Angela smiled as they all patiently waited for Molly to choose what she wanted for lunch, the little girl agonizing what to pick as the waitress stood by their table, pencil and pad in hand. She knew this would happen and should have pulled up the menu on her phone for Molly to look at on the way down, but she was just so cute as she frantically scanned the two pages, trying to pick what she wanted for lunch!

"Everything looks so good..." she whined.

"We can wait a little longer if you need more time to choose." Cheshire assured her.

"But I'm hungry…" She pouted, a pitiful sound came from her stomach as if to prove her point.

Angela nearly spoke, only for her phone to ding and she glanced at it, 'Angie, thinking of having a cooking show with Molly, please have her Mom pick out an apron for her while you're out.' She smiled, Junkrat had suggested going to an arcade in town for Molly to spend time with her mother by playing games. Which was a sweet idea, allowing them to bond over an interest they shared and, but maybe she could pull them from that for a bit to look at this one shop on the way that had lots of handy kitchen tools and cute kitchen assessories to look at their collection of children's aprons.

"Hang on, I got this." Junkrat said, quickly slipping out of his seat and snapping Angela out of her thoughts as he picked Bob up off the floor and motioned for Cheshire to hold Molly on her lap so she could see.

"Roight, Bob, ya moind helpin' us out 'ere?" he said as he opened up his menu again and tapped on it with a metal finger.

Bob seemed to look at the page and then pointed his nose towards one of the options.

"What's 'e pointin' at, Molls?" Junkrat asked.

"Th' Turkey, spinach 'n cranberry Pan-knee-eee?" she struggled to read, Bob nodded.

"That's a popular item right now, it comes with a side of crisps. We also have a juice we recommend to go with it that's made of cranberries and strawberries." The waitress said.

Molly's eyes sparkled at the mention of strawberries and picked up her menu and held it out for the waitress, "Then I'll have th' panknee 'n th' crisps with tha' juice please!" she said cheerfully, pleased she had finally made a decision.

The waitress chuckled as she took the last menu, jotted down the little girl's order and smiled, "I'll be back with your drinks in a moment." She told them then smiled at Molly, "And don't be afraid to ask for a box so you don't get too full, you wouldn't want to miss dessert, would you?"

Molly shook her head wildly and the adults at the table chuckled as the waitress left to give their orders to the kitchen. Junkrat held Bob out to Molly so she could give him a hug, "thank you Bob!"

He gave her a few puppy kisses before Junkrat put him back on the floor, where he helped himself to some water from the bowl the waitress had put there for him.

"Nice one, Rat." Cheshire praised.

"Nah, it was all Bob, but I was one of th' blokes who picked 'im for Molly 'ere." He said.

"Molly, didn't Hana ask you to text her once we ordered?" Angela reminded her.

"Oh, roight, I forgot!" She said, pulling her phone out of her dress pocket and typing out a quick message before putting it away again.

Sombra had a pensive expression on her face while Molly texted Hana, suddenly she moved farther back in her seat and looked under the table, then looked to Junkrat, "You know, Widowmaker mentioned you used a dog to distract her so you could knock her off a roof the day before we all went to Gibaltar…" She mused.

"Did she tell ya tha' she fell ass first inta a trash can 'n tha' Bob pissed on 'er after she knocked herself over 'n onta th' ground, still stuck?" Junkrat asked.

"No!" Sombra blurted, half amused, half annoyed, "I can't believe she held out on me!"

"Would you've let 'er live it down?" Cheshire asked her plainly.

"No!" she said plainly.

"Then there ya go." She said. Molly pouted, her cowlicks low on her head as she looked under the table too, assumingly at Bob, "You peed on Widowmaker 'n didn' tell me?" she asked him.

Uh oh…

Angela heard Bob bark back at her.

"I know it was late when you got in, but you've had plenty of toime ta tell me since!" Molly said sternly.

Another bark.

"Between lessons, between meals, 'fore bed, when we wake up…" Molly listed.

Another bark, a yip and a whine.

"Alroight, alroight, but you're not allowed to hold back on me anymore!" She said firmly, "'N yer tellin' me th' story when we get home!" There was a bark that Angela could only assume was an affirming one before she lifted her head back up, looking a bit put out.

"Aw, come on, Molls, no poutin'!" Junkrat said, "We're at a noice place with yer Mum!" He then wagged his eyebrows at her, "Ya got yer surprise, roight?"

Molly seemed confused by his words for a moment before her cowlicks went straight up, and she quickly turned to Angela, "Angie! Th' bags!"

Angela smiled and lifted up the two bags she had colored on and covered in her special sparkly birthday bug stickers, "Here you go!" She said, handing the bags over to her.

Molly bounced in her booster seat as she quickly poked her head into one of them and rummaged around for a moment before handing the bag to Sombra, "This is fer you, it's a bribe so you keep being a good mate to my Mummy." Molly told her.

"Bribe accepted!" Sombra immediately replied as she began tearing into the paper.

Cheshire barely managed an eyeroll at her actions before Molly crawled into her lap, her eyes sparkling as she held up the other bag for her, "'N this one is yours Mummy!"

She smiled warmly and chuckled "Well, if we're opening presents now, best ta get yours out too, luv." She then called out, "Boss."

Sombra shoved her bag towards her bodyguard with one hand and excitedly pulled out a package wrapped in way more tape than tissue paper from her bag.

"Double wrapping huh? You know how to keep someone in suspense." Sombra said to Molly before looking to her mother, "Which she definitely did not get from you."

