"Finally some vacation!" Tanya couldn't hide her happiness.

After so much time fighting on the battlefields, the idea of being somewhere safe, eating normal meals made her even more excited. In her mind she has already planned to visit as much Beer Halls and use her fame as the one with the Silver Wings Assault medal to make others buy food for her.

Meanwhile Visha was sitting at her desk in front of Tanya, she was silent.

"Is there something wrong Second Lieutenant Serebryakov?" Tanya asked her.

"Nothing really… it is just that I only got 2 days of vacation now, and that isn't enough time for me to visit my family…" Visha said it with a low voice.

Maybe I should offer her to come with me, since there would be two of us, maybe some people would offer the second lt. some free drinks, and of course I would ask her to share a few with me as well

"If you have no plans for your vacation, you can join me, if you want to…" Tanya offered to Visha

After hearing this the young girls eyes were suddenly full of joy and happiness.

"It would be an honour Major! Do you have any plans for the upcoming few day?"

"Well I don't have that many plans for the time being, I mostly planned to finally eat some decent food, after that… well nothing really…"

Tanya just realized that her plan to go to Beer Halls can't be the main focus of her vacation.

"Do you have anything in mind second lt.?" She asked her adjutant.

"Well, we know each other for quite some time now major, and I still don't know much about you…"

That's true, even though she has been my side for more than a year, I kept most of my background a secret from her… Well from everybody really, the only thing they know about me is that I am an orphan, and that I grew up in an orphanage.

"There is no much of a background of me to be quite honest second lt. you know well, that I am orphan and a bastard in top of it, and that is all for it…"

"Well if it is okay with you I would….would like to visit the orphanage where you grew up!" Visha told it to Tanya.

She was surprised from this request.

"You want to spend your vacation in a filthy place like that?"


"And why would you?"

"Everybody respects and admires the Major, and so…I was always curious about the place where someone as you could emerge!"

Someone like me?

"Someone…like…me?" Tanya asked back sounding irritated.

"Well…ummm… someone as talented and someone who is such a respectable leader like you Major!" Visha said this with a bit of nervousness on her voice.

"Okay…we could visit it, but on one condition!"

"What is that Major?"

"You will pay for the meal!"

After having a really nice meal the pair were on their way towards the old orphanage outside of Berun, where Tanya spent her first few years. During the meal she tried not to order too much and too expensive dishes, since she didn't wanted to look like an officer who uses her subordinates this way.

Tanya still had her rifle just in case if Being X shows up.

After about a good hour walk they have finally arrived to the old orphanage. It was the same just as Tanya remembered it.

Visha who was standing next to her was really excited. On the opposite side Tanya somehow felt nervous. She hated the places all her time during there, and since now she was free from its misery the last thing she wanted to come back, but she was already at the door, plus she promised her second lt. to go here.

She knocked on the door.

After a few minutes the door opened and an old nun was looking at them. Tanya already recognized her.

"May I help you? The military investigation was just a few days ago."

It was obvious to Tanya, that the old nun hasn't recognized her in her uniform.

"My name is Major Tanya von Degurechaff! It's nice to see you doing well sister Ellen!"

The old nuns eyes had wide opened after hearing the name that she haven't heard in ages.

"Tanya-chan! Oh welcome Tanya-chan, how have you been? We haven't heard from you in a very long time! Please you two come on in!"

The old nun was really happy to see her again, this fact somehow surprised Tanya.

They've entered the old building, the interior was just as poor if not even poorer, than the outside. The three of them walked across the main hall, many young pair of eyes were watching every step of them with curiosity, and this made her a bit uncomfortable.

Finally they entered to a smaller room, the nun motioned them to take a sit, and Tanya sat down, while Visha was a bit hesitant to sit next to her.

"Second lt. come on sit down don't be rude!" Tanya had ordered her, and so she took the sit next to her.

The old nun was smiling the whole time

"Do you two need anything to drink, we don't have much, but I can give you some."

After finishing hersentence the old nun looked at Visha.

"I think I didn't catch your name, what is your name darling?"

"Ohh sorry for not introducing myself. My name is Second Lieutenant Viktoriya Ivanovna Serebryakov! I am the Majors adjutant. A pleasure to meet you!"

"A pleasure to meet you too Second lt. My name is sister Ellen, as far as you can tell it I run this little orphanage."

The old sister again looked at Tanya.

"It seems you have made it well in the army dear." She had a smile full of pride on her face.

"You can tell me that sister. Being an officer and an Ace has its ups and downs."

"It is so strange see you like this. Back then you were always alone, rarely playing with the other kids, I am happy for you."

Visha was surprised after hearing this.

"The Major was alone most of the time?"

Tanya glazed at her, but she didn't noticed.

"Yes, she spent most of her time reading alone, I remember when she was just three years old she asked us to teach her how to read."

"The Major is very smart indeed!"

The nun looked again at Tanya, she noticed the rifle next to her.

"Do you always carry your weapon with you Tanya-chan? This looks different than the ones I usually see with soldiers."

