"Let's have a toast to the Goddess Haruno Sakura! The Savior of Westeros!" Daenerys Targaryen announces while Sakura watches in the sidelines, not knowing what is being said, until Jon can translates for her.

Sakura watches when the people abruptly stands up from their seats before raising their cups in the air. Most of the people's eyes are set on Sakura who remains seated at the table alongside the Mother of Dragons, the King in the North and Jon's other siblings, whose names evaded Sakura.

"TO THE SAVIOR OF WESTEROS!" "TO THE GODDESS HARUNO!" The people shout and call out to her before they drink from their cups.

"They are honoring you with a toast, Lady Haruno," Jon informs her after a moment as she observes when the people shortly sits back down on their chairs. However, they still glance once or twice more in her direction with a look of awe on their eyes, clearly they are more curious about her now more than ever.

After Jon's translation, Sakura flushes scarlet. She is slightly embarrass for not being able to react properly. Perhaps she should have said her thanks while they are toasting in her honor?

"Should have I said something?" She asks Jon, who immediately shakes his head.

"No, it's fine. You don't need to say anything, if you don't want to." Jon tells her.

Sakura lets out a sigh of relief, "Then, I thank you Jon-san for translating everything for me,"

"It's not a problem, Lady Haruno. I'm glad that I could help you understand my language," the man says.

"Jon, can you ask her what she thinks of Westeros so far?" Jon's youngest sister says and Sakura turns her attention towards the younger girl, who sits to her right.

Jon's little sister is of the same height as Sakura and she can tell by the way the other girl handles her sword and dagger that she knows how to use it. Sakura wonders how many people the girl has killed in her life, and guesses it must be a lot just by judging by the look on her eyes.

The girl has eyes of a killer, like Sakura has since she has made her first kill.

"My sister is asking about your opinion on Westeros." Jon says to her. "What do you think of Westeros so far?"

"It's incredibly cold," is the first thing that comes up in Sakura's mind. "It's like the Snow Country in my own world."

Afterward, Jon translates Sakura's words for her.

"She says it's cold and it's like the Snow Kingdom in her own world." Jon tells his little sister.

"Tell her that it's not cold in the entire Westeros. Only in the North." Jon's little sister says while Sakura catches the other girl's glance.

"It's not really cold all throughout the entire Westeros, Lady Haruno. It's only in the North that the weather is harsh and bitterly cold. If you go down South, the weather becomes warmer, and sometimes during the Summer, I hear it's blazing hot down South to the point that the small folk have no choice but to bathe often in the rivers and lakes, naked as the day they are born." Jon informs her with an amused smile.

"I see," Sakura replies in a contemplative manner. "So have you been south from here, Jon-san?"

"No, I haven't but my little sister here has been to King's Landing, and perhaps even further than that."

At the mention of King's Landing, Jon's face seems to darken.

"Jon, are you asking her if she is going to King's Landing and help us take the Iron Throne from Cersei Lannister?" the Mother of Dragons suddenly asks and Sakura looks towards the white-haired woman, who gazes at Sakura with a gleam of hope in her eyes.

"No, your grace. I was simply telling Lady Haruno that it's warmer down south." Jon replies with a frown on his face.

"Oh…" the white-haired woman mutters. "Now that you mention the South. Can you asks her if she's willing to come with us to King's Landing and join our war against Cersei Lannister?"

"I don't think this is the right time to be discussing about this, your grace." Jon responds carefully. "She has just help us defeat the Night King and his army, and I think we should give her time to adapt to our world before we asks her another favor in defeating yet another monster in the South."

"On the morrow, all of us will be in the War Room discussing our plans in taking King's Landing from Cersei Lannister." The Queen comments pointedly. "I think this is the right time to broach the subject to Lady Haruno about her involvement in this war against the Usurper Queen."

"What is she saying, Jon?" Sakura finally inquires after listening to the King and Queen's muttered conversation.

Jon Snow glances in her direction, appearing conflicted about something. However, before Jon can translate for her, Jon's little sister abruptly says to the Queen.

"My brother is right," Arya Stark says. Her tone rude. "We should let Lady Haruno adapt to our world first before we asks anything else from her, much less convince her to join a war that clearly isn't hers to begin with. More than that, you are not her Queen. Lady Haruno has not sworn fealty to you, so she has the choice to be a part or not of this war that you sorely want."

In response, the Mother of Dragons just stares at Jon's little sister in cold silence and Sakura can feel the Queen's anger simmering beneath the surface and knows that the two must be exchanging sharp words in that moment.

"Arya, be silent." Jon says sharply to his sister, who instantly scowls at his order. "I apologize in my sister's behalf, your grace. She doesn't mean to speak out of turn."

Sakura observes how Arya Stark's scowl turns all the more fiercer at her brother's words.

"It's alright, Jon." The white-haired Queen says, turning her attention to the man sitting beside her and smiling frigidly. "You don't need to apologize in your sister's behalf. For I understand the reason behind she has spoken to me thusly. She only means well for Lady Haruno."

"As we all do. Lady Haruno has help us so much in winning the Battle for the Dawn that she might need sometime to recuperate the power that she has spent in defeating the army of wights. We all do, in fact, need time to rest before we set out towards the South." Jon remarks to the Queen.

"I intend to have our people rest for three days, Jon." Daenerys Targaryen replies, her tone adamant. "However, no more than that. We will leave for King's Landing after the preparation are done, which I hope will be within three days."

"As you say, your grace." Jon says, nodding his head in a solemn manner.

No longer able to contain her curiosity, Sakura immediately demands, "What are you all talking about Jon-san?"

"I apologize for not being able to translate everything at once, Lady Haruno. However, the three of us were discussing about the Queen's future plans in going down South." Jon tells her.

"Oh, what does she intends to do down South, Jon-san?" Sakura inquires.

There is a moment of silence before Jon finally gives his answer, "War, my lady. The Queen wants war against the Usurper Queen sitting currently on the Iron Throne."