Wear it tonight

(2020 February 28th)

"Here you are Hizuri san." The assistant showed her the door with her name on it "Just so you know, we received a package for you this morning. It's on the table…"

"Thank you!" Kyouko chirped as she got in and closed the door behind her. Her eyes were drawn to the elegant bouquet on the table and she went straight to it. She put her bag down and smelt the flowers with a soft smile. This was so typical. He would always send her something when he was away. She picked up the envelope that was leaning on the pretty gift box and took out the card.

My princess, I hope these flowers find you well. Don't be mad for the gift, I saw it and it made me think of you. Can't wait for tonight.

She smiled and put the card back inside the envelope. What is it going to be this time? It had to be expensive if he was preemptively apologizing for it. She rolled her eyes. She had so much jewelry and designer clothes she didn't know what to do with it, yet she rarely ever bought anything. I'm lucky he knows my size and tastes so well… She thought, as she opened the gift box.

"Oh, Kuon…"

Inside was a shining necklace, a silver chain with a few bright purple stones. She was speechless. It would go perfectly with her dress for tonight. Am I that predictable or did he manage to get a peek at what I chose? Her outfit for the award ceremony had been a source of great hesitation, and she had finally settled on a light purple dress with a low neckline, only a few days prior. How did he? She frowned but couldn't stay mad. Doting on her was one of Kuon's greatest sources of joy, she knew, and she didn't want to deprive him of it. She didn't even try to identify the gems, for all she knew he was the type to buy purple diamonds. She had learned to ignore it. For now. She'd educate him eventually...

She looked at the time on her phone. It was still early; she had a good half hour ahead of her and she only needed to get changed. She tapped the screen and pressed the phone to her ear happily.

"Good morning beautiful." he picked up almost immediately.

"Hey." How lovely was it, that even after being together for almost 3 years, she still got the chills from the sound of his voice?

"How is everything back in Tokyo?"

"I'm good, how are you?"

"Much better now that I'm hearing your voice."

"Same here." She sighed contently from the smile that colored his words. "I got your gift."

"Are you calling to admonish me?"

"You know I don't need all those gifts, Kuon." She scolded kindly.

"But I can't help it. They beg for me to put them on you." This time it was the pleading puppy eyes that transpired through the phone and she laughed.

"It's beautiful. Thank you."

"I thought you could wear it tonight."

"I figured."

"What time will you be there?"

"Around 8, why?"

"I can't wait to see you."

"What do you mean? Are you not coming home, are you going straight there?"

"Well, my plane lands at 5, and the ceremony starts at 9. It will be easier…"

"Noooo" she whined "I haven't seen you for a week, I want to have you to myself for a bit."

"You know we will hardly have an hour if I come home."

"So what? I'd rather have an hour alone with you, than trice that time and be surrounded by people." She pouted.

"Okay, sweetie." He chuckled "I'll come and pick you up then. Just remember, it'll be your fault if we're late."

"Mm." She smiled. "I miss you."

"Miss you more."

She smiled stupidly as she hung up. Oh she was going to wear his gift alright, she was even going to welcome him home wearing his gift... And… She shook her head as dirty thoughts crossed her mind. She had work to do, it was time to get into character.


There was always a warm feeling, growing inside of him, whenever he got home. It wasn't just getting home from a trip, it was like that even in their everyday life, every time he knew she would be there. Getting to hold her close and caress her hair was something he would probably never get totally used to, he thought, as he opened the door.

"Kyouko?" he walked in and dropped his keys on the counter.

"Over here." She called from the living room.

He felt like a kid on Christmas morning as he hurried in the direction her voice came from, yet his eager steps came to a halt from the sight that welcomed him. That was no present for a child.

His eyes didn't know where to land, blinded by her pearly skin that was only interrupted by a thin, sparkling silver line around her neck and the straps of her high hills. Leaning on the arm of the sofa, with his tuxedo hanging from one of her hands, she couldn't hide the small blush that developed on her cheeks as his gaze devoured her lascivious form.

"Hizuri san." her smirk was timid "I've been told you were in need of a costume change?"

"Don't you Hizuri san me." he groaned as he closed in on her.

She dropped the hanger and both her hands instantly hugged his neck as she received his long awaited kiss. His fingers enjoyed her naked flesh fervently, trailing down her sides and to her behind. Not wasting any time, she got started on undressing him, beginning with loosening his tie as he kissed down her neck. She almost ripped the buttons of his shirt in her precipitation, and once it was open, her fingers followed the firm lines of his muscles. He came back up to kiss her lips, as he grabbed one of her thighs, bending it up and caressing down her ass. She folded her legs around his waist and he was fast to meet her sexy undulations.

After a minute of sweet escalation, her hands came between them and concentrated on the unbuckling of his belt and pants, before slipping under his boxer. He grunted when she caressed his ass, pushing his clothes down. He pulled back and admired her flushed face before he thrust again.

"Aah…" she moaned, catching herself on his shoulders as he moved down. "Yes…"

He kept one hand on her back, while the other crept to her center and his mouth descended on her skin. She moaned louder, hugging his head, when he kissed her breasts delectably. He cultivated her pleasure, steadily, caressing her lower lips persistently, all the while licking and sucking on her nipples. He couldn't wait to taste her down there.

"Wait…" she breathed when he started going even lower "get back here." She ordered and he obeyed.

He moved back up, savoring the feel of her skin against his. She was panting when his face reached hers again.

"We have to hurry." She elaborated, catching his member selfishly and directing him where he was presently most needed.

He didn't need to be asked twice, and plunged into her.

"Ah…" He moaned in her ear. "Kyouko."

"Yes…" she replied in the same haze.

He drove slowly into her and gave her a long kiss.

"You look ravishing." He said huskily when he pulled away, slipping a finger under the delicate chain that was all she was wearing.

"So do you." She caressed his hair with a loving smile.

"Well, I'm wearing the most beautiful piece of jewelry there is."

"Wha…" she gave him a puzzled look.

"I mean you." He explained.

"Oh." She blushed realizing how he was wearing her "Well, I did want to give you something. Mmmm… And, I don't have much to off-"

"That's plenty enough." He grunted against her neck and he accelerated. "You know I wouldn't want any other gift."

He pushed harder and harder until she climaxed and he pulled out, turning her around before he got back in, landing both his hands on strategic places of her front.

"Ah, yes!" she arched her back, effectively sliding deeper. "Kuon! More! Aaah…" she came again, and he followed in a matching blissful cry.

She crawled on the couch, taking his hand, and he joined her to lie down. They kissed and hugged tenderly.

"What time is it?" he asked finally, remembering that both of them were nominated for awards in their respective categories.

"Oh, I almost forgot." She evaded his embrace "I opened a half bottle of champagne." She picked up the two flutes that had been patiently waiting on the table, until the two lovers were done with their more pressing business. "We still have just enough time for a bath. And it so happens, I drew one for us."

"This keeps on getting better…" he got up and took a flute from her hand "Do we really have to go?"

A/N - So the rating definitely went up on that one (guess future Kyouko was right about me) Meh. And yes, they do go eventually. What would the Academy say if both best actor and best actress were missing, right?
This chapter could have easily been a standalone, I almost made it into a one shot, but since I thought it up in the context of this story, it's staying here.
That's the beauty with this side story, actually: since Skip Paradox extended over 15 years, I can really put pretty much whatever I want in here (especially the 7 years between the switches). I can even write scenes that take place before and after this 15 years span! But, well, that's for later...

Anyways, as always, thanks for reading.