I have to say I had a hard time ending this chapter. I'm not sure if you can see my struggle, but it was somewhat hard to say goodbye to it. But, this is the official last chapter of Outerra. And I really hope I ended it well and that you all enjoy. It's a very long chapter!

Chapter Thirty-Five – Epilogue (Three Outerrian Years Later) (24 Earth Months = 72 Months)

"Bella! What are you doing!" Edward exclaimed as he walked into the kitchen. I sighed as a stood up.

"I was reaching for the pot, Edward," I said as I struggled to stand, he grabbed my hand and helped me up before seating me on the chair.

"You shouldn't be out of bed," He scolded as he got the pot, "You know what the doctor said. You're on bedrest, you're in no condition to be running around like you used to."

"Edward I'm fine. I was just going to make some tea," I crossed my arms.

"I'll make you some tea." He said as he moved around the kitchen.

"I can do it," I said as I slowly stood, "I mean I am going stir crazy staying in the bedroom. It's driving me insane!"

"Well, I'm sorry but until you're well again, you're staying in bed."

"I'm not sick," I said firmly, "I'm pregnant. And billions of other women have been pregnant before and they get to run around like normal."

"Yes, but other women have never carried multiple fetuses. You have to be careful."

"I'm alright. Earth women used to carry several babies at a time."

He crossed his arms, "Rest Bella."

I rolled my eyes, "I know you're worried, after what happened but I promise you that I'm okay. As long as I'm not at work running from patient to patient, I won't lose another one."

He smiled gently, "I just want you to relax. It's going to be a difficult birth, and you are a high-risk pregnancy."

I sighed in defeat, "Alright, after we have some tea, I'll go back to bed."

"Good," He said, "And I'll rub your feet for you."

I lifted my leg to look at my swollen feet. That was a little hard to do considering how massive my stomach was now.

As he made the tea, I rubbed my aching stomach. The babies, now two of them, were constantly moving around trying to get comfortable. Originally, I was pregnant with three, but we lost one a few weeks ago. It was devastating but I was grateful we were still expecting.

He set the hot tea in front of me. I blew on it gently before sipping it, then sighing in relief.

"Are you still in pain?" He frowned.

"A little," I said; wincing as one of the babies kicked, "They just keep moving, trying to get comfortable."

"Well, you just have two more weeks left to go."

"Thank goodness," I said as I took a bigger sip, "I just hope the delivery goes smoothly."

"I really wish you would just do the C-section."

"I know, but I want to at least try to deliver vaginally, but if I can't I'll do the C-section."

I took my last few sips of the tea before handing him the cup. I slowly stood up from the table and started to the living room. Edward and Emmett had moved the bed into the living room, so I wouldn't have to climb the stairs.

I climbed into the bed, leaning back against the many pillows. I went somewhat crazy when I started nesting and spent a fortune in pillows. It was kind of funny; Edward came home one day and found me drowning in a sea of fluffy pillows.

He walked into the living room and placed my foot onto his lap. His long tail wrapped lazily around my thigh. I closed my eyes and smiled as he rubbed my feet. I had almost drifted off to sleep but a knock on the door pulled me out of my dozing.

"They're here," I said as I adjusted myself on the bed.

Edward stood and walked to the door, greeting everyone. Our entire family had come over to hangout and have dinner. Since I couldn't go out and see them I made them come over here.

"Hey, guys," I smiled.

"Hello, Bella," Esme said as she practically ran to my side, her hands on my stomach, "Oh, my precious grandchildren. How are you feeling dear?"

"I'm fine right now. That tea you gave me really helps."

"Good," She smiled widely.

Rosalie and Alice walked over with their babies on their hips. Alec was on his Emmett's shoulders, his head flopped over onto the top of his dad's head as he napped.

"Looking good Bella," Alice smiled as she sat Seth down on the end of the bed.

I snorted, "Yeah right, I'm huge. As big as a whale."

Rosalie looked a little confused; she wasn't sure what a whale was, "You look great. You're glowing beautifully."

"Thank you," I smiled, "How's Alec adjusting to Irene?"

"He's getting better, still a little jealous."

I chuckled, "He was the only child for a little while, it's a big adjustment."

"He's fine. He's still getting used to the less attention."

I giggled, "Awe, poor baby."

She rolled her eyes playfully, "He's just like his dad. Jealous of my attention."

Alice slid into the bed beside me and rubbed my bloated stomach, "You look like you're ready to pop."

"I feel like I'm going to pop."

"Do you not feel well?" Edward asked in a panic when I said this.

I sighed, "No, I'm fine Edward. It's just another earth expression."

He made a face and turned back to Emmett, carry on his conversation.

Esme and Rosalie also sat down on the bed with me, gazing at my stomach.

