A/N: The face-claim for Jasmine Potter is Madisen Beaty.
Jasmine Potter spent most of the night making origami cake slice boxes by lamplight. She was using red and yellow paper, the Gryffindor colours, because that was the House, her twin brother, Harry, was in at Hogwarts.
She wanted to make twelve slices, for their twelfth birthday. She knew that they were never going to have a birthday cake, so she might as well make one out of paper. She was planning on putting the slices together to make a whole cake. She wanted to give Harry something other than a crummy homemade birthday card, which she was sure that Harry was expecting.
After she put the slices together, she even made twelve paper candles. She managed to balance the candles on each slice and waited till it was midnight, so she can wake Harry up.
Instead, something else happened. Hedwig started hooting loudly and Jasmine went over to the padlocked cage that sat on Dudley's desk.
"Shh!" Jasmine tried shushing the owl. "Shh! Hedwig, be quiet or you'll wake up the Dursleys."
Hedwig fluttered her wings in an almost angry manner.
Hedwig wasn't the only one padlocked. Nyx, Jasmine's pet guinea pig's cage, was padlocked too, but since Nyx had the uncanny ability to Apparate, which means she can leave her cage whenever she wanted and appear somewhere else. There was many times that Nyx Apparated into the kitchen. Luckily, Nyx seemed to know that magic wasn't allowed in the house and stayed in the Potter Twins' bedroom.
Jasmine went over Harry and shook him awake, "Harry, wake up."
"You know Hedwig's bored, Jazz," Harry muttered. "Go to sleep."
"I can't," Jasmine said. "You have to blow out the candles on your cake first."
Harry looked at her, "What are you talking about?"
Jasmine went over to turn on the bedroom light, momentarily blinding Harry. She felt bad and she walked over, handing his glasses to him.
"Come on," Jasmine said.
Harry got up and Jasmine led him to where the origami cake was at.
Nyx, Jasmine's guinea pig, Apparated out of her cage, and went to sniff at a cake slice box. Harry seemed amused at the red and gold cake.
"I see it's in Gryffindor's colours," Harry said.
"Yeah, I didn't have scarlet paper, so I used red," Jasmine said.
"No Ravenclaw?" Harry asked, frowning.
Last term, Jasmine and Harry went into separate Houses. Harry went Gryffindor, the House with bravery, chivalry, and so on. Jasmine went into Ravenclaw, the House for intellects, acceptance, and so on.
Jasmine shrugged, "I was trying to do something nice for you." She fiddled with her charm bracelet that used to belong to their mother. She got it over Christmas last year. The charm bracelet had four charms on it. The four charms had a cauldron with a ladle in it, which was stirring. There was a wand charm that was making swishing motions. There was a book charm with the cover opening and closing. There was a crystal ball, with the smoke swirling inside it.
The charms were separated each by four striped beads. The beads were red and gold, yellow and black, green and silver, and blue and silver. The beads were the four Hogwarts House colours.
Uncle Vernon had taken the charm bracelet from her, because of the moving charms, Jasmine had busted into tears and Aunt Petunia had taken the bracelet from Uncle Vernon. Aunt Petunia had looked it over, seemed to have softened a little, and gave it back to Jasmine. Other than the bracelet, the Dursleys had locked their stuff into the cupboard under the stairs, which had formally been the Potters' bedroom. Her mother's charm bracelet was the only other bit of magic she had, besides Nyx. Hedwig was Harry's.
"Jasmine," Harry said, waving his hand in front of Jasmine's face.
She blinked and looked at Harry. She looked at the cake and candles. "Oh, right, Harry blow out the candles and make a wish." She smiled.
Harry smiled back, "Together."
Jasmine looked at the paper candles and thought, I wish to go back to Hogwarts.
Together, the Potter Twins blew down the paper candles on their paper cake.
"Happy birthday, Jasmine," Harry stated.
"Happy birthday, Harry," Jasmine said.
