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Episode 1: how to start a dragon Academy

This is berk, for generations, it was Viking against dragon. The battles were ferocious… then one day everything changed said Hicca.

Hicca flies in on her Night Fury and best friend, toothless

I met toothless, and together we've shown people here instead of fighting dragons, we can ride them, live with them, even train them said Hicca.

They land on sea stack where Aster,Fishlegs,Snotlout,Ruffnut,Tuffnut and their dragons are waiting for them.

Okay, guys. Best Trick Competition. Who's up first? Says Hicca.

Uh.. says Fishlegs

Me! Said Snotlout.

Actually, i think it's - says Fishlegs.

Me! Says Snotlout.

Sweet baby Thor in a thunderstorm, GO! Yells Asher.

Oh, don't worry, we'll go. And when we go. Hookfang and i are gonna light the sky on-

Snotlout's Monstrous Nightmare, Hookfang,plummets off the sea stack, scaring an unprepared Snotlout.

FIRE! Oh no! Yells Snotlout.

Hookfang pulls off many stunts, scaring his already terrified Rider into almost wetting himself. Hookfang circles back around and lands on the sea stack with a thud.

I'm alive…? I'm alive? Yells Snotlout.

The other Riders stare at him, blankly.

Of course I am said Snotlout.

It's my turn! Ready, Meatlug? Here we go! Says Fishlegs.

Fishlegs' Gronckle, Meatlug, takes off, flies around in simple circle, then lands.

Yes! New personal best! Said Fishlegs.

My turn said Ruffnut.

No. my turn said Tuffnut.

Guys, same dragon said Hicca.

Oh, right said Tuffnut.

Ruffnut and Tuffnut's Hideous Zippleback, Barf and Belch. Take off, but then the twins begin to argue on which they should go.

Go left! Said Tuffnut.

No, right! Said Ruffnut.

N-no, right! Said Tuffnut.

No, lef! Said Ruffnut.

They narrowly missed colliding into another sea stack. Barf and Belch suddenly fling the twins off their necks and high into the air.


Barf and Belch then catch the twins before they can go splat, fling them up, and back onto their necks. They then land on the sea stack.

We almost died! Said Ruffnut.

Yeah. i know… go again? Said Tuffnut.

Hey! It's my turn! You might wanna take notes, let's go!yah! Said Aster.

Asher and his Deadly Nadder, Stormfly, shoot off the sea stack, and fly down towards the ocean.

Okay, Stormfly, tail flip! Says Aster.

Stormfly flips her tail into the water.

Now twirl! Said Aster.

The Nadder barrel rolls, shooting forward.

Quick, upwards spira! Said Aster.

They finish their routine With a final spin, high into the air.

Alright,Stormfly! Said Aster.

As he lands back on the sea stack, The other Riders congratulate his Performance.

Yeah, but can you do it without the dragon? said Snotlout.

He responds to him With a good, hard punch to his shoulder.

Ow! Said Snotlout.

Asher then turns and gestures to Hicca, meaning it's now her turn.

Looks like we've our work cut out for us there, bud said Hicca.

Toothless makes a vertical takeoff, then dives down the sea stack, right to the ocean. Hicca pulls up at the last second, and shoot forward at breakneck speed. The two Skillfully swerve In and out through the maze of sea stacks before coming across two conjoined rocks. As soon as they get close enough. Hicca unhooks her metal leg, and jumps onto the bridge between the two rocks, while Toothless glides under. Hicca runs across the rocky bridge, then jumps onto Toothless on the other side. The girl and the dragon rocket towards the sky, leaving the other Riders amazed and awestruck. Toothless then shoots out multiple plasma blasts, which explodes like fireworks. It's obvious who won the competition.

They're still the best said Aster.

Another win. Good job, bud said Hicca.

Hicca and Toothless fly back to the village.

Yep. dragons. Most people on berk would say life here is better since we made peace them. Unfortunately, dragons are still, well, dragons. Said Hicca.

When the two friends land in the village, they see chaos. This includes a yak being chased by a Gronckle, a couple of Terrible Terrors stealing chicken from a women, a Deadly Nadder refuses to leave a man's roof, a Monstrous Nightmare stealing a sack of apples from another man,and another Deadly Nadder chasing a group of chickens, running under a clothesline, and stealing a woman's underwear in the process.

Bad dragon! Let go of my food! Drop it, pesky dragons! Dragons said Viking women #1.

Get off my roof, you pest said Viking man #1.

Let go of that! These are my apples said Viking man #2.

Give me back my dainties, dragon said Viking women #2.

