"Watch it!" Someone growled, snatching the ice pack from his brother and angrily pushing it against his cheek.

"Don't whine" The other grumbled, equally as angry as his brother. The younger of the two kept pressing the ice pack to his face, watching with a glare as his older brother got ready to stitch the gashes on his face. "What were you even thinking?"

"I was thinking about how we got cast aside like nothing" The younger retorted, hissing as his older brother cleaned his face. "We devoted our lives to the foot clan, trained for years and what does the Shredder do? Cast us aside like that!" The younger shouts, angrily throwing his hands in the air.

"But provoke him like that Takashi?! That was suicide" Isamu screamed, resisting the urge to slap his already injured brother.

"I'm not the only one who's angry Isamu, I spoke with others" Isamu huffed at the mention, finishing the stitching on his brother's face and looked into the brown eyes of his younger brother.

"I'm angry as well, but we can't take on the Shredder." Isamu sternly states. "Not with all those mutants protecting him, not with the robots who took our job"

"But what if there was something we can do?" At this Isamu narrows his eyes dangerously, not liking where Takashi was hinting at. "We weren't cast aside until recently, Shredder started building those foot bots after a certain group showed up" At this Isamu suddenly blinked, leaning backwards.

He nods in understanding. "The mutant turtles" He mumbles. "What are you suggesting?" This time his voice wasn't even demanding, or full of disbelief, it was emotionless.

"They are the cause of our problems, they are the reason we were fired Isamu, if they hadn't been there we would've still worked for the Shredder. And we wouldn't be stealing and living in a warehouse" Takashi said, looking at his older brother with almost pleading eyes. "I talked, the others agree"

"So you want to get rid of the turtles? So Shredder will take us back?" But Takashi shook his head slightly.

"I want to make them pay for what they did to us, and sell them out to Shredder if he makes sure we get back to Japan" Takashi said, glaring at none in particular. For the last months they had tried to get back to Japan, but in the eyes of the American and Japanese government, they were still in Japan. Shredder never legally shipped them to America.

So they couldn't return home either, and right now that was all they wanted, and revenge on the turtles who caused them so much pain and suffering.


"Dudes I'm heading out!" Mikey exclaims through the lair, causing Leo to look up.

"Where to?" At this Mikey rolls his eyes slightly at the worried tone in Leo's voice.

"I ordered pizza" He states shortly and Leo frowns. "Leo don't be such a mother hen, I'll be fine. It's close by, and yes I have my weapons" But Leo didn't budge, standing up and walking over to his little brother.

"I'm coming with you" He states. "No I'm not being a mother hen but with Shredder will out there it's too dangerous to go alone"

"Aaaww I see" Mikey grins teasingly and Leo groans at the comment, quickly making his way to the dojo to grab his swords.

"Dad we're heading out to get some pizza, we'll be home in 30 minutes" Leo quickly called out, earning a quiet nod from his father as he was still busy meditating. Leo made his way over to Mikey again, who was now sitting on the turnstiles, swinging his leg back and forth to wait for his older brother.

"Let's go"


Mikey beamed as they jumped over the rooftops, enjoying the wind that was catching them, enjoying the fresh air that filled his lungs. It had been long since they've just been out like this, just to get some Pizza or just for the heck of it. Lately it had only been for patrol, but it was nice to be out here without the pressure of patrol.

With the knowledge that they wanted to avoid trouble right now.

"What are you smiling about?" Leo asks as they jump to another rooftop, almost at the place. Mikey grins even more, jumping and landing in the alley where the pizza was supposed to be.

"One word, score" Mikey beamed, whispering the words to not alert the neighbourhood. Mikey held up the pizza and Leo shook his head again but a grin was plastered on his face.

"Two words, no eating" Leo said sternly and Mikey barked out a laugh, waving him off before climbing onto the roof again with one hand without a problem. Of course he would show his talents when pizza was on the line. Leo thought with an amused smile before following Mikey up the roof.

However the moment he got to the rooftop he noticed something was off. He narrowed his eyes, feeling a spark of panic as Mikey was nowhere to be found.

