Inside the Crystal Empire was in an uproar, a changeling revealed itself to be in the castle and Crystal Guards were running around like crazy trying to find it. a pink and mixed mane and tail Alicorn, named Cadance was pressing orders hard.

a unicorn with lilac colored fur and a purple and aquamarine streaked mane and tail and Persian blue eyes, she was Starlight Glimmer "It is bad that a changeling is here, but isn't this taking it too far?" she asked.

"If one changeling is here, more will follow in a swarm" Cadance said her purple eyes showing concern, then a lavender fur colored alicorn with a dark blue mane and tail with pink and purple streaks and purple eyes, she was Twilight Sparkle.

"True but Starlight has a point, this is getting out of hoof" Twilight spoke her mind.

"I understand but I don't know what to do" Cadance replied, with a Shining Armor showing much concern as her.

"I Do" a voice spoke, they turned and saw a leg height size dragon with purple scales and green spines on his head and back and tail, green ear frills and emerald eyes, he was Spike, hero of the Crystal Empire and he was standing next to a Changeling named Thorax.

Everypony but Shining Armor gasped, Shining just glared strongly at the Changeling. The Crystal guards approached the two while spike stood stood 5 feet from them.

"Spike what are you doing?" Shinning asked with fright in his voice through his fierce gaze, unlike last time Spike stood strong.

"What I know is right" Spike replied with stern gaze.

"Get away from that thing" Shinning ordered as the guards approached closer, but Spike just stood infront of Thorax.

"No" Spike said with strength in his voice "He's not a thing, he's a changeling and his name is Thorax and he's my friend" he said, then everyone in the room gasped in shock and had different expressing, some were in shock, some were in disbelief and some had mad expressions and some had betrayed looks, the famed hero of the Empire a friend with one of their Enemies.

Spike nodded his head at Thorax with a smile and got serious again and stepped forward, as a tune was playing and the area dimmed.

A Changeling Can Change

"Would you say I'm a hero"

Glorious and brave

If I told you something you wouldn't believe?

That sometimes I'm scared

And I can make mistakes

And I'm not so heroic, it seems

But if day can turn to night

And the darkness turn to light

Then why can't we imagine a changeling can change?

No two ponies are exactly the same

No two snowflakes ever match their design

And I thought I was strong

But I was nothing but wrong

When I forgot to be friendly and kind

But if day can turn to night

And the darkness turn to light

Then why can't we imagine a changeling can change?

Would you say I'm a hero

Glorious and brave

If I told you something you wouldn't believe?

This changeling, it seems

Knows the real me

And would stay by my side 'til the end

So if day can turn to night

And the darkness turn to light

Then why can't we imagine

Just why can't we imagine

"Then why can't we imagine a changeling can change?"

Spike finished and looked to see their response, some were still in shock but then they glared.

"The bug brainwashed Spike the Brake and Glorious, get him" a Crystal guard barked and three charged, Spike new he had to get Thorax out of here and he clenched his fists and then breathed and blew his green fire at them who jumped back to avoid the flames.

"Spike what are you doing" Twilight spoke in shock, this was the first time he used his fire on somepony.

"Just giving a warning" Spike replied and then he turned to Thorax who was in panic "Run away as fast as you can!" he yelled, Thorax turned and bolted.

Shinning Armor and the Guard charged but were stopped when Spike breathed a waist chest high green fire wall infront of them.

"If you want to get to Thorax, Your going to have to get past me first" Spike declared firmly, then his eyes glowed brightly as and blew more fire at the Guards approaching trying to get Thorax, but then something happened instead a green stream, a stream of blue flames jetted out of his mouth the stream was twice as big than the first times and heat left a burnt hole in the hard crystal floor, Spike was not expecting the force and got tossed into a pillar, out.

Few minutes later Spike woke up, in a room and walked out, then he walked into a room with Thorax in cuffs and a magic ring to block his magic.

"And if you ever try to come into Equestria, you will be executed on spot" Cadance hissed.

"B-But the Badlands aren't meant for anyone, the harsh environment will kill me" Thorax begged "please give me away to prove I'm good as Spike said" he said.

"Enough your kind almost ruined Equestria and be thankful for our mercy" Twilight glared "Now get out" she gritted with her horn sparking menacingly approaching.

"Leave him alone!" Spike spoke in the same voice he used when he was temporarily the Dragon Lord getting their attention, they saw him glaring at them and he stood between Twilight and Thorax.

"What magic is this, the insects magic is blocked?" a guard spoke.

"because I was never brainwashed, my actions before were my own" Spike told them making them gasp in shock "Oh would you stop gasping" he said.

"Why Spike, your our friend" Twilight asked sadly.

Then Spike thought of something "I was never a friend of yours I was just a assistant and a servant" he said "You exile Thorax fine but he's not going alone, because I'm going with him" he said firmly "as a member of the Royal family, I hereby Exile myself to The Badlands" he said as he breathed his green fire and jumped in after grabbing Thorax and disappearing.