by Gunman

Disclaimer: I do not own Evangelion or their characters.

Summary: Shinji and Ritsuko are reunited. (Epilogue to follow)


Chapter 3

(18 Months Later. The Seaside town of Sunkuna, Hokkaido Prefecture)

Ritsuko Akagi was sitting on the beach, under a large umbrella, wearing only a black two-piece bikini and a pair of sunglasses. She was sitting in a chair reading a book.

A romance novel, of all things, which she found quite unbelievable.

However, her mind was not on her book, but on her young lover, Shinji Ikari.

It had been over a year since she had seen him.

After Gendo's death, Ritsuko had sold virtually everything she owned and moved to the small sea side town to start her life over.

With the huge inheritance she had gotten, both from all of Gendo's financial assets, plus his life insurance, as well as selling all of her belongings, including her house and Gendo's car, Ritsuko was pretty much set for life.

She had chosen to retire to the sea side town where no one knew her and just spend the rest of her days relaxing.

Her story was that of a widowed woman who had lost her husband and was trying to start her life over. To facilitate that, she had retaken her maiden name of Akagi. She had made a couple of friends since coming to Sunkuna, but still preferred to spend time alone. Some guys had even flirted and come on to her, asked her out, but she kindly rebuffed them, not interested in them at all.

She had little desire to go back to teaching, and scientific research did not interest her as it used to when she was back in college, but she felt she should do something to pass the time. Going to the beach to swim, exercising to keep herself in shape, like jogging and doing Yoga, filled some of her time, but she whole-heartedly missed Shinji.


(Flashback, two weeks after Gendo's death)

"I don't understand, sensei. Why?" Shinji asked his lover as she explained her plan to him.

"Shinji, this whole situation is complicated."

"But... your husband is dead. And I don't have anybody. Why can't we just..."

"Because you're still my student, Shinji-kun. You have another year before you're finished."

"I don't care about that."

"You should. It might seem small to you, but it's important. I won't risk your future just to satisfy my own desires."

"They're mine too."

"I know. But you have to trust me on this."

"I just don't like it."

"I don't either, but it's the best option."

"Best option." he scoffed. "We don't have to worry about your husband finding out about us. Why can't we..."

"Shinji, listen to me." she said, caressing his face, interrupting the emotional rant she knew he was about to unleash. "I love you. I love you more than I ever did Gendo. I want to be with you, but we're not free. Even if we were to continue our relationship, it would be difficult to keep it a secret for very long. People would eventually find out. We would be ostracized and scorned, and I might even be arrested and sent to prison. Society isn't too accepting of a woman who just lost her husband having an affair with her student, even if he was cheating on her years before." she said with a sigh. "It's the way things are."

Shinji sighed as he agreed with her, once again unable to fault her logic.

"Right now, this is the best option I can think of for us to be together." she said.

"But it'll be a whole year before we see each other. Maybe longer, I..."

"I know. I don't like it either, but... like I said, it's safer for both of us. Once you're no longer my student, and I'm no longer a teacher in any sense, we'll be free. To be together."

Shinji pulled the woman into a hug, kissing her cheek as he held her. Ritsuko sighed as he let her hold her, nearly tearing up at what she had to go through soon.

(End Flashback)


And so, weeks after Gendo had died, and she had gotten her affairs in order, Ritsuko had moved out here, to the peaceful sea-side town where no one knew her. And waited.

But the waiting was killing her, emotionally and physically. Her nights were lonely, and she only had her memories of the extended weekend she had spent with Shinji.

Those memories always made her smile.

Shinji was something special. He was probably 'the one' that she had hoped Gendo was. Even if he was a successful business man, Ritsuko was wondering to herself what she had seen in him. Shinji had fulfilled every desire and itch she had ever had. He had made her feel things she had only read about and never thought she could experience.

Even the semi-trashy romance novel she was reading had the very simple idea that a married couple could actually be happy with each other, as if they were perfectly destined for each other as both what they felt and what society dictated. Like a fairy tale happy ending she often scoffed at.

Being a very logical person Ritsuko often thought something like that could never happen to her. Not with her being married to Gendo.

And then she met Shinji, and their 'relationship' progressed to a degree she never imagined. Heights of pleasure and passion that ignited something inside her that made her start to believe in the 'happy endings' she thought were only stories.

Oh, how she missed that.

I wonder what he's doing now? she thought to herself.

Suddenly, a football crash landed next to her.

"Oh, Hey! Are you alright?" a young man said as he approached her and picked up the ball.

"It's alright. No harm done." she said as she looked up at the young man, the sun obscuring her vision a bit.

He was dressed in a pair of jean shorts, sandals, a white tank top, a pair of sunglasses and a large backpack slung over his shoulder. He had short brown hair and fair skin.

The young man threw the ball back to the guys who were playing the game, and turned to her.

Ritsuko half expected the young man to go back to his friends, only to realize something familiar about him.