Suddenly, the villagers start scattering and running for cover.

Incoming! said Viking man #3

Look out! said Viking man #4

Dragon poo! Said Viking #3

Hundreds of dragons are now flying over the village, relieving themselves, creating a "poop shower".

Ew, gross, gross, gross, gross! Oh, poop! Oh, that's disgusting! Said Hicca

Hicca backs up, avoiding the poop until she walks in-between two men, Mulch and Bucket, who are using their shields as makeshift umbrellas.

Hey, Mulch. Hey, Bucket. Sorry about the, uh- said Hicca.

Every day at three. They're regular at least. A tip of the cap said Bucket.

Better than the days when it was "kill or be killed". Hey, we've got some fish for that father of yours. Bucket, give the girl the cod said Mulch.

Bucket hold up an empty sack with a torn out bottom.

I ate it already? Did I enjoy it? Asks Bucket.

Um, no, uh, actually, Bucket, I-I'm afraid the, uh- said Hicca.

A Terrible Terror walks away with the cod.

Most of us here on Berk are willing to take the good with the bad. But there are those who will never accept the dragons and will do anything to drive them away said Hicca.

It's now nighttime. On the outskirts of the village, there's a small house. Inside, is the sleeping figure of a grumpy old man, Mildew. Suddenly, the roof of his house shakes, waking him up. He then walks outside to find a Gronckle sleeping and snoring on his roof.

Dragons. I should have known said Mildew.

Mildew holds up a half-eaten cabbage from his field.

Helps himself to my roof and my cabbage said Mildew.

Mildew grabs his helmet, staff, and sheep, then walks towards the village with a scowl on his face.

The next day, Stoick is giving orders to the other Vikings.

Stand the elk up in the back. The fishing boats just came in with a big catch said Stoick.

Stoick! Shouts Mildew.

Mildew walks over to Stoick.

Ah, here's Mildew with the complaint of the day said Gobber.

You picked a bad time, Mildew. I'm in the middle of storing food. The freeze is coming said Stoick.

t's the dragons again. Those demons are not fit to live among civilized men said Mildew.

Neither are you, Mildew. Why do you think we built your house so far outside of town? Said Gobber.

Ah, very well, make your jokes. Meanwhile these dragons upend our village carts! Turn people's houses into piles of rubble! Said Mildew.

Mildew's right! Said Village#4.

They even disturb an old man's rest! Can't you see these bags under me eyes? Said Mildew.

Go on, Mildew! Said Village man #5.

He's right, he's hideous said Gobber.

These are wild and unpredictable beasts said Mildew.

Right you are! Said VIllage man #6

They even cracked this man's skull! Like an egg said Mildew.

Eggs? I like eggs! Scrambled! Over easy! Poached! Said Bucket.

You need to put those dragons in cages! Said Mildew,

I agree! Said Village man #7.

If you don't, they'll eat us out of house and home and destroy the entire village! Said Mildew,

As the angry crowd continues to yell, Hicca tries to intervene and calm everyone down.

They don't mean any harm. They're just dragons being dragons said Hicca.

Look, Mildew, if there's a problem I'll deal with it said Stoick.

Oh, there is a problem, Stoick. And I think I speak for everyone when I say you better do something about it said Mildew.

Later, in Hicca's house, Stoick is discussing the dragon problem with Gobber.

We can't just let dragons run wild like they own the place. Hey, we could put up signs! Said Stoick.

Signs? For dragons? Said Gobber.

No! For the people said Stoick.

Signs? For Vikings? We're not big readers, Stoick said Gobber.

Then we'll build a huge net and stretch it around the plaza said Stoick.

Nets? You do know they breathe fire? Said Gobber.

I know very well they breath fire, Gobber. Maybe Mildew was right. We have to figure something- said Stoick.

No, no, wait, Dad. What if I deal with the dragons? Said Hicca.

You? Said Stoick.

Who else? If anyone can control them, I can. I'm the best woman for the job said Hicca,

You're not a woman yet, Hicca said Stoick.

Not if you don't give me the chance to be! Said Hicca.

Fair enough, you'll have your chance... starting tomorrow said Stoick.

The next day, Hicca is walking through the village, ready to begin dragon-wrangling.

Okay, gang, there's gonna be some changes around here said Hicca.

She spots a woman fending off a Deadly Nadder that's trying to take the basket of bread she's holding.

Get out! Shoo! For the last time, get your nose out of my bread! Said Village women #3.

Hicca runs over to the woman and dragon.

Hold on, I'll help you! Just... no! Said Hicca.

She places his hand on the Nadder's nose, and the dragon instantly calms down.

