Title: Parties and Costumes and a Strigoi?

Author: behindthesehazeleyes1990

Background: Dimitri was never turned and the Queen was never murdered. The gang is at Lehigh enjoying the collage experience. It's close to Halloween and there is a party they are dying to go to. Will the stoic Dimitri agree? Who will show up? What trouble will they find themselves in? Follow our gang for a Halloween experience they wont forget.

Oh my god government and economics, I could beat my head right through this desk. I was so bored. I should have become Christians guardian, he was across campus taking cooking classes. He always got so mad when I called it that. He would yell that it was culinary science. I knew that, but lets be honest it really was glorified cooking classes no matter what words you used.

We had been at Lehigh since the middle of August. I'm shocked Tatiana let me even become Lissa's guardian. Eddie was her second guardian and Dimitri had been reassigned to Christian. We all loved it here on campus, especially us dhampire we would have never been able to get the collage experience any other way. Finally this fucking class was over, Lissa, Eddie, and I packed up our stuff to head home. That was another rule from her majesty about coming here, we all had to live in a house that was warded, but honestly it was great and much safer. And between Lissa and Adrian's spirit they had learned how to amp up the magic in the wards. Nothing could break it.

When we met Dimitri, Christian, and Adrian at the SUV they were looking at a piece of paper. I instantly went into protection mode while Eddie went to see what it was. Lissa was the last of her line and if that was a threat against her I would hunt the person down and personally make them pay.

" Hey Hathaway it's just an invite to a Halloween party." Eddie told us

Lissa and I raced over to take a look. We hadn't been to a Halloween party since we were on the run in Portland. I could feel the excitement from her through the bond. I could tell we all really wanted to go. I would just have to convince my Russian god. Easy enough right? With all of us piled in the SUV we headed home. I was happy all my friends knew about Dimitri and I. They had all taken it really well and even Adrian had backed off, although he still made the occasional sexual comment. But that was Adrian for you, he would never change.

" What are you thinking about Milaya?"

I looked over into the brown soulful eyes I loved so much, might as well ask now. At least I would have back up.

" Well I thought it would be fun to go to that Halloween party." I said and sure enough the back up came through.

" Yeah it would be fun!" everyone said from the back. Liss was really excited and it was coming straight through me. I felt like bouncing in my seat.

" I'll think about it." was all he said.

We were all quiet again. Pulling into the garage Dimitri and Eddie went to check in with Mikhail and Celeste. They had come with us, Celeste as the other female guardian if Lissa wanted to shop, and Mikhail came to watch the house while we were all at school. It wasn't a glorious job but he was happy to be away from a headquarters desk where he had been stuck. All because he went to track down his love Ms. Karp. I probably would have done the same thing for Dimitri. I had come close to losing him when the school had been attacked right before graduation.

Lissa and Christian went to there room to study and have some alone time. I would be putting up my blocks for the rest of the evening. I walked into mine and Dimitri's bedroom throwing my back pack on the desk in the corner and stripping out of my jeans and t-shirt. I heard the door open and knew who it was.

I swayed my hips a bit more then needed as I walked towards the bed and climbed on top of the blankets. Leaning myself against the head board Dimitri moaned and throwing his stuff off climbed up here with me. He started kissing my neck but I wanted to talk first. He would agree to this party before dinner time.

' Comrade, are you really going to think about that Halloween party? Because we really want to go."

He sat back up and looked at me. I could tell he was about to put forth his zen shit so I cut him off.

" Dimitri I know what you're going to say. But you're wrong it doesn't have to be dangerous none of us aside from Adrian will even be drinking. Celeste and Mikhail could come with us. And if we run into trouble I'll know it's coming. Remember my shadow kissed abilities?"

I watched as he mulled it over and just when I thought he would still say no he nodded his head yes. I was so excited I let out a Lissa approved squeal, and jumped on top of him. I could feel he was excited in another way and it would have led to more if it hadn't been for Eddie, Christian, and Lissa busting through the door. Probably should have locked that...

" What's wrong oh shit what the hell guys?"

Eddie shuddered after his outburst. Lissa's eyes were glued to us before she turned red and looked away. Poor sparky looked like he wanted hell to swallow him whole right now. So I thought I'd relieve the tension. Me being me and all, very little embarrassed me.

" We get to go to the party!" I yelled

Lissa squealed just like I had and ran to tackle me. I saw Dimitri cover himself with a pillow the minute Lissa knocked me out of his lap. Now I was a bit uncomfortable.

" Um Lissa I love you, but you hugging me in my underwear in front of everyone is a bit awkward."

She let go mumbling an apology and said they were going to get dinner started. Eddie said he needed a shower, probably a cold one. That made me outright laugh. Once they all left I climbed back onto the bed to have some much needed time with my Russian.

