We've come to the loud residence as they were getting ready to leave for school which is about as chaotic as an earthquake during a hurricane as per usual in the household

"where's my basketball!" yelled Lynn" forget that, where's my hairbrush!" yelled Lori, right now Lincoln's waiting for Leni to be done in the bathroom cause his brain refuse let go of the whole "no sister left behind" thing

"come on Leni, if you don't hurry up we're gonna be late" Lincoln said to his second oldest sister as she was putting on her make-up

"sorry Lincy, but like I'm going as fast as I can" Leni as she was carefully applying her lip gloss, so it won't smear a few seconds later she was finished

"next time try to get to bed on time even if you're struck by inspiration, me and Lori had to try 3 times to get you up" said Lincoln as he and Leni ran down the stairs

"but Lincoln I wasn't stuck with inspiration whoever that is, I got an idea for a new dress" said Leni completely missing the point and the metaphor as Lincoln facepalms himself

Lincoln, Leni and the rest of the Loud sibling, are all finally in that health code monstrosity (seriously how the hell does this thing get passed on public safety) perfectly dubbed as Vanzilla

"*sigh* just another typical start to a typical day for the loud family" said Lincoln as Lori drive them to school


We now come to a calm and peaceful forest on the edge of royal woods "SWEENEY!" bellowed a burly man's voice shattering the once calming peace of the forest

The source of the bellow came from burly giant of a man brunette hair and beard and silver eyes with a green flannel shirt under brown overalls, he is also wears dark brown work boots and metal shop gloves. He is seen hanging on for dear life on a creature that looks like a boar in appearance, but it seems to be made entirely wood as well as various other flora and it's twice the giant man's size

"SWEENEY, WHERE THE FLYING BLUE FUCKING HELL ARE YOU?!" the burly giant yelled into an earpiece on his ear

"back at the clearing, setting things up so we can get that forest lord in its brand spanking new burrow" said a voice with a Irish accent that from the earpiece presumably Sweeney

"BY THAT I'M GEUSSING YOU HAVE A GOOD PLAN THEN" the burly giant yelled in the earpiece again

"of course, I have a good plan when have I ever not have a good plan tommy" said Sweeney

"I can think of quite a few times… AND STOP CALLING ME TOMMY MY NAME IS THOMAS, THOMAS you'd think after knowing a guy for 10 years they stopped calling you by your most hated nickname" said the now dubbed Thomas

"just steer his royal woodness back to the clearing" said Sweeney putting emphasis on royal wood making it into a double pun if you think about it

Thomas groans at the double pun as he climbs on top of the forest lord, grabs the vines that are growing out of the boar-like creature's hide and starts pulling to right forcing the creature to go in that direction, they soon burst out of the thick of the forest and into the clearing. When they got to the center of the clearing, out of nowhere, a man appeared above Thomas and the forest lord coming down on the wooden boar with what looks like a long, thick-headed, and smoothed-out, tree branch-like club with bright green runes he proceeded to use it to bash the creature upside the head thus stunning it

Thomas jumps off the forest lord next to the other man who has reddish-orange hair and is wearing a light green open vest over a dark green long sleeve shirt, a pair of black pants, a pair of hard black leather, and a dark green Donegal cap, all of which has gold trimmings in the style of ivy vines "I swear if there's one thing I'll admit I'm jealous about you, it's your ability to teleport, Sweeney" said Thomas as he reaches his hand out to some part of the forest when all of sudden a huge sledge-hammer came flying out of the forest and into his out-reached hand, it's gray in color and has 5 gold bands [2 on the head, 3 on the shaft] with slightly glowing Greek lettering on them

"Yeah, well you and entire world, but then again I wouldn't mind the ability to forge anything metallic and especially would want the power of fire" said Sweeney

"Heh Anyway that attack from your shillelagh seem to have only stunned it" said Thomas as the forest lord started to regain its bearing

