Disclaimer- I hate this part. People like me do not admit to not owning things, it means there's something we have no control over. Oh all right, I don't control the courts either, I'll say it, I don't own the characters in this story, except for the ones that I do own, of course.
Off Duty
'Bout bloody time too mate. Have you got any idea how long it's been since we had more than a morning off?
Yeah. Too bloody long.
Both men chuckled and then lapsed in to a comfortable silence that is the trade mark of firm friendships. The silence lasted until Bodie's flat came in to view.
You actually staying in tonight mate? Thought you'd be out on some girl.
Voice heavy with mock surprise, Doyle then laughed at the look of moral indignity Bodie plastered on his face.
I find that remark highly offensive Raymond, he said, mouth twisted to accommodate the upper class accent.
Oh I do apologise. I was unaware of an injury to your feelings that would be caused by this remark. Please do be so kind as to accept my heartfelt commiseration.
It didn't take long for Bodie to decide that his girl could wait and invite Doyle for a takeaway. The specified and expected condition was beer to wash it down with. Bodie readily agreed and both headed over to his own flat, Doyle to change and grab the beer, Bodie to tidy up and get the food.
Neither realised it would be much longer than a few minutes before they spoke again.
It took an hour for Bodie to get worried about Doyle. He'd said fifteen minutes, so Bodie had given him jokingly forty-five. Now, sixty minutes later, he was feeling anxious. It wasn't like Doyle to be that late, in fact, it wasn't like Doyle to be late at all. So what had happened? Making a quick decision he crossed over the room and picked up the phone. He was surprised to hear the computerised voice telling him to replace the hand set and try again.
Shaking his head,wondering how long his phone had been off the hook, he quickly dialled Doyle's number. After letting the phone ring for a few minutes with no answer, Bodie found his anxiety only increasing. He had barely hung up the phone when it started ringing. Spinning round, he snatched it up, thinking it would be Doyle.
'Bout time too sunshine. Where are you?
Oops.' Yes sir. Any thing wrong?
Aye lad there is. How quickly can you get to the hospital?
Hospital sir? Why do I need to go to hospital?
You don't. Unless you want to see Doyle. He was brought in about half an hour ago. He was hit by a car.
Christ. How is he?
It doesn't look good.
Bodie ended the call without replying, and spent the next five minutes throwing breakable objects around his living room. Then he ran down to his car, praying to a God who had never helped him to save his friend.
Ten minutes later, after a drive that would have taken other people twenty, Bodie ran in to the hospital and was met by Jax.
Bodie wait a minute. Cowley's in with him right now, the doctors say he can only have one visitor at a time.
Despite the franticness of his worry for his partner, Bodie acknowledged Jax's words and sank to a chair. He leapt to his feet only a few seconds later and started pacing, impatience and fear showing clearly in his eyes. Finally, after nearly thirty minutes, Cowley walked out, his face serious.
An upheld hand stopped Bodie from running to his partner's room.
Sir please...
Wait a minute Bodie. Doyle wont know.
Of course he'll know, Bodie said, exasperated.
No he wont lad. He's in a coma. He was awake just long enough to give me a description of the driver of the car, then he slipped away.
Although it seemed as though Cowley wanted to say more, he held his tongue as Bodie sank back in to his chair. It was disturbing to see Bodie's facade of casualness slip away, but slip it did, leaving Bodie trembling in his seat. Jax discreetly looked away as Cowley sat down next to Bodie, placing a hand on his shoulder as he did.
He'll pull through, he always does.
Bodie made no reply and Cowley didn't say anymore.
It was almost ten minutes later when Bodie raised his head.
I want to look for the person who did it.
I know you do. I've got Susan looking through the records, Doyle added that he recognised the driver just before she drove in to him.
Both Bodie and Jax exclaimed at this.
Aye, she. Do you know of any girlfriends he's had recently who would want to do this to him?
Bodie shook his head.
No. The last few have been quite friendly breakup's, he's still talking with them as far as I know. There's no reason for any of them to do this.
Then obviously it's someone else.
What about your girlfriends? asked Jax suddenly.
Well, you said earlier you had a date tonight, but you didn't keep it.
At Bodie's questioning look Jax shrugged.
I was just across the street when it happened, I rode here with him in the ambulance. He told me you two were going to have takeout. So, what about it? One of your girls get fed up with you and decides to take it out on Doyle.
Bodie shook his head.
I cant see it.
Ok then, Cowley said, standing as he did. We have an unknown female who, for reason or reasons unknown, decided to try and kill Doyle.
At the look in Bodie's eyes, Cowley quickly added,
Not that they've managed it.
Blame writers block if you like, but I've decided not to finish this story just yet. Instead, I'm leaving it here, for you, the readers, if there are any, to decided what happens next. Leave me a review or send me an e-mail saying what you think should go next and I'll pick the best (or most likely only) idea I get and put it up as soon as can write it.
So, if you want to see the ending, get reviewing, because it's not going to be written without your input =D