Cheshire stuck out her tongue at her before she reached into Sombra's beach bag and began pulling out slightly lumpy packages wrapped in bright colored paper, one by one and handing them to her little girl, until she pulled out a third and seemingly final package and telling her, "'N this one is from Sombra."

"Thank you, Miss Sombra!" Molly said cheerfully before she started to tear into the paper too.

"Think of it as a thank you for all the entertainment you and Ms. Song have given us on long trips. Nice job on that victory, by the way." Sombra purred as she peeled at the tape.

"You were watchin' too?!" she asked excitedly.

"Yeah, got some nice wine and chocolates and chips and watched the whole match. Widowmaker even watched it with us." Sombra told her, "Not that we gave her much of a choice, she wants some of our snacks, she has to watch what we watch."

"You sure it wasn' th' goon?" Junkrat joked.

"Nah, she thinks all boxed wine is plonk." Cheshire replied, somewhat annoyed.

"Drongo clearly hasn' had th' roight goon." Junkrat said plainly.

"Struth!" Cheshire laughed.

"Ohhh!" Sombra gushed as she lifted the 'bribe' up for the table to look at. It was what looked like a barette made of scrap metal from the workshop in the shape of her skull logo. "Este es tan lindo!" she said cheerfully as she put it down in her lap and began fiddling with her hair, "I'm putting this on and then I'm going to take a picture with it and then I'm going to send a string of texts to Moira to show it off and tell her that Molly likes me better."

"I can also put tha' in writin' if you want." Molly said as she finished unwrapping her present. She then looked down at it, her cowlicks curling into question marks and her face pulled into a confused pout, but as she was about to say something, the waitress came back with their drink orders.

Molly seemed to quickly put her question aside so she could try her special juice and took a sip, "It's yummy!" she cried happily.

"I'll let the chef know!" The waitress told her with a smile, "I'll be back with your food in a bit!" she said before leaving again.

Molly then crawled towards the happy, hairstyling hacker and whispered loud enough for only their table to hear, "Miss Sombra, what's this?" And held up a purple ball.

"An EMP, an electromagnetic pulse generator. It can turn off anything electronic within 15 meters." She whispered back as she finished pulling her hair up into a bun, using the barrette to hold it in place. Angela stiffened.

An EMP. AN EMP?! What the hölle was she thinking?! If let off in the wrong place, it could shut down emergency vehicles, hospitals, police stations, fire houses, it could stop hearts that had special technology in them, it could take out every robot and omnic in the surrounding area and she gave this to a CHILD!?

"… Is tha' a lot?" She asked.

"Your papa is, what, 2 meters tall?" Sombra asked.

"2.2 meters." Angela corrected, her eyes narrowed at Sombra. She was lucky she didn't want to ruin Cheshire and Molly's day together or she'd give her a piece of her mind right now, but that didn't mean she would let her off easy. She'd wait until they were alone and then let her have it!

"So it's about as long as seven of your Da's lined up." Cheshire translated.

"… Like lined up side by side or...?" Molly asked, confused. Junkrat, who had been gulping a mouth full of water, quickly covered his mouth for a moment, coughing and giggling at the question as some of it dribbled from between his flesh fingers as he beat his chest with the metal one, Angela handed him an extra napkin and gently patted him on the back. Sombra was amused by it as well, a smile curling up her lip.

"Lined up as in, with him lying on his back and all of them lined up so the bottom of their feet stop on his head." Cheshire clarified.

Molly seemed to soak that in before looking down at the device in her hands, worried before muttering, "Tha's a lot…" She then looked back up at Sombra, "So, by everything electronic, what do you mean?"

"Everything that runs on electricity; cars, cameras, street lights, phones, omnics…"

"WHAT?!" she blurted, horrified.

"Shhh! Calm down!" Sombra whispered, holding up her hands as if to show she meant no harm, "I figured with Hyde being a robotics company with police bots in a couple of different countries, I should give you something to use in case you're cornered by one." Sombra said softly, "That being said, once I find a way into their systems, I can turn off that feature and use it to help us find them and keep them safe…"

"Ya –cough- mean yer not in yet?" Junkrat asked.

"No, the police bots run on a special server in a location we're still trying to figure out. There was one in their headquarters, but someone blew it up last year." Sombra said, shooting Junkrat a glare, "Most of their data was destroyed in that blast, so it will be hard to find where anything is until we find that second location."

Angela felt her stomach twist with dread, "Does that mean that we can't prove that Hyde hurt Molly and her siblings?"

Junkrat paled, horrified at the thought that his act of revenge had made it harder to prove that Hyde hurt his niece and several other children.

"If you have something that can show information about Molly and what they did to her was originally from their servers, we can still prove that they hurt her." Sombra explained, "But as for finding where the rest of them are, it could be tricky, finding the back up servers is the key and while I have found a location where they could be, it's heavily guarded. I spoke with my boss to see if there was a chance we could break in, after all, the police bots are looking out for us too, and Hyde did screw us over. He said he'd consider it, but until we can get into that server room, it's better to keep this on you whenever you leave the base. Heck, take it with you around the base too, couldn't hurt."

Angela's eyes widened in horror as Molly looked down at the small, round purple ball in her shaking hands and nodded, obviously uneasy, but determined, "How do I use it?" she asked.

Angela heard Sombra's voice seem to slip into the background as she let the information sink in.

Sombra was right. Hyde was a robotics company that made robots to assist the police, so it was possible that they had something in their systems to alert them when one of the children they created was nearby.

