A/N: Thanks for reading!

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Arc 1- Chapter 4

Waking up to the smell of breakfast jostled Rin from her sleep. A flash of memories of her mother cooking breakfast entered her mind. The illusion broke once she realized her new location. Her little home didn't compare to the Pottā family's home. The inside was way bigger than the outside. It contained three bedrooms, a sitting room, a bathing room and a kitchen.

Sitting up, she inspected the somewhat familiar room. Remembering the night's events, she stayed for dinner, where the regal white haired man sat on the side drinking tea. Handsome and effortless in grace, she tried keeping her glances at a minimum. The Pottā family engaged her in conversation while they ate, offering her a place to stay once the sky darkened, and gifted her new clothes. She stayed in Harri's room since he showed her a picture book about animals by a man named Salander. She wasn't sure about the name.

Hearing light snores, she looked beside her. In another futon, lay Harri, deep asleep with drool coming down the side of his mouth. Hiding her smile behind her hand, she got up on her feet and smoothed down her inner white kimono. She put on the new one that Jēmuzu created with magic to replace her old and torn one. A vibrant purple kimono with red intricate flowers on the sleeves and shoulders.

Unused to having cooked food ready in the morning, she made careful steps not to make noise on her way to the eating area. The creaks from the floorboards caused her to give up after a short distance of walking. Rin went into the dining room with trepidation. In her sight, Riri set down a teapot in the middle of the low rise table. Riri's red hair laid over her shoulder in a loose braid.

"Good morning!" Lily smiled at Rin's shy incoming form. "You're an early riser, aren't you? James and Harry tend to lay in whenever we don't have to do much for the day. A bunch of lazy bones for certain. Sit down and let me serve you."

Rin shuffled her feet. "Um...you don't want any help?"

Lily shook her head. "You're our guest. There's no need for you to lift a finger. Besides, I'm almost done with breakfast. A few leftovers from yesterday, but preservation spells are a blessing. If you stick around, James is making a light English breakfast tomorrow morning. You'll get a taste of our homeland. Anyway, go sit down, I'll put some tea on the table."

Listening to her words, Rin plopped herself down onto one of the open spaces on the low rise, but large, table. Yawning out loud, she stretched out her arms above her head. The silverware floated onto the table, setting themselves into their proper places as Lily returned into the kitchen. Rin overheard Lily singing, her voice, gentle and soothing, calmed her initial sheepishness. Reaching over the table, she served herself tea, sipping the hot liquid to warm up her stomach.

Lily returned sometime later with a few pots following behind her. The ladles dipped into the food as the pots floated around the table, dropping a serving onto the plates. Rin's awed expression made Lily smile. It was amazing to see the wonder of a child's face when they saw magic. She was sure her own face matched Rin's when she first arrived at Hogwarts.

She smoothed down her sleeping robe before crouching down and fluffing her pillow. Ruffled to her satisfaction, she knelt down and made herself comfortable. Rin reached over, serving her a cup of piping hot tea, she thanked her with a grateful smile.

"Are we waiting for Lord Pottā and Harri?"

Lily snorted, waving off the title. "Call him James, Rin. He'll tell you the same if you try calling him Lord Pottā. He issues the title whenever he's in the same vicinity as other lords and ladies to make a good impression. And yes, it's only polite to wait for them. Well, unless they take too long to wake up, then we can eat without them."

"Oh," Rin fiddled with the sleeve of her kimono. "How do they know to come? Should we go wake them up?"

"The smell of the food will bring them in here." Lily stage whispered.

Rin giggled. "I agree! It smells delicious."

"Thank you, Rin." An idea popped into Lily's head as she removed her wand from her holster. "I want to cast a revealing spell on you. Is that alright with you? Don't worry. It won't hurt a bit."

Confused at her request, nonetheless, Rin agreed. "I don't mind."

Lily waved her wand, causing letters to appear above Rin's head. Rin's eyes sparkled at the end result, she saw words form in different words.

