"Harry Potter" McGonagall called out and the room bursts into excited whispers cracking and spreading like lighting branching off.

"Potter did she say?"

"The Harry Potter?"

No one rose or spoke up. There were just the whispers of students dying out, becoming more cautious now. One minute, two minutes passed .

"Harry Potter please come forward." Dumbledore prompted. This time a boy wearing a well tailored khaki uniform dyed to look like a regular one and a paper cloak steps up.

"Sorry, forgot that was my name." The boy got up and answered cheerily. He then skipped to the stool. It was the longest sorting of the year and while it happened the whole room just gawked. The small boy with neatly trimmed brown hair in weird clothes was not what anyone was expecting. People who knew his parents thought he would have glasses and messy hair, and those who didn't expected him to look more formidable and less small and less weird.

"Maybe Ravenclaw or Slytherin. I don't really know, he won't let me in his mind" The Hat exasperatedly proclaimed loud enough for the hall to hear.

"Like bloody hell I will!" The boy retorted before walking over to the Slytherin table and sitting down. Some students were gaping. McGonagall stood perfectly still as if hit by Petrificus Totalus and Snape sneered at him well dumbledore just looked thoughtful. First and seconds years looked quite lost. The Ravenclaw table was excitedly whispering and the the Griffindors didn't seem very happy, one might even say a bit angry. McGonagall recovered quicker than most.

"Thomas, Dean" McGonagall called out a bit shakily and the ceremony continued even as most of the attention was still focused on the boy. A few more names were called out before McGonagall put away the hat and rolled up the scroll ended the ceremony. By this time some of the students had mostly recovered from the shock.

Albus Dumbledore rose and beamed at the students, as if nothing could have delighted him more, and extended his hands in a welcoming manner. He wore a pale embroidered cloak and had a long white beard quite befitting a wise and powerful old wizard, something straight out of a muggle cinema, the boy mused.

"Welcome" Dumbledore said. "Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet I would like to say a few words and they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddement! Tweak!" He paused "Thank you." He said then sat back down.

The Slytherin table was very quiet at the feast, most were just eating slowly and starting at the boy.

"I may just be crazy but it seemed like I might be famous." The Boy spoke up.

"Yes of course you're famous, you're Harry Potter " Malfoy answered

"Uh huh." The boy paused. "So, do you know anything about me." The boy asked completely oblivious.

"Yes." Malfoy answered again.

"What's my birthday." The boy looks genuinely curious but Malfoy mistook it for a challenge.

"July 31." Malfoy said smugly.

"Huh" the boy looked thoughtful. "What were my parents names?"

"James and Lilly Potter."

"Nice names." The boy looked too thoughtful "and my name is Harry right?" The boy asked.

By now Malfoy looked a bit weirded out but he answered anyways, and the boy decided that this will be fun. "Um, yes?"

The boy scrunched up his face. "Don't really like that name."

"What do you mean you don't like it? It's your name." Malfoy says

"Well, I only learned it was my name today, give me a bit to get used to it." Harry answered and a Slytherin chokes a bit on his drink.

"What calamity occurred for you to not know your own name?!" Malfoy looked exasperated.

"No one told me it." Harry said like it is the most obvious thing in the whole world. The boy will miss his lack of a name, it was always a fun scare factor.

"How can no one tell you your name?!" Malfoy practically shouted.

"They just didn't." Harry said. Malfoy sighed, giving up.

"You weren't doing some weird test thing were you?" Malfoy asked sounding apprehensive

"Why would I be testing you?" Harry said.

"So you actually didn't know your birthday was July 31?" Malfoy asked practically begging for Harry to tell him that he knows his name and birthday and who his parents were, that this is all just a joke. Surely no one can not know who they are. Well there are people who've been Oblivated, but that wouldn't have happened to Harry Potter.

"I actually fancied it was in winter." Harry replied and Blaise Zabini pinched himself to check if this is a dream or not.

"And your parents?"

"For some reason I thought my mom's name was Daisy." Harry replied wistfully. Harry is quite pleased with himself. He was almost correct, both are a flower.

"You can't not know who you are, the whole wizarding world knows who you are!" A second year who was straining to hear the conversation practically shouted at him.

"Well, I didn't grow up in the wizarding world."

"You grew up with muggles?! Disgusting" Malfoy said full of pure blood supremacy. "I knew muggles were barbaric, but to not even tell you your name."

