PROMPT : NCIS, Gibbs/Tony

FOR : Social Worker

A/N : Well, a little late but I wanted one last chapter in. This is the end of this fic. I hope you all enjoyed it. I had fun writing. It has been way to long.

Please don't fret if your prompt wasn't written. I do plan on writing at least 1 more of these prompt fics. Those left will be used first.


Anthony 'Tony' DiNozzo cuddled as close to his dad as he could – so close he was practically in the man's lap. The tears, he was trying to so hard to stop, were still falling down his face as his breath hitched.

"I'm s-sorry," Tony hiccupped

"I know you are," His dad, Leroy Jethro Gibbs, replied, holding him tighter. "I know. When you're ready, we can talk."

Tony simply nodded as he burrowed his head as much as he could into Gibbs' chest. As much as the spanking had hurt, knowing he'd disappointed his dad had hurt worse.

In truth, he didn't want to talk because he couldn't give a clear answer. He didn't have one. It had been a hard week for the whole team – there were just certain cases that rubbed the wrong way. Their last case, a marine son who killed his parents, had been one such case.

Tempers had flared, Kate had stormed off at least twice, Gibbs' caffeine intake had almost quadrupled and Abby had cried once. To say that tension was high was an understatement. The other teams at NCIS did their best to simply avoid Gibbs' team.

Through it all Tony had tried to be the calm one. He soothed Abby's tears, made sure Gibbs coffee cup didn't empty and gave an excuse for Kate's absence. He did his best to remain calm despite his own inner turmoil.

It was therefore a shock, a day after the case had been closed, when Tony suddenly let out a string of curse words and chucked his pen as hard as he could on his desk.

"DiNozzo," Gibbs had warned, knowing that the director would be leaving for the day - which meant walking through the bullpen.

"Sorry boss," Tony responded to the gentle, for him, rebuke from Gibbs.

Gibbs had let it go knowing his son would need time and space to decompress. He hadn't wanted to hover and make Tony any more tense then he was.

It wasn't to be.

An hour later Kate asked him to go to lunch - Tony declined, taking a look at his phone.

"Got a lunch date?" Kate asked teasingly.

"Mind your own business," Tony told her.

"Like you mind mine," Kate shot back.

"Kate," Tony looked her in the eyes, "Shut up and go away."

It was so point blank that even Gibbs had been shocked into silence. Kate has simply walked away. She had been trying to help and it had back fired. Unfortunately Gibbs wasn't given a chance to talk to his son as Ducky had called him down to autopsy.

It was really too bad for all of them. Gibbs had just gotten back to his desk (he was thankful Kate hadn't gotten back yet) when Tony once again tensed.

"Son of a bitch!" Tony growled, this time throwing his mouse at his computer. "Why won't you just do what you're supposed to you stupid piece of sh-"

"Anthony, with me," Gibbs ordered. He walked quickly to the back elevators that took them to autopsy and, most importantly, Ducky's private office.

While Gibbs had meant for it to be an actual conversation, Tony's attitude had left a lot to be desired and soon, Gibbs turned to his last resort. He pulled his son, face down, over his lap.

"I was willing to just talk," Gibbs told him, "but if this is how you want to do it, that's fine. You tell me when you're ready to talk."

With that the first swat fell.

"Cussing," ** SWAT, SWAT ** "throwing things," ** SWAT, SWAT ** "being rude," ** SWAT, SWAT ** "that all stops now." ** SWAT, SWAT ** "Do you understand?" ** SWAT, SWAT **

"I understand," Tony managed through pained yelps. He hadn't meant to push to this point but it was like he hadn't been able to stop himself.

Despite all that, despite the position he was in, he knew he was forgiven and that when it was all over his dad would hold him and he could cry his frustrations out without judgment. He knew his dad would listen while he talked and that come tomorrow it'd all be ok.


WRITTEN : 11/30/2017