After our bedroom activities and then some amazing shower time I was starving, our activities always made me hungry afterwards. We made our way down stairs where I smelled the most amazing food. On the table sat a plate of steaks, mashed potatoes, rolls, and eww vegetables. We all sat down to eat. I loaded my plate with as much as it would hold, Christian even after all this time had apparently not gotten used to my appetite. He looked at my plate with disgust.

" So Rose we should go look for our costumes after classes tomorrow." Lissa said. That would be awesome.

" Yeah Celeste you will be coming with us to the party so you should come with us tomorrow." I said

She nodded with a smile on her face. All of a sudden the door bell rang. Who the hell could that be? Dimitri, Celeste, and Mikhail stayed with the Moroi while Eddie and I went to the front door. I opened it stake in hand and saw the nastiest sight in front of me. I knew Halloween brought the ugliest creatures out but couldn't someone have hidden this one away?

" Tasha"

I said as she scowled at me. That only made her look more like a creature from a horror movie.

" Oh Rose I didn't realize you were still around."she said

Seriously what the fuck? I slammed the door in her face and locked it. Eddie was trying hard not to laugh. I walked back into the kitchen and sat down to finish eating my dinner.

" Well who was at the door?" Lissa asked curiosity flooding the bond.

" oh yeah I almost forgot. There is a scar faced creature out there, but don't worry I locked her out."

Christian and Dimitri both groaned knowing exactly who I was talking about. Liss on the other hand started yelling and went for the door swinging it open. She like the rest of us was none to thrilled about our guest.

" You are not staying here Tasha" she growled out.

See the last time we saw Tasha was right after Dimitri and I had come out as a couple. She didn't take the news well. In fact at one point she threatened to take me out of the picture and effectively ruining her long term friendship with Dimitri and her relationship with Christian.

In the end she plead her case to us all saying she had received help and was better. I didn't believe her for a second. It seems Adrian, Eddie, and Dimitri didn't either. But Lissa always trying to see the good in people believed her. And of course Christian tried to believe her because she was family, really his only family.

" Hey Dimka" Tasha said

Dimitri gave her a curt nod and left the room. I went after him as Liss was telling her about the party and our shopping trip tomorrow, which what a wonderful surprise Tasha was coming on. This Halloween party is looking worse by the second now. It didn't take me long to get what was wrong out of Dimitri, and I was right he definitely didn't trust Tasha was better. He really didn't like it when I spilled what she had said when I had opened the door. We climbed into bed for the night. Tomorrow would be bad enough without me falling asleep in class.

Well somehow I'd managed to make it through the school day and we were now headed to some party store. Walking inside my spirits lifted, the place was full of costumes. We spent forever trying costumes out for Lissa. She wanted to look cute not slutty. We finally decided on a princess costume for her, and she picked out a prince costume for Christian. We had told the boys we would pick out their costumes to match ours. Since Celeste and Tasha were single they had to pick between Adrian and Mikhail. We put their names in a hat and let the boys draw. Adrian drew Celeste leaving poor Mikhail with the beast. I guess we could always dress him up as Belle. Mia was coming tomorrow since our fall break started today, and apparently she had bought hers and Eddie's outfits a month ago hoping we would all do something fun.

I found Dimitri a modest Doctor costume so I would be going as a naughty nurse. I wonder if I would need to get his heart pumping again after he see's this. Celeste picked this sexy witch costume so I guess Adrian would be a warlock. He would most likely be too drunk to care what he wore. And if having to go with Tasha wasn't already bad enough, she picked out a Dracula costume for Mikhail because she wanted to be a sexy Vampire. Celeste and I both shuddered at the thought of it. Lissa trying to be a good person told her it would be cute, but through the bond I could tell she thought it was a bad idea. Paying for our stuff we headed home before it could get dark. We hadn't seen any strigoi since we had been here, but that didn't mean I wanted to push our luck. The whole way back we talked about how exciting this party was going to be, I was getting excited again.

I opened my eyes to the sunlight streaming in and jumped up causing Dimitri to wake up grabbing his stake. I giggled when he placed it back on the bedside table realizing there was no danger, just his crazy girlfriend.

" Roza what are you so excited about?" he asked with a smirk on his face.

" It's party day Comrade." I said in a no shit tone.

He smiled and nodded pulling me back down beside him. I rolled over straddling his hips, I could feel how hard he was already. I loved our quiet mornings where we didn't have to rush any thing before school. I looked over at the clock to see we probably had about thirty minutes before anyone started beating on our door wondering where we were. I leaned down to kiss him. As he wrapped his hand in my hair I ground my hips against his hard erection. He let out a moan into our kiss. By this point I was so wet and ready for him, so when he broke the kiss to kiss along my jaw making me moan I told him what I wanted.