Tanya looked at her smg that she took away from that crazy enemy, who tried to take her out on solo.

"Well it is, how should I put it, an early Christmas present from the enemy…heh..."

"Oh… I see, I hope that you try to keep yourself safe anyway…"

"Anyways what would you like to drink? We have some coffee and water."

"Coffee please, just coffee, no milk no sugar please!"

After hearing that the old nun left the room leaving the two of them alone in the room… Not for long.

Some older kids poked inside the room, and after recognizing Tanya they've entered.

"Tanya is that you? You look different!" One of the girls said it.

Tanya turned around and it took her w little while to recognize the person, but in the end she did it.

"Helga? Long-time no see! I thought that you have already found a family by this time."

"Not really, we don't get much visitors, instead we get a lot of new kids are coming here."

"I see… Well I am in the army now."

Tanya went to her and hugged the girl. Visha was really surprised by this act of the Major.

Back in my previous life I always dreamed about having a daughter like Helga.

"You have some nice looking medals you have there!" A boy noticed that who also was in the room.

Tanya looked at the kid, and become upset.

"Oh… it's you…I was hoping that you have already gone, mostly underground… What do you want Hans?"

"Justwanted to see if you coward really are alive!" He teased Tanya.

"Did you get those medals for bootlicking, likeyou always did here?"

Tanya just looked at him.

"Have you even killed anyone?"

After hearing this question Tanya turned face Visha, who noticed that her commanders eyes were the same like back on the Rhine.

"Second Lieutenant Serebryakov. remind me how much is my current kill count!" She ordered her.

"Uhhmmm, the Major currently has 118 confirmed kills and 78 unconfirmed ones…and these are just the enemy mages. We don't have a number of enemy infantry!"

Tanya then pointed to her Silver Wings Assault Medal.

"You know what is this?"

The kid didn't answer.

"This is the highest medal one can get in the Imperial Army, I have got after I blow up a bunch of enemies on Norden while you were here picking your nose!"

She then calmed down, and with a cold voice continued.

"If you were in the army, I would easily execute you, right know. And I would do it!"

The kid left the room in terror after that.

"You really had it in you against Hans, yeah Tanya?" Helga said.

"I never want to see him again."

If only he was a mage, than I could conscript him, and send him to a suicide mission…

"You know… It turns out I am a mage too…" Helga said

"That is a good news! Will you join the army?" Tanya asked.

"I don't know… I am not as powerful as you are…"

In the meantime the old nun has returned with the coffee, Tanya sat back and gave it a taste.

"It is really nice sister Ellen, almost as good as Serebryakovs." She stated.

"Thank you!"

"Tanya, what is it on your neck? I see both you and the Second lt. have one is that a weapon?" Helga asked.

"Almost it is an operation orb, it helps with magic."

"The Major has the best one in the whole world, plus she is the only person that can use it."

"Wow that is so cool" Helga stated.

"Maybe after I finished my coffee I will show you a bit of what it can do." Tanya stated.

After finishing her coffee, Tanya and the others went to the outside of the orphanage, there Tanya put up a little show for the children. it was mostly just her getting up in the air a bit and showing some minor magical attacks, nothing serious.

All the children loved it, after she finished it everyone gathered around her.

"If it turns out I am a mage; I want to be just like you!" one child said.

"If I'll become a mage, I want to serve with you Tanya!" Another kid told it to her.

No, you don't want that Visha said it inside her mind

After the children left them alone Helga went to Tanya, she was smiling.

"I almost forgot to tell you this Tanya."

"What did you wanted to tell me?" She asked.

"Well it would be better if I show it to you, I found something that you might want to see."

And so Tanya and Visha followed Helga.

It was an old cemetery where the three of them were, the graves were in a very bad condition, most of them overgrown with different kinds of plants.

"Why did you brought us here Helga?" Tanya asked her.

"A few weeks ago Hans really made me mad, so after meal I went for a walk to calm myself down, after a while I somehow ended up in the old cemetery, where I found this grave, and I immediately know that I need to show it to you one day!"

She pointed to a simple stone grave under a big tree, it was in the same condition as the other ones. Tanya went to investigate the grave, followed by both Visha and Helga.

Albert Degurechaff lived for 27 years died on duty

It took a while for Tanya to realize that it was her fathers grave.

It's strange, I have no emotional connection to this man, but still somehow I feel sad looking at this gravestone. No, I feel pity for this man, he must have had to die because of Being X and his plot to screw me over.

She continued to look at the name, with her hand she stroked the name.

I will kill you Being X for all the things that you had done!

"There is a flower on the grave!" Visha pointed out.

There was an old dried out rose on the grave. After noticing that, a strange feeling set in Tanya.

"Someone is watching us!"

all of them looked around, and Helga noticed that a woman was watching them. Tanya immediately started to head towards her, to ask her what is she doing here, but during half way the woman yelled at them.

"What are you doing at my loves grave?"

Tanya was shocked after hearing this.

"Mother?..." Was the only thing she was able to say.