Hello everyone! Thanks for coming to this new remake of Dame-Tsuna Welcome to HxH! I'm sorry for discontinuing the other one after so long. I'm sure many fans was going to hunt me down with pitchforks and knifes. Hahaha... *sweatdrops* Well, ahem! Thank you old readers for coming and reading this new remake and new readers, thank you as well! I'm always happy to accept more fans hehe~ 3
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters what so ever from both hunter x hunter and Katekyo hitman reborn! But I do own this thought!
Please enjoy!
Chapter 1: Tsuna x Exams
It was a rather relaxing day for the brunet boy, no tutors to beat him along with his self claimed guardians that stuck around him. Not that he minded, after all, they were basically the only friends he actually had. He was born and stuck on this small island ever since he was 5, constantly training to be the next boss with some other men. Once everyone earned their hunter's license, there is suppose to be a life or death battle to who gets to be the next boss. The boy didn't approve of the idea, since he was the only child participating over the other 3 men who was already in their 20's and up. Though he had no choice, if he didn't then him and his mother would be killed. After all, can't keep someone around who could potentially overthrow you later in the future right? It'll cause separation between the family and the Vongola will split, causing the world and the other mafia families to be affected as well. As much as the boy wanted to cry it away and wish it was a bad dream, it was in fact his reality he had to wake up to one day.
With a small sigh, the boy could only hold back the tears in his eyes. He wanted to cherish what he had now, something so brutal was not something fit for a 11 year old. The thought of killing someone made him stomach flip, the strong scent of blood he had to get use to a long time ago with the sound and stench of burning flesh. He quickly placed a hand over his mouth in attempts to keep this morning's food down. Just why, why did it have to be him? He didn't do anything wrong, all he had was a life with his mother in this small town not too far from a big city. Only him and his mother alone because his father was for this rotten mafia family, when mother sat on the table for hours at night, waiting for father to come home. The boy grit his teeth as he slammed his hand on the grass he laid on, letting the wind soon follow and blow in attempts to calm the boy down.
"Thinking about it again huh?" A voice soon picked up in the brunet boy's ears as he looked up to see his tutor, Reborn, a famous assassin (hitman) glancing down at him with those voided eyes.
"Am I not allowed to think of what if's? Am I not allowed to wish I could just destroy this mafia and go back home to a normal life?" The boy replied, holding back the tears forming in his eyes as Reborn could only sit down by the boy and pet his head in a fatherly way.
"Tsuna. You can do whatever you want to this family once you defeat the other heirs. Though, you should ask yourself, what do you think will happen once this family gets wiped from within?" Reborn spoke as the boy named Tsuna could only frown, he didn't want to think about it but he had no choice but to. After all, when Reborn tells him to do something, it was for his own good.
"The world will be in chaos for a while and the next strongest family will take its place. All the trading and stocks that keep the world running will fall and bandits will go into people's homes and kill whoever they want..." Tsuna replied as his mood started to calm down from realization, even if he wanted to get rid of the Vongola, everyone would only suffer in return. Reborn gave a rare smile and he pulled off his hat and placed it on the boy's head, stuffing his locks inside the fedora.
"So, instead of destroying. Why not create something better? With the Vongola in your possession, why not make the world a better place for everyone instead? No more bloodbaths to be the successor, no more thoughtless killing, no more children being taken away from their homes and families. Shouldn't you understand that more than anyone what's like to have your mother taken away from you until you officially become the boss? Officially do what they want you to do?" Reborn questioned making Tsuna swiftly turn with determination and plead in his eyes.
"You're telling me, I can do those things? I can protect my family and friends? I can make it so where no one has to go through this again?" Tsuna stared down the raven haired male who only gave a small chuckle in reply, sparking something in boy's eyes. Hope.
"You can." was all Reborn had to say for Tsuna to give a new insight on it all, as much as they both knew it was going to be hard. The boy's determination shown through it all.