Name: (Last name omitted) Rin

Date of Birth: March 20* (year omitted)

Age: 7 years old

"So you're seven years old then." Tapping her finger on her chin, Lily absorbed the information. "You're two years younger than Harry and your family didn't have a last name. Lord Sesshomaru was right, this era doesn't focus on last names. Who would have thought." Rin looked surprised at the information. "Did you not know your age, dear?"

"No...I lost track."

"It's quite alright. James forgets his age on purpose. He doesn't like thinking that he's old." Lily snickered. "His joints are starting to creak too."

"I heard that!" Yelled James from down the hallway, he appeared with a terrible bedhead, hair sticking in all directions despite his long hair. "My love, why do you have to make fun of your handsome husband?" Teasing Lily, he winked at Rin's direction and made his way to his seat. "I'm not old."

Lily shook her head. "And here I thought it would be me worrying about my age."

James knelt beside "You become more beautiful everyday. Lils, I know you want a handsome husband on your arm."

"Who said I didn't?" Lily blew him a kiss, making James' cheeks flush red as he repeated her gesture with justo.

"Mum, dad, it's too early for flirting." Making his entrance, Harry yawned behind his hand. "You'll get used to it, Rin. They're always making kissy faces at each other."

James huffed. "You'll be acting just like this when you're older, Harry."

"Ew! No!" Harry stuck out his tongue, faking his disgust. "I don't want to be gross like you dad."

"Oh." Lily laid a hand on her chest, mourning the loss of affection from her beloved son. "I guess my beloved son doesn't want my kisses anymore. What a sad day this has become and breakfast hadn't even started yet."

"No! Mum, I love your kisses!" Harry jumped up from his sitting position, fake panic on his face.

Understanding the joking tone in their tones, Rin giggled alongside James and Lily.

Harry huffed before sitting back down onto his butt. Crossing his arms over his chest, he pouted. In a manner of seconds, he grinned at them before he laughed as well.

Serving themselves their breakfast, they dug into their food with gusto.

Having left during the early hours of the morning, Sesshomaru remembered Harri and Rin's crestfallen faces at hearing about his departure. The children voiced their sadness in the knowledge of him leaving their area, but kept any loud complaints to visual pouts. They drew on parchment, featuring himself, their parents and themselves, leaving it on the table before they went to bed. Harri wrote down the names due to Rin's inability to write.

To his astonishment, Riri and Jēmuzu expressed the same sentiments with their own versions of goodbye. Jēmuzu shared a bottle of sake with him after dinner, retelling stories of his youth, with evident editing, and passed out in the end. Riri placed charms on his armor to cause damage to bounce off, giving him somewhat impenetrable armor for an extended amount of time.

Having grown used to these humans, his opinion on the majority of the human race didn't change. He still found humans useless and weak. These four humans swayed his opinion through their less than forceful approach. They showed no interest in impressing him. Riri and Jēmuzu retained the customs of a high ranking family while addressing him, never once did they disrespect him.

Following behind Jaken, the familiar smell of the Pottā home trailed off from his clothing the more he walked away. Inside of his inner sleeve, the drawn on parchment crinkled with each step he took. Jaken said nothing about the hidden noise, then again, his vassal kept his questions at a minimum.

Well, Jaken slipped whenever the kappa grew frustrated enough to break from his duties.

He didn't let this allow this to happen for too long. His vassal shouldn't have liberties in talking back to him under his service.

Breaking his silence, Sesshomaru raised his voice when he settled in a brief stop. "Jaken."

"Aye, mi'lord?" Jaken stood to attention, turned around, and placed all his focus on the regal demon. Always eager to please, he made it known that he listened with open ears.

Sesshomaru commanded, his voice left no room for argument. "You shall retrieve a new arm for this Sesshomaru. A left arm."

Jaken nodded his head in eagerness. "Of course, mi'lord! I'll venture around for a new arm immediately! I'll find the best one out there. Only the best for you." Newfound determination pushed Jaken to hurry along ahead and chatted about different demons who might have an arm befitting for his lord.

Ignoring Jaken's words, Sesshomaru ventured further away into the forest.

