Chapter 1-The Fight

It was another day in New York. Well, it wouldn't be for long. At the Ghostbusters' headquarters, everything was the same. Janine Melnitz was typing a report at her desk, Winston Zeddemore was working on Ecto-1, Dr. Ray Stantz and his girlfriend Jenny Moran were tutoring the 101 students, Dr. Egon Spengler was adjusting some settings on the proton packs, and Dr. Peter Venkman was having another "over the phone" argument with Peck. Yeah, it was normal.

"Well, excuse me Peck!" Peter snapped. "How was I supposed to know that the park bench was gonna run away as a result of the mood slime!"

Peck yelled something in response. Peter just rolled his eyes. Sometimes, Peter's attitude came in handy, but other times, it didn't.

"Ya finished?" Peter asked. "Well that's rude!"

Peter had had enough. He hung up.

"Peter, arguing over the phone is not gonna help anything." said Janine.

"Yeah, I agree." said Kylie Griffin, who was walking down the stairs with Ray and Jenny.

"You should be lucky he hasn't done anything bad to us yet." said Winston.

"Maybe, but having him as our 'boss' wasn't the mayor's best idea." Peter replied.

"Yeah, but still." said Ray.

All of a sudden, an annoyed shout came from upstairs.

"PETER!" a voice exclaimed angrily.

"Uh oh." Ray and Winston said. They was only one person who yelled like that when mad. Egon.

"Peter, what did you do this time?" Janine asked. Peter knew better than to prank Egon. Egon did not like being pranked at all, and whenever Peter did prank Egon, he was the first to feel Egon's wrath. And it was not pretty.

Egon then came storming down the stairs with the remains of a creme pie in his face and dark purplish-brown hair. Whipped cream was dripping down his face and on to his jumpsuit. The only things that stood out were his icy blue eyes behind his glasses that were narrowed and had a murderous look.

"Peter, did you do this?" Egon asked in an angry voice.

"No..." Peter said not looking in Egon's piercing eyes.

"What happened man?" Winston asked.

"I was upstairs working on the settings for the proton packs, and I remembered that I had left a tool in another room. As I was walking over there, I stepped on something and outta nowhere, a creme pie came sailing in the air and hit me in the face. I'm now thinking that someone, who shall remain nameless," Egon said while looking at Peter, "put the tool in the other room, and that thing I stepped on was the trigger, and now I smell like whipped cream."

"Peter, did you do this." Ray asked.

"No..." Peter replied. "Maybe... Yes..."

"Peter, we've been over this a million times." Janine said. "We've talked about you pulling pranks in the firehall."

"And Peter, why would you do this?" Egon asked, "You know I hate being pranked."

"Well, I'm sorry." Peter said while rolling his eyes, "Maybe you should be more careful next time."

"Well, maybe you shouldn't prank people all the time." Egon said annoyed, "Not everyone likes being pranked."

"Well, not everyone is a brainiac like you." Peter shot back.

Ray and Winston looked at each other nervously. Fights between Egon and Peter could get ugly. Just then, Egon and Peter started yelling at each other.

"Oh like it was my fault!" Peter yelled. "You always take thing so seriously.!"

"Like that's my fault!" Egon shot back. "I honestly don't know why you tease me and mess with me so much.!"

"Because you're no fun!" Peter replied. "Number one: you take things so seriously. Number two: you almost never smile. Number-"

"It's not my fault!" Egon interrupted. "At least I don't run my mouth off. And I don't complain about everything."

"At least I wasn't disowned by my own family like you!" Peter yelled.

Ray, Winston, Janine, Kylie, and Jenny gasped. That was very personal. And it was sadly true. Egon had been disowned by his own family when he decided to go into the paranormal. Besides, Egon had never been close with his family, his father was always hitting him, his mother wasn't always there to defend him, his siblings never talked to him, and no one ever cared about him. After being disowned, Egon was more alone then ever. He wasn't sure if he'd ever find a family. Until he met Peter and Ray.

A look of hurt fluttered across Egon's face for a second. He felt like he had just been stabbed in the heart. He felt like he was gonna cry. He then ran past Peter and out one of the back doors.

Peter had realized what he had said and went after Egon. "Egon, I'm sorry!" Peter called, "I didn't mean to say that." But Egon was already gone. The others all stood in shock.

"Peter." Ray said, "You literally said that?"

"I didn't mean to!" Peter exclaimed. "I have to go find him!"

"Peter, he's obviously upset right now." Winston said, "Give him some time to calm down. He'll come back and you two can apologize."

Peter then walked up to the roof to clear his head. He couldn't believe he had said something like that. When Egon had told him about his past, Peter almost cried. He couldn't believe that Egon had been disowned just because he wanted to go into the paranormal. Peter and Ray took Egon in and they said that he was part of their family now, and they would never disown him.

Meanwhile, Egon was walking behind buildings in the alleyways. He felt hurt at what Peter said. It brought back bad memories of his past.

"He didn't mean it." Egon said in his head. "He was just irritated. Like I was. He would never mean to hurt me."

After a while, Egon was ready to go apologize. He quickly called Ray telling him he was coming back and was ready to apologize to Peter. But then as Egon walked through the alley behind the firehall, he heard a voice.

"Don't even think about calling for help. Your friends won't be able to hear you."

Egon turned his head, and then someone put a cloth over his mouth, muffling his calls for help. He then felt some grab him, but Egon was pretty strong and began fighting back. His glasses were then knocked off his face, and his vision blurred, but Egon continued to struggle.

"Man, this bastard's strong!" a deep voice said.

A second pair of arms grabbed Egon to keep him from struggling.

That's when Egon realized that there was a gas on the cloth. He began to get dizzy, and then everything went black.

In the firehall, Ray was getting worried. It had been 2 hours since Egon had called, and he still hadn't shown up. Ray kept calling Egon's cell phone, but he didn't respond.

"Has he called back yet?" Winston asked.

"No." Ray replied, "I'm getting worried."

"Yeah, me too Doc." Kylie said.

Peter then went to go take out the garbage. He went out the back door to the garbage cans. But then all of a sudden, something caught his eye. Something reflective. He noticed it was coming from the alley ahead of him. Peter then walked over to see what it was. It was a pair of men's glasses. Peter knew who's glasses they were.

"Huh." Peter thought to himself, "That's weird. Why are Egon's glasses over here?"

He then noticed phone a few feet away. He picked it up. It was Egon's cell phone because missed calls from Ray were on it.

"Why are Egon's glasses and phone here?" Peter asked himself. The a sudden through struck him.

"Oh no." Peter said to himself, realizing what might've happened. He quickly ran back into the firehall.

"Guys!" Peter yelled.

Ray, Winston, Jenny, and Kylie all ran downstairs. Janine was at her desk, and she quickly got up to meet Peter.

"Dr. Venkman, what's wrong?" Kylie asked.

"I was out in the back, and something caught my eye." Peter said, "So I went over to see what it was. Look what I found."

Peter held out his hand.

"Those are Egon's glasses and cell phone." said Ray, "Did you see him?"

"No." Peter replied, "Also, it looked like there had been signs of a struggle. I think I know what happened to Egon."

Ray, Winston, and Janine's eyes all widened as they looked at each other nervously.

"Guys..." Peter said worried, "I think Egon's been abducted..."

To be continued...