(Timeskip, 1 year later)
Arriving to the exam was somewhat an easy feat, after all, his intuition told him where to go simply. The boy placed his hand on his chest before taking small deep breathes to calm his heart. This was the day, once he got his licenses the battle would be 2 month before the auction house. That's when they will announce to the whole world, who will be the next heir to the Vongola family. Tsuna could only feel his palms become sweaty as he soon wiped it on his cloak Reborn gave him.
"Here you go!" A sudden voice interrupted him from his train of thought as he soon turn to see a green blob staring at him with a smile on its face.
"HIEE!" Tsuna shouted loudly as it echoed throughout the empty tunnel they were in, earning the attention of everyone inside.
"Oh, sorry for scaring you! Please take this number, it represents the order of people participating, with this we'll know who you are." The green person(?) spoke making the boy flush in embarrassment from his rude outburst, probably insulted the male(?) instead.
"Oh, no! I'm sorry, you just surprised me that's all! I didn't mean to shout like that, I was too focused on calming my nerves I didn't think anyone would come and talk to me." Tsuna stammered out, still embarrassed as the green person could only give a laugh in reply from how nice the examinee was to him. Tsuna could only smile back as he took the number from the male's hands and looked at the number. 27 was writing on the plate in bold as he stared questionably and soon to everyone who was glancing over.
"Please wear the number on your chest and don't lose it ok? I wish you luck on the exams!" The friendly male spoke before turning and walking away making the boy soon turn his attention back to the male who gave him the number.
"Ah! Thank you!" Tsuna spoke abruptly as the male only turn and gave him a small nod in respect. Tsuna swiftly walked to an empty and isolated place, trying to avoid all stares and contact with anyone else who judged him by his appearance as he pinned on the number. Once everyone's attention went somewhere else, the boy could only give a small sigh out as he covered his eyes with his hands. He only felt his face flush once more, why did he have to shriek like a girl? Reborn told him not to attract too much attention during the exam yet did he listen? No. With a quick hit to both his cheeks and a shake to his head, he returned to his usual calm and collective self. He trained in keeping up face so many times with Reborn, if he dares to lose it now in front of only a small amount of people Reborn would give him hell.
"Hey you must be new here huh? It's very rare to see kids here." A voice called out breaking Tsuna out of his train of thought, yet again. The boy questionably turned to the side where the source of the voice was coming from to see a fat man walk over with a grin on his face, picking up Tsuna's intuition to just ignore the said hostile man. But, as nice as the boy is, he didnt.
"Oh, yeah. My tutor told me to take the exam." Tsuna smiled back, if not more friendly as the other's fake smile was. The man soon stopped in front of the boy only letting Tsuna to remember his appearance well. A blue no sleeved robe with a light blue undershirt and same normal blue colored pants. The only thing that caught Tsuna's attention was the number 16 pinned on his robe, glancing up to look eye to eye with the male to catch his facial features. Oddly enough, the male looks like a middle aged guy from his messy appearance and stubble growing out.
"The exams are a very dangerous place kid, trust me I've been participating thirty-five times. If you need anything don't hesitate to ask me, Tompa, who is here to help rookies like you out." Tompa smiled, very much treating Tsuna like a baby. The boy smile only dropped by the way he was treated, still it was new to him for someone to treat him this way, but nonetheless he certainly did not enjoy it.
"I appreciate the help Tompa-san, but I can handle myself. If I can't do this alone then all the training I did will be for nothing. Though thank you, if you excuse me. I hope you'll pass this time as well." The boy soon put a smile on his face and gave a respectful bow before taking his leave, far away as possible from the male. Only for the male to give a disappointed glare at the boy who was very sharp minded and quick.
Tsuna watched as the male's arms became flower petals and spread out and around the area, this made the boy tense in place as he witness the agony face the male had. Cold sweat and chills overcame him as he turn to the jester smirking down at the male, those looks in his eyes made him remember that cold hearted face of a killer who enjoyed watching his prey die. Yes, those very chill-boned eyes Tsuna saw Reborn had when he met him for the first time.