In the morning, Jasmine and Harry made their way down to the kitchen. Uncle Vernon gave them a dirty look, and went back to his morning paper.
In a way, Jasmine kind of missed her uncle yelling at her to brush her hair, every morning. Harry was probably glad that Vernon didn't yell at him to cut his hair.
Aunt Petunia motioned to the stove, indicating that they had to make breakfast. Harry went to make the food and Jasmine went to set the table. She set down a mug of coffee for Uncle Vernon and he looked at her charm bracelet with disgust and loathing, before going back to read his paper.
Dudley waddled in, sneered at Jasmine, and pinched her upper arm. She winced, but didn't say anything. She glared at him.
She faced down Voldemort in June, so Dudley was nothing. Dudley mouthed 'Tomato Face' at her. It was Dudley's favourite insult whenever Jasmine's face turned a deep shade of red.
She looked away and went over to help Harry distribute the food.
Jasmine and Harry took their spots at the dinner table. Jasmine watched with slight disgust at Dudley wolfing down his food.
A loud hooting came from the Potters' bedroom and Jasmine watched in fascination as Uncle Vernon's face turned red.
"Third time this week! If you two can't control that owl, it'll have to go!" Uncle Vernon yelled at them from across the table.
"Hedwig's female," Jasmine stated a little too loudly.
"She's bored," Harry explained yet again. He was trying to divert their uncle's wrath from Jasmine. "She's used to flying around outside. If I could just let her out at night—"
"Do I look stupid?" snarled Uncle Vernon. He had a bit of egg dangling from his bushy mustache.
"Yes," Jasmine muttered and Harry tried to hide a smile.
"I know what'll happen if that owl's let out," Uncle Vernon continued to snarl.
Jasmine felt kind of antsy because she had been collaborating on writing a graphic novel with Lisa Turpin and Craig Strange, her two friends from Ravenclaw. They weren't writing to her, so maybe they kicked her off the creative process of the graphic novel that was in progress.
Harry opened his mouth to say something, but Dudley let out a loud, long belch.
"I'm simultaneously impressed and repulsed by that," Jasmine whispered to Harry.
"I want more bacon," Dudley announced.
"There's more in the frying pan, sweetums," Aunt Petunia said, misty eyed. She looked at Dudley. "We must build you up while we've got the chance. I don't like the sound of that school food."
"Nonsense Petunia, I never went hungry when I was at Smeltings," Uncle Vernon boasted. "Dudley gets enough, don't you, son?"
Smeltings was Uncle Vernon's old school. As part of the Smeltings uniform, they had a stick that was used for hitting each other when the teachers weren't looking. Jasmine wasn't sure who the school produced, but if it produced someone like Uncle Vernon…well, there was no hope for humanity now.
Dudley looked at Harry, "Pass the frying pan."
"You forgot the magic word," Harry replied sounding irritated.
Dudley gasped and fell out of his chair, Aunt Petunia gave a small scream, and Uncle Vernon instantly jumped to his feet.
"I meant 'please'," Harry stated quickly. "I didn't mean—"
"What have I told you about saying the 'M' word in our house?" Uncle Vernon thundered, his face turning purple.
Harry started, "But I—"
"How dare you threaten Dudley!" Uncle Vernon roared, pounding his fist on the table, making the plates rattled. Jasmine pulled her plate closer to her.
"He meant please!" Jasmine shouted back. "So calm down!"
"I warned you! I will not tolerate mention of your abnormality under this roof!" Uncle Vernon continued, as if he didn't hear her, which wasn't unusual.
"All right, all right," Harry said.
Uncle Vernon sat back down, breathing heavily. He watched Harry and Jasmine closely out of the corners of his eyes.
Jasmine gave Harry's arm a squeeze. She was getting antsy too, not because she missed Hogwarts. She did, but she wanted her two spellbooks to look over some more, because she wanted to be ready for Voldemort if he appeared to try and kill them, again.
