The Parr family had found themselves being held prisoner in one of Syndrome's electric holding cell. The whole family was helpless being suspended in the electric energy filed as he walked in to the large room, a remote control in his hand as he stated to starting to move though several tv channels. Each channel showed a different angle of the same new story. The rocket carrying the Omnidroid had just landed in the city as several police and military forces where creating a perimeter around it.

"Where is Naruto." Demanded Bob as he tried to struggle against the electro barrier holding him down.

"Huh? Huh? Oh, come on! You gotta admit, this is cool. Just like a movie! The robot will emerge dramatically, do some damage. Throngs of screaming people! And just when all hope is lost, Syndrome will save the day! I'll be a bigger hero than you ever were!" Syndrome called out excitedly as he showed them all the different news footage of his massive robot that had landed in the city. Just them the images showing on the monitor was in interrupted by on of Syndrome's guards.

"Sir, the prisoner is ready for interrogation." The guard on the screen said, as he stepped back reveling to everyone present a restrained Naruto looking worse for wars his mask removed being held in his own small electric containment filed.

"Naruto." Shouted out Violet as she watched the two other guards standing in the room take it in turn to use the hanging teen like a punching bag. Naruto let out cries of pain every time he was hit by the guards. More and more the guards laid it on Naruto around a few more times before he was final starting to spit out blood as his left eye was starting swell up black and blue.

"No, stop! He's just a kid." Called out Helen as she struggled against her restraints.

"You mean you killed off real heroes so that you could pretend to be one? Now that's pathetic" Said Naruto angrily at the demented man as he spat out some blood on to the floor. This caused Syndrome to turn around eyes flashing with anger and the guards delivered another swift punch to the gut.

"Oh, I'm real. Real enough to defeat Mr. Incredible! And I did it without your precious gifts, your oh-so-special powers. I'll give them heroics. I'll give them the most spectacular heroics anyone's ever seen! And when I'm old and I've had my fun, I'll sell my inventions so that everyone can be superheroes. Everyone can be super. And when everyone's one will be.

"What did you say something." Said Naruto smirking when Syndrome stopped mid-step this earned him a right hook across the face from a guard. However, the next thing anyone knew Syndrome had walked over to the control consul.

"You think you can talk to me like that kid. I think it some someone taught you some manners." Said Syndrome. Smirking evilly as he started to turn a large nob, the second he did this Naruto scream out in agony from the pain of the electricity coursing throw his body.

"Naruto, stop it, please you'll kill him." begged Violet as Naruto continue to scream in pain. Finally satisfied Syndrome lowered the power to Naruto's holding cell.

"Kid, Naruto get up." Said Bob hoping the blond was still breathing, Syndrome still having somewhere to be left to room, not before addressing his men.

"I want the brat kept alive, but the minute he wakes up keep teaching some manners." Said Syndrome as he turned off the monitor and stepped out of the room.

"Mom, Dad we have to help Naruto." Said Violet in a panic as struggled franticly against her bindings.

"I know Vi, we just need to stop and think for a minute." Said Helen trying to reassure her daughter, but she was also panicking herself.

"I'm sorry. This is my fault. I've been a lousy father and now I've got Naruto involved trying to be the Hero I haven't been able to be. Blind to what I have. So, obsessed with being undervalued that I undervalued all of you." Bob said as he apologized to his family.

" Shh. Don't interrupt." Helen told Dash as she listened to her husband, was the while this was going on Violet was starting to make her own force fields around her restraints.

"So, caught up in the past that I... You are my greatest adventure. And I almost missed it. I swear, I'm gonna get us out of this safely if I..." Bob tried to say

"Well, I think Dad has made some excellent progress today, but I think it's time we wind down now." Said Violet as she reached the control consul and turned off the containment field releasing everyone from the holding cell.

"Come on we need to fine Naruto." Said Helen as they all left the holding room and started to move through the floor trying to check the room, but at the same time staying discrete. As they continued to move through the floor Violet grow more and more worried with each passing minute that they didn't find Naruto. Just them they could hear the sound of struggling coming just up ahead from.