Alright said Hicca.

Suddenly, a crash is heard which startles the Nadder. He turns around to see a Gronckle chasing a group of chickens, knocking over carts in the process. As it runs by, the Deadly Nadder chases after it.

Okay… said Hicca.

She then sees another Deadly Nadder and a Monstrous Nightmare fighting near a sheep farm, setting some of the sheep on fire and causing them to scatter. Hiccup begins to panic.

Toothless, stop that fight! I'll put out the sheep! Said Hicca.

Okay, okay... whoa! Said Hicca.

Hicca runs into the plaza, right into the middle of even more chaos than yesterday.

Get out! Get back here with my cart! Said Village man #8.

Enough of these dragons! Said Village man #9.

the other Riders are watching the whole thing on an abandoned catapult.

What's she doing? Asks snotlout.

Uh, I think she's helping the dragons break stuff said Tuffnut.

Cool! Said Ruffnut.

Hicca tries to put out a flaming sheep, but the sheep just hops right over her, knocking her over.

Wow, she could really use our help said Asher.

We'll get to it said Tuffnut.

In a minute said Ruffnut.

She finally manages to put out one of the sheep.

Sorry about that said Hicca.

Suddenly, hundreds of dragons begin flying over the village.

And... it's three o'clock said Asher.

Hicca doesn't have time to run for cover as dragon poop comes falling down towards him.

Oh, no.. said Hicca.

it's now nighttime, and Hicca is on her bed, trying to relax her sore body.

Oh, everything hurts… said Hicca.

She lifts her prosthetic leg.

Even this said Hicca.

Hicca said Asher.

Asher? Perfect. I don't look too beat-up, do I? Said Hicca.

Toothless gives her a pity smile.

Oh, great. Dragon pity said Hicca.

Asher walks into her room.

Hey, Asher. What a nice surprise said Hicca.

So, how was your day? Asks Asher.

Uh, uneventful. Hung around the plaza. You know… said Hicca.

Yeah, I do know. We saw you out there. It's hard to believe you're still standing said Asher.

Hicca gives up the act and flops down onto her bed.

Ugh...! I'm gonna be seeing flaming sheep in my dreams for the next month said Hicca.

Hicca! Yells Stoick.

Then Stoick walks into her room.

Hicca, what's going on out there? The plaza looks like a war zone said Stoick.

I know it looks bad… said Hicca.

Really bad whispers Asher.

Yeah, but this is only Phase One of my master plan said Hicca,

Oh, so you do have a plan? Said Stoick.

I do... of course I do! It's very complex. Lots of drawings, several moving parts. Yeah, it's, uh, pretty wild said Hicca.

Uh-huh. Well, this better be real. Because Mildew's stirred up the whole island. And if you don't get those dragons under control, they'll be calling for their heads said Stoick.

Then Stoick left.

Don't worry, Bud. Your head's not going anywhere said Hicca.

You do realize there are, like, a bazillion dragons out there and only one of you? I hope you really do have a plan said Asher,

The next morning, Hicca and the other Dragon Riders are gathered with their dragons in the old arena.

That's your plan? Train dragons? Said Ruffnut.

Here? Where we used to kill them? Said Tuffnut.

Right... because we don't do that anymore. That's why it's available said Hicca.

Actually, the dragons do seem a little nervous said Asher.

That's because they're very sensitive. Meatlug especially. She lost a cousin here. We try not to talk about it said Fishlegs.

It's amazing your dad just gave us the arena said Asher.

Well, it would be, if he did, yeah, but, he didn't, so that's another thing we should try not to talk about said Hicca.

Wait, so we're going behind your father's back? Said Asher.

There you go, talking about it! Uh... alright. Everybody, here's the thing. The dragons are out of control. We want them to live in our world without destroying it but they can't without our help. They've been blowing things up in the village... we've gotta do something about that said Hicca.

Got it! Help dragons blow things up! We can totally do that said Tuffnut.

No. I believe I said- said Hicca.

Here's how we're gonna do it: First, we make them really, really angry said Ruffnut.

No problem. We anger everybody said Tuffnut.

No, you guys, this is serious! Mildew wants all of our dragons caged. And I don't know about you, but that's not okay with me said Hicca.

You're right. She's sorry said Tuffnut.

Ruffnut glares at her brother.

Okay, then. Next problem: The dragons are eating everything in sight. Now, when a dragon grabs something it's not supposed to have, you can get him to drop it by giving him a little scratch just below the chin said Hicca.

As she explains this, she holds up a loaf of bread, which Toothless takes from her. she then gets Toothless to drop the bread by scratching his chin, which the dragon enjoys.