She felt chills creep up her spine and rubbed at the spot on her arm where the gun woman had grabbed her not to long ago. Mako and Junkrat were right to tell her to beware the cops, with Hyde's robots working for police stations around the world and had access to various criminal and missing persons data bases, they could easily create a false report of kidnapping and have their collegues take any of the kids they wanted back and those who were with them into custody so one of their goons could pick the child up, pretending to be their actual parents, and wisk them away, never to be seen again…

With Molly's Junker status being public knowledge, they wouldn't even need to create a false report to take her away. She was a Junker and since the robots were made in Australia, they probably had some sort of direct order to arrest and detain any and all Junkers, as most of the Australian public saw them as dangerous monsters… It wouldn't be hard to send people over and have them claim to be some pretend 'Junker restraining force' or some other farce to collect her. And even if they raised the alarm, pointing out that Molly had no record of any kind and had not caused any trouble and brought it back to Hyde, they'd probably put on a mask of sheepishness and claim that their robots were designed to take in Junkers, as they were always trouble, that it was just doing it's job and how would they know there could ever be such a thing as an innocent Junker?

She clutched at her arm and dug her nails into her skin, struggling to contain the rage in her system and ruining the lovely day they were supposed to be having. If she found the people who programmed the police bots to go after Junkers, even if the Junker in question wasn't doing anything wrong, she was going to punch them.

"Well, if all ya need is something tha' shows Molls' info on their servers, we got tha'." Junkrat said, snapping Angela out of her thoughts, "She was wearin' it 'round 'er neck when we found 'er. Apparently it has everythin' they've ever done to her on it."

"It's in th' bag." Molly confirmed as she slipped the ball into Angela's purse, "I got Winston's permission ta give it ta Mummy after 'e made copies of everythin'."

Cheshire looked into the bag and dug around until she pulled up a small, wrapped package, "This it?"

"No, tha's my present for ya." Molly said.

"You got me a present!?" Cheshire asked, her eyes sparkling with delight.

"Yeah, I made it, kinda… I-I put it together 'n-" Molly fumbled, her cowlicks mimicking her flustered, fiddling fingers as she spoke.

"Can I open this first?" She asked, eager and excited with wide sparkling eyes.

"O-okay." Molly agreed nervously, her cowlicks still fiddling with anxiety on the top of her head.

Cheshire let out a squeal and hugged her daughter close and began happily tearing at the paper, much like Molly had at her birthday party. Angela felt the distress and rage start to melt away as a smile curled up her cheeks.

It was like watching an older Molly for a moment as she pulled the last bit of paper away and held up the necklace Angela had found on Halloween.

The crystal's color made it look as if it was sparkling and glowing in the sunlight that came in from the windows, Cheshire stared at it like one would stare at a precious treasure before looking to her daughter, her eyes watering.

"You made this for me all by yourself?" She asked, obviously touched.

"I-I didn't make th' crystal part, but yeah." Molly said, "Da' told me you loike th' color yellow 'n th' crystal means happiness so I wanted ta get it for you. I-I bought it all by myself with my tooth fairy money 'n some of the money I got for winning a bet with McCree…"

Cheshire quickly put it on and hugged her tightly as she nuzzled her cheek against the top of her daughter's head, "I love it, sweetheart, thank you. Thank you so much…" she murmured into her hair before kissing her cowlicks, which immediately curled up into their normal heart shape as Molly hugged her back, "I'm glad you loike it Mummy!" she said as she nuzzled deeper into her mother's embrace.

She looked to Junkrat, to see how he was reacting, only to find him with his phone out. He gave her a smile and a shrug. She beamed back, pleased that he'd managed to film it as she'd doubt Ana or Hana would be happy to not see this sweet moment between mother and daughter.

She looked across the table and saw Sombra was filming it too. Angela pulled out her phone and sent Sombra a text reading, 'More to mock Moira with?'

Sombra's phone dinged and she quickly opened up the text and her smile grew while she read it. She quickly typed back a reply and sent it back to her.

Angela looked at the message that appeared on her phone; 'More for me, but I can do two things with this… ;) '

The mother-daughter pair finally parted as lunch was served, their waitress told them to let her know when they wanted dessert before leaving with an empty tray. Angela nearly asked the waitress about the comment, as it was possible that they'd be full from lunch or on diets or just might not want dessert, only for her phone to ding, letting her know about another message;

'Cheshire has a secret surprise for her baby girl, shhh!' Angela sent back an emoji of a face with a closed zipper for a mouth to confirm she understood before she reminded Molly to call Hana to let them know they had their food.

"Oh, right!" she said as she dialed, then she then pressed one more button and they heard the phone ring once before Hana picked up, "Alright, so you all have your lunches?" she asked.

"Yup!" Molly confirmed, "Even Bob has one!" Bob let out a bark in confirmation, Angela feeling his tail wagging again, but she didn't hear him start to chow down, so she was guessing he was waiting for something.

"Everyone's got a plate here too, even the omnics, oh and the new guy wanted to thank you for making everyone lunch! Hang on, I'm giving him the phone so you can say hi!"

Cheshire and Sombra stiffened a bit at the mention of a new member and Angela bit her lip. Uh oh… they were not supposed to hear that.

"Hello?" A male voice called, he had a bit of an accent that Angela believed sounded slightly French.

"G'day!" Molly said back cheerfully, not noticing the adults reactions around her as Bob let out a bark from under the table, "I'm Molly 'n th' bark was my puppy Bob, who are you?"

