Last time on: The White Hornet:

…"I see you're a sensor, kid." He jumped back from a kick, the man clapped his hands, "and a very good one at that." Naruto didn't even bother trying to correct him, "I'll give you a chance to surrender and leave before I will be forced to kill you." The boy stayed silent, so the more experienced man blurred out of sight and before you know it he used his right leg to kick Naruto's neck and his following leg to kick the boy's chest into a tree. He pummelled the bloody boy till he was sure he wouldn't move again before he took out a kunai and lobbed off the boys head, it thudding on the ground with a sickening squelch.

He pouted a bit, wondering why a boy with so much potential allowed himself to die so quickly. "Be proud of yourself, child, I had to restrain myself to use only jounin level of strength." He didn't feel the Eyenets crawl into his shirt and secure itself there. He assumed Sasuke had already gone to the tower or was too far away for him to catch up to so he gave a last scathing look to the boy who had interrupted his hunt and melted into a tree. Said boy scattered into a swarm of hornets, head and all, and converged under the same tree he was 'killed'. He winced and rubbed his neck, 'thank kami for clones.' He sat at the base of the tree to catch his breath, all the while holding back a yell of pain as he cracked his neck. He substituted himself in time to avoid the full brunt of the kick but was still unfortunate to catch a portion of it. He then swore to himself 'I need to get faster.'

'And I'll help!'

…'Something good?'

'Yeah something good! One of those idiots had a secondary affinity for earth, I've already started breeding them. They should hatch soon, maybe in a day's time.'

…"my name is Aburame Naruto, what's yours?"

"Sabaku no Gaia," was her simple reply. The silence fell back on them like a bag of stones, Naruto felt like it could even break one of his kunai, this time though she took the initiative and spoke, "why is mother afraid of you?"

"'Mother'?" he heard Kyuubi give a snorting laugh. This was the first time the evil force of nature had even bothered on communicating with its host. 'What does she mean Kyuubi-san?'

He patiently waited for the monster to get the laughter out of his system, 'that girl is also a jinchuriki. From my guess, I would say she holds the one tails. That idiot is what I call mad and if he gets her to call him mother then that fact is re-enforced!' He rolled around his cage, gripping his stomach and snorting another booming laugh, 'wait, wait, wait. Tell him I said 'hi' you're going to love his reaction!'

"…Kyuubi says 'hi'" immediately after saying this, the girl grunted in pain and held her head, muttering for 'mother' to calm down. This worked a full half hour later, "he also says that voice in your head is not your mother…"

Apparently, this was the wrong thing to say to the mentally unstable girl.



'Naruto Aburame vs. Kiba Inuzuka'

"Woohoo! We're up Akamaru! And we have the weak Aburame too!" the over excited boy yelled to his animal partner. The dog barked in agreement and leapt into the arena. Meanwhile the normally neutral white haired Aburame scratched his head,

"weak?" he was very sure he wasn't even close to what one would call weak but he discarded the thought when the examiner waved for him to come in or forfeit and the proud Inuzuka took it as fear. He glanced at his team mates who shrugged and Hinata doing the non-verbal equivalent of 'kick his ass so hard his mama's ninken would feel it', though it all came out gushed and in gobbledegook. Thankfully, Kin had been called by her sensei, who kept looking at him and liking his lips. Not surprising since he could 'feel' his Eyenets on the man: Orochimaru.

"Look at him, he's so afraid he can't come down and face me like a man!" the boy raised his hands in the air and hollered with the spectators. The Aburame just shook his head and stalked calmly into the arena and looked at the laughing boy, wondering what he had been smoking and if he could give him some of it. The proctor rolled his eyes and yelled out for the match to begin. "Wait here, Akamaru, I can deal with this pussy alone." The dog whined but stepped back for the boy to go ahead. All the members of his clan who were in attendance collectively face palmed at his arrogance "listen here, Naruto," Kiba spat his name out with so much disgust the white haired boy had to dodge the spit that came flying out of the dog boys mouth, "when I beat your weak ass, Hinata would see how cool I am!"

'Ah…' was the boy's only thought, 'so that's what this is all about. He likes Hinata who likes me…' he rubbed the bridge of his nose tiredly, troublesome. Why can't these things happen to Shino?'

Shino's match was short. He was faced against an opponent that wasn't disposed to face an Aburame, a puppeteer called Kankuro, Gaia's brother. All he had to do was swarm his bugs out and circle his body intimidatingly and the puppet waved for the proctor to call the match in the bug user's favour.