"Leo" Someone hissed under his breath and Leo's face snapped into the direction of the voice, spotting two white eyes belonging to his younger brother. He scanned the rooftop, immediately blending in with the shadows and making his way over to his younger brother with equally as white eyes.

Mikey was crouched down, hands hovering over his nun chucks and white eyes glaring, frantically looking around.

"Something's off" He mutters and Leo nods, he felt it too. But it didn't make him feel any better that Mikey felt it too, if he hadn't then maybe he was being paranoid again. But if they both sensed it, it couldn't be just paranoia.

"Look out!" Mikey suddenly screamed in Japanese, jumping in front of him and slamming his nun chuck to deflect something that was coming their way. It connected with Mikey's weapon, flying backwards for a few seconds until it detonated. Both of them winced as the grenade exploded.

"Retreat" Leo hisses, signing for Mikey to start running. He did, followed his order without question him at all. He fully trusted his older brother, his leader. They didn't get far, the moment Leo started running he heard something near him, wrap around his legs. He gasped, falling towards the ground.

But before he could hit the ground, beak first, something cannonballed into him. Mikey's arms wrapped around him, rolling over his shell and getting back on his feet. His little brother was completely focused, throwing a detonating smoke bomb towards the advancing enemies, whoever they were.

Mikey cut through the ropes with ease, hauling Leo up to his feet and dragging him along before Leo could regain his footing.

"They're footsoldiers!" Mikey suddenly yelled, jumping over the rooftop and twisting, throwing more smoke bombs to create distance. However the moment he jumped he felt something wrap around his body. He had just enough time to lift on arm. He clumsily rolled over the rooftop, one arm now strapped to his body.

"That's great" Leo hisses, drawing his sword and attempting to slice through Mikey's ropes but before he could slice through something connected with his side. Leo grunted, landing on his side and someone pressed on top of him.

"Don't move" A voice above him growled, in Japanese. Leo's blue eyes widened, suddenly realising they could understand what they had been saying. He felt something cold press against his throat, a knife. He dully stated. He winced, squirming under the weight that was pressing him down.

"Don't move I said" The same voice growled again, pressing the blade against Leo's throat a little tighter. Leo winced again, turning his head towards his little brother. Another foot soldier was on top of him as well, painfully pulling his only free arm behind him. Mikey had his teeth grit, arm quivering in pain.

"You're hurting him!" Leo shouts but the man doesn't budge.

"Get used to it freak" The man above Leo sneered in his ear before grabbing his arm and roughly pulling it behind him. He felt zip ties being secured behind his wrists and another set of hands worked on his ankles. Leo winces, closing his eyes in shame. He couldn't protect his little brother, he had been too slow..

"Get them back to the warehouse" One of the voices, one that wasn't sitting on either of them, ordered. And Leo knew.. that he had failed to protect his little brother.


My head felt fuzzy, like it had been stuffed with cotton. My limbs were almost numb, flailing uselessly above me.. I groan at the sudden realisation. They were flailing above me, I frown slightly, testing my limbs to cooperate until I heard the sound of chains echoing through the room.

I froze.

Mikey and me getting pizza… being attacked.. Captured!

"Leo?" A soft voice asks and I blink a few times, looking around me, observing the room. I almost sigh at the sight, we were in a relatively small room, a warehouse of some sorts I noticed. Mikey was on my right, on the wall next to me. The wall perpendicular to the wall I was attached to.

"You okay?" I whisper, glancing up and down.

"I think so, a little sore" Mikey reluctantly admits and I eye at his figure but upon seeing no damage or visible injury I relax slightly. "What happened?" Mikey asks but I know that he wasn't talking about the capture itself, but the reason why, why they were here, what they wanted from us.

"I don't know little bro" I shamefully admit, tugging at the binds that were holding me up. I groan slightly at the heavy feeling in my legs, unable to touch the ground. But in return, my wrists were forced to bear all the weights.

"After all this time, you were so easy to capture" A sudden voice cut in and I snap my head towards the now opened door, watching as one of the foot soldiers walked in, closing the door behind him. I narrow my eyes, not liking when either of them spoke Japanese. As Japanese was basically our mother tongue, the language we felt safe with.