Taking time away from Harry and Rin, James and Lily went into their bedroom. Putting up privacy and muffling charms at the entrance, not wanting the children to overhear them, they settled into their bed. Snuggling against one another, James rubbed his hand over Lily's shoulders as the spoke about anything that popped into their minds. Lily leaned against his chest, relaxing against her husband with a light sigh. During their private conversations, they participated in small forms of intimacy as a couple.

Getting better at sneaking around, their little rendezvous spiced up their relationship a bit. Remembering their married friends advice, many of them told them to put time aside for themselves. Taking time off their lives helped to solidify and develop their relationship even more. It helped that their constant assignments kept their son busy. At least, they hoped Harry completed his work and didn't attempt to wander around without them.

Entering their newest topics, Lily and James felt thrilled in having another child in their midst. A human, non-magical child, who saw wonder in the act of magic. Rin soaked up the knowledge and kept their secret when she returned home. Albeit, she returned to the village for a short time before bolting back through the barriers. James showed her a specific tree to mark one of the easier spots to enter through the barrier.

She returned into their home just in time before dinner started.

"Having Rin come over is so amazing. Harry is happier having another child around the house. I don't think he cares that she's a girl. A lot better than a lot of boys his age who think girls have cooties when we were little." Lily commented. "She's so polite and sweet. Just think, we could of had a little girl of our own."

A goofy smile formed on James' face as he imagined their would be daughter. "Ah...a mini version of you, Lils. Red hair, my hazel eyes, adorable as a peach..."

Lily sighed. "We put off having a child for far too long. I always wanted to have one more child." She rubbed her arms to bring a semblance of comfort. "I have to admit, it seems ridiculous to have another baby at this time. The distance in age between Harry and the baby would be enormous. This time period doesn't have the same amenities for babies like we had in the future."

James sighed. "I get you, Lils. Although, we thought that if we ever went back home, the baby might end up staying here on their own. The time turner brought the three of us here, not a special surprise in your belly." He patted her belly for emphasis.

Lily smacked his hand with a light tap, James snickered at her reaction. "That might not be true. The baby might travel along with us. Magic is unpredictable."

"I know. We landed here because of a faulty time turner. Maybe magic will shield our new kid from harm. Then again, I don't want to risk their life on a theory." James pressed a kiss on her cheek.

"Both of us were careful in preventing a pregnancy during the war. Even with all the preventatives.."

"Harry came along. A complete and total surprise." James grinned. "I don't regret Harry, but the timing was just horrible. Padfoot and Moony mothered him more than us and we are the parents! A bunch of mother hens those two turned into."

Lily reached behind her and patted James' bearded cheek. "You didn't regret creating Harry, James."

"I sure didn't!" James pecked her cheek again, his beard tickled her skin, making Lily giggle. "We can still have another one. Well, if you want. I mean...you're making it clear that you want a baby."

"Oh, not a baby." An idea popped into her head as she explained herself. "How about a child two years younger than our own? No raising a baby and she's an orphan. She does need a home to call her own."

"Wait...Lils...you don't mean?" James motioned toward the direction of Harry's room which housed his newest friend.

Lily gazed over her shoulder, her eyes twinkling in delight. "Oh yes,"

"Does she...have magic?" James added in before he sounded foolish. "I don't care if she doesn't have magic. Quite frankly, I like the kid, but I don't want the amazement of magic to turn into resentment."

Lily pursed her lips, pondering on the added results of Rin's scan. "Maybe...she came through the barrier without a problem. Then again, you brought her in through the wards. You keyed her in before she stepped through, right?"

"Of course! I'm not that forgetful. Poor kid would have felt a jolt and would be delirious in our muggle repellent charm if I didn't do it."

Lily shrugged her shoulders. "We can do a more invasive scan or potion when we give her the offer. She might have a little bit of magic. Doesn't matter either way."

James murmured. "We can worry about the magic later." He wrinkled his nose as he began thinking in depth. First off...we have to figure out a flower name for our newest addition."

Hearing nothing beyond the privacy charms, Harry gave up trying to eavesdrop on his parents and returned to his bedroom. Every single time his parents went to talk in another room, he grew curious in finding out if he was involved in their conversations. A bit nosy, but he couldn't help himself. It didn't help that his parents kept sneaking away to talk in between themselves without having him around. Adult business they told him. Unless, they kissed each other when he wasn't looking.