"Is something the matter?" she asked.

"Uh, are you here by yourself?" The young man asked her.

"Why do you ask?" she responded.

"Well, I don't see your husband or boyfriend around."

"Oh, I'm not married. Not anymore. My husband died."

"I'm sorry to hear that." he said.

"Don't be. It was over a year ago. I'm actually here by myself." he stated.

"Really?" he said, feeling happy at that. "Then... would the pretty lady like to get a drink with me?"

Ritsuko looked up at the young man who was so casually flirting with her, like some others had since she moved here, and paused when she saw something on his arm.

"Oh! That's a nasty looking scar." she said, staring at his right arm.

"This old thing? It's a knife wound. I got it protecting one of my teachers from a mugger."

"Really?" she said as she set her book down. "I'd like to hear that story. Over a drink." she said and grabbed her large white sun hat and her sarong and putting them on before picking up her beach bag with her belongings.

The young man held out his elbow to her, and Ritsuko gladly accepted it.

The rest of the day went by rather quickly. The handsome young man and the sexy widowed woman talking, laughing and flirting with each other all along the beach.

Some of the people at the beach were a little jealous at what they saw. A hot blond woman in a bikini was laughing and flirting with an athletic and handsome younger man. The pair seeming to be on a date, even though they had just met.

When the sun started to dip low on the horizon, Ritsuko gathered up her things and headed to her car. The young man escorting her.

"Need a lift back into town?" she asked.

"Uh, sure." the young man said.

Ritsuko drove them to her new abode, 10 miles from the beach, which was a very nice, two-story Japanese-styled house. It was a far cry from her old house, which had reminded her so much of Gendo and her marriage, so she had bought this new one which symbolized her new life. A life that she hoped she would be able to share with Shinji.

"I'm sorry, I forgot to ask where you live." she said as she pressed the garage door opener in her car.

"Oh, I just moved to this town today." he said.

"And you don't have a place to stay?" she asked.

"Well, I was looking, before I got distracted by this beautiful teacher at the beach."

Ritsuko blushed at little as he said that.

"Well... why don't you stay here for the night and tomorrow I'll help you look for a permanent place to stay."

"Thank you, Ritsuko."

They drove into the garage, and both of them got out of the car as the garage door closed.

Ritsuko got out of the car, leaving her hat and bag in the back seat. She was still in her bikini with the white sarong around her hips, and was absently swaying her hips in a sensuous manner as she stepped into the house.

That's when the young man made his move. Slipping off his sandals, his top and his shorts, and leaving his backpack in the car, he silently followed the sexy ex-teacher into the house.

Ritsuko was in the hallway when she was suddenly grabbed from behind by the young man, his hands reaching underneath her bikini top to caress and fondle her D-cup breasts.

Ritsuko gasped as she was forced up against the wall, the young man pressing himself against her.

"I've missed The Girls, sensei." he whispered into her ear as he continued to grind his naked body against her own barely-clad body.

"And The Girls have missed you, my gakuto." Ritsuko gasped as she gave into the touch of her young lover.

"I graduated months ago, sensei. I'm not a student anymore. In the eyes of the law, I'm an adult." he said, his voice making her shudder once again.

"I know." she said as she pulled the bikini top from around her head and dropped it to the floor.

Shinji released her breasts, spun her around and pressed himself up against her and the wall as the black bikini top was discarded. Ritsuko moaned in lust as his lips pressed against hers, sucking hungrily on her mouth, his arms wrapped around her body as he forced himself against her, his naked chest pressing against her exposed breasts, her arms around his neck tightly, her legs sliding up the sides of his legs and around his waist to hold onto him, as she drove her tongue into his mouth.

"It took me a little while to find you." he said to her as he held her tightly.

"Eighteen months is a little?" she asked, panting hotly as he rubbed up against her.

"You moved to the other side of the country, sensei."

"Yes. As far as I could, so no one would know me. Or you." she replied.

"Smart." he congratulated her.

"I missed you, Shinji-kun!" she panted hotly. "I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too, Rits-chan." he panted as his hands nearly tore her bikini bottoms and sarong off. "I've missed being inside you." he said as he pulled the strings on the sides of her bikini and let the silky material fall to the ground, before he thrust into her body.

"AHHH!" she cried out as she was filled with the very thing she had desired for over a year. Her legs wrapped tightly around his waist and interlocked at the ankles. "I think... you've gotten bigger!" she gasped.

"Thinking of you will do that." he said to her, holding her up with his hands.

"I've been thinking about you too!"

Their breathing was labored as they looked at each other, the sheer pleasure that they had once had returning to them.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't wait any longer." he panted, his forehead resting against her own.

"I know what you mean." she moaned and kissed him again.

Ritsuko couldn't help but marvel at the young man before her. He had gotten taller, and apparently more muscular than before.

