Affinity Mission 3: Hope Springs Eternal

Cross was with Elma and Lin at the Mimeosome center.

Cross was waiting outside and a doctor came out.

"Anything?" he asked concerned.

"A few hours of rest and they should be good as new," said the doctor.

"Well, this probably wouldn't have happened if a certain 'someone' didn't get distracted in the field of battle," said Doug.

"Well at least they're ok," said Cross.

"No thanks to you," said Doug turning to him.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Lin, "He saved our skins didn't he?"

"No, he almost got you killed," said Doug.

"But it was an accident," said Cross.

"He's just a rookie, don't be so tough on him," said Lin.

"That's no excuse Lin you can't keep defending him," said Doug, "Especially when we have a big mission that requires our absolute focus."

"I said I was sorry," said Cross, "Cut me some slack!"

Doug smacked him and he fell to the floor.

"B.L.A.D.E has no room for some people who get distracted in the battlefield," said Doug, "We almost had 2 casualties because of you!"

"It was a mistake," said Lao.

"A mistake that nearly got you killed," said Doug.

"Doug I…" said Cross but was interrupted, "I was just trying to be like Danny and Boris."

"Well Elma would've wanted you to be better," said Doug, "You're nothing like Danny and Boris. You never were, and you never WILL be!"

Cross was hurt by those words.

"You have no place in Elma's team, and if you have any respect for her, then you'll leave," said Doug.

Cross hanged his head and then ran off.

"Cross wait!" said Lin trying to get his attention, but to no avail.

"What the hell was that all about?" asked Elma glaring at Doug.

"I agree, don't you think you were a little tough on him?" asked Lao.

"He almost got you killed Lao," said Doug, "How can you be so calm?"

"I'm always calm," said Lao, "But that's not the point."

"More importantly you had no right to just speak for me," said Elma.

"Elma I…." said Doug.

"Give him a damn break Doug, he just found out that he was a mimeosome!" said Lin.

"That's no excuse for what happened out there," said Doug, "We don't have time to be worrying about a soldier's concern. Finding the Lifehold is 10 times more important than that, and anyone who can't accept that shouldn't be a member of B.L.A.D.E."

"That's enough Doug!" snapped Elma getting in his face, "If there's one thing I can't stand, its someone who thinks the mission is more important than their fellow soldier!"

"Hey if it wasn't for him, we wouldn't have so much soldiers in the maintenance center," argued Doug, "He's the reason why all of this happened!"

"That may be true Doug, but its important for us to always check on our teammates before we go on missions," said Elma, "Did you ever think about that?"

She went to go find Cross.

"Lao, aren't you gonna say something?" asked Doug.

"She does have a point," said Lao, "You really need to learn to keep calm and see somebody for what they are, and NOT go off on them for making an honest mistake."

"I wonder why you didn't show this side of you when trying to protect your family," said Doug.

Lao punched Doug hard in the face.

"Mention my family again, and I'll show you my true side," said Lao as he walked off.

Lin went to follow Elma and dragged Doug along with her.

Cross was at a bench in the Residential District.

"Maybe I just wasn't cut out for this," said Cross, "Despite Boze's training and Elma's guidance, I couldn't bring myself to do my part in the mission."

He remembered the things Doug said to him.

"Is something troubling you?" asked someone.

Cross turned around and saw a black haired woman.

"No, I'm ok," said Cross turning around.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're Cross, correct?" asked the young lady.

"Who wants to know?" asked Cross.

"My name is Hope Alanzi," said Hope, "I was contacted to look for you by Elma."

"I doubt she wants to be bothered by me after what happened," said Cross.

"What makes you say that?" asked Hope.

Cross then took the time to explain everything that happened over the past few weeks.

"I see," said Hope, "So you discovered you were a mimeosome and things have been a bit hectic for you since then."

"Yes," said Cross, "And then there was a mission that I screwed up on. A lot of soldier are in maintenance because of me."

"What happened wasn't your fault," said Hope.

"And then Doug said I was nothing like Danny and Boris, 2 members of Elma's team who I was inspired by," said Cross.

"You shouldn't try so hard to be somebody else and live their lives," said Hope, "Although they're gone they still live on with us."

"Listen.. Hope was it?" asked Cross, "Why would you trouble yourself with someone like me?"

"Well its what a Mediator does," said Hope, "Giving directions, and talking to someone who seems troubled. If anything is bothering you, then I'd be happy to help however I can."

"Thank you Hope," said Cross, "I appreciate it."

A nopon approached both of them.

"Lularita needs a mega favor mega fast!" she said.

"My this seems important," said Hope, "How can I help you?"

"My caravan in Cualdros is under attack!" said Lularita, "Attack from hungry monsters!"

"That sounds terrible, but….. I'm afraid I'm just a mediator," said Hope, "There's nothing I can do without the proper training or weapons."

"Blade lady can't help?" asked Lularita, "But people said that blade lady would help people for free!"

Cross knew he had to do something.

"I'd be more than happy to help out," said Cross.

"Really?" asked Hope, "I….. thank you so much."

"I can't just turn my back on somebody in need now can I," said Cross.

"Lularita will explain at Caravan," said Lularita.

"Only one problem….. How will we get to Cualdros?" asked Cross.

"Why not take a lift!" said Irina.

She was in her skell with Gwin.

"Irina, thank you so much," said Hope.

"This is my way to pay back for the care package," said Irina, "It was delicious."

"Even when you're not hungry you have to remember to eat you know," said Hope.