"To be fair the ones I grew up with weren't good examples of muggles." Harry said. Though to be accurate Harry didn't remember who he grew up with.

"A good example of a muggle." Malfoy scoffed.

"There are!" Harry said defiantly, wanting to teach this brat a lesson. But then again he would want to teach the Dalai Lama a lesson; lessons are fun to teach.

"Now you're just talking nonsense." Malfoy said.

"Fine tell me one way that they are better than muggles." Harry demanded, just knowing Malfoy will say power or magic. But magic is a non answer and then Malfoy will say power.

"Wizards are more power—"

"Nope" Harry cut Malfoy off, popping the p. Even though wizards are more powerful than muggles Malfoy should learn that wizards aren't better and agreeing seems counterproductive.

"What do you mean nope? Wizards have magic, muggles don't."

"So? That doesn't mean that wizards are more powerful." Harry said and Malfoy glares at him. "Ok, how do wizards determine who is more powerful?" Harry asked.

"A duel." Malfoy said.

"Ok, than a halfway competent muggle would win a duel against a wizard." Harry said indignantly.

"Preposterous." Malfoy said, quickly becoming frustrated with the their childish savior.

"Would you win a duel against a muggle?" Harry asked.

"Of course." Malfoy said. Muggles are weak; they're about as likely to win against a wizard, if this wizard in question is competent, as a cow winning against an armed muggle. Not that Malfoy knows what arms are. Mentioning that would also be counter productive.

"And if I didn't use any magic then I would be like a muggle?" Harry asked.

"I guess." Malfoy said.

"How do duels work?" Harry asked.

"You bow, then face off. Wands only and no contact."

"Could I use a muggle contraption?" Harry asked

"That wouldn't be a proper wizards duel." Malfoy sayid indignantly.

"But would it work for the sake of muggle vs wizard duel?" Harry asked patiently.

"I suppose so." Malfoy answered hesitantly

"Anything else notable?" Harry asked.

"There are seconds which step in if necessary." Malfoy said.

"Could those be forgone for simplicity sake?"

"Yes, but you really are butchering a wizard's duel." Malfoy says pouting a bit.

"Ok. I challenge you to a wizard vs muggle duel tomorrow after dinner You may use any means at all except another person and I can use a muggle contraption of my choice, if you can take my contraption or the duel lasts more than three minutes you win. If I get you to admit defeat you lose." Harry said.

"My victory is so obvious it isn't worth my time."

"Fine. The loser owes the winner five favors." Harry said.

"Define favor." Malfoy asked. Harry was very happy when Malfoy fell for it, that he's going to bet on it because Harry never loses. Harry thinks this will be better than he hoped for.

"Takes less then two hours and won't get you in trouble if you're competent."

"Fine, I agree to the dual. Swear on it." Malfoy said cockily. Before Harry can begin Malfoy interrupted him "press your wand to your chest."

"I vow to perform five tasks taking less than two hours that won't get me in trouble as long as I'm competent if I lose the dual to Malfoy." Harry paused and removed his wand. "Ok your turn." Harry said.

Malfoy pressed his wand to his chest. "I vow to perform five tasks taking less than two hours that won't get me in trouble as long as I'm competent if I lose the dual to Harry Potter." Malfoy sneered at Harry. "I don't think you belong here." He said.

"Here?" Harry asks.

"As a Slytherin." Malfoy said.

"Where do you think you I belong."

"Gryffindor." Malfoy sneered while saying it.

"Thanks for the advice, I'll go join Gryffindor." Harry said.

"You can't just switch houses you were sorted." Malfoy said, rolling his eyes.

"Don't you remember the hat said 'maybe Slytherin or Ravenclaw I don't really know.' That sounds like an open invitation to me." Harry sayid.

"Humph" the pure blood pouted, and Harry liked it. He found it cute.

"Bye" Harry said cheerily before getting up and happily skipping over to the Gryffindor table...

"Hello." Harry exclaimed happily while sitting down. Ron looked up at him and glared slightly, Harry choose Slytherin and Slytherins are stuck up racist pure bloods. Most others just stared at him. Harry doesn't pay them any attention .

"What are you doing here." Ron asked.

"Joining Gryffindor." Harry replied. Ron just stared blankly at Harry for a moment.

"But you choose Slytherin!" Ron said indignantly.