Jasmine scooped some scrambled eggs and a piece of bacon onto a piece of toast and folded it in half, to eat.
A few moments later, Vernon said, "Now, as we all know, today is a very important day."
Jasmine and Harry exchanged glances.
"This could well be the day I make the biggest deal of my career," Uncle Vernon continued. "We should run through the schedule one more time. We should all be in position at eight o' clock. Petunia, you will be—?"
"In the lounge, waiting to welcome them graciously to our home," Aunt Petunia stated promptly.
"And Dudley?" Uncle Vernon asked.
"I'll be waiting to open the door. May I take you coats, Mr and Mrs Mason?" Dudley said, with a rather nasty smile.
Jasmine scoffed, and Dudley turned to her, but was distracted with his mother's praise and kisses. Apparently the Masons would love Dudley.
"Excellent, Dudley," Uncle Vernon responded. He turned to Harry, "And you, boy?"
"I'll be in my room, making no noise, and pretending that I don't exist." Harry stated in a monotone.
"Exactly," Uncle Vernon said, nastily. He pointed at Jasmine, "And you, girl?"
"I'll be in my room, making no noise, and pretending that I don't exist." Jasmine responded in a monotone as well. It sounded rehearsed, because it was. They rehearsed this every morning for two weeks since Vernon found out that he might get a huge order from a rich builder and his wife.
"Got that right," Uncle Vernon responded. "I will lead them into the lounge, introduce you, Petunia, and pour them drinks. At eight-fifteen—"
"I'll announce dinner," Aunt Petunia said.
"And Dudley, you'll say—?" Uncle Vernon asked.
"May I take you through to the dining room, Mrs Mason?" Dudley asked, offering his arm to an invisible woman.
"My perfect little gentleman," Aunt Petunia sniffed.
"Not really," Jasmine muttered, low enough for Harry to hear. He chuckled.
"And you, boy?" Uncle Vernon snarled, pointing at Harry.
"I'll be in my room, making no noise and pretending that I don't exist," Harry said.
"Damn right," Uncle Vernon responded. He pointed at Jasmine, "And you, girl?"
Jasmine sighed loudly. "I'll be in my room, making no noise and pretending that I don't exist." She added, "Like a normal person."
"Damn right, you will," Vernon snarled. "I don't want you two messing this up for me.
Apparently the Masons didn't know about the Potters existence. If the Dursleys played their roles right, they would be shopping for a vacation home in Majorca.
"Right—I'm off into town to pick up the dinner jackets for Dudley and me," Vernon said. He turned to the Potter twins. "And you two stay out of your aunt's way while she's cleaning."
Jasmine nodded and led Harry outside in the backyard. They slumped on the garden bench.
"I wonder where they will place us, if they get a vacation home in Majorca," Jasmine wondered.
"What are you talking about? They'll ship us off to Mrs Figg's house," Harry said.
"I would think they would allow us to stay here, but they don't want to find the house 'in ruins.'" Jasmine stated, remembering her uncle's words on Dudley's birthday last year.
Harry sighed, "Like I said, they would send us over to stay with Mrs Figg." He proceeded to sing 'happy birthday' under his breath.
Jasmine bent down and plucked a few blades of grass. She tied the blades together and wondered what Lisa and Craig were up to.
"Jazz," Harry said calmly.
"What is it, Harry?" Jasmine asked, looking at the grass.
"The hedge has eyes," Harry told her.
"As opposed to the hills having eyes?" Jasmine asked, and grinned. She knew that she really shouldn't be watching horror movies, she loved them anyway. There were some movies that Aunt Petunia refused to let Jasmine watch.
Harry groaned, "Jasmine."
"I know what day it is," Dudley taunted, in a jeering voice.
"Congratulations," Jasmine replied, sarcastically. "You finally know something. You must be so proud."
"What?" Harry asked staring at the hedge.