"Oh, you can call me Baptiste! Thank you very much for lunch! It looks incredible, I cannot wait to eat it!" Molly beamed, pleased that he was so excited by the lunch she probably made for everyone if Jack's comments yesterday and Hana's insistence about Molly contacting her when they ordered and when they got their food was anything to go by.

Cheshire looked to Sombra, concerned as Sombra's eyes focused on the food on her plate, her hands shaking a bit.

"Molly put ya on speaker." Junkrat told them, "So we can all hear you."

"Is that a bad thing?" the man asked, sounding a bit confused.

"Hola Baptiste." Sombra called softly into the phone, her eyes finally moving away from her food and to Molly's phone. Molly held it up for her so she could hear better and she took it with a small smile and a 'gracias'.

"Sombra?" He replied, confused.

"Yeah, Molly's Mama is my bodyguard, so we took some time off for her to visit. The boss already knows you were headed to Overwatch and asked us to get you if we could find you, but-" Her smile curled back up into it's usual size as she said that, "He should've waited to ask when we weren't on vacation. So enjoy your lunch, oh, and since we're on different sides now, we'll probably have to postpone the next spice contest for a while, so maybe next time I have some time off, I'll come by and show you how a real spice master can handle it."

It was quiet on the other end of the phone and finally, the male voice let out a laugh, "If you think you can handle it, Sombra, I'll take you on whenever you want!" He promised.

"Looking forward to it." She purred before handing Molly her phone back. Molly thanked her and Hana called out, "Okay Molly, how do you wanna do this?"

"Well, 'm hungry, so can we jus' have 'Thena do a count down from three and then we'll eat?"

"Okay! Athena, can you start the count down?" Hana asked.

"Certainly Agent Song." Athena's voice replied, "Start your meals in three-"

Everyone at the table grabbed their utensils or sandwiches, ready to eat.


Molly smiled broadly as she held the sandwich her open mouth, the child already salivating.

"One- Enjoy your lunches."

"Thank you Athena." Molly said before biting into her sandwich and letting out a happy hum. Angela took a bite of her apple, walnut and spinach salad and let out a hum of her own. She could see why this place was so popular, the food was delicious!

As she looked around the table, she could see the others would probably agree. Junkrat was happily munching into his bacon burger, Cheshire's eyes were sparkling as she took a bite of her cheese and spinach ravoli with meat sauce and Sombra's face was red, but delighted as she dug into her spicy thai burritos. And she took a peak down below to see Bob chowing down, his tail wagging and hitting Junkrat's flesh leg.

They could hear chewing from the other end of the line and after a moment, Hana's voice came through again,"Alright, Molly, we're all gonna eat, see you when you get back!"

"'Kay Hana! Enjoy your lunch!"

"You too! Bye!"

"Hoo roo!" Molly said with a wave, even though Hana couldn't see her before terminating the call and putting her phone back in her pocket so she could devour her lunch with a smile on her face and her cowlicks in their usual heart shape on her head.

"So, uh," Sombra said, "I've been wondering, how does she move her hair like that?" She then held up two fingers behind her head, almost as if giving herself bunny ears.

"Oh, we believe that those move involuntarily, as she doesn't really notice she's doing it." Angela replied as she speared more of her salad onto her fork.

"Notice 'm doin' wha?"Molly asked with a mouthful of sandwich.

"Oi, Molls, mouth closed when yer eatin'." Junkrat reminded her with a mouthful of burger, "Torturin' tha' Korpal bloke is one thin'," he swallowed and took another mouthful before saying that, "But this is a noice place, so ya have ta remember ta moind yer manners."

"Sorry." She said, then swallowed her mouthful, "I forgot."

Angela and Sombra looked at one another, as if to silently ask one another which one actually needed to work on that more before Cheshire said (without a mouthful of food), "Tha' remoinds me, Mercy, you mentioned 'fore how you would tell me how 'er lessons are goin'?"

"Oh, right, yes!" Angela said, snapping back into focus, "I believe that there is something in that bag Molly gave you that can help me with that, if you wouldn't mind…"

"It's th' big one, Mummy!" Molly said with a mouthful of food, she then quickly covered her mouth and muttered a 'sorry'.

Cheshire dug into the bag and pulled out the tablet her daughter had wrapped herself. After shoving a mouthful of food into her mouth and tearing open the paper, she swallowed and held up the hardlight tablet, unsure of how to make of it.

"Ohh-Nice tech!" Sombra said, reaching for it.

Cheshire lightly swatted her hand, "Sombra, no! No touchin' 'til we know what it's for."

Sombra stuck out her tongue at her before shoving a mouthful of burrito into her face with a pout.

"We have it attached to a cloud account that will update everyday with videos of Molly, her progress in her studies as well as an overview of how well she's doing in her education-"

"How am I doin'?" Molly asked, crumbs falling out of her mouth as she spoke.

"I didn't read all of the comments, but I'm pretty sure that the only thing you need to work on is your handwriting." Angela said.

Molly pouted and shoved some of the crisps into her mouth as she mumbled, "Letters are hard…"

Sombra and Junkrat snickered as Cheshire gently rubbed her little girl's back and murmured, "It's alroight luv, yer gettin' better 'n tha's what matters."

Angela decided it would be a good idea to move forward, then reached over and pointed to an icon with the letters 'abc' on it, "We'll put updates on her lessons here, I don't know how often we'll update it just yet, as she has many teachers teaching her different things and our lesson plans change often, but we'll try to update it as often as we can. We did get everyone to submit a progress report for her work so far for you so you know where she stands now."