"don't worry that was only part 1 of my plan" said Sweeney with a smirk "I know I'm going to regret asking but what exactly is part 2" asked Thomas as he was starting to get a very bad feeling

Sweeney simply points to the ground near the wooden boar where upon closer inspection (which is easy since Thomas is using one of his own creations the macrolars [macroscope + binoculars]) he sees a large patch of four-leaf clovers completely covers the area at the center of the clearing

"CLOVERS?! SWEENEY, YOU KAMIKAZE NUTCASE" yelled Thomas (slow- motion mode activate) as he tries to stop Sweeney, but he was too slow, Sweeney merely snaps his fingers and the clovers started to glow bright green for a second before they all explode

-back to Lincoln-

Lincoln is currently sitting at his desk listening to the teacher as he takes notes, had he turn his head at that moment he would've seen a big bright green cloud that looks like a bushel of four-leaf clovers coming out of the trees

The class he is in is a class elective of his own choosing: Greek mythology though it wasn't his first choice but unfortunately, he and Clyde were the only ones who signed up for the "how to draw comics" class luckily Lucy suggested this class as she had heard about and Lincoln found it interesting

Right now, during class Lincoln's Greek mythology teacher Mr. Falidor was speaking to the class about the gods while Lincoln is studiously taking note, that is until a jackass named Chandler, who only took this class because Lincoln had took it and he wanted to terrorized the white haired boy, decided it would be funny to shoot a spit ball at Lincoln

"HEY!" Lincoln yelled at Chandler

"Mr. Loud, since you like to share your thoughts us then maybe you should tell us what are Ares' domains" said Mr. Falidor (for those who don't know what domains are, domains are god and goddess have power and control over like Thor for instance his domain is thunder)

Luckily Lincoln knows this, since for some reason he didn't know, he couldn't stop reading through the textbook he enjoyed reading though it almost as much as reading his favorite comic ace savy, usually Lincoln doesn't like to show off when it comes to academics cause that usually would mean extra homework for everyone else and some hate for him, but he wants some payback on Chandler for all the shit he put him though and most his of the other classmates are part chandler posse sooo

"Ares is the god of war, battle-lust, courage, and civil order" Lincoln answered surprising Mr. Falidor a bit

"that is indeed correct Mr. Loud, I see someone been reading ahead" said Mr. Falidor impressed

"in all honesty Mr. Falidor, I couldn't put the put the book down, all the way through the day, I just found it too amazing" Lincoln told Mr. Falidor

"really now, how far are you in" Mr. Falidor asked curiously

"chapter 23" Lincoln lied since he actually read all of it but he didn't want the full wrath of the rest of the class to come down on him

Mr. Falidor whistled "13 chapters ahead huh" he said "yeah, my favorite part was the epic battle between Cronus and Zeus" Lincoln said with excitement

"well remember there are still other depictions of how that battle went" said Mr. Falidor just then the school bell ranged signifying the end of class "all right then I'm expecting you all to read up to chapter 23 by Monday while you Lincoln please don't read any farther I would like the rest of the class to catch up" he said with that all the packed up their things all the while groaning at the fact they have homework for the coming weekend

'too late' Lincoln thought as he smiles sheepishly

-time skip-

The school bell ranged for the last time today as the students walk out of the school, currently Lincoln is waiting for Clyde, Lucy, and Rocky, Rocky asked Lucy if he could come over and she said yes then she asked Lincoln if she and Rocky could walk with him and Clyde, so she could have support and help from her brother with her crush (I ship rocy hard it's too cute,) and he said yes

"hey Lincoln" Lucy and Rocky said from behind him thus startling him

"AH! Lucy, Rocky, please don't do that" Lincoln asked after he calmed down

"sorry, so where's Clyde" Lucy asked in usual monotone fashion

"a teacher asked him for help with-" said Lincoln before he was interrupted "LARRY YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Chandler angrily yelled as he and his posse comes out "I'm gonna make you regret getting me set up with that weekend work!" he said