"I merely sat down at a table then people ignored me." At this Ron grinned.

"Realized that the load of them are gits?" Ron asked.

"Well, I only really talked to Malfoy and he was pretty helpful, although a bit prejudiced. And by tomorrow he will owe me five favors." Harry smiled.

"Five favors from Malfoy? Bloody Hell, how'd you manage that?" Ron asked through a mouthful of food.

"Modified wizards duel." Harry responded.

"Malfoy can use any means except another person to win and I get a muggle contraption." Harry beams.

"That…" Ron hesitated "seems a bit unfair"

"Yeah…you're right, that's exploiting him too much. I'll go see if he wants a second person on his team."

"For you, I meant it's unfair for you." Ron shouldn't have needed to clarify.

"I have quick reflexes." Harry smirked.

"If you say so." Ron mumbled.

— — — — — — — —

"Wanna gun?" Harry asked Malfoy just as they were about to go to opposite sides of the room

"Gun?" Malfoy questioned.

"When this trigger is pulled it expellees an object from the device which then travels very fast in a direction."

"Oh, the muggle contraption. Merlin no."

"'Kay" Harry said and they walk to the ends of the room.

"Scared Potter?" Malfoy asked across the hallway from Harry.

"Not really." Harry replied.

Then they bow and in less than a second three loud bangs were heard. Malfoy's wand had been knocked out his hand and his knees have large red blots forming. Malfoy looked like a deer caught in the headlights for two seconds before the pain registered. Then he was screaming and it was bloodcurdling.

"Surrender." Harry yelled over Malfoy. He was advancing forward quickly and Malfoy couldn't process this because the pain was overwhelming. But Harry was now two inches away from his face with his gun raised pointing at Malfoy's head. Then he said it again cold and threatening "Surrender." Malfoy had never felt so terrified in his life. And he was is in so much pain.

"I surrender, I surrender, don't, Please don't."

Harry quickly dropped his weapon and pulled a needle out of his sleeve. Harry searched for all of two seconds before injecting him, but Malfoy didn't care he was in too much pain. Then Malfoy was numb. What else will Harry do to him? He surrendered didn't he. Then Malfoy remembered something truly terrible, he now owed Harry five favors and Harry might be insane.

"Any magical modification on you?" Harry asked while pulling out a potions flask.

Malfoy doesn't know what that is. He hasn't heard of wizards modifying themselves unless it is dark rituals or maybe an amiguis.


"Drink up." Harry smiled at him. Malfoy thought Harry almost looks nice then, but either way he was raised in a wizarding family where he learned not to eat or drink things from places you don't trust. He certainly doesn't trust Harry.

"From what I know of you that will probably kill me."

"It actually is an enhanced healing potion." Harry retorted

"Probably enhanced to kill me." Malfoy said.

"Fine spend the night at Madame Pomfrey's, see if I care." Harry paused looking upset, and it seemed strange on him. "do I have to levitate you or are you going to walk?"

"You severely damaged both of my knees."

"Yep, I did that" Harry said grinning and looking a bit insane. He infuriatingly didn't say anything else.

"Yes, I need help" Malfoy said scowling at Harry. Harry flicked his wand just barely and Malfoy was floating. It had to be a trick, there's no way Harry could do wordless magic. Then Harry was floating, kicking back like in a lounge chair.

"What kind of trick is this?" Malfoy asked.

"Trick what trick? I'm just levitating." Harry did that innocent and oblivious look.

"Wizards can't levitate themselves, well the dark lord can, but he's a special case." Malfoy said

"Guess I'm a special case then." Harry paused. "Who's the dark lord?"

"He who must not be named." Malfoy replied.

"Why must he not be named? What happens if he's named? Does the world end?"

"No, he has a name. People just don't use it because they fear him." Malfoy clarified.

"So then he's more like he who people don't call by name." Harry smiled and does a flip in the air. Malfoy sort of stared dumbfounded at Harry's flying form. "Welp we're here, bye bye." Harry popped out, like apparition, LIKE APPARITION!(

(H) (P) (H) (P) (H) (P)

Thank you for reading and thank the lovely RabidFangirl14 for betaing. If you would be willing to please review. Compared to other works with similar follow and fav counts I have soo little reviews, like 3. This is the lowest amount for similar story's. Also if you like the story you should fav and/or follow.