Cheshire pressed the button and the format came up.

"You can click the subject and you'll see our comments about her progress and even results of her tests and images of her work." Angela explained, "Like this." She pressed 'General Science' and Winston's report popped up.

Cheshire read the Silverback Scientist's words with wide eyes, her pasta forgotten as she flicked at the screen to finish reading the report and then began poking and flicking at the screen.

"Are there any videos?" Sombra asked eagerly.

"Not many," Angela said, "Many of her lessons aren't recorded by video and we felt it was better to wait until she's gotten better with her self defense lessons before recording them, just in case."

"You that afraid of Moira seeing?" Sombra asked, "Cause we don't hang out with her and we don't let her watch videos with us..."

"It's more that a lot of these lessons happen in certain areas of the base we'd rather you all not see." Angela said.

"You say that like I don't already know where they are." Sombra said, a little miffed at being underestimated.

"I think she means th' others." Cheshire said, "Last thing they want is Widow knowin' where ta loine up 'er shots."

"Don' matter, Ape had Sat replace all th' windows with hard loight ones. So none of 'um will go through anyways." Junkrat told her.

Angela glared at him, annoyed he'd give that little tidbit away.

"What, suit probably already told 'um tha'. She still reports most of what she does ta 'im." Junkrat pointed out.

"Speaking of Symmetra." Sombra purred, her eyes lit up with excitement, "How are things going with you two? Go on any big dates yet? Have any romantic get away plans?"

"Nah, suit's gotten more persistant in 'is checks since Nan's party. If we went out together fer anything other than a mission, he'd foind a reason ta drag 'er back." He said, his disappointment and frustration clear in his voice.

"Was tha' why 'e was 'ere then?" Cheshire asked, "Ta try ta nab 'er?"

Angela froze, "He was here?!" she blurted, horrifed by that fact.

"Yeah, came in last noight 'parently." Junkrat reported, "Was tryin' ta get Sat inta town to see 'im with th' excuse of tryin' ta get 'er ta go to some borin' bash. She didn' look too keen on it when 'e mentioned it." He then helped himself to more of his lunch and told them, with a mouthful of deep fried potato, "So I moight've mentioned tha' Ches 'ere is Molly's Mum 'n tha' she's in town 'n still pretty pissed about what 'e did ta Molls 'n tha' 'e should leg it while 'e was still in one piece."

"Shouldn' of warned him." Cheshire growled.

"Oi, if ya killed 'im, you would've been too busy dodgin' coppers ta come today, 'n then you miss Molls all dolled up!" He pointed out, motioning to the little girl at the booth, "She put on one of 'er best dresses for ya!"

Molly smiled, "Yeah! 'N Angie did my hair all pretty too!"

Cheshire smiled and pulled her daughter back onto her lap and gave her a warm hug, "You look gorgeous, luv." She cooed, making Molly smile and her cheeks turn pink with glee, "We both look pretty, Mummy! We match!"

Bob barked from under the table and Cheshire smiled and ducked under the table for a moment to pick him up and plop him in the booth with them, "You look pretty too, Bob!" Molly told him, "I'm glad we're all matching!"

"Should've gotten somethin' fer yer Da' too." Junkrat teased, "Mean, 'is hair is long enough so we could style it like yours so then you'd all really be matching!"

Molly and Bob looked delighted at the idea while three adult women at the table let out a snort in unison before covering their mouths and struggling to control their laughter, Angela picturing Mako wearing an enormous citrus patterned shirt, his hair braided and the four of them looking as if they were posing for one of those old fashioned matching family outfit Christmas cards that Torb's family still loved sending out every year.

"I think it would be difficult to find something with that pattern in his size." Angela finally squeaked, laughter still clear in her voice as Cheshire put Bob back down onto the floor.

"Hana's takin' 'im, Reinhardt 'n Winston out clothes shoppin' today." Molly informed them, "So maybe they'll find somethin' tha' he could wear ta match with us!"

"Here's hopin', Molls!" Junkrat said, holding up his glass so she could clink it with his, Bob barking most likely in agreement and his wagging tail hitting her leg.

Angela smiled and began finishing up her lunch, pausing when she noticed that there were still some unopened presents by Molly's side as she finished munching on the last bit of her lunch and began draining the last of her juice.

"Molly, when you're finished eating, why don't you finish opening up your birthday presents?" She suggested. Molly's eyes widened and she immediately stuffed the last chips into her mouth, wiped her hands on her napkin and chugged down a big gulp of her juice before tearing into one of the packages from her mother.

Angela munched on her lunch as the paper was shredded from the package before Molly opened the box within to reveal…

"Noice." Junkrat complimented, "Got some good workin' gloves there, Molls!"

Molly held the gloves up to see them better, they were a dark shade of green and the fingers were cut off, but looked to be made from leather and something else equally durable with a small strip of metal on the backs of her hands.

"They're not jus' fer workin'." Cheshire said as she helped slipped one of the gloves onto her daughter's hands, "These can also help just in case Molly ever needs ta," she paused, "Ya know." She tapped at the bracelet with her finger as she then explained that, "Figured there'd be a time where she might need to be able to do what she needs to and then slip this back onta 'er skin. So, got 'er these, they are good workin' gloves, so no one would question why she's got 'um, but if she ever needs ta send someone reelin'…" She carefully slipped Molly's bracelet past the cuff on her wrist and then slipped it back onto her skin, "People won' think much of a kid fiddlin' with a bracelet loike tha' 'n it let's her have more options in case of danger." She explained.