"Ha! Look at the runt! He can't talk because of my awesomeness! See that Hinata?! He doesn't want to say it but he thinks I'm awesome!" said girl shrunk into her coat as all eyes in the arena turned to her.

"Alright Kiba, let's just get this over with." Naruto droned and got into his favoured stance. The other boy just ran at him with a pathetically sloppy punch but when it was about to connect, the Aburame disappeared and reappeared behind Kiba and slapped the back of his head. The boy turned around angrily but met an empty space where he though his opponent, he felt another sharp slap at the back of his head and growled in frustration. He spread his arms out and gave the air a great sniff but came up empty on the general location of the white haired Aburame. This time he felt a heavy punch at his cheek and he flew a bit away till he slumped near the wall in a daze, his eyes caught the stoic boy who yet again blinked out of sight.

"Akamaru!" he barked and his trusty animal partner came running to him but dropped onto the ground in a dead faint after his first four steps. He caught sight of a large lava lamp like wasp that unstuck itself from Akamaru's neck and flew to the space 4 feet in front of him and blinked out of sight. A second later he too passed out into blissful unconsciousness when the wasp jumped out nowhere and stung his neck.

"Winner, Naruto Aburame!" the coughing proctor proclaimed. The boy bowed to his unaware opponent and his dog as he was carted out of the chunin arena to the medic bay to treat the non-lethal toxins in his system. He walked silently back to the competitor booth all the while looking at the sand girl that kept glaring at him but the glare wavered when he waved to her genially. He could remember her threat like it was yesterday:


"I don't care what mother says, Aburame, because will kill you and soak your blood in my sand!" she said all of this with the bravest, most expressionless face she could conjure up but it faltered when the boy showed no visible sign of being intimidated; he smiled faintly and ruffled her hair.

"I look forward to the challenge, Gaia-san."

She almost recoiled from his touch but still kept up face and glared at him darkly. They remained silent for a few minutes until her face crumbled and she looked away from him with a huff. She was used to people tearing down into pathetic sobbing when she threatened them, but she didn't know that there was very little that made the Aburame afraid since he had personally met with the strongest walking natural disaster that was the Kyuubi and he contained the most feared but still unknown variation of wasps in the world that could literally take what you have and make it theirs'. So don't blame him if he was confident in himself.

Flashback end

He acknowledged his brother's nod and stood beside him. He then reflected on how the newly evolved hornets he had in his growing arsenal.

There was the combination of water and wind affinities that made a sort of see through hornet variation. They were indestructible as far as he knew and they didn't buzz but whistle, like one would guess a bomb made as it was dropped from high up. Though they were see through they were tinted blue so slightly it was hard to notice. He dubbed them his Crystal hornets.

The queen, after the first success went crazy with combinations. Fire and earth made his Toxic hornets. They looked like tiny living lava lamps to observers but were actually just half red, half blue with the colours switching every once in a while. They were dangerous because they held different levels of toxins with different levels of pain. The one he used on Kiba was a simple painless one that functioned as a knock out precaution; the most painful one melted half a sturdy tree.

Wind and earth gave birth to his Drilling Eyenets. They looked like the normal Eyenets but these ones were tinted brown and could use their drill like mouths to drill into surfaces and maybe even people. They were very loud and very excitable but he couldn't use them in open combat because of how-surprisingly-fragile they were. They could bore clean holes into rocks, boulders, trees but they would splatter everywhere if they were touched, thankfully not by him though.

Fire and wind made the Whiter hornets or the new fire hornets; since they ate all the original fire hornets. They were small and white, the only main difference they had with normal baby hornets were that their mouths were a deep red and that they could breathe fire. Their heat resistance were the same as the original fire hornets, and their attitudes were calmer and less jittery. They could still ignite their bodies on fire but this time the fire was literally white hot.

Fire and water created his…Suicide hornets. They were a sickly yellow skinned and as large as average white hornets but their attacks were equal to a standard explosive tag. They could fly to his opponent and detonate themselves, thus the name suicide hornets. They didn't have a time limit but they did have a freakily short life span but a stupid, crazy reproduction rate. They lived for no longer than an hour before they just popped mildly to death but the females helped the queen give birth to more by the minute so it balanced the population out.

The last one hasn't hatched yet.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when the competitors list spun to Hinata's name, she was versed against…



The boy ignored his aghast sensei and turned to his female team mate who was shivering like a leaf in a storm. Her eyes were fixed onto the other Hyuuga boy's eyes as he stood stoically in the centre of the arena with the patiently waiting proctor. He grabbed both her shoulders and forced her to look at him, he removed his goggles and fixed them on his forehead and looked into her eyes deeply.


