"Mother?" Tanya was in a bit of a shock while asking this.

The woman that was in front of her was in her late twenties. She was wearing some pretty old worn out clothes, her hair was blonde, same as Tanyas.

"Who are you, and why do you called me mother?" The person who Tanya though was her mother asked her in disbelief.

Tanya couldn't answer to her. So Visha stepped in.

"Excuse the Major for a moment, but may I ask you what your relationship with the late Degurechaff was?" She asked her gently.

"Well we were close… really close… We were supposed to get married, but he died during a skirmish with the Republican forces a few months before that could have happen."

"Anyway, you still haven't answered my question that who the hell are you people are!"

"My name is Second Lieutenant Viktoriya Ivanovna Serebryakov! I am the Major Degurechaffs adjutant." Visha stated it to the woman.

She looked again at Tanya.

"Degurechaff…" She whispered it to herself.

Tanya looked at her straight in the eyes.

"You were expecting a child from him, do you?" She asked firmly.

"And after you gave that child birth you abandoned her to the nearby orphanage! Am I correct?"


"Yes, you are correct. It's me Major Tanya von Degurechaff… the child you tossed away…" Tanya said it in a low tone.

Visha was sad while listening to Tanya, she noticed it.

Good, while acting as a hurt child, the second lt. will try even harder to impress me later on. Plus, since she can't keep her mouth shut it will soon be known by the whole Wing… Nice!

"von and a Major?" Her mother was surprised after hearing her full name and titles.

"Yes, as far as you can see it from my uniform I have joined the army, since there was no other option for an orphan like me…"

"Tanya…I…I am so sorry for everything…" Her mother started to cry.

"I am so sorry for all the bad things that happened to you, all because of me…"

"Please you two come and visit me at my home, I am sure that you have a lot of question…" Her mother offered it to them.

"I can spend some time with you…"

"Anyway just for a start I want to know my mothers name at least…"

"Ohh… I am so sorry, this is all so sudden, that I even forget that you don't even know my name"

"Yeah, that must be sure"

"It's Laura… My name is Laura… It's good to see you Tanya!"

"I am sure it's a good thing…"

Tanya told Helga to go back to the orphanage, and tell the nun that they will arrive later. And so the three of them went to Lauras house.

It took them a while, but once they arrived to her mothers home they immediately noticed, that how poor the whole place looked like. There were holes on the roof, the whole garden was overgrown with various plants. The whole place was disorganized from the outside.

Before opening the door Laura stopped and turned to face Tanya.

"Before we enter I want to tell you something…"

"Okay, I'm listening."

"After your father had died and I gave you to the orphanage…Well a few years later I have married someone…"

"I see, so Dad wasn't really that special to you in the end…"

"No! That's not the case…it's just, that you know how it is. A young girl needs to get married…"

"I see…And if I am correct he is here too?"

"Not yet, soon… but there is someone else here too…"

"I get it…" Tanya said in a said tone.

Upon opening the door, they were welcomed by a poorly furnished house. Most of the furniture were old, some of them even had holes in their carpet.

When entering they could hear a pair of footsteps coming towards the door. Not long after they have noticed a young girl with brown hair and green eyes coming towards them. Tanya inspected this young girl, and she realized that this child is none other than her little half-sister.

The girl ran and hugged her mother, not noticing the two other person next to her.

"Mommy, you are back, where have you been?" She asked.

"Mommy, had to take care of a few things, and on the way she met some people." Laura pointed at the two of them.

"Who are they Mommy?" She asked.

Before Laura could answer her question Tanya step in and started to speak.

"Hi there, I am Tanya, your mothers other child…"

The little girl was a bit surprised, since she didn't really understand what did just Tanya said.

"Other child? But Mommy never told me about this!"

Laura was really nervous at that moment, very much to Tanyas pleasure.

Tanya looked at her nervous mother and gave her a little sarcastic smile.

Good a little embarrassment is the least I can give you… Mother…

The girl looked at her Mother with a very confused look on her face.

"What is going on Mommy, why have you never told me that I had a sister?"

"Hold on Eliz, we will talk about it soon."

"Eliz? What a beautiful name you have!" Visha tried to calm the girl down.

"Thank you! Are you… my sister too?" She sked Visha.

"No…no…no… I am not related to you!"

"Then who are you?"

"She is my adjutant, the Second lt. is no way related to either of us." Tanya quickly responded.

After that Laura pointed them all to take a sit. While the two girls went ahead Tanya grabbed her mothers arm.

"What is it?"

"I can sense some manna in Eliz, does she knows that she is a mage?"

Lauras eyes wide open.

"Oh so had no idea… your daughter has quite a lot of manna inside her, not as much as I have, but still a decent amount."

The four of them sat down next an old table. At first everything was quiet. They just sat there, nobody wanted to start the conversation. After a few really slow moments Eliz started to speak.

"So, I have a sister…" She said it.

"As it seems, it's strange that your mother didn't told you about it, but I am not surprised given the things she did to me…" Tanya replied.