Angela's mind reeled, it was true that Junkrat and Mako both wore them often (Junkrat not being allowed to right now) and she'd bet that, when Cheshire was dressed for work, she wore them as well. And since they were some of the more publicly known Junkers, to the rest of the world, Molly wearing these gloves all the time could simply be written off as 'a Junker thing'. With her strange liking for tank tops, camouflage cargo shorts and combat boots for every day wear, it probably wouldn't be to hard to pass the gloves off as just one more bit of every day Junkerwear… although now that she thought about it, Molly did live in what used to basically be a military compound, so that could also explain her style preferences, but it probably had more to do with her fellow Junkers' fashion influence than anything to do with the military… As for if anyone questioned the bracelet, well it was a gift after all and she liked it, so of course she would wear it.

Molly put on the other glove and moved her bracelet up and down the cuff of the glove, then smiled impishly, "I can be sneaky with these." She said gleefully.

"Daw," Sombra cooed, then looked at Junkrat, "I want details on what she gets up to." She said plainly. He smiled broadly, his gold tooth gleaming as he gave her a thumbs up, "Trust me, I'll make sure we keep ya up ta date on tha'! Wouldn't want ya ta miss out on all the mischief she'll make!" He laughed.

Sombra seemed pleased with that before saying, "Oh, that reminds me," she then held up her phone to Molly, "You mind sending me your number? Just in case Rat isn't around when you're up to something."

"Okay!" she said, swapping phones with Sombra and tapping on the screen for a few moments before they traded them back. Then she held up her phone to her mother, "You too, Mummy! Da' said I should get yer number 'n tha' you should let me, Da', Rat 'n Angie know th' next toime you can come fer a visit!"

Cheshire eyes' warmed and she pulled her own phone out and said, "Alroight, but can you help me with my cellular? I'm no good with this thing."

Molly nodded eagerly, "Yeah! I know lots 'bout phones! Hana taught me!"

Cheshire asked her more about it as Molly began putting her cell phone number into her Mother's phone and looking up the phone number her mother had so she could put it into her own phone, only to stare.

"Yeah, I put your Mama's number in already." Sombra informed them, "Thought it would be a good idea so if you ever leave Overwatch's base, we can know to steer the rest of Talon away from where you might go."

"Oh, tha' reminds me!" Molly said as she turned to Cheshire, "Mummy, 'm gonna go ta Cairo soon!"

Angela and Junkrat stiffened at her announcement, and glanced at one another as if silently agreeing that they should have gone over what Molly could and could not talk about on the ride down here in the car.

"You are?" Cheshire asked, surprised.

"Yeah, we're gonna meet up with someone who wanted to buy-" she then paused as the waitress returned, smiling at them, "I hope you left room for dessert!" she sang.

"I always have room for dessert." Molly told her. The waitress chuckled as she picked up their dirty plates from the table, "Good to know, I'll put these away and get you all refills on drinks and I'll be right back with dessert." She told them, then finished collecting the dirty dishes and walked back toward the kitchen.

"So, what did they want to buy?" Sombra asked.

Molly pointed to herself and Cheshire sucked in a breath and Angela could see her body stiffen and her jaw clench.

"Okay, so if that's what they wanted, why are you going?" Her boss asked, her voice calm, although she could see her hand move over towards the eldest Junker's arm, as if to hold her back from any attack she was about to launch into.

"'Cause we don' think tha' they knew exactly what they would've gotten." Junkrat replied, "We figure if we talk to 'um 'n explain exactly what they were gonna pay for tha' they'll be so pissed at what Hyde's doin' tha' we can convince 'um ta keep us in th' loop fer any others they moight try ta sell 'n help us foind 'um 'n get 'um somewhere safe."

"… And do you have any information on that person?" Sombra asked.

"It's in th' bag." Molly told them, motioning to her mother's gift bag. Sombra reached into the bag and pulled out Molly's stick, the ribbon Molly had evidently tied around it while she hadn't noticed hiding her old code name. Sombra arched an eyebrow and motioned to it with a shake of her head before her thumb moved the ribbon a bit and her eyes widened in surprise at the sight of the code name scribbled on there.

"We would appreciate if you kept this data safe and secure, as some of your co-workers may try to use this information to do more harm than good to the other children." Angela said softly, her words barely a whisper in the busy buzz of the café.

Sombra nodded and stared at the stick, "Gotta say though, those guys are definitely up to something if they would be willing to use tech this old, most systems don't even recognize this kind of drive anymore…"

"You gonna have a problem gettin' whatcha need off it?" Junkrat asked.

"Nah, I bought several old computers online not too long ago for another project, I can probably use those to help me with this while I'm at it…"

"Oh, right, you need ta unlock it." Molly told her, then looked to Cheshire, "Mummy, can you please help me over ta Miss Sombra? I wanna tell 'er a secret!"

The elder Junker seemed a bit put out that her daughter would share a secret with her boss instead of her, but lifted her up and placed her next to the hacker, who leaned towards her as Molly cupped her hands around her mouth and whispered into her ear.

"Seriously? That's how they keep everything secure?" She scoffed as the little girl pulled away and gave her mother a hug as thanks, "Typical suck ups. Couldn't have given you anything cooler to trace…"

"Prob'ly figured it was best ta keep it simple." Junkrat interrupted, "not loike they wanted ta risk teachin' 'um somethin' tha' could help 'um get a leg up."

Sombra nodded, annoyed and a bit disgusted as she put the stick into her bag, "I'll let you know if I find anything else that can help locate the others…"

"Oh, that reminds me." Angela said, "Can you pull out the tablet for me please? I want to show you something else."