He stuck his tongue out at the very thought. His mum and dad always kissed each other. From the occasion he traveled with them, he never saw couples showing affection. Although, his parents explained how couples behaved different than others. Not all of them were the same.

Meaning, there were people who kissed more than his mum and dad.

Entering the room, he stretched his arms above his head and let out a yawn. He wanted to lay down for a nap before dinner.

On the floor, Rin laid on her stomach, moving her legs back and forth, looking down at all the pretty moving pictures. Her excitement didn't shrink since she found out about magic. Whenever someone from the Pottā family explained another part of their magic, she kept her ears open and memorized all the information. She wanted to know all the details.

Noting that Harry returned back into the room, Rin looked up from her book. "Rin thought it was rude to hear someone from behind a door." She told Harry with a cheeky smile.

Harry sat down and flopped onto his back. "It's only rude when you're caught, Rin. Besides, mum and dad put wards and muffling spells on the door. There is no way I can hear anything they are saying." Turning to Rin, he drawled out. "Don't tell me you never got into trouble."

"No, Rin got in trouble. Rin tends to get in a lot of trouble." She turned her eyes down to the book to hide her memories of the last time people caught her taking fish. "Do you get in trouble?"

"Yup!" Harry answered in excitement. "Trouble tends to find me though. I think that's why dad doesn't get too mad since it happens to him too. Mum just worries too much."


Rolling on his side, Harry asked. "What do you think about the book?"

"Rin likes it! The pictures are so pretty." Rin turned the page and the image of a large demon looking man slamming a club down made her giggle. "Some of them are pretty ugly."

"Oh yeah. Mum and dad told me that not all creatures are pretty." Harry looked at the page and wrinkled his nose. "Dad told me that trolls are real stinky. You don't want to get anywhere near those guys. Mum says that's what a lot of people smell like when we go into villages."

"Really? Like t-trulls?"

"Trolls. Yeah, I mean, people don't take baths everyday." Harry sniffed near his arm pit, he smelled nothing bad and lowered his arm. "Mum says that people get sick because they don't stay clean."

"But, it's hard to get water from the lake." Rin protected. "The bucket gets real heavy when I carry it back home."

"Really? You don't smell gross."


The feeling in the new demon arm Sesshomaru acquired, disgusted him to the core. Despite his front in keeping perfection without one arm and having no setbacks, he found an immense difference in his fighting style. His ambidextrous style had no place in his new repertoire.

Still, changing his moves in the middle of a fight served as practice for his tactics. Any challenger fell to his claws and whip before they noted any weak points.

None of his opponents noticed a difference so far. Then again, he didn't give way for them to gaze at his left side and witness the evidence of his lack of an arm. Any new appendage Jaken retrieved for him, died after a limited amount of time on his person, leaving him to procure another one.

The wasted time gave him no leeway in taking back his proper inheritance. Images of Inuyasha's smug smirk made his blood boil in indignation. The lack of training showed in the manner he handled the sword, making him wince on the inside at the barbarian way he swung it.

The distasteful display insulted his warrior spirit.

He almost wanted to train the half-breed himself in order to cease such foolishness. Despite the tainted blood, Inuyasha carried their late father's noble blood, their actions reflected their father's legacy. Having an untrained son wandering about in the world, brought down their family's image.

No one outside of the demon noble lines knew of Inuyasha's existence. His father's stumble brought on whispers throughout the demon world's elite. A high caliber demon general fell from grace through mating with a human, creating a half breed, and recognized the child as his second son.

Due to his father's dalliance, demons got the idea on banning together and pushing him out of the Western Lands. Him. The oldest son, heir, known for killing for less. Stupidity rattled their minds over the pursuit of power.

They died before taking a step before him.

His poison ate away at their flesh as he walked away from them. The coldness of his actions elevated him into a bracket where no one dared to challenge him. A status which his father held before him. Although, he never managed to lay a cut on his father in the end.