"It's amazing you're having two. This is the first time anyone on our planet has had two babies." Rosalie said.

"It's really common on earth," I said, "Or, it used to be. Before women used the birthing pods."

"I think it's just wonderful," Esme said, "Two babies in one pregnancy. What a wonderful gift from the goddess. She's really looking down upon you."

"Maybe she's giving me two girls just for you." I chuckled.

She smiled widely, "That would be just amazing."

I opened my mouth to say something but just as I did an intensely sharp pain rippled through my stomach. I yelped loudly and pressed my hand against my side.

"Bella!" Edward was to my side immediately, pushing aside his mother and Rosalie to check on me.

I bit my lip as I waited for the pain to settle down, but, the pain intensified. I began to panic.

"Edward! Something's wrong," I cried, a few tears dribbling from my eyes.

"Lay back Bella," He said as he laid me against the pillows. He went into doctor mode and started examining my stomach. I bit my hand to keep from yelling at him; I knew he was just trying to figure out what was wrong.

"We should get to the medical center," Edward said.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm not sure," He said, "It's best if we get there soon. Are you still in pain?"

I took a few deep breaths as the pain calmed down, "I-it's okay now. It's going away."

"Okay, I'm going to pick you up and take you." He lifted me into his arms effortlessly, making his way to the door. I gasped and squeezed his shoulder as another intense pain rippled through my stomach.

"She might be going into labor." Alice said as she walked beside Edward.

"No, she can't be in labor," Edward said surely, "She isn't due for another two to three weeks."

"Yeah, but sometimes earth women could go into labor early. And if she's having twins you never know." Alice said.

I could see a look of fear in Edward's eyes. He was trying his best to be calm for me, but I knew he was panicking inside.

"Thank you, Alice but um, we'll just wait to see what the doctor says." I said.

She opened her mouth to say something, but I made a face to let her know that right now it was better just to keep quiet. She nodded and gave me an encouraging smile.

"It'll be fine," She said.

"You guys can go home," I said, "Sorry to ruin your trip over."

"Nonsense," Esme said, our entire family following Edward, "We want to make sure you're okay."

"I'm fine," I regretted those words as soon as I said them; another sharp pain had me biting the inside of my cheek.

"We'll be there in soon Bella," Edward said; knowing that I was in pain even though I was trying to hide it. I laid my head against his chest, closing my eyes to try and control my breathing as the waves of pain keep coming.

I sighed in relief when we reached the medical center. It wasn't no time before I was in a room and waiting on my doctor. The nurses had given me medicine to relax the pain, but I couldn't stop myself from drifting in and out of consciousness.

"Bella?" I heard a voice say to me. I jumped up in surprise, not realizing I had fallen asleep.

"Hey," I said to my doctor, "What's going on with me?" I asked.

"It appears your body is preparing itself for labor," She said, "I know it's early, but we need to discuss our options."

Edward helped me sit up in the bed, "What options? It's to early." I said.

She sat on the end of the bed, "Well, I know it's sooner than expected, but we can't delay the labor process. If we try, I'm afraid the stress on your already stressed body will do significant damage to you and your babies. So, what I'm thinking, is that we go ahead and preform a C-section."

"But what about the babies? They're not ready yet," I whimpered.

"Yes, that's a bit worrisome but what we'll do is keep them and you here while we do M.M.C. to make sure all three of you will be okay."

Medical Maternity Care. I knew all about this program because I had had a big hand in helping start this program. Ever since Alice had her baby, many other human females were having complicated births like her. So, with the help of several other nurses, we created this program to help human mothers safely deliver and take care of their babies. It was becoming a very popular program for new human mothers.

I sighed, "There's no way we can keep them in for just another week? I'm willing to try anything."

"I'm afraid the risks of trying to prolong the pregnancy are just greater then delivering the babies."

I let my head fall back against the pillows, tears sliding down my cheeks. I took a shaky breath as Edward stroked my arm.

"Okay. Let's deliver them." I said.

She grabbed my hand and squeezed it, "I promise you I am going to make sure the babies are healthy. I'm going to schedule the surgery for a couple hours from now. It'll give you time to get prepped and get everything you need to get for a lengthy stay."

I nodded, "Thank you."

"I'll have a nurse come in here soon and get you ready."

"What do you want me to get?" Edward asked as the doctor left.

I rubbed my wet eyes, "Um, I'll need clothes. And a couple of my pillows. I'll also need clothes for the babies. And blankets."

Edward nodded and kissed my head, "I'll run and do that real quick. I'll be right back."

"Will you send someone else to do it? Please," I said, "I just want you here with me."

He smiled and nodded, "Okay, let me go ask some to get our stuff."

"Is everyone still here?"

"Mom and dad are, but Jasper and Emmett took the babies home. Alice and Rosalie are still here."