Cheshire nodded, her eyes still dark with anger as she pulled the hardlight tablet out of the bag her daughter had given her and held it out to her, Angela poked at file labeled 'Molly's work', "Molly made something you should see, it's quite impressive, even an architect from Vishkar was impressed by it." she said simply as she moved the tablet so only Cheshire could see it.

Her violet eyes widened and she motioned for Sombra to take a look. The Hispanic Hacker leaned towards her to get a better look and her eyes lit up, "Oh, oh I can work with this." She purred, excited as she began flipping through the photo.

The waitress returned with full glasses of everyone's preferred drink and collected their old ones and told them she'd be out with their dessert in a moment before leaving for the kitchen again.

"Oi Molls, ya still got one more present." Junkrat said, indicating a small package still sitting by her side.

Molly took another sip of her juice and opened it to reveal what looked like a small box that one would get from a jewelry shop. She opened the top and gasped, her eyes wide and sparkling in awe.

Angela leaned over and saw a beautiful golden locket in the shape of a firefly with two little purple crystal eyes and it's wings, which looked as if they were small solar panels, open enough to reveal a small yellow green lens where it's bottom would alight.

"Every woman in our family gets a locket on their birthday, and when I saw this one, I just knew it was perfect for you." Cheshire said softly.

Molly just stared at it, her eyes finally starting to water, "It's so pretty…" She looked up at her mother, "Is this really for me?"

Cheshire's face curled into a warm, loving smile as she nodded, "Of course it is, luv. Had it made special just for you."

Tears ran down both mother and daughter's faces as they embraced, Molly murmuring, "Thank you, Mummy. I love it."

"I'm glad to hear it luv." She cooed back. They held each other for another moment before they pulled away and Cheshire pointed to the locket, "You want help putting it on?"

Molly nodded vigorously, making the table chuckle as Angela carefully leaned over to lift hair on the back of Molly's neck out of the way, "So you can see better." She explained. The eldest Junker smiled and nodded as she carefully took the necklace out of the box and closed two sets of latches, revealing the chain to be a bit long on the little girl as the locket sat on her chest, but Angela smiled as she accepted that it was probably a good idea for now, as she could hide it from anyone who might think to take it and that she'd grow into it.

"The eyes are purple Tourmaline," Sombra told her, "Your birthstone. We looked at the opal, but we liked the tormaline better, opal made the little bug look like it was sick or something. It's a harder stone too, so you don't need to worry about the wear as much."

"Wear?" Angela asked, making Sombra's grin grow, "They're not just pretty gems, they're buttons."

"Buttons for what?" she asked.

"It's a locket." Cheshire said as she finished closing the last clamp, "Inside this locket are pictures of my soide of the family, I also found a pic of Mac 'n his mum ta put in there too. Figured it would be noice ta see a bit of yer family tree."

"Just press both eyes at once to turn it on or off." Sombra explained, "I already put an app on your phone so you can see the pictures whenever you want that way too, and you can add more photos to it by just uploading them to the app, but you'll need to have access to wifi to be able to send the pictures to the locket."

Molly stared at her newest treasure, her violet eyes sparkling much like the gems in the little bug's eyes as she gently pressed both eyes and a hologram of a famliy of four with a big dog and a very grumpy looking cat appeared in front of her. Bob let out a bark and Junkrat scooped him up so he could stand on their seats and the pup hopped into Angela's lap to get a better view.

"Tha's yer grandma 'n grandpa." Cheshire said, pointing to the smiling couple in the picture. They had kind eyes and warm smiles and were very slim and she could see pieces of Cheshire and Molly in both of them. "They were kinda push overs, but tha's 'cause they were just so noice ta people 'n while they had lotsa people try ta walk all over 'um, they had me 'n a lotta good friends who had no problem standing up for 'um." She said.

"Is tha' you, Mummy?" Molly asked, pointing to the teenager with purple eyes smiling her big old Cheshire grin and her hair a mess of blonde waves seeming to jolt from her head. Her face and arms were covered in freckles and she wore a black t-shirt with a hand holding a red grenade on it, a pair of tan cargo shorts and bright yellow tennis shoes and a golden locket in the shape of a cat head hanging from her neck, it's eyes a bright shade of purple as well.

"Yup, tha's me." She confirmed, then pointed to the little girl in the picture, "'N tha's yer Aunt Molly."

"I was named after 'er, roight?" She asked. Cheshire hummed in confirmation, a far away look in her eyes.

Angela leaned in a bit more to get a better look at Molly's namesake.

She seemed to be the same age as Molly in this picture. She had a warm, gentle but shy smile and freckles dotting her cheeks. She had blue eyes that seemed to sparkle with life, even in a photo. Her hair was a light blonde, almost sliver and came down her shoulders in gentle waves that were pulled back in pigtails. Her shoulders seemed a bit tense and her hands were twisted into a nervous gesture, her legs straight and stiff as boards.

She was clearly a beautiful child, and she was clearly much younger and more timid than her sister, she could see why Cheshire would have been devastated to have been unable to protect her after losing the rest of their family in such a horrible way…

Bob let out a bark and Angela had to keep herself from jumping at the sound.

"Yer roight Bob," Molly said, motioning to the dog and cat on the ground in the picture, "You haven't told us who they are, Mummy."