"first off, my name is Lincoln Loud secondly, it's not my fault you decided to hit me with a spitball beside think of it as me getting even with you" Lincoln said obviously not caring what Chandler will do to him

What Lincoln didn't notice is that Chandler had a baseball in his hand "I don't do even, I STAY ON TOP!" Chandler yelled as he threw the baseball but what many people doesn't realize is that anger can mess up their aim thus is the reason why the ball missed Lincoln and instead "LUCY!" …hits Lucy, Lincoln and Rocky cried out her name as she fell onto the sidewalk with her head hitting the concrete causing blood spill out from her head

Lincoln was about go to her to see if she was alright along with Rocky, but Chandler decided to say the most dumbass sentence ever

"HA aimed for the wimp, got the emo bitch instead" said chandler and that was the crack that broke the dam holding back all of Lincoln's anger

-time rewind POV switch-

Thomas is currently walking on the sidewalk and covered from head to toe with an ashy black while Sweeney who was walking backwards in front of him was spotless

"I hate you oh so much" Thomas said with a glare "ah come on tommy where's this sour mood came from" Sweeney said with a smirk

"IT CAME WHEN I FIRST MET YOU" Thomas yelled Sweeney "how'd it reached its peak is simple, when you gone and BLOWN UP the forest lord to knock it unconscious, so we could get it to its new burrow"

"hey it worked didn't" Sweeney retorted "THAT'S NOT THE POINT, the forest lord are born out of wood and last I checked wood and explosions don't mix, so in other words YOU'VE COULD'VE KILLED THE FOREST LORD" Thomas yelled "and then the forest would eventually die because the forest lord is the one thing that can sort out the forest's life energy to make sure the right amount goes to the right area and a new forest lord is born only every 100 years and WE STILL HAVE 36 YEARS LEFT BEFORE THAT HAPPENS" Thomas yelled again

"ok ok I get it please spare me the deafening lecture" Sweeney said, "why did those construction workers decided that the forest lord old burrow would make a good spot for a new sewage access pipe"

"because the world is full of dumbasses, like those two kids over there" Thomas said pointing over to 2 boys in front of school across the street, one has white hair while the other a brunette" see their petty squabble" said Thomas then he sees the white hair boy walking away then he points at the him before saying " ok I was wrong about that child he's smart" and then the brunette throws a baseball obviously intended for the white-hair boy but hit the black-haired girl instead shocking Thomas and Sweeney

"while that kid's the king of dumbasses and do you think the boss man would mind if I drain his highness of his luck" Sweeney said "honestly, no I don't thin- "Thomas said before he felt a little afraid for some reason he looked over to Sweeney who looks quite pale

"what the hell's going, why am I feeling fear-strucked all of a sudden" Sweeney wondering where all this fear came from, both Thomas and Sweeney taking noticed that the air feels somewhat heavier like when you're being interrogated

Thomas thought of something and pulled out his macrolars looked back over to the school with them and when he saw that his assumption was correct he said "over there" as he points to a certain location hands Sweeney his macrolars, Sweeney uses the macrolars to see what Thomas was talking about, when he did he understood what was going on for the snow-haired boy's eyes had turned a glowing crimson red

-POV switch back to Lincoln-

Lincoln never felt this this much rage before, all those times when he was angry at his sisters, even the time when Lori broke his VR glasses, felt like a warm sunny day compared to the burning inferno of hate he was feeling right now

He sees Clyde breaking through the crowd that had gathered around Lincoln, Rocky, Lucy, and Chandler, before going over to Rocky, who's currently holding his unconscious sister, asking what happen but he doesn't care about that right now all he wanted to do right now was make Chandler hurt

Chandler was still laughing at his at the "quip" he made, that is until Lincoln turn his head facing him if looks could kill then then would have been incinerated right then and there to a point it doesn't even leave behind ashes

