Disclaimer: I don't own Bones. Also I'm obviously not forensically trained. Pardon me for any forensic inaccuracies.

I had this chapter written up quite some time ago, then the fic challenges came up and I got distracted. So here I am, finally posting this.

This story's a bit AU. Max isn't dead. Otherwise, everything else is true to canon. It's set some time after the series finale, when Cam is back at work and Angela's pregnant with her second child.

This story would be a little case-centric but there will be more than sufficient B&B bits in there to keep everyone happy.

He waited in line, tapping his foot impatiently on the ground. With each step closer to her, his excitement grew. He hugged the hardcover book closely to his chest. He let his gaze scour the shelves one more time, making sure the pesky FBI Agent husband of hers was still nowhere to be seen. Satisfied that said FBI Agent was not present, he smiled to himself. He had been to other book signings but he never got the time alone he wanted with her. The G-man was always there, keeping a watchful eye over her. So each time after listening to her read a short excerpt from her book and answer some questions, he would slip away. Today, was the day he got his chance. The FBI Agent was not there. He could finally be alone with her, even if it was for a few minutes.

Lost in his thoughts, he realized that there was now only an elderly lady standing between him and his prize. He quickly checked his breath and rehearsed his lines in his head. He tried to drown out the pounding of his heart in his ears. The elderly lady infront of him slowly walked away, her signed copy of world-renowned forensic anthropologist Dr Temperance Brennan's latest book clutched tightly in her hand.

He took a step forward and flashed her the smile he had practiced so many times in the mirror. She offered him a small smile back and all his rehearsed lines vanished from his mind. Now finally face to face with her, he was frozen. She was beautiful in person, even more so up close. The photographs and newspaper clippings he kept of her did not seem to do her beauty justice. The silence between them made her smile change into a look of puzzlement.

"Would you like me to sign your book?" Her voice sounded like sweet music to his ears.

"Y-yes." He stammered. He handed her the book he hand been hugging. "For Robert, just Robert."

"Okay then." She opened the book, looking down.

He leaned in slightly, taking a deep breath. Her perfume was intoxicating and he was immediately turned on. He took a small step back just as she finished her autograph, closing the book, she handed it to him.

"I hope you enjoy the book."

He took his copy of her latest novel from her, nodding. He stepped away, turning to see that her attention had now shifted to the person that had been waiting in line behind him. Patience. Soon, he would have her all to himself.

After a long day of book signings, Brennan was glad to be back in her hotel room. This trip to New Orleans had originally been planned to be a family trip. At the last minute, Christine had come down with a flu bug. As such, plans changed and Booth stayed home with the kids instead. Tired, she plopped herself onto the bed. Reaching for her phone, she tapped the screen then put the phone to her ear. He answered on the third ring.

"Hey Bones."

His voice put a smile on her face.

"Hi Booth. How's Christine?"

"Asleep. In our bed. Next to me." He ran a hand gently through their daughter's hair. "I'll carry her back to her room later. She's fine. Don't worry."

"Is she still running a temperature?"

"Nope. Like I said, she's fine. How'd the book signing go?"

"The usual. Nothing of significance happened."

"Nobody asked why Agent Andy wasn't there?"

Brennan laughed. "No."

"And I thought Agent Andy was everyone's favorite."

"I think Dr Reichs is everyone's favorite character."

"I think we're gonna have to agree to disagree on that one."

"Any new cases come in?"

"Nope. I've been stuck in the office. Catching up on paperwork and watching Aubrey eat a mountain of donuts."

"I wish you and the children could've been here." Brennan sighed, missing her family.

"There's always next time Bones. I've missed you too. Even though it's only been three days."

"I'll be home tomorrow."

"I'm lookin' forward to that. Maybe we can go to that new Japanese restaurant soon huh? I'm sure Max wouldn't mind watching the kids."

"That sounds very nice."

"Great. Can't wait. Maybe you can wear that little black dress of yours? The one I really like."

"I think I will." She heard him chuckle softly into the phone. "I'll let you get some sleep now Booth. I'll see you tomorrow. Give Hank and Christine a kiss for me."

"I will. I love you Bones."

"I love you too Booth."

Brennan hung up. Tired after a long day, she headed to the bathroom for a shower. Her passion had always been anthropology. Writing was a hobby. She never intended for it to become a steady source of income but it turned out people liked reading the fiction she wrote. Book signings and meeting fans was just something her agent wanted her to do to increase sales. Now after fulfilling those obligations, she just wanted to get back to the Jeffersonian and to her work. She wanted even more to go home to her family.

A few blocks away, in a dimly lit motel room, he stared at the photograph of her on the back cover of her latest book. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, remembering what she smelt like. He imagined what it would be like to touch her, to have her for himself. He began to feel aroused. Flipping the book round, he opened the front cover, slowly tracing his fingers across her autograph. Temperance. His burning desire for her grew. He knew she would be heading home to her FBI Agent and their two little brats tomorrow. That meant it was also time for him to head home to DC too. His previous women were poor substitutes for her. He had let them know his extreme displeasure at the fact. Patience. Soon, he would have her all to himself.

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