"Wait here." Said Bob in a low growl as he moved forward to the door, opened it and stepped inside. From out side the room the Parr family could hear a loud commotion coming from the room and a second later Bob exited the room with a blood Naruto in his arms.

"Naruto, Naruto are you alright, please wake up, Naruto." Said Violet as she stepped closer to the unconscious blond.

"What did those monsters do to him." Helen said her voice growing with rage. As she pushed back his once sun kissed blond hair it was now darkened with patches of blood. His face was several shades of blue and purple and twice its normal size.

"We need to get back to the mainland" said Bob as he stood back up and they all started to run through the corridor.

"I saw an aircraft hangar on my way in. Straight ahead, I think." Said Helen pointing to a door up ahead. As they came to a closed-door Bob handed Naruto to Helen as he pulled it apart and held it open for the rest of them to move on through.

"Where are all the guards." Said Bob looking around the empty hanger and only spotting a white van. As they ran up to the van Bob signaled for them to stay aback as he moved closer to the door. From the inside he could hear the sound of a few guards celebrating, but that was quickly brought to an end when bob stepped inside and put an end to it.

"Is he alright." Violet asked her mother as she watched Naruto shallow breathing as her mother held him in her arms.

"We just need to give him some time to heal." Helen said readjusted the blond in her arms. Once Bob exited to van they continued to move through the hangar.

"Yeah, don't worry his is nothing." Naruto said putting on a brave face and flashing a big grin at the girl. Suddenly the van started to violently shake as the sound of punches and yells were heard coming from inside. Once the door to the van opened up the continued on their way.

"This is the right hangar, but I don't see any jets." Said Helen as they looked around another part of the hanger.

"A jet's not fast enough." Said Bob as he and his wife looked around for something.

"What's faster than a jet?" asked Helen.

"Hey, how about a rocket?" said Dash who had come across a massive launch bay.

"Great! I can't fly a rocket." Said Hele

"You don't have to. Use the coordinates from the last launch." Said Violet taking a second form fussing over Naruto.

"Wait. I bet Syndrome's changed the password by now. How do I get into the computer?" said Bob wondering that they were going to do now. When suddenly a woman's voice could be heard speaking through the intercom system.

"Say please." Said Mirage looking down at them from the control room.

"Are we there yet?" asked Dash as he looked out the window at the passing clouds. Violet sat in the back of the van. Watching over the safely succored Naruto now starting to look a little better.

"We get there when we get there." Said Bob sounding a bit irritated. As he opened the driver's side window letting in a strong blast of air.

"How you doing honey?" he called out to his wife, who was outside the white van her arms and legs super stretched out, keeping the wand connected to the rocket they had used to leave Syndromes island to reach the city in time.

"Kids strap yourselves down like I told you, ready, Violet, ready. Now!" called out Bob and signaling for his daughter to push a large red button on the vans control panel.

"This is gonna be rough!" said Bob as the van fell in to a free fall as the rocked broke apart, he put his foot down trying to get the van to reach its max speed by this point Helen had reentered the van and was now sitting strapped down in the passenger's seat. with a hard crash that sent the van bumping in to several cars on the busy freeway before it leveled out.

"The robot's in the financial district. Which exit do I take?" said Bob as he started to move the van towards the next exit.

"Traction Avenue." Said Helen as she looked around at the passing highway signs.

"That'll take me downtown. I take Seventh, don't I?" said Bob still trying to reach the upcoming exit.

"Don't take Seventh!" said snapped Helen loudly cussing her husband to sharply move the van back in to traffic.

"Great, we missed it!" Said Bob angrily as he quickly jerked the steering wheel avoiding hitting a car.

"You asked me how to get there and I told you. Exit at Traction!" snapped back Helen

"That'll take me downtown!" said Bob still thinking she was wrong.

"He's coming up! Get in the right lane! Signal!" shouted Helen as Bob jerked the string wheal causing the van to pinball down the off ramp and as they narrowly avoided oncoming cars. As Bob put on the van's brakes the car started to violently swerve till it went in to a full-on roll. The van rolled about a block before it finally came to a complete stop.