It was our little safety net while surrounded by humans who all spoke English.

It was something we shared with the five of us.

"And you are?" Mikey glares, in English this time, for which I'm glad. He reached for his mask, pulling it off and revealing his bare face. The right side of his face sported two small newly healed gashes. He had black, almost spiky hair but what struck me the most was how young he seemed, he couldn't be older than 25.

"Foot soldiers. We travelled with the Shredder when he came to America, we've fought numerous times" Now I'm the one to glare at him, and he chuckles, looking right back at me.

"We were protecting ourselves" I glare, already having a feeling what he was trying to say, what he was going to say.

"We had an honourable life before you showed up, before you intervened with Shredder's life"

"You're seriously defending that nut job?" Mikey cut in and the foot soldier turns to my little brother instead.

"Not in the slightest, the last thing I want is to work for him again. But we had a good life before you showed up." The soldier hisses, taking a step towards my little brother but not physically touching him. Mikey glares right back at him, not backing down and I couldn't decide if it was suicide or bravery.

"Then what do you want with us? Why don't you just leave the life behind?" I ask, trying to keep my voice calm to not provoke him. Because whether I liked it or not, we were defenceless right now, complete vulnerable to these foot soldiers.

"For one simple reason" The soldier started, turning back to me, but this time actually walking over to me. "Payback" I swallowed painfully, squirming under his gaze. My eyes wandered to Mikey, who was anxiously looking at me but my attention were snapped right back to the man in front of me when I felt his hands move.

"What are you-" I start, growling and shaking my head as he reached for my mask, pulling it off my face. My eyes widened, feeling even more vulnerable now my mask was gone. I glared at him and he looked at me with an unimpressed gaze, untying the knot in my mask and reaching for his own belt.

Then without saying anything he grabbed my jaw, pushing and pinching it until I was forced to open my mouth, not expecting the sudden action I opened my mouth, a cloth shoved inside it within seconds, and before I could spit it out he wrapped my mask, my own damn mask, around my mouth, tying it.

"Better" The man said, almost as if he was admiring his work, I glared at him and he just chuckles. "You know this was exactly how I wanted to see you the first time we met? You broke my brother's ankle that time, I wanted you dead ever since"

I mumble behind the mask, but it was no use, only vague noises were the result.

"Must say, now I see you like this, it's a total bummer" The man continued, trailing a finger down my arm, resting on a big scar. I growl again, shaking my arm to get his touch away. "I gave you this one when we met the second time, remember that?"

I glare, wanting to say more, wanting to blow him off but I couldn't, so I just kept silent, silently glaring at him.

"Get your hands of my brother filth" Mikey suddenly cut in and I immediately directed my glare towards my little brother, mentally praying him to get the hint of dropping it, don't attract attention to yourself.

"Oh don't worry, Mikey right?"

"Michelangelo actually" Mikey responded, cocking his head in a sarcastic manner.

"Well Michelangelo, you know what would seriously hurt your brother?" Mikey glares at the question, but I can see the subtle change in his posture. "See, when he broke my brother's ankle I discovered two things. I hated your brother with all my heart, I wanted to make him pay for what he has done."

He stops for a second, walking up to Mikey and reaching for his mask as well. Mikey glares, but doesn't struggle at the intrusion, but instead of untying the mask, he rotates it slightly so Mikey was effectively blinded. Mikey stiffens at the loss of vision, gritting his teeth.

"I broke my ankle before, but what I realised was that that wasn't as bad, what was worse was seeing my brother break his ankle" He told, still looking at Mikey. "The worst pain is seeing your loved ones in pain" He looks at me for a moment, a twinkle in his eyes before he turns to Mikey again.

Then with one swing he lands a rough punch on his left arm, hitting him hard.

And the man was totally right, a broken bone didn't compare the pain I felt when Mikey let out a shout of pain.

Hey guys! Welcome to a new story of mine. Hope you liked the first chapter, and if you did, please leave a review to let me know!