Black cat

This is a recreation of Kitty kitty. It's not entirely the same but it starts in a similar fashion. (Gajeel isn't from a different world in this one)

Kitty Gajeel is so cute, I just can't resist :3

I'm not too confident in my knowledge of Japanese schools so in this fanfic it's going to be scheduled like an English school (Such as the holidays and that school starts in September). I will be adding certain Japanese events such as festivals tho.

I hope you enjoy!

December night



The smell of fresh coffee drifts through the air, a trail of steam flowing out the cup. Levy found comfort in the powerful earthy aroma that filled the room. It reminded her of home. She always started the day with a hot soothing cup of coffee. Her love for coffee originated from her father; who followed the same routine.

Levy closed her eyes and breathed in deeply, taking in the fragrance.

"Levy, are you listening?" Lucy asked placing a hand on her shoulder. Levy's eyes shot open in surprise, completely unaware of her friend's presence until now.

"Oh Good morning," Levy chuckles awkwardly as her heart recovered from the stun. Lucy sighs but smiles. Levy often got up before Lucy did, so Lucy wasn't surprised to see her sitting in her usual spot on the sofa.

"You were off in another world again," Lucy heads towards the kitchen, leaving Levy alone in the living room. Or so Levy thought; but the gentle purring and the soft rubbing across her legs told her otherwise. She sits up and glances down at one of her other housemates, Droy, a black and grey tabby cat. She arches her back forward and reachs one hand out towards him. Affectionately he bumps his head against her hand, purring all the more. Levy hums happily as she scratched behind his ears and under his chin. He sure loved the attention.

"Where's Jet, is he still sleeping?" Levy asks him in a merry tone. The final member of the household was Jet, a ginger and white tabby cat, he too was rather clingy. She had left them both asleep on her bed upstairs; it seems Droy was the first to wake up this time.

"So anyway, would it be alright if we go out on Thursday instead of tomorrow? Natsu wants to go watch this movie at the cinema and Wednesday is the only day he'll be able to make it," Lucy walks back in with a bowl of cereal in hand.

"Yeah that's fine," Levy replies, "Have you finished that book yet?" Levy sat back into her original position and invited Droy onto her lap with a simple tap; instantly he hopped on.

"Three chapters to go, I'm going to finish it today," She flops down on the large corner sofa next to Levy.

"I hope you have some of that ice cream left because you're going to have a tough time. The last two chapters had me bawling like a baby."

"Natsu ate it all last week, you know that. Besides I won't need any, I'm tough," she chuckles before taking a spoonful of cereal.

Levy and Lucy have been living in their own place since June. They've been best friends ever since the pair met each other in their first year at fairy tail high. Fairy tail was also the place Lucy met Natsu, who is now her fiancé; he proposed two weeks ago. The three of them all work at Fairy tail high, Lucy and Levy only started this year.

"They say the first year is always the hardest," Lucy said out of the blue.

"At least you don't have my form, I hope next year's form isn't this bad," Levy said with her hand over her heart in prayer.

That night the pair lay on the sofa together. They both lay resting their heads on the arms of the sofa with a pillow for extra comfort. A hushed sniffle caught Levy's attention making her look up from her book. Lucy has the back of her hand covering her mouth and nose as she fought back tears.

I knew it, she's starting to cry

"Lucy," Levy calls out to her. Lucy sniffs once again, her nose becoming stuffy. She pulls her knees up, hugging her body close.

"I'm sorry," she laughs and shakes her head, "I'm being silly."

It's not just the book; she's been in low spirits lately. I know she's still having issues with her father. He's trying to make things up to her for all these years but Lucy's isn't ready yet and it's bringing up a lot of painful memories.

Levy sits up and places her book on the coffee table, she shuffles closer to Lucy and places a hand on her knee

"I'll go get your favourite ice cream, in the meantime get yourself cleaned up, okay?"

"Yeah, thank you," Lucy smiles and places a hand over the top of Levy's; silently thanking her for understanding.

Okay, so the ice cream was just an excuse to give her space and I'm sure she knows that. I feel guilty leaving her alone but I know she needs time to calm down. Maybe we can talk about it when I get back.

Levy looks up at the sky as the snow was starting to fall. Thankfully she wrapped up warm before she headed out. This winter seemed quite tame but it sure was bitter cold out at night.

"So pretty," Levy whispered to herself, holding tightly onto the shopping bag in her right hand.