"I-I-I ca-can't-"

He put a single finger on her lips and smiled faintly, the only indication that he was doing so was the slight crinkle by his nose. "I know you can beat him, Hina-"


"Listen, Hinata," he poked her forehead when she opened her mouth and his smile widened, "my kaa-sama once told me that you're as strong as you want to be; remember what you did to that demon bunny right? You poked its forehead and its brain melted. That's pretty badass and I believe your stronger than Neji-san, don't listen to what he says ok?" she nodded and he fixed his goggles back onto his eyes and gave her shoulders an encouraging pat before he let go, "go kick his butt."

The timid girl puffed out her chest and leaped over the railing and landed swiftly by the proctor and clenched her fist when she looked at her expressionless cousin. Hinata gave a last glance to her team before she nodded to the proctor to begin the match.

"You should just-" he was cut off from finishing his patented sentence when he had to dodge a vicious palm strike and the subsequently lethally quick attacks. He slapped a strike aside and struck her stomach, sadistically smiling when she fell on her knees and spat out globs of blood from her mouth. He snap kicked her head and stalked to her slowly, giving her a chance to get up before he cleared her legs from under her and kicked her ribs. "See what I've been telling you for the past 6 years. You are weak, Hinata-sama, and you will never get strong no matter what that foolish boy tells you." She cradled her injured ribs as she got on her knees, she bared her bloody teeth up at him and spat on his face.

The entire Hyuuga clan were taken aback by the normally soft spoken and timid girls out of character act of defiance. She rolled away from a death strike to the head and shakily stood up and painfully dodged another death strike to the heart and kidneys. The boy was basically frothing from the mouth as he followed the blow with another and another that she couldn't counter or dodge.

The white haired Aburame glared down at the match-more like death sentence-, "fuck it."


Once again he ignore her and cupped his mouth, "you can do it, Hinata!" he growled when Neji kept beating her back onto the ground no matter how many times she stood back up, weaker and weaker every time. The coat she wore was torn up and bloodied, her face was splotched with purple bruises and her left arm hung limply while her right cradled her more grievously injured ribs.

The angry Hyuuga looked at him before he looked back to the beaten girl who once again stood up and tried with all her might to take a defensive stance.

What happened next happened in slow motion to all involved. An inch before the fatal strike to the heart could reach the poor girl, a hand grabbed his wrist and stopped him in his tracks. The jounin that jumped down in hopes to stop the boy watched in shock as the calm Aburame held the unrepentant boys wrist that was still aimed at the girl before he let go and caught his team mate as she fell down. Shino stood protectively in front of his brother and downed team mate looking at the older boy expressionlessly. Naruto lay the girl down gently and shook his head when she wanted to talk.

"You did your best, Hinata."

"Bu-but I didn't win." She murmured tiredly with her eyes slowly closing.

"But you were still awesome." She gave him a small smile and a quiet 'thanks' before she succumbed to unconsciousness. He looked at her for a minute then he waved over the medics that stood by the side-lines. He walked to his brother side and looked at the Hyuuga blankly, "you better hope neither I nor my brother face you in the third round, Neji-san."

"I am far better than both of you. Hinata-sama is weak and since she is your team mate, you two are also weak." Naruto took a step forward but he was halted by Shino who held him back and shook his head. Neji looked at the proctor who called the match in his favour, "I hope to face either of you to put you in your places."

Luck was on Neji's side that day because he got his wish. He was paired against Naruto for the third round.


"Is that the best you can do, Naruto?" The boy grits his teeth in frustration as he shakily stood back up from the ground. He was in one of the Aburames training grounds with a Shibi bug clone with his Tou-sama and his brother on the other side of the field working on training with the boys hive. He worked with them personally when it came to controlling their hives but he assigned a bug clone when it came to anything else. This time it was taijutsu, and Naruto was being creamed. They weren't wearing their jackets so that their movements wouldn't be restricted.

The clone watched calmly as his 'boss' adopted son charged at him again and side stepped a punch smoothly and cleared his feet from under him. He waited patiently and slapped another punch away and palm struck him back. The boy had a lot of stamina but his taijutsu always needed some work. His hive control was the best in the clan save his own of course. He smirked when the boy growled and lunged at him; he caught the boy mid-flight by the back of his shirt one handed and threw him away again onto his back.