"I know what day it is," Dudley repeated, coming up to them.
"Well done, so you finally know the days of the week," Harry replied.
"Laugh all you want, but at least no one forgot my birthday," Dudley responded, hitching up his trousers. "Haven't you even got friends at that freak place?"
"Better not let your mum hear you talking about our school," Harry responded in a cold voice.
"Yes, Dudders," Jasmine responded. "It might be good for your—" She looked at Dudley's bulging stomach with disgust, "—Health."
Dudley ignored her and looked at Harry, suspiciously. "Why're you staring at the hedge?"
Jasmine was sure that Dudley was trying to find something to rat out her and Harry to Aunt Petunia. The more trouble that they got in, the more Dudley enjoyed it.
"I'm trying to remember the spell to set it on fire," Harry responded.
Dudley stumbled back, eyes wide. "You c-can't – Dad told you you're not to do m-magic—he said he'll chuck you two out of the house—and you two haven't got anywhere else to go—you haven't got any friends to take you—"
"Do you remember the spell, Jazz?" Harry interrupted.
"I think it was 'Abracadabra,'" Jasmine responded, catching on to what Harry was doing. She looked the hedge and wiggled her fingers at it, "Abracadabra."
"Jiggery Pokery," Harry said in a fierce voice.
"Alakazam," Jasmine continued, making weird gestures that she had seen in the Doctor Strange comics that she had read.
"Hocus pocus," Harry stated.
"Shamballa," Jasmine said, continuing to make the same gestures.
Harry said, "Squiggly wiggly—"
"Mum!" Dudley shouted and ran to the house, nearly tripping over his feet. "Mum! They're doing you-know-what!"
"Uh-oh," Jasmine said.
Aunt Petunia appeared in the doorway, with a soapy frying pan. She looked like she was seething and they had to dodge the blows from it. She gave the twins chores to do and promised not to feed them until the chores are done.
Jasmine had to do chores inside the house. She had to: mop the floors, vacuum the stairs twice, dust pictures of Dudley, clean the toilets, beat out the couch and chair cushions for dust, and clean the windows.
Harry had chores to do outside, like: washing the car, mowing the lawn, prune and water the roses, repaint the garden bench, and spread manure on the flower beds.
As Jasmine cleaned the window, she felt bad for Harry because Dudley was hanging around him, eating a bowl of ice cream.
"You girl, set the table," Petunia ordered.
Jasmine went to set the table as her aunt watched her like a hawk, making sure that a plate, fork, or spoon wasn't out of place. After the table was set, Petunia made Jasmine lay out newspaper leading out the kitchen, up the stairs, and to her bedroom door. As she did that she heard Petunia yell, "You, boy, get in here! And walk on the newspaper!" Jasmine rolled her eyes and Petunia shouted, "You, girl, get in here!"
Jasmine went down the stairs and into the kitchen. On the counter was a lump of cheese, and two paper plates. On one plate had three slices of bread and on the other plate, it had two slices of bread. Petunia picked up the paper plate with the three pieces of bread and harshly gave it to Jasmine.
"Eat quickly! The Masons will be here quickly!" Petunia snapped and Jasmine ripped the third slice of bread in half to give to Harry. They ate their meager supper, before Harry rushed upstairs, on the newspaper.
Jasmine had to pick up the newspaper behind her as she went upstairs.
"Remember, girl! One sound—" Uncle Vernon threatened and she nodded. She continued upstairs, and left the stack of newspaper outside her bedroom door. She closed the door and turned to Harry, smirking.
"Did you see—?" Jasmine started and turned to see a little creature with big, bat-like ears, and bulging, green eyes. She managed to say, "—A house elf?"
Harry looked at her and at the house elf. "What's a house elf?"
Jasmine groaned, "Haven't you paid attention in History of Magic? Did you even read A History of Magic? A house elf is a servant to wealthy wizarding families. However—" She looked at the house elf slip off of Harry's bed, "—er, hello." She elbowed Harry, "Don't be rude."