A regret he thought about in his quiet moments.

As he stared at the mountain side, illuminated with the setting sun, a jarring voice broke through his inner monologue.

"Um..here's a new one, mi'lord." Simpering, Jaken placed the new claw like arm onto the ground. "I wish this serves you well."

Glaring at the appendage, Sesshomaru tossed the old one into the forest. He put on the new one, the overwhelming smell of the demon who first had the arm, clung onto his clothing. He scored his features to his usual blank expression.

Next time he saw Pottā Riri, she better have found a solution or concocted a potion to do the job.

James burst through the kitchen and went into the potion brewing section Lily used. Passing the weak ward which separated the kitchen and the brewing area, his body shivered. Taking a second to bask in her beauty, he stage whispered to keep Harry from hearing them. "Sesshomaru is Lord Ikeru!"

Tutting with a slight smile, Lily shook her head. "Now, you realize the similarities? I figured it out a while ago." She stirred counterclockwise, letting the potion steep for ten minutes. Using her wand, she used a spell to place a timer on top of her cauldron.

Diving into his thoughts, James fingers played with parts of his beard. "We were supposed to come to this time period."

Lily hummed, tucking a loose hair behind her ear. "Seems like it."

"He planted that portkey on purpose." James turned to Lily. "Lils, we might be able to go back home. This means that Lord Ikeru valued us enough to remember to save us. But...since when do demons keep time turners in their castles?"

Hearing about the time turner made Lily turn her attention onto James. "I..I'm not sure. Demons live for a long time, he might have encountered another witch or wizard who left it behind. I remember that Lord Ikeru's comments about housing alliances at his home."

"It seems too convenient, Lils."

"Maybe." Lily looked down at her potion, happy at the color and consistency. "Although, it seems we unknowingly recognized him from the start. Something about him made us trust him where we didn't feel on edge like we do with other demons."

Snickering, James laid back against the wall. "Wait...you were always on alert with every single demon you ever treated? What happened to giving a sliver of trust and not judging them right away."

Lily rolled her eyes. "I might seem like I'm well collected, but I never grew comfortable here in this era. I understood nothing and we had a fragile baby who just started to walk. I trusted no one. No human or demon has my full trust."

"Hmm...not even Sesshomaru?"

Lily glanced at James. "He's a different branch of who I can relay some sliver of trust. Don't think I didn't notice that you kept your eyes on him when he got near our son. Anyway, I finished my potion for this afternoon." Lily extinguished the flame and scooped her potion into her old flasks. "We needed a pepper-up potion for when either one of us leaves the house. I noticed that we ran out a while ago."

"Thanks a bunch, Lils." James crowded her a bit as he checked on the separate potions labeled for magic users. "You're not going to brew anymore?"

"Not for today. We have more than enough stock in the cabinet. I have to go back and research that growing limb potion that you promised." Lily set the flasks on one of the counters, leaving a label that read: pepper-up potion.

"Heh...I thought you learned one in your healer training. You're brilliant! If anyone knew a potion, you'd be the one to think of one."

Lily's face flushed as she rolled her eyes. "It's obscure. I found it in my old healer textbooks. Although, the problem is switching the ingredients for a demon's structure. One particular ingredient could kill him and I have to look into alternatives where it works. This is harder than a blood replenisher and I'm stumped."

"Well, shit." James whistled. "Lils, you could just tell him that the potion is hard for you to transition for a demon to drink. I mean, he doesn't seem like the type to need the arm immediately. Not like he's paying us for the service. We're doing him a favor."

"I know, but this is turning into a challenge for me. I want to solve it!" Lily declared with a pump of her fist. "I already have alternatives in my potion journal for demons. Adding another one to the list will be amazing."

Passing through the ward, Harry's exclamation caught their attention. "Dad! I broke my desk again! Dad?! Are you and mum talking in secret again?! I broke my desk again because of math!"

Hurrying out the kitchen, James exclaimed. "Again?! Harry, I know math sucks, but you have to do your homework!"