"Everybody okay back there?" asked Bob.

"Super-duper, dad." Said Violet

"Let's do that again." Said Dash

"look it the robot." Said Naruto pointing out the front of the van at the massive black robot walking around destroying the city as he slowly started gingerly undo his seatbelt.

"Naruto your awake." Said Violet run forward and hugging her best friend. Naruto returned the hug only wincing slightly.

"Wait here and stay hidden. I'm going in" Said Bob as he got out of the van, Helen quickly following behind him.

"Come on you guys let's get out of this thing." Said Naruto as he stood up, however just as he was about to stand up he fell back in to his seat hissing in pain as he grabbed hold of his side.

"Naruto, are you alright, don't try to push yourself." Said Violet as she and Dash both got out of their seats and rushed over to the blond to help him up.

"Yeah let's just get out of here." and as Violet took hold of his arm and help him to stand they made their way out the van, and that's when Violet let out a loud scream of fear. above them the massive robot brought down one of its arms and crushed the van. Luckily Naruto, Violet, and Dash had managed to get out in time. Their escape route was cut off however by another robot claw crashing down next to them.

"Vi! Dash! No!" Called out Helen as she watches the robot about to crush her children, acting quickly Naruto pushed the two down and braced himself to try and stop the robot. When nothing happened, he looked up and saw that Violet was protecting them with a force field. However, this didn't stop the robot who continued to bash away at them till it raised its self above them and brought is whole body crashing down this caused the force field to brake and for Violet for fall to the ground.

"Violet." Called out Dash and Naruto trying to wake the girl and just as the robot is about to strike again it was stopped just in time by Bob who is using his super strength to hold it at bay.

"GO, go!" he called out as Helen swopped in pulled all three of them to safety.

"Stay here, okay" Helen tells them as she runs off to join the fight against to robot with her husband. As they watched the two adults fight the robot Naruto saw another tight wearing hero show up on skating on ice he was making with his own hands, he moved around trying to freeze the arms of the robot with no luck.

"Syndrome's remote." They heard Bob call out before he was knocked back by one of the robot's arms.

"The remote controls the robot." Said Violet realize what her father was trying to say.

"Alright, then let's get that remote. Dash get your dad's attention Ill cover you." Said Naruto as he ran out for the side of the building and stared to throw pieces of destroyed building at the robot's head in hopes that it would see him and completely miss Dash. The robot turned its lazier blaster mounted head towards him and fired off some shots. Which he only just managed to jump out of the way from.

"Honey, take out its gun" shouted Bob. As Naruto watched Helen take manhole cover and use her arm like a slingshot to take out the gun.

"Hey over here, you useless bowling ball." Called out Naruto as he picked up a small car and throw it at the robot, which did nothing. Seeing Helen, Violet, Dash, and the new comer Naruto ran over to them.

"Lucius, try to buy us some time!" said Helen to the man in white and light blue.

"Try the one next to it." said Lucius as he skated forward and started to build an ice wall.

"Get out of here, kids! Find a safe spot!" said Helen as she looked from the robot to her husband.

"We're not going anywhere!" said Violet looking over at her mother with determination.

"Press the button! What are you waiting for?!" called out Bob as he held on to the spinning robotic hand.

"A closer target! You got one shot!" Said Helen she finally pushed to button.

Everybody duck." Called out Bob as he let go the arm and it rocketed forward just missing their heads and punching right through the robot. As a crowed started to gather around the downed.

"Hey." He said sounding tired from the days excitement.

"Hi." She answered back as they stood close to each other neither one of them realizing just how close they were. As Naruto, Lucius and the Parr family stood round with a crow of charring people around them growing

"Hey, Zone." Said Bob laughing glad that Syndrome robot was stopped. As the all stood around a long brown town car drove up splitting the crowed once it had pulled up the door opened

"Hey its Rick." Said Naruto pointing at the government agent, who had set him up in the city several months ago.