Shinji stared at the woman in wonderment. His former sensei had only gotten sexier than before. More shapely, if nothing else. More tan as well as having longer hair.

"It took everything I had not to jump you when I saw you at the beach." He said to her as he began to deeply thrust into her body. "I didn't want to cause a scene."

"Ah! AH! OH!" she gasped at the sheer pleasure she was feeling. "You probably would have gotten arrested." she said with a small laugh. "My room. Upstairs." she said in a hot, whispered tone.

Shinji carried the woman upstairs to her bedroom, still inside her as he held her in his arms with her arms and legs wrapped around him. He pushed open the door and stumbled to the bed.

She laughed as he landed on top of her, sandwiching her between himself and the bed as he stared into her eyes.

"This isn't going to be short and sweet." he panted as he stared into her eyes.

"Oh, Good!" she smiled as she looked up at him.

"We have a year of catching up to do." he said to her.

"More than a year. Let's not waste any more time." she replied as he fell upon her, kissing and thrusting into her beautiful body.

Ritsuko gasped, groaned and moaned as she felt the weight and heat of his body against her, touching every inch of her that he could. Her arms reached behind him, her nails clawing at his skin as he sent her into a frenzy of lust and desire she hadn't felt for the last year and a half.

His hard chest pressed and rubbed against her ample breasts, and she felt his lips kiss her face and then suckle down along her neck. Sweat was already streaming down both their bodies, but neither was about to stop.

Shinji continued to thrust into her again and again, over and over, until he lifted himself onto his knees, Ritsuko's legs wrapped around his waist, his left arm wrapped around her back and lifting her ass up and off the bed as he continued thrusting into her body, her head and back still touching the sheets as his mouth moved down to suckle her exposed breasts.

"AH! You're So Deep Inside Me!" she cried out in ecstacy, her hands running through his hair.

"Like I said, I've missed you!" Shinji grunted as soon as he released her breast, then proceeded to massage her generous mounds and peaks with his hands.

Ritsuko was so lost in her pleasure, her vision clouded with white as though she was lost in a fog, that she didn't notice when Shinji had somehow flipped her over and began thrusting into her sexy body from behind as his hands wrapped around her body and caressed/fondled her bountiful breasts while kissing and suckling her neck.

She moaned out hotly, lost in her lust as he continued to ravage her.

"OH, GOD! I've Missed This!" she cried out as she came and came hard.

"So have I!" he whispered roughly into her ear as he came with her.


Shinji was lying on his back, Ritsuko on top of him, her young lover still inside her as she slowly came down from her recently achieved orgasm. Her hands fondled his chest and body, marveling at how much more athletic he had become. She loved that it was all hers once again.

It had been hours since they had gotten back from the beach, and it was now well past midnight when the pair had finished 'catching up'.

Shinji smiled up at her, knowing what she was thinking, and agreeing with her all the more.

"I love you, sensei." he said as he looked up at her.

"You don't have to call me that anymore, Shinji-kun." she said as she leaned over him, caressing his face with her hand as she looked down into his eyes.

"Yes I do. You'll always be my sexy sensei." he said, caressing her hips with his hands.

Ritsuko laid her body upon his, snuggling up to the athletic younger man as he held her close.

"I'm surprised you didn't get me pregnant the first few times we did it." she said to him.

"You were taking those pills, on safe days, weren't they?"

"Well, yes, but... how did you..."

"I'm more observant than you realized." he said.

"Obviously." she laughed. "But if you get me pregnant now..."

"You'll be a fantastic mother." he assured her.

"I'm not ready to be a mother, just yet, Shinji-kun. There's still so much more sex I want to have with you."

"I think we can manage that, sensei."

Ritsuko just smirked at him.

"You keep calling me 'sensei'..." she said.

"So? I like calling you 'sensei'." he smiled at her.

"And if I eventually have children?" she asked.

"It'll be a pet name that I'll give mommy." he grinned.

Ritsuko just laughed as she snuggled into Shinji's body even more.

"I love you, Shinji-kun." she said as she caressed his face tenderly with her fingers.

"I love you, Rits-chan." he said as he pulled her in close, kissing her cheek softly.

Ritsuko had never been so happy in her life.

She had a man who loved her, was incredibly attentive to her needs, would take care of her no matter what, and even if he was younger, his libido brought out the woman in her.

It didn't matter if he ever worked or got a job. Ritsuko could provide for them both. Though Shinji would no doubt help out around the house, and whatever special project Ritsuko would make up, she knew that Shinji would never leave her. He would love and care for her like Gendo never did.

She wasn't a teacher anymore, and he wasn't her student anymore.

She was now free, to live out the rest of her life with her student lover.


Authors Notes:

Took me a while to finish this, mostly because my computer crashed and I needed to get a new computer and then edit all this... it's just been a mess.

Hope everyone enjoys this last chapter, and stay tuned for the epilogue. Probably won't be much lemon, but it'll be something extra to read.