Future Flash

Chapter 1 Future Pondering

By: Major144

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Except some OCs. This is just a story for fun.

It was a sunny day at Lakewood Plaza. K.O. and Dendy were hanging out at Gar's Bodega going through their Pow Card collection. Both children were incredibly excited about an upcoming event in the plaza. Mr. Gar had recently announced that there would be a time capsule buried in the ground and then it would be dug up in thirty years. The people of the plaza, were encouraged to put stuff in the capsule to tell future generations about the past or put in items that talked of heroic deeds that would inspire them. K.O. and Dendy were trying to come up with something to put in the capsule, but so far they weren't having any luck. K.O. got board with the endeavor and decided to ask Dendy something.

"So Dendy, what do you think the future will be like in thirty years?"

"Well I calculate that the plaza will increase in size and be a haven for all types of heroes." Said Dendy.

"That makes sense. I wonder what I will be in the future? Will I be a big hero like Mr. Gar and maybe own a chain of dojos that help teach people to become heroes? What will my level be in thirty years?" Said K.O. in thought.

"Good questions. I calculate that I will design computer software and security devices to help battle and defend against evil." Said Dendy.

"That sounds amazing Dendy!" Said K.O. with a smile.

"Thank you." Said Dendy with a smile.

"You...know another thing I wonder about is will I get married and have a kid?" Said K.O.

"I think it's to early to think of something like that." Said Dendy as her cheeks flushed a little.

"I guess your right! Said K.O. with a little laugh.

The two went back to trying to figure what to put in the capsule.

A couple of aisle away, Red was stocking some merchandise, but he was having some trouble. The thing he was stocking was some plastic bottles of orange soda, which made him think of his brief relationship with Shannon. Rad quickly stocked the soda and moved on to the next item, which unfortunately happened to be pizza cutter, which also made him think of Shannon. This finally got to Rad and made him fling his hands in the air in frustration.

"Oh that's it! You need to stop thinking about that robot and find yourself a real girlfriend! You need to get yourself out of this funk Rad." Said Rad to himself as he moved on to the next item to stock.

Unfortunately for Rad the new item was a bunch of love song CDs and then a bunch of romance movies, which just made Rad groan.

Over at Boxmore, Shannon was in her room sitting on her bed. The robot was also thinking about her brief relationship with Rad and the battle that had followed after she had rebooted herself after Rad had said he could never love a cold piece of metal to his friends. The words had hurt Shannon greatly and they made her reboot herself to forget the pain. Afterwards Shannon had attacked Rad, who had first refused to fight back, but then he struck back in defense and ripped Shannon's head off. Rad had then picked the head up and said a little poem from Hamlet about his and Shannon love and how it ended and Shannon, who was still functioning scoffed at Rad. It was then that Shannon had looked at Rad and saw the sadness in his eyes. Shannon was a little shocked by this and she felt something in her circuits spark, before her data transferred to a new body. The strange feeling reappeared in Shannon body and she began to think about Rad. This confused and frightened Shannon and she rebooted herself several times, yet somehow the strange feeling remained. Just what exactly was this feeling and what did it mean for her future?

"Do I love...Rad?" Asked Shannon to herself as she walked over to her window to stare at the plaza across the street.

Behind the plaza, Red Action was loitering and waiting for her friends to show up, when she heard some rustling from some bushes. Red Action readied her blaster arm as Darrell stepped out of the bushes.

"Whoa! Hold on I didn't come to fight." Said Darrell.

"Then why are you here?" Asked Red Action.

"One of my siblings told me that it's true that you actually come from the far future, but I don't believe it." Said Darrell.

"You want proof then." Asked Red Action as she lowered her blaster arm.

"I do." Said Darrell.

"Fine. Behold my time travel device." Said Red Action as she pulled out a silver sphere the size of a baseball that had a few cracks on it.

Darrell looked at the device and scanned it copying it to his memory bank.

"It's damaged, but it's the real deal." Said Red Action.

"Well I believe you. Thanks for showing me that." Said Darrell as he began to walk away.

"Dork." Thought Red Action as she put the time travel device away.

"Oh just wait, until dad sees this! I'm totally going to be the favorite now!" Chuckled Darrell as he made his way to Boxmore.

To be continued.