"What have I been telling you, child?"

He was answered with a grunt and a "think before you move, Tou-sama's clone."

"Correct. Try again but this time think before you move." The white haired boy huffed tiredly and stood up; he fell into the standard taijutsu stance of his clan and raced to the older man. He threw a wide punch the man's right and feinted a follow up upper cut but used the momentum of the wide punch to kick the man's head. He blocked the blow and blocked another kick to the shins, he side stepped a punch to the chest and grabbed the outstretched arm and pulled him away so the heel kick that he saw from his peripheral view brushed his arm as he jumped back.

The boy was wide eyed in shock. He gaped at the man before he smiled and ran at him again. He threw a deliberately sloppy right hook to the tall man's head and correctly anticipated that the man would grab his limb and flip him over, when his legs left the ground he used one to clip the man on his shoulder. The clan head dropped him abruptly and narrowly dodged the hand stand spinning kicks. Naruto flipped back up right, "enough." His Tou-sama's clone droned, "Now it's time for the defensive."

"Wait, wha-" he had to duck a 'weak' punch and duck another punch but that was a feint that perfectly hid a leg to the side of his thigh, in his confusion Shibi punched his chest and cleared his feet from under him. the boy puffed out a breath on impact and rolled away from an axe kick and kept rolling away from subsequent axe kicks, "w-wait! I-I no-" he flipped onto his feet and slapped away a deliberately slow kick and the following punches were also slapped away, he tried a quick jab but the man ducked under it and pelted his stomach with weak blows, then shouldered him to the ground. Another huff of air escaped him and again he was forced to roll away and clamber up a tree in his panicked state, "t-t-Tou-sama clone! I-I wasn't ready!" he clung onto a branch with his arms and legs somehow like a fruit.

"Your enemy won't give you time to get ready, child." He looked at the tree then back to his son, "now come down and train."

"I-I just need a breather-" the older and stronger man snap kicked the trunk of the tree and watched in satisfaction as the boy fell down and huffed as he impacted the ground, he was about to kick his side but the boy lunged at him and tackled his chest in a vain attempt at forcing his father onto the ground but the man caught him with his hands outstretched and looked at him blandly. "Uhm, what nice…glasses you have Tou-sama clone."

Shibi shook his head in exasperation and placed his son on his feet, "you have ten minutes to…breathe."

The boy flopped on the ground and exclaimed, "thank you!"

"Your ten minutes are up."


And with that the clones deep chuckles reverberated around the edge of the training ground as he ground his 'boss' son into the ground and kicked a tree whenever he climbed up, he would always fall off despite the chakra he used to glue himself on. After three gruelling and hilarious-to any audience and the man's clone though-hours it was time to switch pupils/sons with the bug clone's 'boss'.


"Keep on talking and I'll tell boss to give us three more hours of training."

"That wasn't training! That was stress relief, for you!" he stumbled to his feet and ran away from the clone when he smiled widely, "ok, ok I'm gone."

He bowed to his father and stood in front of him waiting for what the man would say, "You said over dinner yesterday that you now have more variations of your hornets. What are they?" a hornet for each new combined affinity flew out of his shoulder holes and hovered before the man. Shibi quizzed the boy on what he had discovered on their abilities, "this means that you have the perfect combination of hornets to fight that Hyuuga boy and not take too much damage."

"I don't know if my crystal hornets can take a full blown jyuuken strike yet."

"Still, the multi-coloured one can hide you in plain sight,"

"I also don't know if the byakugan can see me but I do know that my smell can't be perceived."

"That is true; it can hide your chakra trail but may not be able to hide you from the byakugan." He tapped the bi-coloured lava lamp like hornet with the side of his kunai, "how fast can this one go?"

"As fast as any normal white hornet, though the buzzing is near non-existent."

"…the fact that the already evolved white hornets can evolve further is still amazing, child. Do you have enough crystal hornets to coat your body, like the camouflage hornets?" The boy nodded and the see through hornets buzzed out of him and stuck onto any free part of his body, he looked the same with the only difference being that the sun glinted off him more "interesting. Prepare yourself." He walked a few feet away from him and took a ready stance; he then formed small, human sized fists and shot them to the boys exposed chest. They impacted one by one till they were all dispersed and the beetles flew back into him, "are you in pain?"

"It didn't exactly hurt, they just unsteadied me."

