzle his mate. Everyone continue with the slow dance. Tonight was truly a night to remember. Unfortunately not all nights end up good.


Someone threw a bucket of water in the face of an older dally. Cat. Cat coughed out water and shake his head. He's tied down to a table. Cat tired to move but he couldn't. The two figures walk in front of him. One is a human and the other is a dog.

"Where am I?" asked Cat.

He couldn't remember what happen during his last mission. The human figure place a Taser on the wet fur of Cat and shock him.

"Aaaaahhhhh!" yelled Cat.

Cat fell unconscious but the dog figure hit him across the face to wake him up.

"Oh don't go back to sleep Cat. The fun is just about to begin." said the dog figure.

Before Cat could answer, the human figure shock him again. The dog and human figures torture the older dally all day. Beating him, shocking him and even slamming him to the wall.

"Time to die, Cat." said the dog figure.

But a smoke grenade was thrown in the room. It exploded and black smoke was

everywhere. A figure quickly ran into the room. It quickly free the dally and press a button on it's collar. A dog size jet flew through the window. The figure placed Cat in and also got in and flew away.

Cat groan and open his eyes. All he saw is a black suit. Cat fainted.

Adventure Bay.

Two days later.

Marshall and Heaven couldn't believe it. It can't be real. The older dog on screen said his apology and log off. The older dog was the boss of Cat. He called to tell the two that Cat's plane was shot down and that they couldn't locate his body.

"Cat...no." cried Marshall.

Heaven grab hold of her brother and cried with him. So much for a great week that now turn bad. But Marshall have a feeling deep down, that his older brother is not dead. Marshall promise to find his brother.

So this is the end of the story. There will be a new story and if you want your OC's in it PM me. Thank you to Alpha Cat for helping me with the last two chapters.