"Bob, I need you and yours to come with me. Kid you'd better come too, you're in enough trouble as it is, Frozone ill pretend id didn't see you." Said Rick Dicker as he hopped back in the car. Waiting for the Parr family to come along.

"Tell honey I said hello and thank you Lucius." Said Helen as he made Dash get in the car.

"See you for bowling night." Said Bob getting in to the car outside Violet and Naruto were stating to get into the car to, but Naruto was stopped by Helen before he got in to the car.

"Naruto, I never got a chance to say this on the island but thank you for looking out for Dash and Violet You went through a lot that no kid should go through." Said Helen as she leans forward and planted a light kiss on his forehead. Once in the car the teens next to each other as they the adults stated to talk.

"I was worried about you. When I saw… I mean back on the island, when you were being." Violet tried to say as she refused to look at him instead focusing on her hands.

"Vi, am glad you're ok." Said Naruto as he reached a hand out and took Violet's hand in his. This cause the girl to blush lightly as she looked up at the blond. then as both teens looked at each other they started to move forward and closed they eyes as the pressed there lips together. The stayed like that for a moment before breaking apart a little both blushing in the aftermath of their first kiss. Naruto couldn't help but smile a big goofy grin, Violet giggle lightly at his face.

"Gross." Called out Dash as he faked vomited at the sight of his sister and Naruto kissing.

"Ehumm." Came the loud cough of Bob who was now staring daggers at Naruto, this caused both teens to brake apart very quickly.

"Bob" Helen snapped as she gave him a sharp prod in the side with her elbow as she looked over and Violet and Naruto and smiled as they continued their car ride Helen was on the phone with a growing look of concern on her face.

"Replacement? I didn't call a replacement." Said Helen as the car finally came to a stop and they all rushed out of the car and right up the front door of the Parr's house, however once they opened the door they were all stopped by a familiar blue light their standing with Jack-Jack in his arms was Syndrome.

"Shh. The baby is sleeping. You took away my future. I'm simply returning the favor. Oh, don't worry, I'll be a good mentor. Supportive, encouraging. Everything you weren't. And in time, who knows, he might make a good sidekick. Ha ha!" Said Syndrome as she raised his hand up at the roof and blasting away a large whole form him the fly out of to his waiting ship.

"He's getting away, Bob! We have to do something! We have to do something now!" shouted Helen as they all ran out to the front of the house, Jack-Jacks cries being heard all the while.

"Something's happening. What's happening?! We have to stop him! Throw something!" Helen said as Syndrome stated to move around erratically as he got closer and closer to his ship.

"I can't! I might hit Jack-Jack!" Bob said with growing frustration at his inability to do anything.

"Throw me. Bob, throw me." Said Helen as Bob picked her up with ease and throw her in to the air like a javelin towards Syndrome who had just dropped Jack-Jack. Once Helen had a hold of the baby Bob raced over to his brand-new sports car and with one clean motion picked it up and throw it right at Syndrome's plane causing it to explode and right as Helen and Jack-Jack made it back to the ground the plane came crashing down on top of them, but once the smoke cleared Naruto saw that they weren't crushed under by another destroyed plan.

"That's my girl." Said Helen as she looked over at Violet with pride at the force field she had made around them.

"Does this mean we have to move again?" Asked Dash slightly disappointed as he looked at their destroyed home.

"Oh, man. That was totally wicked!" shouted a little kid on a big-wheel who was in the Parr's driveway who had watched the entire thing.

"Secret Government Location."

"Understand if you agree to do this you'll have to go underground, do you understand what this means. No contacts with the Parr's, and I mean it not even Violet." said Rick as he looked over at Naruto from across his desk taking another look at the file on the desk he understood that this was something that he needed to do.

"If what you said is true, then I'm in." said Naruto a growing look of determination on his face.

"Good then as of this moment, Naruto Uzumaki is dead." Said Rick as he reached over for the file and taking a stamp off his desk, he marked it "Top Secret."







Hello, I hopped you all enjoyed the story. Due to the way the second movie starts I have decided to end the story here look for the continuation in "Naruto's Second Incredible Adventure".

New supers, New villains, and a New relationship.