"Hello," Harry greeted the house elf.
"Harry and Jasmine Potter," the house elf said in a high-pitched voice. He bowed so low that his long nose nearly touched the floor. "So long has Dobby wanted to meet you sir and miss…such an honor it is."
"Th-thank you," Harry stammered out.
Jasmine nodded too. "Thank you, Dobby." She looked around.
Harry pointed to the office chair, "Have a seat."
Dobby burst into tears, "S-s-sit down?" He wailed. "Never…ever…"
"We're sorry if we offended you," Harry replied.
"Offend Dobby? Dobby has never been asked to sit down by a wizard…like an equal—" Dobby wailed.
"What now?" Jasmine asked and Harry picked up one of Uncle Vernon's old socks. He handed it to Dobby, who stared at it for a minute or two. Jasmine winced.
Dobby blew his nose on the sock anyway and Harry ushered him to the chair. Jasmine and Harry sat on Harry's bed. Dobby looked at the both of them.
"You can't have met many decent wizards then," Harry said.
Dobby shook his head and stood up. He started hitting his head on the window. He shouted, "Bad Dobby! Bad Dobby!"
Jasmine and Harry both reached over to stop him.
"No, don't. Stop it," Jasmine whispered as she grabbed Dobby's arm. She tried to stop his head from moving. She looked at the window to make sure it wasn't cracked or broken. She quickly shut the window, to make sure nothing strange happened.
"Don't—what are you doing?" Harry hissed, as they managed to make him sit on the chair.
"Dobby had to punish himself, sir. Dobby almost spoke ill of his family, sir," Dobby responded, looking cross-eyed.
Harry looked at Jasmine. She shrugged, "House elves are bound to one house and one family forever."
Harry looked at Dobby, "Do they know you're here?"
Dobby shuddered, "Oh, no, sir, no. Dobby will have to punish himself most grievously for coming to see you, sir and miss. Dobby will have to shut his ears in the oven door for this. If they ever knew, sir and miss—"
"But won't they notice if you shut your ears in the oven door?" Harry asked.
"Dobby doubts it, sir. Dobby is always having to punish himself for something, sir and miss. They lets Dobby get on with it, sir and miss. Something they reminds me to do extra punishments," Dobby explained.
Jasmine was horrified, "Dobby. Harry and I aren't worth that type of punishment."
"Yeah," Harry replied. "But why don't you leave? Escape?"
"A house elf must be set free," Jasmine explained. "The family must give the house elf an article of clothing to set them free."
"That is correct Miss Jasmine," Dobby replied. "The family will never set Dobby free. Dobby will serve the family until he dies, sir."
"Can't anyone help you? Can't I?" Harry asked.
Dobby dissolved into wails. "Harry Potter asks if he can help Dobby. Dobby has heard of your greatness, sir, but of your goodness, Dobby never knew."
Harry's face turned red. "Whatever you've heard about my greatness is a load of rubbish. I'm not even top of my year at Hogwarts; that's Hermione, she—" He cut off suddenly.
Jasmine knew the feeling, because thinking of her friends was painful. "Is there any reason you're here? Not that we don't enjoy you're company, we do. It's just that it's really not a good time."
Dobby said, "Dobby has come to protect Harry and Jasmine Potter, to warn them, ever if he does have to shut his ears in the oven door later. Harry and Jasmine Potter must not go back to Hogwarts!"
"What?" Jasmine asked, almost shrilly. "And stay with the Dursleys? No way," She almost scoffed.
"You don't know what it's like here. I don't belong here. I belong in your world—at Hogwarts," Harry said.
"No, no, no. Harry and Jasmine Potter must stay where they are safe. If Harry and Jasmine Potter go back to Hogwarts, they will be in mortal danger," Dobby squeaked.