"Okay. Um, just ask one of them to do it. And you can tell everyone else to go home. I'm going to be here for a while."

He kissed me deeply, "It's going to be okay Bella. I'll be right back."

"Will you send your mom in? I want to pray with her."

"Of course."

Just a couple moments later, Esme walked into the room. She was calmly smiling but I could see the worry in her eyes. I tried not to dwell on it.

"Hey sweetheart," She said as she sat beside me, grabbing my hands and kissed the knuckles before bringing them to the center of her chest, against her beating heart. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. I did the same.

The door opened but I didn't bother looking up; I didn't want to break our prayer bond. I heard Edward sit beside Esme and place his hand on my stomach and his other hand over mine. We stayed like this for several moments, just silently praying together.

"It'll be okay Bella," Esme said when she laid my hands onto my chest.

I nodded, "I hope so."

"It will be," She said firmly, "The goddess is watching over you. All of you. She's going to take care of you five."

"Thank you, Esme," I said as I closed my eyes; I could feel the babies inside of me. I was eager to meet them, but I was also nervous.

"I'm going to go to the temple and get some things to place around the room. Stuff to help you feel the goddess's love and protection."

"Thank you," I smiled, "And hopefully soon you'll have two grandchildren ready to meet you."

She smiled and rubbed my stomach, "I can't wait to meet my perfect little grandchildren."

She ran out of the room to get to the temple. A nurse came in to get me cleaned up and changed for surgery. Before I went in, Alice and Rosalie came in to give me hugs and support. Soon I was being wheeled off to a surgical room.

"Alright Bella, we're going to start the procedure. How are you feeling? Is there any pain?"

"No pain, I'm completely numb." I said as I closed my eyes.

"Okay, we're going to start now. If there's any pain or pressure let us know immediately."

Edward was sitting beside me, holding my hand. I didn't open my eyes, I wouldn't be able to see anything anyways. It wasn't until I heard the first cry, when I opened my eyes.

"We've got a boy," The nurse said as she held my crying baby up.

"A boy," I said, tears of happiness falling from my eyes, "Edward we have a son."

"He's beautiful," Edward smiled.

The nurse pressed him against my bare chest. His crying ceased. I kissed his head and rubbed his back. When the nurse took him away he started crying again. I almost protested but I stopped myself, knowing she needed to clean him then get in straight into an incubator.

I waited for another cry. And waited and waited. Finally, I opened my eyes.

"What's going on? Where's the other baby?" I asked.

"Everything's alright, we've got to get the baby out."

"Is it stuck?" Edward asked. The doctor didn't answer him, she continued working on getting the baby out.

"I-I feel pressure." I gasped, my fists gripping the bed.

"We've almost got the baby out, is the pressure bearable?"

"Yes, yes please hurry," I cried, my jaw clenched together as the pressure turned into pain.

Edward grabbed my hand and stood to watch the doctor. He didn't say anything, but his face was full of panic. I had to close my eyes to prevent myself from panicking anymore.

"Okay, she's out," The doctor said, "I'm starting CPR get me an oxygen pump."

"CPR? What's wrong? Tell me what's wrong?" I demanded, straining my neck to try to see my baby.

Edward's eyes were wide as he watched the doctor. I wished I could move to see what was happening, but the medicine kept me on the table.

"Edward what's going on?" I asked frantically.

"I'm not sure." He said.

Suddenly, a loud cry filled the room. I gasped in relief as I heard my baby cry. I squeezed Edward's hand tightly.

"She's crying," I said, "She's crying. Is she okay?"

The doctor came over to me, holding my crying baby, "She's breathing."

She pressed her against my chest. Feeling her against me was relieving. I wrapped my arms around her, not wanting to let go. Edward kissed my temple as he placed his hand over our daughter.

"We have to take her now," The doctor said, "We need to get her in an incubator."

"When can I see them again?"

"We're going to put you to sleep so you can rest and heal. But as soon as you wake up you'll be able to see them."

I sighed, suddenly feeling tired. I couldn't fight the overwhelming urge to sleep. Before I completely clocked out, Edward gave me a gentle kiss.

I wasn't sure how long I was asleep, but as soon as I came to my senses, the first thing I felt was intense pain. I groaned loudly, my eyes still closed.

"Bella?" I heard Edward's voice, "Are you in pain?"

"Mmm hmm," I groaned.

"I'll get the nurse to get you some pain medicine."

A few moments later I heard the door opened and veins felt cold for a second. A moment later the intense pain I felt in my stomach was gone.

"Hey, hon," Edward said when I opened my eyes.

"Hey," I blinked a few times, "Where's the babies?"

"They're in the incubators."

"How are they?" I asked.

He smiled widely, "They're doing better than expected. A few problems but nothing we can't handle."