She turned to face her mother.

"Do you have any coffee? Mother…"

"Uhmm yes, would you like some? I can make you some, if you want it…"

"Plain, black, no milk, no sugar!"

"Okay, just give me a moment and I will right back."

"Would you like some too?" She asked Visha.

"No, thank you!"

Laura nodded and went to the kitchen.

"So it is Eliz, right?"

"Yes, and you are Tanya, my sister…"

"Half…I am you half-sister. Or father is not the same." Tanya corrected her.

After that it was silence again, only the boiling coffee could be heard in the background.

Suddenly the door to the house opened, and a balding man entered. Liz run towards him, and welcomed his father. Visha wanted to go and meet the man, but Tanya motioned her not to. Laura went to greet the new arrival.

"How was your day Otto?" She said it with a smile that quickly gone while she continued.

"We need to talk, there are some important guests in the living room…"

She led him inside the room and went back to the kitchen to get Tanyas coffee.

Upon entering the living room Otto noticed the two person sitting there in military uniform. He went to them a bit confused about this whole thing.

"Good Afternoon!" He greeted them.

Visha wished it back with a smile, while Tanya just coldly nodded at him.

Not long after Laura arrived with the coffee in her hand and put the cup down in front of Tanya, who after inspecting it for a little took and gave it a taste.

"Not that bad…" Was her only comment.

Otto turned to face her wife.

"So what is going on?"

Tanya putdown the cup.

"Is the name Albert Degurechaff familiar to you?" She asked him, looking straight into his eyes with a cold stare.

It took Otto a while to remember.

"Well yes, he was my wife's fiancé, but he died before they could marry… What does this has to do with anything? I don't understand."

"Oh pardon my lack of politeness… I haven't even introduced myself."

"I am Major Tanya von Degurechaff, The White Silver…"

"Wait did he had a child?" Otto was surprised just as Eliz was a while back.

"Yes, but this same strange… I would have thought that you would at least tell about this to your husband… Mother…"

Otto faced Laura, he was seen really angry at his wife.

"Why did you kept this information from me a secret?"

"Well I… didn't wanted to bother you with this, after Tanya was born I gave her to the local orphanage so they could take good care of her…" She explained.

"Or you just left me in the door with just a note about my name… There is no need to make the past sound better, than it happened…" Tanya corrected her.

"Anyway, I don't really want anything from you or your family Otto. I only just wanted to get to know my mother that's it…"

"But since I saw that I have a little sister and the way she is living I want to help."

"I will going to make it sure, that Eliz has everything she needs to success in her life!"

Since the family was really poor they have never even imagine that Eliz will be able to attend a normal school, just a public one.

"That is really nice of you Tanya!" Both of them said.

"Yes it is really a nice thing that you are doing here Major!" Visha agreed with them.

Tanya looked at her.

"Second lt. could you please take Eliz and leave us alone for a while?" Her question sounded more like an order, so Visha got up took Elizs hand and left the room.

After she closed the door Tanya waited for a little and started to speak.

"Now that the Second lt. and Eliz left the room, it is time for me to stop this acting."

Both of Laura and Otto seemed confused.

"In truth I really don't care about any of you, since there is nothing I could possibly gain from having a family… In truth I liked the fact that I was a lonely orphan, it gave me the benefit that the people around me who are important took better care for me…a lonely orphan."

"But we are your family, it must be good to know that you have one at least…" Her mother said.

"Well, if it would have turned out that my family is someone important, than maybe… but this… it is nothing good…"

"How could you say something so heartless?" Her mother had tears in her eyes while saying this.

"Look who's talking…"

"Anyway… Don't try to contact me, or try to use the fact that I am your child to gain anything, if I find out about this I will use legal measures against any of you!" She took a sip from her coffee.

"So what you just said about supporting Eliz was a lie?"

"Oh that, no that wasn't the girl has a lot of potential as a mage, since she has a pretty big amount of manna inside of her."

"So here is the deal, you will never contact me I am not your child, and in return I will send a few people from the military and use a few favours to get Eliz onto an officer course, after her training if she is successful I will took her in my Wing, if that is not the case she could serve many branches of the military."

"Look at my offer as a mutual benefit, Eliz will have a nice future ahead of her, and for me it will look good that I am a caring person…"

"This is the best and only option you have!"

"So you want to use your little sister to boost your reputation? That is all you want, right?"

"In some sense, but I am confident, that you know what is the best for her…"

"Well I hope after that many years you learned what is the best thing to do…"

Both Otto and Laura looked at each other and nodded.

"You are a heartless person you know that Tanya, your father wouldn't be happy…"

"I thing that Dad would be more disappointed in you… Laura…"

"So, deal or no deal?"

"Only if you promise us that there will be no harm near her…" Otto said.

"If that is the case, I will try to let the upper staff to let me train her personally…

Tanya said with a grim.

A few days later Eliz was conscripted into the military as a mage.