Chapter 26

Sexual energy

"Sexual energy," Freya stated tensely.

Four pairs of eyes stared at her disbelievingly.

"What?" Chloe murmured.

Freya struggled to look calm, although nothing could have been further from the truth. She had made a terrible mess and she had no idea how she would be able to fix things. Despite all her training and all the centuries she had spent with Dahlia, this was more than she could handle. She had used powerful ancient magic she couldn't fully understand and now Chloe was the one who would pay the price. She already had paid the price, but apparently that hadn't been enough.

"What do you mean?" Elijah asked tensely.

Freya pressed her lips together, trying to choose her words as carefully as she could.

"Chloe… The spell, it changed you."

The girl nodded cautiously.

"Yeah, I know."

Freya shook her head.

"It didn't just heal you. What happened that night… I'm afraid it changed you."

"How?" Klaus asked impatiently. "What did you mean by sexual energy?"

"I… I found some ancient texts," Freya murmured. "This spell… It should have never been used on a virgin."

"Meaning what?" Kol snarled.

Chloe stared at Freya fearfully; all color had left her cheeks.

"Right now you're radiating pure raw sexual energy," Freya stated quietly, forcing herself to look at Chloe. "Kind of like pheromones. It attracts all males around you, especially…"

"Us," Elijah finished when Freya didn't continue.

Freya nodded.

"Yes. What happened between you and Chloe that night, it created a bond between you. A similar bond that wolves for example share with their… mate."

"What?" all her brothers gasped in unison.

"I'm trying to find out more…"

"I want to leave," Chloe suddenly cut in. Her voice held no emotion and her whole body was stiff.

"Yes, of course…" Elijah started.

"No." She paused and stood up. "I'll leave alone."

"I'm sorry, darling, but we can't allow that," Kol stated tensely. He and his brothers were already on their feet. Freya followed their example; she could tell that this was too much for Chloe to handle.

"I didn't ask for your permission," Chloe muttered and headed to the door. Freya and her brothers followed her.

"Chloe…" Elijah started when they were outside.

"I'm leaving now," she cut in firmly and started running.

"Chloe, please…"

"Leave me alone!" she snapped and ran faster. Unfortunately they were drawing attention.

"Hey!" some man snapped. "Leave the lady alone."

More men started to gather between Chloe and the Mikaelsons. This could end very badly. Klaus was about to lose his temper already and Kol didn't look very calm either.

"Chloe," Freya pleaded. "Please, let me fix this…"

"Fix this?" she repeated as she turned to look at Freya. "I think you've already done enough, thank you very much."

"You have every right to be mad…"

"Why would I be mad?" she asked coldly. "Everybody makes mistakes, right?"

"Enough," Klaus stated firmly. "Come on, love, time to go home. We can continue this conversation there."

Chloe shook her head.

"I told you, I'm not going to…" She cried out as Kol suddenly lifted her up into his arms: "Let me go!"

"I'm sorry, darling, but I can't do that," he murmured.

"Let her go!" the men demanded as they rushed for Chloe's aid. Klaus and Elijah stopped them quickly and efficiently while Kol carried struggling Chloe to the car.

"I'm sorry, Chloe, but I don't have a choice," Kol murmured.

She shouted at him as he put her into the car and joined her on the backseat. Freya, Klaus and Elijah got in as well. Chloe got as far away from them as she could and wrapped her arms tightly around her upper body. None of them said a word during the ride back to the compound. Freya didn't think that there was anything she could say to make any of this any better. She had done this to her brothers and to Chloe.

"Chloe…" Elijah tried, but the girl went straight to her room and closed the door.

"Start talking," Klaus snarled as soon as Freya was alone with her brothers. "What else did you find out?"

"Not much," Freya murmured. "Blood spells are one of the oldest forms of magic and sex was used to make the spells stronger. Your blood and Chloe's innocence… It wasn't a good combination."

"What is this bond?" Klaus asked tensely.

"You created it. All of you. Your blood is in her, as her blood is in you."

"What about this… sexual energy then?" Kol asked.

"You've all felt it," Freya replied. "It came from her innocence."

They were all quiet for a moment before Elijah spoke up.

"What are we supposed to do now?"

Freya truly hoped that she would have an answer to that, but she didn't. She had no idea what they were supposed to do now.