"Oh, how peculiar... His arms seem to have become flower petals." The red haired male spoke, sending fright in everyone in the room, "No smoke and mirrors here." He only smirked more as he unfolded his arms like a magician showing no proof of his trick to mock the male who stared at him in fear after losing his two arms.
"Do take care. When you bump into someone, you really should apologize." He chuckled before swiftly walking away.
Something in Tsuna snapped, how could someone be so childish. Why did he have remove the other's limbs all because the man bumped shoulders into into him? Does every psychopath think this way? Not even Reborn would do something so petty as this to someone else, maybe threaten them but not this.
"W-Wait!" Tsuna shouted out as he ran over and blocked the direction the red haired male was walking in. "How could you do that to someone else? This place is crowded as it is, what if he was just trying to walk by but you were in the way? H-How could you be so childish and petty over something so small!" Tsuna yelled as he stared down the male who stopped and looked at him in surprise. Soon those surprised eyes grew to interest, intrigued that the child in front of him didn't have fear echoing deep within his eyes. What was this emotion overlapping him? The male could only ponder for the answer as he continued to stare at the boy who now seems flinch by the uncomfortable stare he was receiving.
"How could I? ...Because its fun." The male spoke as a grin grew in his face and the creepy eyes became more coated in a strange and dangerous emotion that sent chills down Tsuna's back. "Yes, its very fun, little boy." He soon began to chuckle as he started to approach the boy who in reflex started to walk back.
"F-Fun? H-How could you enjoy such things?" Tsuna could only stammer, fear was starting to overcome him but soon the boy took a deep breathe to calm his nerves. He was going to be the next mafia boss, if he is going to fear a killer like this, then he doesnt deserve to even compete in the battle.
The red haired male stopped approaching the boy to see the air shift around him who was now staring him down calmly. It was as if all small traces of fear was quickly wiped away no matter how much bloodlust the male emitted. Those intense caramel eyes only sent one feeling down his spine, damnation. That dreadful feeling of him being judged by a greater being only turned him excited for the boy. A boy who hasn't even fully grown completely yet. He felt every part in his body screaming for more, he could hardly contain himself. No, he shouldnt yet. The time wasnt right, with his same grin to the boy he only walked away making Tsuna stopped and frowned as his eyes never left the other who seemed to stop everything he was going to do. All that was left was the silence that soon followed afterwards. The boy soon turned away from all the attention and saw the man who lost both his arms got help luckily from the same man who gave the numbers.
"Hey!" A voice shouted out making Tsuna only to turn curiously who had the nerve to approach him yet again, only for it to be a boy with spiky green hair running over with a grin on his face, waving his hand. "I'm Gon! Gon Freecss, you are?" This only surprised Tsuna from someone within his age group at the hunter's exam too. Maybe he had luck on his side and could befriend someone who was actually nice for once. A full bloom smile adored his face without moments to waste, making the other boy, Gon give a small blush in return.
"I'm Tsunayoshi, Tsunayoshi Sawada. Though everyone calls me Tsuna for short! Its nice to meet you Gon-kun!" Tsuna spoke happily making Gon giggle before scratching the back of his head.
"Gon is fine, I'll call you Tsuna then! Is this your first time taking the exam?" Gon questioned only making Tsuna nod in reply as the green haired boy smiled even more so. "Ah! Me too!" His brown eyes shined in excitement only making the brunet boy giggle in return.
"Really? My tutor made me take this exam, not that I really want to." Tsuna pout unhappily before his lips returning to a smile, "Though, Its not like I dont mind either. I need it after all." Gon nodded in understandment, he needed the license too after all.
"Wow! Well, I'm the same way! I'm looking for my dad!" Gon smiled making Tsuna give a small 'oh' in reply. "Yeah, I wonder why he wanted to become a hunter and left me alone with Mito-san. Ah! Mito-san is my aunt." This only made Tsuna frown, he wasn't in the same situation as Gon but Gon was abandoned by his father, just like him.
