I just can't stand this world. It's maddening. Everyone around me is just living out their lives, oblivious to the truth. Why me? Why do I have to be the one to know this?

My grades have been slipping. The teachers say that it seems like I don't care, and that I need to apply myself, and that I "have potential" and all that nonsense. Of course I don't care! Why should I care about something as insignificant as school work? Not to sound too full of myself, but if my revelations are correct, then I am literally the center of the universe. Who else can make that claim and have actual proof to back it up? NOBODY, THAT'S WHO.

I've tried to subtly tell people in conversation. Every once in awhile, I'll drop little clues when I'm talking with someone. I can't just outright tell them. I'd sound insane, and I know that no matter how much proof I give, no one will listen to me. That's the issue isn't it?

There's three parts to persuasion:

Ethos: credibility and trust.

Logos: logic and reasoning.

Pathos: emotion and values.

I've got the proof. I'm fairly certain that there's some way to twist emotion into this. The problem is ethos. Nobody knows who I am outside of a few close friends and family. I need a reputation, but for what? There's no way in hell I'm going to be a celebrity, or a singer, or an actor.

Maybe I could start a cult?

There is one saying that I've always liked. "There's no such thing as bad publicity." If there's still people that think the world is flat, there's definitely a way I could convince people that we're living in a fake reality. It's just a matter of making myself known. I need to catch people's attention, and it sure as hell won't be through my dazzling singing ability. No, I have a much better idea in mind.