"What kind of problems?"

"Our son is perfectly healthy, his lungs are a little underdeveloped, but I mean when you hear him cry it's just so wonderful and loud," He chuckled a little, "He looks like me, but, he doesn't have a tail. He didn't get that trait."

I smiled, "I knew he'd be so handsome, like his father. What about our daughter?"

"She's had a little trouble maintaining her temperature. And her lungs are underdeveloped too. She's very small. Her brother was huge, closer to an Outerrian newborn than a human one," he stroked my cheek, "She looks just like you. She's so beautiful. A full head of dark brown hair and big, big lips," he snorted, "And she's a fiery little thing too, like her mom. Unlike her mother though, she does have a tail. Like me."

"I want to see them." I said, sitting up.

"I'll tell the doctor and they'll bring the incubators down. They were about to wake you, so you could feed them and have some skin to skin time. They need that. The nurse said they were starting to get fussy and shake from not being near you."

I pulled myself up slowly, carefully avoiding the incision. I wiped the sweat off my skin before the nurses brought the babies in. I couldn't help but smile widely.

"Oh, my babies," I said, my arms extended to hold them.

Edward picked up our son, I knew it was him because he was huge. When he laid him in my arms I was shocked by his weight.

"Phew, what a big boy," I said as I stroked his cheek, "My big handsome boy." He smiled when he heard my voice.

Edward brought me our daughter. She was significantly smaller than her brother. Edward placed her in my other arm. He untied my dress and helped me lean them against my chest. I felt calm, and happy now that they were close to me. He laid on the other side of the bed on our son's side so he could kiss me and touch them.

We laid together for a long time, enjoying the overwhelming happiness of our new family unit. Everything was perfect. I couldn't imagine a happier moment then right here and now.

Edward kissed my temple then kissed the babies.

"I love you," He whispered.

"I love you too," I smiled before giving him a deep kiss.

"As the humans say, this is another exciting chapter in our story." He smiled.

"Another chapter in our long, long book," I smiled, "The next chapter is naming them."

He laughed, "I'm sure we'll think of something."

Thirteen Outerrian Years Later

"Elizabeth, Charlie come on or you're going to be late." I called from down the stairs. The thundering footsteps sounded a minute later.

"We need a bigger house, because Elizabeth hogs the bathroom."

"I do not!" Elizabeth argued.

"Alright, that's enough you two," I said when they made it to the bottom of the steps, "Now you both are going to be late. Your grandparents are waiting on you."

"We're going, mom," Charlie said.

"Hustle, come on." I said as I walked them to the door.

"Bye mom," They said as they walked down the path to meet their grandparents.

"Bye! I love you both!"

I watched them for a moment while they walked down the path. I couldn't help but smile at my children, who were now old enough to walk to their grandparent's house. It seemed like yesterday I was in the hospital delivering them, and I blinked. Now they don't need me.

"Hey, hey," A voice said from behind, hands going around me, "I know what you're thinking."

"I'm not."

"You are," He said as he kissed the top of my head, "You're making yourself sad."

I snorted and rolled my eyes, "It's not true. I'm just watching our kids."

"You do this every morning when you watch them go to their training." He said.

I shrugged, "It's just… they grew up so fast."

"They did, but that's what children do."

I groaned and shut the door, "I wish they were small again. And sweet."

"They're still sweet, they're just not little."

I flopped onto the couch, "It's not fair."

He laughed and pulled me up, into his lap, "Dearest one, you need to look at it more positively. Soon, once they're trained and they're in the world, they're going to meet someone and have grandchildren that we can spoil."

I shook my head, "No grandchildren yet. I just want to hold onto them for a little bit longer."

He laughed and kissed my cheek, "We still have a few more years, there won't be any grandchildren yet."

I leaned my head against his shoulder, "I wish we could've had more."

"Me too, but unfortunately we couldn't," he kissed my temple, "But we have two amazing children who have filled our lives and kept us busy. We've been blessed."

"We have been," I said, "Very blessed. We have two wonderful children and a long, long life."

He hugged me tighter, his tail wrapping around me, "A wonderfully long life. And hopefully we'll have several more years together."

I chuckled, "Oh we're going to have a long life together. Me and you."

"I like the sound of that, you and me."

I smiled and pulled him into a kiss.

"There is one advantage to them being at training," Edward said, "You and me can shirk all of our responsibilities for the day and stay in bed."

"Stay in bed?" I wiggled my eyebrows, "Hmm, I think I really like the sound of that."

I jumped up from his lap and ran upstairs, he let out a playful growl and chased me into the bedroom. As soon as the door shut, we ripped our clothes off and fell into a sea of pillows and sheets.

"I love you," He said when he rolled us over.

"I love you too," I leaned up and kissed him deeply.