Jasmine and Harry looked at each other, before looking back at Dobby. Jasmine asked, "Why would we be in mortal danger?"
"There is a plot. A plot to make most terrible things happen at Hogwarts," Dobby said. "Harry and Jasmine must not be put in peril. They are important!"
Jasmine was confused.
"What terrible things? Who are plotting them?" Harry asked.
Dobby grabbed the lamp off the desk and started hitting himself over the head with it. Harry ran over to stop it and Jasmine sat on the bed, listening as Uncle Vernon started stomping upstairs.
"Dudley must've left his television on again, the little tyke!" Uncle Vernon called.
Harry tossed Dobby inside their wardrobe and closed the door. Jasmine panicked and got on the floor right when the bedroom door opened.
"What the devil are you two doing in here?" Vernon demanded.
Jasmine stood up from her spot on the floor, pretending to sway. She motioned to the bunk bed, "I fell out of bed."
The wardrobe door opened and Harry shut it again.
"Be careful next time! You ruined the punch-line to my Japanese golfer joke!" Vernon said, venomously.
The wardrobe, once again, opened, and Harry leaned against the door, to keep it closed.
"One more sound of either of you and you two won't go back to that freak school to see those freaky friends of yours," Uncle Vernon stated.
"Craig prefers Strange, not Freak," Jasmine pointed out.
"And fix that wardrobe door, while you're at it." Vernon snarled, ignoring Jasmine as usual, before closing the door to the room.
Jasmine wondered if her uncle believed her, because there was a frame on the top bunk. Maybe he thought she took the bottom bunk, but she couldn't sure.
Harry looked at Jasmine and mimicked, "'Craig prefers Strange, not Freak?'"
"Strange is his last name," Jasmine stated.
Dobby emerged from the wardrobe and they looked at him.
"Do you see what we deal with here?" Harry asked.
"Yes, that's why we have to go back to Hogwarts," Jasmine stated.
"That's the only place where we've got friends—at least, we thought we had friends," Harry continued.
"Friends who don't even write to Harry and Jasmine Potter," Dobby asked.
Jasmine looked at Harry and at Dobby, "Wait. What did you just say?"
"Have you been stopping our letters?" Harry demanded.
Stepping out of reach, Dobby reached in his pillowcase and removed two bundles of envelopes.
Jasmine could make out Craig's chicken scratch that he calls handwriting and see Lisa's curly handwriting. "Hey! Those are mine!"
"If Harry and Jasmine Potter gives me their word that they won't return to Hogwarts, they will have them," Dobby bargained.
"No promises out of me," Jasmine muttered.
"No, give us our friends' letters," Harry replied.
Dobby seemed sad, "Then Harry and Jasmine Potter leaves Dobby no choice."
The Potter twins ran for Dobby, who nimbly ran out of the way, shoved the letters in his pillowcase, and ran out of the bedroom door.
"That can't be good." Jasmine said, as Harry ran out of their room.
Jasmine ran after him and saw Harry jump the last six steps, landing quietly on the carpet. She went to the banister, and slid down it. It was something she always wanted to do.
She went into the kitchen to see Aunt Petunia's masterpiece of a pudding floating in midair. "Bloody hell," she muttered and the pudding crashed to the floor. It sprayed both Harry and Jasmine with dessert; along with the walls, floor, and everything else.
The Dursleys and the Masons came into the kitchen.
"They are our niece and nephew, they're very disturbed. Meeting new people upsets them. It's why we keep them upstairs," Vernon said.
Aunt Petunia handed a mop to Harry and a bucket and scrubber to Jasmine. "Here you two, clean up this mess."
Vernon and Petunia managed to shoo out the Masons, Vernon threatening them with some type of punishment, before leaving the Potters to clean up the kitchen. The Potter twins exchanged a glance before they started to clean up the mess Dobby created.
