"Fascinating superfestation." Sarek said as Spock greeted him by the transporter "Does that mean when he is really to give birth that both children will arrive at the same time?" He asked as he followed his son the guest quarters.

"Yes, Doctor McCoy says the second child will have spent some time in the medical bay but he doesn't think there will be a problem." He looked at his father

"Are they both boys?" Sarek asked


"Are they the same?" Spock turned to his fire and tilted his head not sure what he was implying.

"I am afraid father I don't understand?" He asked him, they stopped in the hallway and looked at each other.

"I was wondering if the two children are one in the same?" He asked, finally understanding what his father was saying they carried on walking towards his father's quarters.

"I do not know, we shall have to ask the good doctor if he could find out for us."

Kirk smiled as he greeted Spock father the elder Vulcan stood there before the Captain and then pulled him in for a hug. "Oh wow back to the hugs," Kirk mumbled as he looked at his mate for help.


"I am sorry, but you do seem to bring out the worst in my people." He tells the omega, Jim gave them one his bright smiles and looked slyly at Spock.

"Only your family Sarek." He tells him and winks at Spock who rolled his eyes as he waves him deeper into his quarters to join them both for tea. Spock helped Kirk to sit down as he rests his hand on his bump and sighs "How long are you planning on staying?" Kirk asked Spock, started at his mate as he poured the drinks.

"It would be safer if I were to remain on board until we can find out who helped Ambassador Spock." Jim looked at the Sarek as he handed him the cup of tea. "Thank you."

"What makes you think he had helped?" He asked he looked from his mate back to his father-in-law.

Sarek was quiet for a moment as he sat back in his chair and looked at his son's mate "While it isn't impossible for someone of Ambassador Spock age to go into Pon Farr, it is very unlikely for him to sire a child." He takes a sip of his tea, leaving Spock and Kirk handing on to his words "This is very nice tea."

"It's Chinese. Why would it be unlikely for him to have fathered a child at his age?" Jim asked, Sarek put down the cup and looked at them.

"Just his age, but due to what has happened we have taken some blood samples from his body and found traces of a drug." Spock frowned as he turned to Kirk who was sharing a similar frown.

"A drug?" Spock asked

"Yes, this drug isn't used on old or new Vulcan; if we have passed our prime then we do not push the issue. He would have to have gotten the drug while he was on Earth, but from what I have found out is he would have to have gotten this drug from a medical doctor." He told them Jim blinked at him.

"I see," Kirk whispered as he turned to look at his mate. "May I have the name of this drug please," Sarek told him the name and Jim wrote it down before bidding both Vulcans goodbye as he is off to see a Doctor.

Jim left Spock to show Sarek around the ship while he headed off to see Bones, he found the doctor enjoying his day off in his rooms. "So how is the in-law?" Bones asked as he moved aside and let the omega in.

"He hugged me again." He mumbled as he looked around the Doctor's room.

"Sounds awkward, maybe Spock old man fancy you." Jim frowns at him as he moved towards a chair. "What you have a track record."

"Two Vulcans both of them happens to be the same man." He then he pulled a bit of paper out of his pocket. "What do you know of this?" He asked he handed him the bit of paper and the doctor opens it up and looked at the name of the drug written down.

"Not much, it's an experimental drug, not yet out on the market. There are side effects of the alpha that uses them."

"Like?" Jim asked as he sits down and frowns

"Well it depends on the alpha; if it's an older alpha it could some personality changes might make them aggressive… "He stops and looks up at his friend and frowned "Why do you want to know about this?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It was found my dead alpha's blood," Kirk mumbled, Bones was quiet for a moment and frowned as he thought about it for a moment.

"That might explain why he is dead."