" Comrade I want you to fuck me fast and hard."

he growled flipping me over. It's a good thing we had slept naked last night because taking clothes off would have taken way too long. He brought his hand down my side and hip as he took one of my nipples into his mouth slightly biting down. I moaned out and only proved to become louder as he slid two fingers into my dripping core. He pumped in and out a few times before removing them and replacing them with his hard cock. He looked me in the eyes seeing that I was ready for him, he slammed into me making me scream out. I loved when we had rough sex. And Dimitri didn't disappoint, he pounded into me so hard I thought the bed would break beneath us. It didn't take long for both of us to climax. It was amazing.

We got into the shower when we'd finished and got ready for breakfast. Walking downstairs I saw everyone was already at the table. Adrian was smirking and Christian out right laughed at us.

" Have you two had a good morning?" He said between laughs. Dimitri blushed but you know me always a smart ass.

" We had a great morning!" I retorted

" Oh we know, we heard" Adrian laughed out

My poor Comrade was beet red by this point and I saw Eddie shudder. Tasha just looked pissed. And Liss, love her was wondering why Christian never made her scream like that. I giggled a little giving her a sideways glance, she blushed and said stupid bond through the bond making me laugh harder.

" What's so funny Hathaway?" Christian asked.

" Oh nothing just the look on all your faces."

Liss thanked me through the bond again feeling embarrassed. We finished eating pretty quickly and the Moroi had a feeder come by. When they were done Celeste, Mia, Tasha, Lissa, and I went upstairs to get ready. We were going to pamper ourselves, Lissa's idea. We left the guys costumes in mine and Dimitri's room so they could get ready. It took all day but we looked hot. I had to admit even Tasha looked pretty. We came downstairs and the boys were dressed and all ready to go.

Dimitri looked freaking sexy. Maybe he would have to restart my heart instead of the other way around. His jaw dropped as he walked towards me.

" Roza are you trying to get someone killed at this party?" he whisper yelled. I had to stifle a laugh at his protectiveness.

" No Comrade there is only one man for me and that's you! Plus have you looked in a mirror, I may have to beat every bitch off you tonight!" There were a few groans everyone knew I would do it too.

" OK no fighting tonight! Everyone got it?" Mikhail said

We all nodded our agreement although I did it reluctantly. As we were walking out the door I noticed Adrian walk up beside me, and I just knew whatever was about to come out of his mouth was more then likely going to be perverted. But maybe I could get a god laugh out of it.

" Hey Little Dhampire, I was just wondering where you and Celeste hid your stakes in those outfits?"

This caused everyone to stop their walk to the car, waiting for me to murder the Moroi idiot beside me. But I was in a damn good mood so I'd let this one slide tonight. I smiled at him as he visibly gulped not knowing if my temper would get the best of me or not.

" Wouldn't you like to know Adrian!"

Celeste high fived me and everyone else let their breath go, until Tasha spoke up that is.

" Actually I was wondering the same thing with an outfit as small as yours."

Ok my limit was about to be pushed so I just walked past her getting into the driver's seat. No one questioned me and Dimitri did all the safety checks before getting in. I pulled out of the garage and drove towards campus.

Pulling up down the road from the house, the party was in full swing. They had black lights up everywhere and had really gone all out with the Halloween decorations. There were spider webs, fake cemeteries, various body parts coming from the ground it was awesome. My spirits were lifted yet again. Mikhail and Eddie took the front, Celeste in the middle with the Moroi, and Dimitri and I in the back. Getting up to the front door the guy standing there raked his eyes over all of us girls, but quickly looked at the guys and knowing a threat when he saw one. But he looked at Tasha again specifically her marred face. Just when I thought he would be smart, he opened his mouth.

" What the fuck happened to your face chick?"

Even I felt bad when I saw the hurt in her eyes. She had been messed up pretty badly while saving Christians life. Christian spoke up before I could.

" Dude it's make up she's a vamp that got into a fight with a werewolf." he watched too much twilight with Lissa.

The guy grinned saying that was awesome and let us in. When we walked inside they were playing Closer by the chainsmokers. Me and Lissa loved this song so we all went to dance. They played song after song and we just kept dancing. It was around 10:30 when we all decided we needed water before we dropped. I was seriously amazed that my Russian could keep up with me and could dance really well. I also felt what our dancing was doing to his manhood. And I really couldn't wait to get home and have him rip this flimsy costume off of me, so we could play doctor.