"How are the hornets?" Naruto's skin cracked and shattered from the side of his face and the pristine flying killers flew off his body, they swirled around above him in a glorious display of beauty and zoomed back into their hive masters body save one that hovered before Shibi. The man examined the rock strong insect and waved for it to back into Naruto, "time for target practice." He took out a scroll from his pants pocket and unsealed a lot of clay disks, so many that they surrounded him when he finished unsealing them all.

Naruto's hive training was vastly different from most of those in the clan because his hive has stingers and is very slender. They were exponentially faster and at times louder than the kakaichu, so he frequently tested the boy's communication with the hornets by seeing if he could break as may clay disks as possible with only his white hornets. The average hive training for any Aburame was to give them complicated air formations that get more and more complicated depending on how well the person could do it. There were also bug ninjutsu training but Naruto had to discover some new jutsu for his hornet hive to use.

"Same rules as last time. No hornets come out till the disks leave my hand, only one hornet per disk, use only your 'normal' hornets and no catching them if I decide to throw them at you. Oh, and no swearing, I have ears everywhere."

The younger Aburame scratched the back of his neck as he chuckled nervously, he then schooled his face and breathed in shakily; he was still sore from the last target practice. He swore that day to never say a swear word near his Tou-sama lest the man blind side him and throw a solid, hard disk at his baby maker. When his kaa-sama heard that he swore she grounded him for a month and restricted his ramen in take till a month after he was grounded; he had never seen the happy-go-lucky woman get so angry about anything before. He briefly wondered how she could be so un-Aburame like and still have a co-operating hive like the rest of the clan, he was almost beaned on the head with a clay disk if he had not quickly gotten his head in the game and a 'normal' winged killer zipped out of his outstretched sleeve and broke it. It wavered in the air but it still flew back to him just as he commanded another hornet to break a disk that was high in the air.

The clan training lasted till an hour after noon. The boys and their father arrived back at the clan heads house for a bath and an early lunch. The boys kissed their mothers cheek when they were about to go and visit their hospitalized team mate, their walk to the hospital was quiet with the occasional beetle or hornet jumping from one boy to the other. The civilians wisely stayed away from them, this was understandable because after what the village dubbed 'The Misaki Mistake' which was when a foolish man sprayed the blonde with a mix of insecticide and pesticide and the hive subsequently going bat shit crazy with blood lust and taking it out on the unfortunate-but still stupid-man.

Shino stopped and held his brothers shoulders, nodding to the roof of a building. They wall walked to the top and glared at a white haired man who had been stalking them since they left their clan compound.

Naruto picked his ear nonchalantly, "why have you been following is?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about." The mystery man grinned as he answered, "But since you've gotten my attention, what do you want?"

This time it was a cross armed and stony faced Shino that talked, "we do not want your attention, please refrain from following us." They turned around and were about to leap off to the hospital until…

"Oho! I see I have two shy kids that don't know how to request for training."

"We don't even know you to request for training," with his back to the eccentric man Naruto looked over his shoulder and said, "and I think having two teachers at a time is more than enough for me, what do you think bro?"

"I agree. We do not know you; for all we know you may be a perverted author that specializes in writing porn novels or something." The man sneezed thrice loudly, he wiped his nose with a spare hand kerchief "I see, farewell then. I don't think Kureanai-sensei would like us talking to a perverted stranger that writes porn novels. Good day." This time they didn't give the toad Sannin time to give a smart retort, they ignored his out raged yells of being 'a super pervert!' and leaped from building to building to the hospital.

Authors note

I think I did well on this chapter, what of you? I want to remind you all that I try my best to not bash anyone unconsciously. I don't even like bashing anyone; even the pure evil Madara, the misunderstood but still badass Itachi or the dick sucking Kabuto! Uhm, did that say that out loud?

I am giving you guys a chance to think up an awesome ability (or abilities) for the last affinity combination hornets which is Earth + Water, just in case you don't know them let me outline them and their abilities:

Fire + Earth=Toxic hornets

Fire + Wind= Whiter hornets

Wind + Water=Crystal hornets

Wind + Earth=Drilling hornets

Fire + Water=Suicide hornets

Which means that Earth + Water=?

You decide!

Plus! I've released three stories in my DUCI2 series. 'Red' (it's not a horror story. Its family friendly apparently), 'The Blonde Swordsman' and 'The Orange Lion' (this is a thriller). Check them out in my profile. Trust me when I say, they are awesome! Plus plus! Does anyone want me to write a 'Naruto is the Uzukage' and if so, who would he be paired with? (no harem please.)