Lily followed after James, snickering under her breath at his exasperation of this situation. Harry broke his desk every week without fail. Young James Potter would have fainted at hearing himself yell the importance of completing homework. James didn't want their son committing the same mistakes as himself, so, pushing the importance of education wasn't that odd.

Too bad Sirius and Remus didn't catch the immense difference in the young man who left from the future. Both of them wouldn't have recognized this mature and responsible James Potter. Imagining their faces always brought a chuckle out of her every time.

James stopped at the entrance of Harry's room. Taking in the desk split in half, he rubbed his hand down his face. Harry stood on the side, sheepish with a forced innocent smile.

Lily covered her smile and stayed at the entrance as James walked inside the room.

Sighing, James waved his wand, fixing up the small desk. Somehow, Harry caused a huge, but clean, break in the middle through accidental magic. "Try not to do it again, okay? I spend way too much time assembling this thing for you to take out your anger on it."

"You used magic to put it together, dad." Harry arched a brow.

James flicked Harry's forehead with his finger. "Stop being a smart alec."

Lily walked forward and poked James on the side, earning a squeal from her husband. James sides were one of his tickling spots, making it possible for her to stop him. James stared at her in betrayal. "He gets it from you."

Thinking she extended her welcome, Rin bowed to Riri and Jēmuzu when she said good-bye. Her hair blocked her distress at having to leave them for good. She didn't think their kindness extended to letting her return to their home on a daily basis. Jēmuzu helped her during her brief instance with death and Riri welcomed her in with open arms.

Her last friend's parents, shooed her away after finding out she befriended their daughter. She remembered overhearing the mother telling her daughter about associating with an orphan. A poor orphan without any money. The mother claimed that orphans leeched off people and stole from decent families. Feelings hurt, she never returned to their home, she didn't want to go anywhere where she wasn't wanted.

Avoiding the girl whenever she saw her in the village, she kept to herself, keeping herself silent to protect herself. After a while, she grew used to not speaking for days, even weeks.

She hoped Riri and Jēmuzu gave her permission to return to their home. She loved playing with Harri, hearing about magic, and maybe, she might see the regal Lord Sesshomaru in the vicinity.

"Thank you for having here here, but I'm not coming back." Rin uttered out, her hands trembled as she clenched the sleeves of her kimono. Lifting her head, she saw the confused faces of all the Pottā family.

"You're not coming back?" Lily inquired. "Why? Did we do something wrong? Did we say something that scared you?"

"No!" Rin denied her accusation. "You're all the best. I just...I just thought..."

"Rin, did you think we didn't want you to come back?" James' suspicions were correct at her abashed face. "Kid, we like having you here. Harry likes having a friend around this place. We shot ourselves in the foot on keeping him from other kids. I'm surprised he can make friends to be honest."

Harry puffed out his cheeks and crossed his arms above his chest. "Dad, I talked with kids when we traveled. I wasn't hidden all the time. I know how to make friends. Rin's my best mate."

Lily ruffled Harry's crazy hair, "Good to know, sweetie."

James wanted to make that frown disappear from Rin's face. Locking eyes with Lily, they nodded their heads before he suggested. "How about adoption? You can stay with us forever."

"Huh?" Rin's mouth gaped open, trying to process the question. "What?"

Lily clasped her hands together with a smile. Playing along with their plans, she said. "Great idea James! We always wanted another child in our family." She glanced at Rin, warmth filled her gaze at the trembling child. "Rin, do you want to be adopted into our family?"

Rin didn't dare believe them. All she wanted was to come back, hear about magic, and play with Harri. Riri and Jēmuzu treated her with kindness and respect. They fed her, clothed her with a new kimono which brought second glances to those who lived in her village.

Thinking she heard them wrong, she stumbled on her feet. "U-Um...adoption?"

Not wanting Rin to say no, Harry injected in excitement. "Say yes! You'll become my little sister from now on. You'll be Potter Rin! Wait, dad, mum, is Rin going to be blood adopted? This way, no one can take her away from us."

Cursing themselves for not having thought of blood adoption, James and Lily told Harry without hesitation. "Yes."

"I wonder if you'll get my eyes." Harry pondered out loud. "You can share green eyes with mum and I."