There was a scream and a door slammed shut. Jasmine and Harry looked at each other. There was silence and then they Dursleys, minus Dudley, walked in. Uncle Vernon was brandishing two letters, and he was grinning madly. "Go on, read them." He handed them the letters. Harry passed the mop to Jasmine and opened his letter.
Jasmine knew that they didn't contain birthday greetings, but opened up her letter anyway.
Dear Mr Potter,
We have received intelligence that a Hover Charm was used at your place of residence this evening at twelve minutes past nine. As you know, underage wizards are not permitted to perform spells outside school, and further spellwork on your part may lead to expulsion from said school (Decreet for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery, 1875, Paragraph C).
We would also ask you to remember that any magical activity that risks notice by members of the non-magical community (Muggles) is a serious offense under Section 13 of the International Confederation of Warlocks' Statute of Secrecy.
Enjoy your holidays!
Yours sincerely,
Mafalda Hopkirk
Improper Use of Magic Office
Ministry of Magic
Jasmine looked at her letter, which was the same thing as Harry's, except for the name change. Apparently the Ministry wasn't sure which one did the Hover Charm so they both got warnings.
"The both of you didn't tell us you weren't allowed to use magic outside school," Vernon said. "Slipped your minds, I daresay…"
Jasmine tightened her hold on the cloth. "The Decree was established in 1875, so our mum wouldn't be allowed to use magic outside of school, either. We just thought that Aunt Petunia would've—"
"You dare bring you abnormal mother into this mess?" Uncle Vernon shouted, interrupting her as always.
Jasmine flinched, dropping the cloth. She started, "I just thought—"
"You just thought?" Uncle Vernon interrupted. "I'm locking the both of you up! You're never going back to that freak school and if you try to magic yourself out, they'll expel you!"
With that, he roughly grabbed them and dragged them upstairs. Uncle Vernon threw them into the room and slammed the door. Jasmine didn't make it to the bunk bed. She sat down on the ground, knees to her chest and started to cry. Harry put his arm around her as she cried.
The next day, Uncle Vernon put bars on their bedroom window and installed a cat-flap in the door so they could slip food in for them. Jasmine sat on the corner of her top bunk, staring down at Hedwig and Nyx's cages. Nyx had cuddled up to her and she watched as Harry paced.
"Nyx, can you find the key to our bedroom door and come back with it?" Jasmine asked her guinea pig. Nyx continued to sleep in her arms instead and Jasmine sighed.
"I think you asked Nyx to do that for you for the past three days," Harry stated.
Jasmine set Nyx aside on her pillow and got down from the top bunk. She grabbed a book from the bookshelf. Dudley never read, so it was up to her to read the books for Dudley. There weren't any Agatha Christie and Stephen King books in the bookcase.
"I know, but the witch at the Magical Menagerie said that Nyx is smart. I think if I keep asking her to find the key, she would get annoyed and do it."
The cat-flap opened and two cans of soup slid in. Harry and Jasmine went to get the cans.
One can was slightly warmer than the other, so Jasmine gave it to Harry and took the stone-cold can. She forced herself to eat the slop and watched Harry pour some soggy vegetables onto Hedwig's food bowl. Hedwig looked at him like, 'what the bloody hell is this slop' and Jasmine set the empty can aside on the desk. She grabbed her book, turned the lamp on, which surprisingly survived Dobby's attack on himself, and went to her top bunk. She lay down, the bedroom light went off, and heard Harry got into bed. She opened the book and began to read.
"Jasmine," Harry said, shaking her awake.
"Ugh, what is it?" Jasmine mumbled, opening her eyes. She wasn't sure when she feel asleep, but she noticed that Harry seemed excited. "What happened? Did they finally relent?"
"No," Harry said. He pointed at the window, "look."
She looked over to see Ron's face in the window and she blinked at the sight before her. Ron was hanging out the backseat of a flying car. "Ron?"
A/N: Shamballa is a shout-out to the Doctor Strange graphic novel: Doctor Strange into Shamballa.