"Oh," Cheshire said, snapping out of her daze, "Th' dog's name is Jake 'n th' cat's name was Fluffy. We adopted th' dog after 'e flunked out of military trainin', figured, hey, havin' 'nother foighter in th' house was never a bad thing. First toime I saw 'im, thought 'e could rip someone in half 'n a second flat," she chuckled, "I was so off base! Poor thing was scared of 'is own shadow, always hoidin' behoind me whenever somethin' spooked him." she looked at the photo fondly, "Sweet dog though, gentle as a lamb 'n loved cuddlin'. Used ta put yer aunt next to him when she was barely two 'n 'e'd jus' curl up around 'er 'n they'd be nappin' in seconds. Worked everytoime!" She then pointed to the cat, "As fer this asshole, well, Fluffy was actually somethin' one of the women who worked at your grandparent's place brought in one day from the rain as a kitten. Since yer grandparent's fang carpendry was called 'Cheshire Smiles', they thought it would be a cute idea to have 'im as a mascot." She started to laugh, "'E was such a nasty one when we first got 'im! Always bitin', scratchin', hissin', pissed on so much stuff 'n 'e bullied poor Jake, who just wanted to be 'is mate. Eventually I got 'im sorted so 'e only picked on people who wanted to bully my family 'n the people who worked for 'um so I wouldn' have to bloody guard the place 'n got 'im ta be noice ta Jake."

"So they became friends?" Molly asked, sounded delighted that they had overcome the cat's apparent dislike of everyone to become friends.

"They became great mates," Cheshire confirmed, "although the poor pup would still leg it if Fluffy hissed at 'im. Was a great guard cat 'n sometoimes 'e was actually a sweetheart, but those were rare toimes." She looked down at Molly, "Still, was happy ta have some help keepin' bullies away 'n 'e was good at tha'. Jake was better for comforting 'n knowing where to go ta keep us out of trouble."

Molly looked as if she was about to ask what happened to them, then stopped herself, probably deciding that it was a topic for another day. Lucky, the waitress was back with several other waiters and waitresses behind her and what looked like a homemade cake with a sparkler candle on it on a tray in her hands, "I have a special delivery for a certain birthday girl!" she said cheerfully before the staff started to clap and sing her a little song.

Molly seemed surprised for a moment before Angela saw Junkrat tap at Bob's behind and the dog launched itself into her lap and made her squeal as he moved her bracelet off of her skin and onto her gloves with his nose as he gave her a kiss on the cheek.

She laughed as he settled next to her, as if to watch the show. Molly's cowlicks suddenly sticking straight up and then formed into the shape of a thumbs up before returning to their usual curled heart shape as she smiled at the wait staff standing in front of their table and clapped when they finished the song with the rest of the table, "Thank you! This is so noice of you!" she said.

"Don't thank us." The waitress said, "Thank your Mother, she was the one who told us about your birthday and made this cake for you and asked us to hold onto it until after you'd finished your lunch!"

Molly's eyes widened and she beamed at her mother, "Thank you, Mummy!" she cried before giving her a big hug, Cheshire quickly returning it with a laugh. Bob barked and began licking at Cheshire's arm, his tail wagging.

The waitress chuckled at the sight before putting the plate down on the table, the candle still sparkling, "Blow out the candle and make your wish!" she said.

Molly nodded and seemed to take a moment or two to think about it and then smiled and blew out the candle. It relit again and Molly blew it out two more times before it finally stayed out. The group clapped and the rest of the staff pulled out a knife and plates and began cutting and serving the cake to all the humans at the table. One waiter pulling a treat from his apron pocket, "sorry pup, you can't eat the cake, but here, have this!" Bob licked the man's hand before accepting the treat and began to munch on it.

The crowd left with the waitress telling them to let them know when they were ready for the check before following the rest of them.

Cheshire watched nervously as the littlest junker happily took her first bite of the cake, and stiffened when Molly's cowlicks spiked upwards again… only to curl back into their usual heart shape as she looked to her and cried, "This is really yummy, Mummy! Thank you!"

She let out a breath of relief and picked up her own fork, "I'm glad you loike it, luv, it's your Grandma's special recipe."

Molly pressed the purple stones on her necklace and the picture from before popped back up at the table, "Grandma used to make this?" she asked softly, her eyes glued to the image sitting in front of her of the parts of her family she would never meet.

Angela finally decided to speak up again, "Cheshire, perhaps the next time you visit, you can teach Molly how to make this cake?" She offered.

"It was fun to make it with you last night." Sombra piped up, "I'm sure you two would enjoy doing that together."

Junkrat let out a laugh, revealing bits of chocolate in his teeth and that his slice was already half eaten, "I wouldn't moind havin' this again!" he told them.

"Oh, that reminds me, Hana told me she was thinking of doing a cooking show with Molly," Angela said cheerfully, pleased she could bring this up, "She asked me if you wouldn't mind picking out an apron for her." She motioned to Cheshire, whose eyes widened in what seemed to be surprise for a moment before a flush crept up her cheeks.

"I can have an apron Mummy picks out fer me?" Molly asked, excited at the prospect.

"You can have an apron yer Mum picks out fer ya tha' you can show off." Junkrat told her, giving her a toothy grin, "So it's even better."

"He's right about that." Sombra agreed, "Let's find one that will make people so jealous!"

"There is a nice shop near here that has some cute aprons for children, why don't we head there after lunch?" Angela offered.

The group agreed and continued to enjoy their cake, Angela happily making a mental note to be available for taste testing when Cheshire could teach Molly the recipe before diving back into her own slice as well.

If lunch was anything to go by, the rest of this visit would be a delight!