"Or mine!" James added in. "Hazel eyes are a beaut, Rin."

Lily smoothed down Rin's hair, suggesting an alternative to gather her reaction. "That is, if you want to join our family, Rin. We can take you back home to your village."

"No! Rin...Rin wants a family!" Tears appeared in the corners of her eyes, she sniffled, wiping them fast with her sleeve.

James pumped his fist, exclaiming with a playful tone. "Yes! I get to intimidate boys who try to flirt with my daughter! Or son! I have to add in Harry, you never know these days."

Lily shook her head. "Honestly, James, you're not using our children as an excuse for tomfoolery." She looked down at Rin. "I'm so sorry that your father is this way, Rin."

Rin's watery smile touched Lily and James' hearts. They made the right choice in asking her to become their daughter. From the ecstatic grin on Harry's face, they full filled his oldest wish as well.

The moment Rin drank the potion, her face scrunched up from the disgusting taste. She fought the urge to gag and spit out the potion from her mouth. Having never had a potion before, she didn't believe Harri when he said a majority of them tasted gross. Once she swallowed, a sudden wrack of pain caused her knees to buckle under her. Falling to her knees, she tried not to dig her fingers into her skin to dull out the overall discomfort.

Kneeling beside her, Lily rubbed Rin's back. Having read the effects of the potion, Rin went through an internal and external change. After some agonizing minutes, Rin looked up. James, Lily, and Harry observed the obvious differences. Her face changed into a more racially ambiguous one where she inherited a mixture of James and Lily's genes. At first glance, no one would recognize her from the old appearance she once held unless they stared long enough.

Rin's hair curled and lightened into a lighter brown. Her eyes went from a light brown to James' hazel eyes combined with Lily's vibrant green surrounding the iris. She grew a few inches and her body filled out a bit, to combat the previous malnutrition she experienced living on her own.

James stretched out his arms out and boasted with a grin. "I present to anyone who overhears us, not really because of the wards, *Nesrin Lily Potter!"

Lily and Harry clapped with relentless enthusiasm.

"Nesrin?" Rin, now renamed Nesrin, repeated while staring up at her new father.

"It makes it easier for you to transition. I mean, you can still use the name Rin, but we thought Nesrin is official sounding enough. Henceforth, Nesrin Lily Potter! From what Lily Flower told me, it means wild rose. Right?"

Lily nodded her head. "I saw the name in one of the old baby books I bought when I was pregnant with Harry. I looked through some names with flower meanings and I found it through pure coincidence. You see, my side of the family names their daughters after flowers, so I thought on extending the tradition along with you, Rin. Do you like it?

"Yes! Rin likes it a lot. So...Rin's new name is Nesrin Lily?"

"Yes." Lily smiled.

"Too bad Lord Sesshomaru wasn't here." Rin fiddled with her new curled up hair. "He might not recognize me when he sees me again."

Taking in the look of worship on Rin's face, James furrowed his brows. He didn't find her attachment to the demon that odd. Sesshomaru revived her and her gratefulness showed through her attitude toward him. A way of hero worship for someone her age. He might of developed a problem if his daughter developed a crush on Sesshomaru. Not that it wasn't bad for her to crush on a demon, but he didn't want his daughter liking boys just yet.

As if reading his thoughts, Lily nudged him on his side with her arm.

Harry poked Rin's face, trying to cheer her up. "He'll be coming back. Mum said that he wanted to know more about a potion she was looking into. It's a way for him to get back his missing arm. He has to come back to check on mum's research."


"Yup!" Harry nodded his head.

An ecstatic grin formed on her face. ""He'll be so surprised to see me! Rin wonders if he'll recognize me! It'll be funny to see him try to say my new name!"

To be continued...

A/N 2: *Rin doesn't have an official date of birth, so I decided on making her birthday on the first day of Spring!

*Nesrin means "wild rose" according to the website I found this name in. I thought about giving Rin a whole new name, but she'd transition better with a name that's close enough to her original name. Also, a flower name to accompany Lily's family's tradition of naming their girls with flower names.