Harry and Tonks

chapter 12: The truth is out

After leaving Snape's room Harry had walked past everyone he was shocked and didn't know what to think the dark lord is his actual father his mother is Bellatrix and James and Lily were not dead he had suffered at the hands of the Dursley's for the majority of his life only to find out that he was fighting the wrong man. When Harry reached the Phoenix house common room he decided to write a letter to the dark lord no wait his father and he had hoped that Voldemort would reply and so Harry had written two pages to his real father including where Hannah is back and that he would very much appreciate it if they could meet to talk.

After the letter was sent Harry went to meet up with everyone for lunch, While in the great hall Harry was enjoying his lunch when all of a sudden a letter had arrived and so he had opened the letter to find out it was an early reply from his father stating that they should meet and that Hannah should join too so Harry looked towards Hannah and asked her if she wouldn't mind coming to the side for a few minutes. While Harry was speaking to Hannah Daphne, Tracey and Hermione were all trying to guess what they were talking about and soon both had returned to the table and so Daphne asked "What was that about babe?" and so Harry told them what he had found out in Snape's classroom and soon the color had drained from the ladies and Hermione decided she would speak "So the dark lord is your father and the prophesy is to do with you and Dumbledore" Harry nodded and then told them that he and Hannah were going to meet with their actual father during the next hogsmede weekendand this worried the girls.

After lunch had finished Harry decided he would get a lie down so he had left the great hall and made his way to his private dorm and laid down, Halfway through his nap Harry had woken up to something he didn't think possible Pansy Parkinson was sucking him off and when Harry asked what she was doing Pansy replied "Making you happy I hope I know you have Daphne, Tracey, Hermione, Astoria and that auror but I also know that since you created this house you are the lord of it and I was hoping I could be the lady to house phoenix" Harry was thinking hard and soon he decided that Pansy was to be Lady Phoenix and soon Harry had Pansy striped out of her uniform and he shed the rest of his and soon Harry decided to take pansy for the best ride of her life.

After about six different positions Harry had finally bent Pansy over the bed and started pounding her pussy while slapping her ass and all Pansy could do was moan out with pleasure begging for more and then when Harry had left Pansy's insides he flipped her over and soon he reentered her and was going on an all-out assault on the girls pussy while he attacked her double d sized tits with his mouth and the other with his hand. When Harry had finally came so did Pansy and soon, they both collapsed with Harry rolling onto his back and Pansy rolling on top of Harry and she wanted him to stay inside her so she grabbed his cock and put it back inside her pussy and soon she fell asleep.

When the bell went Harry and Pansy had woken up and they both noticed a new ring on their finger in the shape of a phoenix with a fire red stone in the center and so Harry spoke "I guess that means your now officially Lady Phoenix Pansy" Pansy beamed at her ring and soon they both got dressed and entered the great hall shocking everyone. Once Harry and Pansy sat down Hermione and Tracey were both unable to speak so Daphne said "Explain Pott... err Riddle what is going on?" and so Harry told them that Pansy is the new Lady Phoenix and that they had already made it official. The news shocked everyone and Hermione had just the look of horror on her face and so she left in a huff and so Harry decided that he should go after her to help calm her down.

When Harry found Hermione she was crying and so Harry asked "Hermione what's wrong?" and so Hermione told Harry that now that he had Pansy that he would barley have time for her but Harry told her that he has enough time for Tonks, Daphne, Tracey, Astoria, Pansy and her and so Harry decided he would have Hermione on her own right now so he took her to the private dorm room he shared with all his ladies and he stripped both himself and Hermione and then he picked her up and she wrapped her legs around Harry's waist and soon she descended down and soon all of Harry's shaft was inside of Hermione's moist cunt while he attacked her tits and holding her up by her ass.

While Harry was pounding Hermione's cunt, he could hear her moan out his name and this made him increase his speed before he laid her down on the bed and exited her pussy. When Harry got on his knee's he stuck his head in-between Hermione's legs and started eating her out and this made the said girl gasp in shock and pleasure and then she put her hands-on Harry's head to keep him in that position. After Hermione had came all over Harry's face she had let his head go and then they had both cleaned down got dressed and ordered food to be delivered to their room. Once both teens had finished their food and drinks the plates goblets and treys had vanished and they awaited for everyone to return.