Ehneneneneuh! Maybe that works for you and Toothless, but Hookfang and me? We do things a little different said Snotlout.

Snotlout takes the bread from Hicca, then tosses it to Hookfang, who catches it in his mouth.

When I want this big boy to do something I just get right in his face and- DROP THAT RIGHT NOW! YOU HEAR ME? Said Snotlout.

Annoyed, Hookfang drops the bread, then grabs Snotlout in his mouth, leaving just his legs visible.

See? He dropped it said Snotlout.

Heh heh. Should we help him? Asks Tuffnut.

Yeah, in a minute said Asher.

Uh... can somebody do that chin-scratchy thing? Hello? You guys still there? Said Snotlout.

The Teens walk through a surprisingly dragon-less part of town.

Huh. No dragons said Fishlegs.

That was easy said Ruffnut.

Lunch? Said Snotlout.

That's weird. If the dragons aren't here, where are they? Said Hicca.

A distant explosion is heard, along with scattered screams. Suddenly, a mushroom cloud appears near the food storage house.

Something tells me that way said Asher.

Ow! Stop it! Give me that- that's mine said Village man #9.

The Dragon Riders finally arrive at the scene, where what was once the food storage house is now a pile of smoking splinters. They also see the Riders' dragons eating all the fish from storage

Stormfly? Said Asher.

Hookfang? Said Snotlout.

They've eaten everything! We've got nothing left for the freeze! Said Stoick.

I warned you Stoick. But did you listen to me? No. You put a bunch of teenagers in charge! Now look what the dragons have done! Caging is too good for those beasts said Mildew.

Dad, I swear I can fix this. We- we were just starting to- said Hicca.

Enough, Hicca! How can I trust you to control all the dragons, when you couldn't even control your own? Said Stoick.

He gestures to Toothless, who was digging into a basket of fish.

Oh, Toothless… said Hicca.

Bucket! Mulch! Man the boats! We need another catch! Said Stoick.

It's too late, Stoick. It took us six months to catch all that fish said Mulch.

Don't tell me it's too late! We've got to try said Stoick.

Of course we do! Uh, don't tell the Chief it's too late. You're always so negative! Said Mulch.

I don't know what it is with me said Bucket.

Dad, please! You gotta listen to me. I know dragons better than- said Hicca.

Not now, Hicca. I have a village to feed. The dragons have done enough damage. By tonight, I want every one of them caged. Understand? Said Stoick.

Bah! You can't just cage these dragons! You need to send them away now said Mildew.

Stoick, Mildew's right! Said Village man # 10.

Get 'em outta here! Said Village man #11.

You're right, Mildew. We'll cage them tonight, and in the morning, Hicca will send them off the island. I'm sorry, dear said Stoick.

The Teens are gathered in the Great Hall with sad looks on their faces.

I can't believe we have to send them away said Snotlout.

It's gonna be weird. I got used to seeing Stormfly's face being the first thing I see every morning said Asher.

Every night before I went to sleep, Meatlug would lick my feet. Who's gonna do that now?! Said Fishlegs.

I volunteer Tuffnut! Said Ruffnut.

Whatever. What time should I be there? Saif Tuffnut.

Come on, guys. Let's get this over with said Asher.

This is the worst day of my life! We're never gonna see our dragons again! Said Fishlegs.

We can't let that happen! Toothless is the best friend I've ever had said Hicca.

Oh, Toothless, I'm gonna miss you so much.. Mocked Mildew.

You know what your mistake was? Thinking dragons could be trained. But a dragon's gonna do what a dragon's gonna do. It's their nature. And nature always wins said Mildew.

Before Toothless could attack him out of anger, the Great Hall doors open, letting in a cold chill that makes the fireplace go out. Toothless decides to help by relighting the fire with a plasma blast .

Oh! Thank you, Toothless said Village woman #2.

This gives Hicca an idea.

You know what? Mildew is absolutely right! Come on, bud! Said Hicca.

The rest of the Riders fly towards the arena and say goodbye to their beloved friends.

Goodbye, Hookfang said Snotlout.

I'm sorry, Stormfly. Now go said Asher.

She points her torch to the arena gates, to which Stormfly and the other dragons sadly walk through.

Ugh. Feels like big, sharp teeth are tearing at this thing in my chest said Snotlout.

That's what it feels like when your heart is breaking said Asher.

I don't have a heart! I'm not a girl! Said Snotlout.

The gates begin to close, saddening both the dragons and the Riders. Suddenly, Hicca's voice is heard.