Lincoln slowly walks over to where Chandler, his posse doesn't even try to stop Lincoln a few of them even pissed their pants, Lincoln grabs Chandler by his shirt lifts him off the ground and against the wall

In Chandler's eyes the wimpy kid died the moment the ball hit his sister and in his place a general standing before an enemy soldier turned prisoner, ready to give the order of execution, in other words Chandler is now terrified of Lincoln

"Chandler, I am going to send you to the gates of Tartarus" Lincoln angrily said "L-L-Lincoln, please stop t-t-this isn't you" said Clyde as Lincoln turn to face him to see that even his best friend was afraid of him "w-we need get Lucy some medical attention" Clyde continued, Lincoln takes a deep breathe before looking back

"listen very carefully Chandler because I'm only going to say this once, I don't care what you do to me if you ever hurt Lucy, any of my sisters, or my friends ever again and I will make hell look like complete and total paradise compare to what I'm going to do to you, do I make myself clear." Lincoln told Chandler

"c-c-crystal" Chandler answered, "good now to make sure you don't forget it" Lincoln said before he proceeded to punch Chandler in the face where it will most certainly make quite a nasty bruise, Clyde decided to take a picture of Chandler

Lincoln runs over to Lucy picking her up and giving her piggyback before breaking out into a full scaled sprint towards their house "Lincoln wait up" shouted Clyde as he and Rocky gave chase but were surprised at how fast he's going and they're barely keeping up at all

Lincoln kept running, jumping, and avoiding any sort of obstacle till his home came into view about, 'almost there' he started to relax but he started to black out before collapsing "Lincoln!" Clyde exclaimed surprise as he and Rocky finally caught up to Lincoln only to find him collapsed from exhaustion

"Rocky you got Lucy, I'll take care of Lincoln" Clyde said before he fireman carries Lincoln to the loud house Rocky nodded in acknowledgement before doing the same with Lucy

-POV switch-

"woo~ boy kid sure can run fast can't he now" Sweeney remarked as he and Thomas came upon the scene from across the street

"indeed" Thomas agreed as the young glasses wearing child and the orange headed one took the white-haired boy and the emo girl inside of a white painted house

Thomas took out a flip-phone, opening it up and started dialing "calling boss-man" asked Sweeney, Thomas only nodded in confirmation while waiting for the call to pick

"Ethan here" said the person on the other end of the line

"Ethan, it's Thomas" said Thomas "hey Thomas how did the job with the forest lord go" said Ethan

"about as well as one would expect with an insane lunatic Irishman who has thing for explosions" stated Thomas as he gave Sweeney a pointed look who promptly flipped him the double bird

"he blew it up didn't he" asked Ethan with an annoyed tone

"yes, he did but don't worry the forest lord's still alive, well, and in it's new burrow" Thomas said he then heard a sigh of relief from the other end "but that's not why I called, we've found another one of us" Thomas said seriously, there was a slight pause probably from shock

"have they woke up" Ethan asked with a serious tone to his voice

"only partially, can you get Joseph to get me information on this" Thomas asked

"of couse, give it to me" Ethan answered

"male, white-hair, slightly pale skin, age 11, goes by the name Lincoln loud" Thomas listed off the information

"got it, you and Sweeney stay there and keep watch" ordered Ethan

"got it" Thomas complying with the order, Thomas then hang up the phone" I'm guessing we're staying put" Sweeney asked, Thomas nodded in confirmation

"of course, after all we don't know who or what could come after the kid now that he's got one eye open" Thomas stated as the scene pans out

-POV switch-

We now come to a cave it seems quite peaceful, that is until a pair of ruby red eyes appeared in the darkness "I sense an INCARNATE" roared a demonic voice that made the very earth around him trembled as the woodland creatures ran from the area, terrified out of their minds


First off in this fic the events of "no such luck" and "brawl in the family" didn't happen, secondly this fic is for an all-out fandom challenge of my own creation those who want to be a part of it go to my Deviant Art page to find the details of the challenge