"Hey.. Um.. Gon, I know this is personal but do you hate your father for... leaving you alone like that?" Tsuna hesitantly asked only making the said boy to ponder before he gave a smile and shook his head.
"Nope, though I did use to feel frustrated over that but I wasnt lonely, I had Mito-san there taking care of me! What about you Tsuna?"
"Well.. My father is the same Gon. You see he left me and my mom for his stupid job. He told her it was more important than us... I wish he just came home and pay attention to mom, she's so lonely right now since I can no longer be with her. I'm sure she's really lonely." Tsuna softly spoke making Gon only furrow his eyebrows in worry. "Ah! Sorry, I didn't mean to talk about it. Please dont worry about it Gon!" Tsuna quickly smiled as waved his arms around frantically before petting the green haired boy's head.
"Thanks for answering." The brunet boy's eyes softened and glistened beautifully, almost like golden metallic in glass. Gon felt his hazel eye's become captured inside those caramel hues as Tsuna just smiled very so lovingly at him. Gon's cheeks soon became stained in pink as his heart started to pick up pace from the strange emotion he was feeling inside.
"Eh! Ah! Um! T-Tsuna!" Gon could only fumbled around words helplessly as the brunet boy only gave a questionable look, his smile never dropped from his features.
"Gon!" A voice called out making Tsuna turn his eyes to the source to see a blonde haired boy jog over with a taller male with spiky black hair.
"Ah, Kurapika, Leoro!" Gon quickly recovered as he looked over to his two friends who finally caught up.
"Geez, don't give us a scare like that kid. Had us worried for a second when you disappeared." The black haired male, Leorio spoke as he peered down at the boy standing by Gon. "Wait, aren't you that crazy kid who stood up to Hisoka!?" Leorio shouted as he moved a little away as if the boy was dangerous. Tsuna only give a small pout as he pulled up his hood of his cloak and put it on in attempts to hide. Well despite feeling now uncomfortable, he did learn that psychopaths name.
"Leorio don't be so rude! Sorry about that, it was rather shocking to see. Not everyone could do what you did." The blonde boy smiled kindly after giving a small warning glance to his friend who only grimaced in reply. Tsuna soon smiled in embarrassment as he took off his hood.
"Don't worry about it, my name is Tsunayoshi Sawada, call me Tsuna. I'm guessing you're Kurapika and his name is Leorio. Its nice to meet you two." Tsuna spoke politely only Leorio give a guilty look on his face.
"Sorry about that Tsuna, though you were pretty crazy to jump into a lion's den like that. Especially at your age." The man soon gave a kind hearted smile only making Tsuna laugh a little before turning away.
"I'm use to it, this isn't the first time. If I don't speak up then who else will?" Tsuna gave an optimistic reply in attempts to hide hide first sentence. This only gave Kurapika a small concerned gaze at the boy the same age as Gon, from how short and slimmer he was compared to Gon the blonde haired boy knew he was most likely weaker than him too. Though it's never best to judge based off appearances.
"Tsuna right? Why are you taking this exam?" Kurapika curiously asked making Leorio to join in, just as curious. Tsuna only blinked before giggling at how interested they were.
"Its not much of a story, I'm just here under the orders of my tutor. Once this is over I have to go back and continue my training." The brunet replied only making them nod, somewhat satisfied.
"Man, training right after this? No rest for you huh?" Leorio spoke with distaste as Tsuna shook his head.
"I must train to get stronger, if I don't then..." Tsuna trailed as his eyes somewhat became void but within moments, they lit up as if nothing happened. "My tutor loves torturing me, so I don't want to make his methods harsher than it already is." He smiled reassuringly to the group and fortunately they didn't say anything about what they witnessed.
And Done! Thanks for reading this lovely chapter and I'll see you on the next one! If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Thanks again for everyone's love and support! Don't forget to review anything! ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING! 3