We danced a few more hours when I looked around and noticed Tasha wasn't with our group anymore. I stopped dancing and looked around the area we were in. How did I not notice her leave? My stomach didn't feel bad so thankfully no strigoi were near here. Everyone in our group noticed me looking around. I noticed Mikhail was gone too. Where the hell had he gone?

" Comrade where is Tasha and Mikhail?" I asked

He did a sweep of the room with his eyes, him being taller then me could see better. he apparently saw something telling Eddie, Celeste, and I to stay with the Moroi, and he walked through the crowd. I didn't feel so bad when I realized no one else had noticed they weren't with us. Eddie, Celeste, and I took up a protective stance around Lissa, Christian, Adrian, and Mia.

" What's going on Rose?" Lissa said through the bond sounding nervous.

" Nothing I just didn't see Tasha or Mikhail but my stomach feels fine so no strigoi." I said as loud as I could without being overheard.

She nodded knowing I would never let anything happen to her or the others. I saw Dimitri and Mikhail coming back towards us but still no Tasha. Where the hell was she? I did not like this at all, even Christian knew something was up with his Aunt not being here.

" Where is Tasha?"

I asked the two of them trying not to scream over the music, I didn't want other people to overhear. I was becoming frantic now, this was all we needed. Dimitri motioned us outside. On the way out I noticed the rude guy was gone, probably drunk and passed out somewhere. We walked down the road a bit where we wouldn't be overheard by anyone. Mikhail looked around uneasily. Something was off and not because we were standing in the middle of a makeshift graveyard with spooky ass decorations.

" Guys I cant remember where Tasha went. I don't even know how I got to the bathroom."

Mikhail stated meaning he had been compelled. Why would she do that? I put my blocks down and called on Mason. He immediately appeared in front of me.

" Can you tell me if there are any strigoi in the area?" I asked him

He nodded his head, I was about to ask him another question when we heard this blood curdling scream from down the street. I pulled my walls back up and my stomach turned. We were running toward at least one strigoi. When we turned the corner the sight in front of us had my blood run cold, this had to be some kind of prank. But looking around I wasn't the only one shocked, everyone looked exactly how I felt.

" Aunt Tasha is this some kind of joke?" Christian asked.

The girl who had screamed went to run but Tasha snapped her neck and tossed her next to another body. Upon a closer look I could see it was the boy who had said something about her scar. I guess that was the price she thought he should pay. Offend a psychotic Moroi and they'll use you to turn strigoi. A little harsh if you ask me. She must have just used him to turn because I didn't feel nauseous until that girl screamed. We had to think fast now, there were four Moroi here.

" Christian put a ring of fire around you all" I yelled out at him. I would not have their lives put in danger. " Celeste, Eddie, Mikhail stay with them." They nodded.

" Oh Rose honey I didn't do this to hurt them. I did it to finally take you out and Dimka and I can finally be happy." she said coldly.

Wow this Halloween was turning out like last Christmas. CRAZY. I stepped towards her, I wanted to make sure she heard every word I had to say.

" Tasha when are you going to get it through your head? Dimitri doesn't want you. He never has. But hey I'll give you props at least you got the right holiday to act like a crazy spooky stalker."

This proved to piss her off as she lunged for me Christian threw a line of fire up between me and her, but not before she knocked my stake behind me while screaming where she had touched it. I watched as Dimitri went towards her.

" I'll come with you Tasha, just don't hurt any of them."

She smirked at me. What the hell was he doing? Was this some kind of prank, if it was it wasn't funny. He opened his arms to her and she rushed to him. When he had her in his arms I felt something roll into my foot. I looked down to see my stake. Looking behind me I saw Christian nod his head even though there was so much pain in his eyes.

Everything happened so fast after that. The line of fire was gone the second I picked up the stake. Dimitri held a squirming screaming Tasha with her chest exposed. I guess they had somehow planned this while I was talking to her. I ran at her struggling form.

" Dimka what are you doing?" she screamed, my stake was ready. She looked at me anger written all over her face.

" Trick or Treat Bitch" I said as I plunged my stake through her heart.

It was over. Talk about a fucked up scary Halloween party. None of us would ever forget this one, that's for sure. Celeste was on the phone with the local alchemists while I caught my breath. When she got off we waited next to the bodies till they got here.

" I'm sorry Christian" It was all I could say.

He nodded and we stayed silent till two people in suits showed up. Knowing they were the alchemists we went back to the car and drove home. i looked at Mikhail when we walked in the house.

" Sorry for fighting tonight"

Christian was surprisingly the first one that laughed. Everyone else started after him. Although we all knew this was killing him, that someone else in his family willingly turned.

" Seriously though I don't think we should go to any more parties" Dimitri said

This caused another round of laughter. Maybe next year we can just get some candy from the store and watch Hocus Pocus...