Lucy's been thinking about moving in with Natsu but I can tell she's concerned about me. She'll probably hold off for a little while longer but I know she's been thinking about it. The thought of her leaving makes me feel lonely but I'll be okay. She and Natsu are in love, it's natural for them to want to be together…I wonder if I'll ever find someone to love like that. I've always been more interested in books than in gu-

"Watch out!" A rough voice yells. A large muscular arm wraps around her waist and forcefully pulls her back. As she's pulled back a car wizzes past, just barely missing her. She falls backwards but doesn't hit the floor; instead she's tightly held in the man's embrace, her back pressed against his chest. The driver continues on, taking no notice of them, "You were supposed to stop you mother fucker!" He shouted out as they drove far into the distance, "Hey, are you alright?"

Levy's mind drew a blank due to the rabid pounding of her heart. She turned her head and looked at the man. He had long, black, spiky hair; which is brushed back exposing his forehead. His eyes are dark crimson and his face featured with several silver studs.

"I-I'm okay," Levy answered. She pushed herself up off of him once she found her feet he got up too. She stumbled back but he gripped her shoulders, supporting her.

"Are you sure you're not hurt?" Gajeel asked. He felt her trembling even through her thick winter coat.

"Yes I'm fine, just shook up I suppose," She forced a smile trying to reassure him, "You saved my life," She spun around and threw her arms around him, hugging him, "Thank you," she held the hug a little while longer before pulling away, wiping a single tear from her eye, "I-I'm sorry, I don't know what to say,"

Gajeel stood their dumbfounded for a moment before averting his eyes to one side, "Just be careful yeah?" while avoiding eye contact he notices a familiar looking building. Levy follows his line of sight; on the other side of the road is a bar, a bar which Levy herself has never set foot in.

"I'll buy you a drink or two if you'd like," Levy suggests and picks her shopping bag up. He raises a studded brow in question, causing Levy to think her words over.

Oh god, he thinks I'm trying to hook up with him!

"I d-didn't mea-"

"Sure," he answers and starts crossing the road, not bothering to check if she was following.

"Have a drink," Gajeel said sliding one glass across the table towards Levy, "It'll help calm ya down," he said before taking a swig from his own glass. Levy looks down at the beer in front of her, she wasn't much of a drinker, nor could she hold her alcohol but she shook the doubt from her mind.

One won't hurt

She took the glass in hand, the condensation leaving a ring on the table.

"I'm Levy, by the way," She told him after taking a small sip. Gajeel brought the glass down with a thud, half of its contents gone.

"Gajeel," He replies.

The pair fell silent; Levy turned her head and looked out the window. The snow was still gracefully falling from the dark sky. The voices of strangers filling the room but she drowned it out.

"Ya calmed down yet?" He asked after finishing off his drink.

"Yeah, I'm okay," She took one long drink, glugging it all down as fast as she could. A slight smile crosses his face as he watches her try to keep up with him. She slams the glass down on the table and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, "I better get back home," She stands up and pushes her chair in, "Would you like another?"


"Thank you again," Levy smiles and bows her head, "I owe you my life."

May 26th

"Gaaaah! I've had enough!" Gajeel yells at the top of his voice and stomps down the stairs, "That's it! I can't live here any longer!"

"Like we haven't heard that one before!" Metalicana replies from upstairs.

"I mean it! I ain't kiddin!" He rushes through the house, stomping his feet as he walked.

"Then you better get packing," Iggnel adds, poking at Gajeel's anger even more.

"Shut up!" He orders before slams the front door, "Pushing me around, tellin me what to do," he muttered under his breath as he stormed away from the house, "I ain't a little kid anymore!"

Ever since Natsu moved out, Metalicana, Igneel and Grandeeny have been driving me insane. Nagging at me every day to be 'more like Natsu', seriously who'd want to be like that idiot?

He kept walking until he grew tired of it. He lay on a park bench, bored out of his skull.

What am I thinkin? I haven't got anywhere else to go.

He lay there deep in thought, considering his options. He couldn't go back, not without falling to his knees and apologising. His dad really knew how to push his buttons. The sound of kid's laughter disturbed his thoughts; he opens his eyes and sits up. A bunch of kids were running around, their parents watching from afar.

"Be careful near the road!" One of the fathers shout, as the kids run out a little too far.

That's then remembered,

Someone owes me