They rode off to Cualdros.

As they were getting closer, the sky started to turn darker and the heat was turning up.

"Is it hot in here or what?" asked Gwin.

Cross saw a Caravan.

"There it is," said Cross.

They all got out.

"While we were waiting, the Caravan was attacked again," said Lularita, "Lularita strong warrior, but even Lularita have wounds that take time to heal."

"Just tell us where they are," said Cross, "And we'll take them down personally."

Lularita explaind everything.

"We got it under control," said Cross.

"I've never worked with somebody this reliable," said Hope, "Thank you."

Elma and Lin were at the Residential District looking for Cross.

"Cross, where are you?" asked Elma.

She saw Lin.

"Any luck finding him?" asked Elma.

"No," said Lin, "He's not at any of the houses."

Elma saw Hope's assistant Ornella.

"Ornella, have you seen Cross anywhere?" asked Lin.

Elma noticed that Hope wasn't at her usual spot.

"Now that you mention it I don't see Hope either," she said concerned.

"And where's Irina and Gwin," said Doug.

"Those two went with a nopon to take care of a situation in Cualdros," said Ornella.

"Cualdros?!" asked Lin, "That molten lava area?!"

"I'm afraid so Lin," said Elma.

"Get in my skell," said Doug, "We're going after him."

Meanwhile Cross and the team were taking out Caros who were tormenting the Nopon.

Cross did an assault hammer toppling one of them and Gwin finished it off.

"Take that!" said Gwin.

Irina fired rapidly at one of the Caros.

"These things are easy," said Cross.

A giant one appeared.

"Uh oh," said Cross.

It went for Cross and he evaded it and dropped his blade.

Hope fired at the Caro getting its attention.

Cross went to get his sword and sliced its tail off.

Working together they managed to take it down.

"That takes care of that," said Cross, "Thanks for your help back there Hope."

"I can't just turn my back on someone in need now can I?" asked Hope quoting him.

They walked back to the Caravan, and Elma, Lin, and Doug were waiting for them.

"There you are," said Lin, "We've been looking all over for you!"

She ran up and hugged him.

"Are you two ok?" asked Doug, "Any injuries?"

"No we're fine," said Irina.

"We're good," said Gwin.

"Then what were you thinking!?" shouted Doug, "Going into an area as dangerous as Cualdros?!"

He turned to Cross.

"And YOU!" he snapped, "What were YOU thinking dragging them along on a dangerous mission that's way beyond your training?!"

"I was just…" said Cross.

"And what's worse, you almost put Hope in Danger!" said Doug, "This is unacceptable. You're a disappointment to Blade."

Cross sighed.

"You're right," he said.

Just then Hope, Irina, and Gwin stood up for him.

"Cut him some slack!" said Irina.

"What happened wasn't his idea in the first place," said Hope.

"Just let him be his own B.L.A.D.E!" said Gwin.

"Cross risked his life to save this Caravan, and quite possibly the world, and you should be thanking them," said Lularita, "And how dare you scold your own team for wanting to help! You should be ashamed."

Doug sighed.

"Maybe I have been a little hard on him," said Doug.

"Ya think," said Lin.

"I appreciate your help on this Cross," said Hope, "I hope I can work with you again soon."

She hugged him.

They went back to NLA and explained everything to Ornella.

She rewarded Cross with some credits.

Later Cross was sitting at the Residential District.

"This planet isn't short on surprises," said a voice.

It was Elma.

"I'll say," said Cross.

"Lin told me that the whol Mimeosome thing was bothering you," said Elma.

"Yeah, but I didn't want you to worry," said Cross, "You're the lieutenant and I'm sure you have more important things on your watch."

"Cross, you're my teammate, and you're my friend," said Elma, "My top concern aside from the Lifehold is you and Lin."

"Really?" asked Cross.

"Yes, so from now on if something's bothring you I need you to talk to me," said Elma, "Promise me that ok?"

"Ok," he said.

"Actually I should've given you a little bit of downtime when you discovered this," said Elma, "And I'm sorry that I didn't."

"Its ok," said Cross.

"No, its really not," said Elma, "In fact I think our entire team has earned a break."

"That's cool," said Cross.

"Do you think you'll be back in the game after 2 weeks?" asked Elma.

"Why?" asked Cross.

"I've gotten you nominated to take the Skell License test," said Elma, "You've been working very hard and you've earned this."

"I'm glad," said Cross.

"And…. Hope told me you were trying to follow Danny and Borris' example on one mission we did," said Elma, "What was up with that?"

"Well…. I've heard you tell such great stories about them and how you miss them," said Cross, "I wanted to bring those memories back to you abd be like them…. But I know I'm not Danny or Borris."

"Good," said Elma, "Because I don't want you to be like him."

She took his hands.

"In fact, I like you just the way you are," she said.

A smile creeped on Cross's face.

"You do?" he asked.

"OF course I do," said Elma, "Why else would I have picked you to join me on missions."

"To fill up space?" asked Cross.

"No Cross," said Elma, "Because I saw potential in you unlike anybody I've ever worked with."

Cross smiled.

"Com here," she said.

She hugged him and soon he hugged back.

A trash can fell and they both turned to see Irina and Gwin spying on them.

"I like you just the way you are," said Irina mocking Elma.

"You do?" asked Gwin mocking Cross.

"Yes," said Irina, "Cross!"

"Elma!" said Gwin.

They both hugged.

"Oh that's it," said Cross chasing after them.

Elma laughed at them.