Don't close it! Said Hicca.

She lands Toothless near the gates, then grabs the lever to open them back up.

We are not locking them up said Hicca.

What happened? Did you change your father's mind? Or are we going behind his back again...? Said Asher.

Uh... one of those. Look. The dragons are gonna do what they're gonna do. It's their nature. We just need to learn how to use it said Hicca.

The next day, Mulch and Bucket are trying to catch fish.

Ah, the nets are empty again said Mulch.

Did I eat them already? Did I enjoy it? Oop- am I being too negative? Said Bucket.

Snotlout and Hicca fly over to the boat.

Snotlout, scare us up some dinner said Hicca.

Dragon attack! Said Bucket.

Hookfang dives into the ocean, scaring the fish and herding them into the fishing nets.

WHOO-HOO! Said Snotlout.

Hey! Thanks, dragon! Said Mulch.


Hicca, Asher and Fishlegs fly toward Mildew's field, where the old man is trying to plant more cabbage.

Come on! Follow me! Said Hicca.

Huh? Said Mildew.

Afternoon, Mildew! Said Asher.

Asher uses Stormfly's tail to dig into the soil, while Hicca flies down to pour cabbage seeds into the ground-up dirt.

Three o'clock! Time for the fertilizer! Said Hicca.

Fertili-? Said Mildew.

Hundreds of dragons begin flying over Mildew's field, Fishlegs and Meatlug joining them.

Okay, Meatlug, let 'er rip said Fishlegs.

Meatlug and the rest of the dragons begin popping onto the field, providing a good fertilizer to help grow Mildew's cabbage.

Smile, Mildew! We just saved you three months of work said Hicca.

In the forest, the Twins are using Barf and Belch's explosions to scare a sounder of wild boars. Once they run out of the forest, Hicca herds them all into the village's slaughterhouse.

That's the way to do it! Said Hicca.

Whoo-hoo! That was awesome said Fishlegs.

How did you know that was gonna work? Asks Asher.

Because they're dragons, and they're gonna do what dragons do. We just have to work with them and not against them. You know who we should actually be thanking-? Said Hicca.

There they are, Stoick! Those dragons don't look like they're in cages to me said Mildew.

No. This is not what I asked for said Stoick.

The Teens are now all gathered in the arena, when Stoick and Gobber approach them. This doesn't bode well.

Oh, no! What's Stoick gonna do to us? Asks Fishlegs.

I'm too pretty for jail! Said Ruffnut.

Ha, where'd you hear that? Asks Tuffnut.

You all disobeyed my orders... and there will be consequences said Stoick.

I told you we were gonna get in trouble. Ugh, you never listen to me! Said Asher.

Hicca steps up, ready to take full responsibility.

Dad, if anyone's going to get in trouble, it should be me said Hicca.

Nope. You all had a hand in this said Stoick.

Oh this is going to be great, Fungus. It's about to get ugly said Mildew.

You took over this place without asking. You released the dragons against my wishes. Things are going to change around here. That's why I- said Stoick.

You're getting a Dragon Training Academy! Said Gobber.

Wha-? Said Mildew.

Gobber! I wanted to tell them! Said Stoick.

The Teens' confusion and shock is replaced by relief and happiness.

I'm sorry. You're right. Go ahead said Gobber.

Well, you told most of it! Said Stoick.

You can tell him the part about how proud you are of them! Said Gobber.

GOBBER! Yells Stoick.

Hicca- well, what he said. You've all made me proud. This Dragon Training Academy is for you said Stoick.

He opens the cages inside the new Academy, releasing all the Teens dragons.

Hookfang! My buddy! Said Snotlout.

Hey, Stormfly! I missed you so much! Said Asher.

Meatlug! Oh, who's Daddy's little baby? Oh, who's Daddy's little...said Fishlegs.

Hey, bud said Hicca.

Oh, I'll get those dragons yet said Mildew.

Now all you have to do is train 'em said Stoick.

Not a problem, Dad. After all, I've got him said Hicca.

Ah-hem? Said Asher.

And... them, too said Hicca.

Hicca is drawing her friends with their dragons, Meatlug is licking a sleeping Fishlegs' feet, and a sleeping Asher's window flies open, revealing Stormfly, ready to start the day.

Dragons can't change who they are. But who would want them to? Dragons are powerful, amazing creatures said Hicca.

Hookfang and Meatlug are hanging the new sign on the new Academy: The Berk Dragon Training Academy.

Berk Dragon Academy. I like the sound of that said Asher.

And as long as it takes me, I am going to learn everything there is to know about them. Wouldn't you? Said Hicca.